V?. n m ' it. jl. J. y CaU U -J o 7 V()L( liOONE. WATAlKiA COUNTY, N. ('.. I IJUHSDAY A t (Jl'ST 2:i .;1MJ I, NO. 45. Are You- out cf employment, or in a position that 3 011 do rot : : like? Possibly the solic-i 5 Ring cf Life Insurance is : s your pecial forte. Many : people have, filter trial.: : been surprised at their: f.tness forit. Torllsuchl :it has proved a mo; t con-: ; rer.ird and profitable occn- r p ilion. The Management : of the : Equitable Life j siu the Department cf the: : Carolinas, desires to add ! : to its force, some stents : of character and ability.: : Write for infonnatioa. : j W. J. RoJuey, .Manager, I S Rock Hill. 5. C. ft...... ......n... ...,., t professional. AV. 15. COUNT! LL, Jr. Attouxky at Lay. Boone, N. C. v. n. rorxciLL. m. d. Hoonc, X. C. .Resident Physician. Office' on King Olivet north of Post Office. A710RXLYA7 LAW, MARION, N.C -()- Will practice in t'ia courts ol Watauga, Ashe, Mitchell, MrDow t'll and all ther counties in the western district "Seeial atten ion given to the collection ol luinii?."1 W. 3. Coiincill M. D. T. C. Blackburn, lloone, X. C. Ziouvillc, X. C. Council! & Blackburn, Physicians & Surgeons. S&Cilh attended at all hours June 1, '93. E. F. LOVILL. J. C. KLETYHKU. LOVILL & FLE CHER ATJORMA'SATLAW, BOONE, N. 'J. tiZF'Sfiecia 1 attention gi ven to the colk'tion otclaim.M L.L. GREENE, it CO., REAL ESTATE AG'TS. HOUSE, N. C. Will give special attention to abstracts of title, the sale or Real Estate in W. N. C. Those hi.' vints: farms, timber and mineial lands for sale, will do well to call on said Co. at Boone. L. L. GHEES k CO. Uareh 10, ltv)3. NOTICtJ. Hotel Property for Sale.' On account of failing health of myself and wife, 1 offer for sain ' my hotel property in the town of Ikone, North Carolina, and will )ll low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, and will take real or personal property iti ex change. Apply soon. W. L. PltYAX. NOTICE. Tarties putting papers in m.y hand for execution will ploi se a rl va nee the fees wi th the papers and they will re ceive prompt attention, other wise they will be returned not executed for the want of lees. 1). F. Baiud Sufk. VASUl.(in)X LETT Kit. From onr EegaUr Corifspoadtat. When Senator E;iulkiier. in ! response t' a char n tcristie Islnrof litJlfBi:iy",'liaiid:T,8 J about the tariff bill b ii! t the White Il(use rail: I iviil say to tb .Senator frotn New Hruapshire that al though the tariff bill in not at the White House now, it will be there very soon to re ceive the signature of the President," there was a deaf ening round of applause from the crowded galleries of h Seriate which showed in a maimer not to be mistaken the trend of public tenthiient, and which should not have been lost upon certain Demo cratic Senators whose sec tions have brought the tariff bill to the nust critical stare of its existante. It is now, according to the idas of some of the best Democrats in Confess, no longer a question of what soit of tar iff bill we shall get, but whether we shall get any tar iff bill at all. I will not i-opor, the scan dalous cb icges of bad faith made by Democrats against Democrats i n connection with the failure of the confer ees to reach an agreement, but if tie1 attempts to defeat all tariff legislation, now be ing either directly made by Democrats or indirectly as sisted by them, shall succeed these charges will he shouted from the housesteps in every section of the country until they become so f imiliar that certain men will find it diffi cult to show themselves upon the most lonely country road without being pointed out as traitors to their party. It is impossible for the present crisis to continue much long er. The tariff bib1 will either no passed or permanently hung up this week. Had the action taken dur ing the past week by theGov emors of Maryland and Vir ginia, in breaking up the camps of t h e Cox ey ires tramps in their respective states, been taken by Gov. McKinley last March the fool movement would never have been started. The House decisively put itself on record as favoring the appropria tion of $200,000 to aid the the exposition at Atlanta Gra., and it is now certain that the appropriation will get through all right. It pleased theSoutheruersin the House to find Keprntu tive Pence, of Colorado, and Everett, ot Massachusetts, among the most earnest ad vocated then ppropiiat ion. ' In addition to being a coin inon nuisance, Sena tor Chan dler, ot Xew Hampshire, will get. himself widely known as a fool if he introduces a few more resolutions tike the one proposing that the Senate committee on Elections and Privileges should investigate the recent Alabama State election, so as to ascertain whether it was fuM, free, fair and honest, and whether . resulted in the choice of a legislature entitled to elect a U. S. Senator. It is general ly admitted that the new Al abama law, under which the Mi Tire election was h'l !,T" 07TP J'TP T- ; nak- fraud very difficult, i w I H t H Ut.il;l.UnM I " lot absolutely impossible,! 10 FL'1 FGHl':'li m in and that there is nu strong cr reason for the cry of 'fraud" raised by the Kolb- lites than a desire to let down easy the eastern Republicans who contributed th ir money to t lie c.i 111 1 i i ! n friiio. lin t ven "that, tl.e elec ! tion had been f-dl of fraud asCbandler is of "gull.'" there would Ktill be nr authority for an investigation by a committee of the Unit e d States Senate. It was a State election and theSeuate has no more to do with it than with an election for uieinners or 1 ai iiamyiic in r 11 1- , any part of Great Br itain. The House very properly refused to agree to the Sen ate amendment to the Sun dry Civil approprinti ui bill, providing that !f L'oO.000 be : appropriated lor the pur chase of what is known as the Mabone lot," owned by e.v-Senator Mabone, of Va., .n a site for n new Govern ment Printing OihVc. There are two good and sufiiciont reasons for the action of the House the Mabone lot is un suited for a site ana the price asked is excessive. Public Printer Benedict is out in another appeal to Con gress insisting that some thing bo none towards lessen ing the dangers which sur round the iJOOO employes of the Government Printing Of fice before adjournment. He reminds Congiess that even if he troublesome ques tion of the selection of a site for the new (L P. 0.,were set tled at this session; which it isn't likely to be, it would re quire four or five years to build a new office, whihf there is urgent necessity for some immediate relief. He sug gests that this may be. had by purchasing grourul and erecting a building along side of the present office that will meet the requirements until the entire new building is put up, which must be in the near future. The Senators nreglad that the Chinese treaty, which! lias been before the Senate so long, has at last been dis posed of. There has been lit tle doubt at any time of w hat the final result would be. Still it is a satisfaction to the Democratic administra tion and theSenators that it has been officially settled. Wilkesboio Chronicle: From all reports, Col. Romulus Za-haria Lintiey's speech at the court house here last Thursday was one of the most learnedly, eloquently bad and extremely bitter w hich that dist inguished fel low citizen of spasmodic temperament ever delivered within the memory of man, except the one delivered at Boone about two years ago 111 trenchant ilenuiieial i'.)ii of the Alliance and third party. The iiiai;s on Your face Are causeil by impure blood, and will never be well unless you j cleanse it un l build it up 1 11 neli 1 uess and purity. Ilotanic Blood I Balm, the greet blood purifier I and t onic, is wl at you need. Onu I bottle will clear your complexion I and purify your blood. .Try it. Price ?f 1 .00 per botl le. For sale bv druirgit. Ih-sohed lt, that were-iif-l I. nil the doctrine of t!c jmr-1 ty asemninciated by t be Cid- ( Viin, , ,f Uliates; 11 1-' .ag .Convct.onoflMJiandi,,,;,,,,, .i(V. ..,JMt0tt.(1 iie; ire to sindv as follows u C 's 'he i oust I lift ion phi ( 1 1 1. 1 ed OV 1H Upon Hie ,s"ci loll , thereof ivhitnMi.siBvr.v.r:,., .ils,is.oit,l;.nitiIiii.I)rp We bold that it is the duty j. .,!ni! j.;JV, . , :1 ... . .f 11.. I ,1 , . 