i 4 1 ; I hi Tiie Watd ja Democrat A I'KMm It TH -f.l.llil.V IU.i5T, J d.'Vtit.td ti til Illt.-rV-t Ot I'Ull- tV State HIIU .Nation. riHUMlU 1 . ... tit IV ililli"ltMinlluii. iuuii'iii."i -. . . evry Thursday at Poone, Wu ; position to that in tlieoiitii.1 tuug.i County. N.C State unless it he anion:; HO R S ki I V THE BI LL OF THE,,, f;jr ort , ('aro- BKlfeHILS. M,)r i!,t..;i, X. '.. Sept. 1.-rro-n all p u ts of old l'.m kt th Sovririns rauu' to-il i.v tolnart!i' joint tlisciision 1 1 t I UtwfviHti-r'ssii!aiin.ii.; Uor, u.i.Ui. Z L!.....-y. th- u..ier su im.mmm ..... if...i..u....f..wi..i.it Tl.,. rl,..1!"''""' 'f ni.li.-Ml tn.ops i"'l , q,i.M.t llowor was iou.ilv call in I for, Liiu'.v was iutro.lu.'iNl oy the Hejiuhlicaii.hairinaiiaii'l Kpokn for an hour aixla hall. It tlu cotirliisii in of his inwli Kower was lou.lly call t'd an. I responded in a rirjr- inp: ami teliin a.Khss. Lia- upy is u man of sotnt? ability, i... .... f. i. l.f..f IUI 111. lull l'i i"M ii who literally Havel him. wj i.f Iw.ld ink I liiiu.v i m:Ol V-sl-! , , . ! 1 f. . Ul HI HI O.-SI V IIM1MIMMI 111 record with telliuir eff".t Hower's report of hi stew- nn k ii:i. and us incisive ... H.. nnh.ilv : , 1 i i ' l ill tj.-M n 'i' iiii'"",' ..... c .i o . or .... l UlllV O I 111' I' I'll -111 M ll" .IIHI r i, I . i . . .. t that t olouel KoaiuliH . ichi Populists made many vot.-s, . tl, H... r:,r.v It r.ri'I'-US hates t he i iews .a pi is. tor dieted that Linney ,viil uet tired of the joint diseussiops before m.o.v weeks, an 1 ore-1 fer to bushwhack it alone, a.v he limps out the rinr to day badly use.1 up. lUnke Democrats are enthused and may be expected to do their whole duty on election day. Messrs. V. C. Newland, So lieit jr, and J. F. Spainhour. 'independent' who wants his job, will open then campaign here tomorrow. Iroell Deter otet ot Flrawd- Laiidnifirk. The Iiedell dtlei?uticn to the Kepublican Stateconven tion were not iua good frame of mind when they returned Horn Kaifcigli l'liday. ihe.y were 'ayin'' fusiou and they j are still "agin" it. The e-jl-ct left. Kespectfudy ivterr ored delegates do not hesi-jed to the "eonfiisiomsta." tate to.say that they will not! - Bupport the ticket. T h e white anti-fusiouists, Messrs. Cowles, Brown, Cooper and oiLei; do not say openly that they will not support the ticket but in their hearts they are dead against it and they hopv: :t will be beaten to death Jn ftict some of them predict its o v . rw hi lining- de feat. Hut there id one man who is happy, and tlr.it is Dr. Mott. The doctor has been flaying- quietly at horn- for a year or 1 wo ami apparent ly took na hand in politics. Hut the day after theUaleigh convention he rode into town on his gray horse with ijea.J erect; ami he rode with the dunli and vigor that was his wont when he controlled the Hdpuvjlican party in the State and ruled it with a rod of iron. He smiles pleas antly on his friends and chirkletatthedefeat of his enemies. The doctor is hap py aov. After the Oth of November but we will not anticipate. Morgantoii Herald: Since meeting Uoit Uower last Tuesday, Linney apeals to the ladies to come out and hear tlie discussion. Can it be that there are certain parts oi' Ids rtjeord which Pioraulus Zachicus does nor want veiiti'ated, and wliiel, he thinks the presriiee of the ladies will protect him from? Ispettkoat protection an oilxa kind of piofTtion h;ti "olotle! i:.e;npw Z,.. hic-s be ' '"A In liallot ai..I fair tl. nlv . . i i.f ft . ' r(i?i)iii(Hi- IstS. leS their o a - U'Oieo MUif, iMnr...,,.,. 1 ..I.' .I...... la. III.. il..ir i.v.ii f.lllks. I.ectlOllS i . . i, . ti ,,na. so Mr as t he l. n.ot t ats I ('Oil!. I pn-.IHV Willi tlU'oppo- i SltlOll they have had, ever siuc t lif federal troops have l.een withdrawn. f course, , ; . . . . ;''nyonHs v .-.nuot t.-ll. as:sn,i, ;!,.,, '.vm tn elections wrr." virtually iU ar s I - x i i on m. h.-l.l in South Carolina anl ...i ..,;t iln,nw..l..lW ruuutru i " 'nil. iii. " i .i The battle cry for 'a fm bal lot" comes too late, unless it ; wnniit.R for th.