1 . rr .1 i t I .'I .I.'" !1 -111. I ll.il 'I'i'.II- I tip'iit to '.he co verniiieiii now :.. . 1 .. ! 1 . . i- i ,1. n.m.is ... """".'. to t ike immediate steps to I'.iTjiV.i 111' liuriwl'l f !n-l Ilia fi. p,ial privilege of silver with "O (. II 1, I lie IIU II I -i. II V l 111 I III 1.1 . 1 1... . 1. .. . .. . 1 .. . . . ' it .1 niili 'titto.i it'i'i r.i 41 II WO I . I J t ' IMOIII fl both gold and siiver at a ra tio of 10 to 1 , Slleh being the ratio ol coinage which b a s heretofore ael.i in the Edited ) S; I tes. .'I solved 2:id,'l'iril v.:ii;-ge upon the said law-making d pari meat ol the government the abolition of ihr- const it u tional and prohibitive tax of 10 per (eiit. upon the issue of State banks. Besolved ord. That in view of the depict 'd coniliiio.) in which the liepublicansiidmin istration left the Treasury of .he United States present ing as it did such a lamenta ble contrast to the overflow ing condition in which it was delivered by Mr. Cleveland's first administration to its re publican successor we urge upon the said lawmaking de part merit, the immediate en actment of an income tax. Resolved 4th, That we em phatically approve the tariff doctrine enunciated in t h e Chicago plutform. Resolved 5th, That while we are opposed to the slight est qualification, in favor of the federal government, of the repeal of the 10 per cent tax on State bank issues, we nevertheless advocate as a matte'- ot State policy such regulation and restriction of the issues of the banks char tered by North Carolina as will secure a sound currency. Resolved 0th, That we ad mire the courage and lofty patriotism of the President, and that we most heartily commend his prompt and ef fective action under the law for the suppression of the al ien anarchists to disturb, by force and violence, the true relations of labor and capi tal; his sturdy efforts to se cure the enactment of tariff reform as called lor in t h e party platform; his piompt approval of the bill repealing the Federal election law; the notable reduction of the ex penses of government under his administration, and the freedom from scandal which has been such a marked fea turf of his return to the head of affairs. We point with pride to the record of the Democratic par ty in North Carolina and en dorse the present State ad ministration. Foy eighteen years this party has had full control of tne State govern ment. It hs s administered it with the greatest economy and at all times with an eye single to the best interests of the people. Coming intopow- er at the end of a reign of de- it ad- is on- I, le ft ell:! ieni y. pt'.hll admiration. It !:as ul;tiilt o ;r .n!lic school M'? in; es tablish, I ;. I :ius for t h jurtic: pr our publi works; f.; t"iel I'vi'i i' oii'dic etiteri'i ise: re- i ... i . . i :. . .,a ' I I 1 1 ' I III1'. . - "1 ' III i' I I " ' It h-i ill'.. .M ill . . 1 ,T ..... I.. t, i life nid oi-oti.Tf v. la olectrd j.Ht1(.; ,,;,.,! a.el .,b..- in its 1 ' 1 rights, and doia all that 1 do for a peo j fib. Xo se In! h is nlU'.di- to its a uai.nst i-a i i. iii ot public nff.-'-irv W- coagrat- ','"5' IV u"' ,'r'"," "(l ,1,-es-. ,1 jts-lf to tin- work icli.ibilitat iug. and it iecor dlateoarcit;, us u i.-n t i.eir "v ow campaign and was well repose,) trust in it; wej r.v active among the "e.r. eonnTutnlate them noon thoj,'"rs f:"i'.V slaying both her nieullv rei ..li.Hisexistmgbo-ri'l'Onents. Hr affability t ween 'the : ,;pm t (. a i.d pleasing Mmyr. ma.le her prospects, a e.r.ate,.,;,ciopK " V w iuut of t he young ai. d relu-ir.g prosperity, "'legates. Sl.eeasily side With he record before them I u ;i k, Holland by going in we appeal to them for a votejt '""K jmbli ofconfidera rthis year in th- '';!n Vv L' milk" Democratic: party. Resolved Tt'n, I hat we fa vor nbolitii. a of the int( ;n d taxes on spirits and tobacco as soon as practicable; and if t Ins cannot be done that the harsh and unjust feature of the law for its collection be modified. How t!is (Joveriimon'i's Hooks Stand. In the fiscal year ended JuneJIO, 1891, the Govern ment's revenue frauu. tariff taxes was $1512,231.1' ; from internal taxes, 110, 945,778: from miscellaneous sourceB. $17,720,315. mak ing a total income of $296, 900.330, as ugaiimt $335, 819,028 in the preceding year. The total expendi tures in the year just dosed were $300,593,359, this amount being made up from the following items: Pen sions, $141,177,281; civil and miscellaneous, $101, 403, 4."5; war. $54,357,000; navy, $31,527,195; Indians, $10',2SO,410; interest, $27, 811,405. The total expendi tur,Mvas some $17,000,000 less than in 1893 and the in come some $89,000,000 less. The deficit, which is $70,000, 000, would have been nearly f 100,000,000 but for the economies practiced by the I louse. Baltimore Sun. .Straitftit K?iubli;aiiN Viil Not Sur-en dir. Winston Republican. The question to be decided by Republicans is whether co operation or coalition, o r wh;t lever name may be given the combinat ion, is practica ble or possible under the cir cumstances; indeed whether desirable. Speaking for t h e piedmont and central section of th'1 State, the Republican knows that the Republican masses are opposed to it. They are Republicans from principle. They behove in a straight fight every t i u e . They have faith in -the "oid flag" ami will never surren der. Overpowered by superi or numbers they may be. bet su r rend er ne ver . W h e n e v e r a State convr-ntion asks Re publicans to vote for Demo crats, Republicans so nked will want the privilege of r!ioo;5ng the Peire'era". VAIiKIES II EK ONLY KIT1L. f How an EuUrprUin; Touny Waia "n ti' KoranM( ioa. I'ot.'MAN. X. D., AtJKUSt I Mis Emma V. Bate, of al- l"V City, who was nominated for Superinfcnd. ft of PnMie limitation by the Itepubli jean State Convention. ha for some ?i,). ,, ,! a reputa tion an one of the foremost educatois o? tbeSfale. Them wer-"1 numerous obstacles in the way of Miss Bates' nomi nation. Several prominent gentlemen wnnte.t ihe nomi nation. Her most formid able opponents were: J. M. Devino of Lar,oure county am Prof. .1. (J. Holland of Traill county. Miss Bates bad charge of ing liei-seli solid wrth the !iie!nber. When s!ir c'ir.-.' to 3o bat tle with Mi-, i " e s! :o-t an ui'imarriei' ni.-.n, a skd!!"i.U c.utipaig.i speaker, and one with a fund -i wit and repar tee. Ib-ro was an opp'.;i unity. In Devine she recognized a powerful opponent, and she recognized the necessity of not only slaying him politi cally, but of bringing him in to her own camp to help tier fight her battles durinc; tho ceinp iigu. And hero comes a flt.egrain of rotnsin'-e. Miss Bate demanded an unconditional surrender, which was refused. Then ac tive negotiations were enter ed into which resulted in the following combination : Divine surrendered uncon ditionally, and pledged him self to stump the State for Miss Bate. In consideration of his services faithfully per formed, and whn she is safe ly elected and duly installed in the high office of State Su perintendent of Public In struction she pledged herself to wed her vanquished foe and make him her deputy. This is conceded by the old est politicians to be the shrewdest political deal ever entered into. There is little doubt that Miss Bate will be triumphantly elected. NOTICE. 0v virtue of a Mortgage execu ted 'by W. l. Clark mid wife A. S. Olark to the Citizens Building and loan association of Lenoir, X. 0. and Registered in the Reg ister's oth'co of Watauga county in nook ''C of mortgages pages 571.7:1-73, I will oiler for sale for cash to t he highest bidder at the court, house door in the town of noone on Monday the 3rd day of September next, said dark's interests in eighty rive and one half acres in a tract cf land lying in Watauga county at or near ltloui ig Rock also one town lot in the town of alo'ving Rock, adjoining lots r? W. M. Youdie il. C. Martin and others to satisfy said mort gage and cost - of sale. This the 80th day of Ji.lv 1894. J. R. V'vncv, President. Citizen.- B. & L. Assoc; t ion. W -.(') !' v "t'. See. 0; i reas. fr0, -:e doilai pays fortLc Democrat onn w-tr.

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