- p..o- plt not to return the U"pub I'cans t power. Wilkestioro t'hronii h'. Linmy OhecH to it. Colonel l!miil )iisZ.ii-hicus Liiiii.'V (he ol.i".'ts to l.cinir 'called the i'.uU of the Crush I . 1 .11 1 I. . I le, a Uo We w oil !i 1 Mil iioui injr to hurt his feelings) coin t" ll.'W sp-ipe " I i.i t o I i"K s. W" do not wosrlcr pus been eoiiiin. I.e' the, have a way of puUish- iii. hisrecord that isnodonbt v v aui.o.Vin-l- Ale!. 1V tile jt Uils J,,!-,' AriuHeld. ! to whom hinney referred on Tuesday as one of the ureal est and best laenju tlieState, who told Colonel oomulus Zachieus that he had been torced to take a daily paper because the weeklies did not come out offer: enough to keep him posted as to what purty Linney belouiied. Mar gHiiton Herald. Wilkesboro Chronicle: A fish swims with his tail, una not with hi.s ton-'iennd tins, untl he gets alon.ir wed. The liar simply uses his tongue and expects that to cairy him safely through, but he'll file Populists !',)! not being wise Ut'feived u lii-k between the eyes. It is ever, ever thus, That greed causes a muss. We left our mooring And got a scoriim-. Had we kept in the middle of the road. We would not have hit 11 so bad ly shorn. Hut weeannol always tell How to avoid such a hell. It i iiwhll, t() lie MI!'!'. And we should not. he slow To avail ourselves of the euro That N. M. Allen can bestow. His eyes now are open, His grid shall not bespoken. As lie meets von ii t his door And walks voii over liis floor His object is to sell, And not his troubles to tell. His stock grows larger. His prices gets smaller. He is b' iaj; tound out nt last. And his goods are going fast. notici:. Hy virtue of an execution issued by the "lerk of the Su perior Court of Watauga Co. and directed to me, 1 will s'!l at the court honsedoor in the ' tiMvn -)f Pioone, N. C, on tliej Sth day ol Oct. lbl)4, it be ing the first day of the Supe rior Court, a 'certain tract or! parcel of land lying on the head waiters of Cove Creek. .1:. .: ..: . 1. . 1 1.. . .f 1 adjoining-the lauds of Lau drine Kggars, James Miller and others, containing 400 acres more or less, and now known as the lands of laa and A. M. Ilongheity, levied on by me on Aug. SlOth, (Jl Jo satisfy ;m execution ill my hands for .17 principal : with interest aud cost, in casi of Joseph Lochhime & Co. vs 1 saac a m. ami D. h. Doi'uh rty. Tii is Aug IMHU, I S'.)-r er I. F I'aiijo, Sheriff ki(h rlmht i ui t-c f'm hn , .... u..... I'-V" Ilirr vrixili ti uuc r c.ii . N IH'i:. Th mm - A. M i.Cn pI'tT. vs il.ii. Main iikI wife. W i; ani ,:i d'ft's j(y (ij ;1j ( X'f'liH .1 hv tte'ChrK o iheSu. perior Court of Watanga -f 1 1 1 1 1 :ilnl 1 1 ; lift-1 t in. I .H sell tor e.isl, at th" eourtj (souse ooor m iii own oi ( y (. y lf(H iS;, j, .j, r ,(,. d. v of the Snpei j..-( ..in t, a certain piece or pan . -f l-iad out!,.. head waters ..i!li ni oi N.m Ki-,.,- a ! m ui hiij nf s xi s.iiti. .L.liti SfjU.-itl. ami known las tiu ai,i.' rMH. i ian. i m.w i known t . on! II. II. Main in ' wilt-, W. V. Sli Iton aiul v i f : 1 1 1 ; I Ih-tsy.lane .Mari tin, to sa: ifv an cx.-ciii i a i-i my hau l for ?lUl 'M .iml i Oi'f-rs TIii-.n T.i h'ii' al ('ours-; other cost s in case. I'iio.-. A. j es : Til - Course in AjiTicu!-' Mai tin vs. II. II. Main amllruie; Ph-Coarse in S -lean-: others. This Sept. ltd 1S1U. it. I . o vu;;. mi a. it i V. : !l eour.se is le oa 1 a lid vt ' ' " 4- tho. oui'i. an I t le- instil n .Vol th Carol in; i. at anna Co. '. lioa is n .v .-i j 1 :i; i for ex Mary h Davis v. Wajtal 'eeli.-id w "k. !'p-a--.'- very W. Davis. 'in od-'ra t-'. I'or ca 1 .1 1' zues. Th.' defendant above nam-; address ed will take notice that .m' A UoMa. lay. Pres. a . ' t 1 1 1 1 1 I'l'tl'Ii'd IIS tl 1. . .,! , .-,. 111 the; MiiH'i lor t ourl oi oar.i!;vii 1 vf m i t 1 i n 1 1 111 1- u Lii'U iiiuc ov I ist b-'t ween he 1 :;ia; iff an. def idaai . and thed"l'ei:vlaut will further take n.ai.e that j iie is ret p.! i red to a pica r a 1 ' I he next term o t heMipenoi I mil t n said eoaul v to b. (onitoi said eoauiv to be V J led. ! on the L,,d Mon.l-iy ir-: f,:ZTZs!7' i ('!.. 1 SOI. at thecoart hou - j f: r".rrr' XL.."! .'' " ' "N-f :n l!oone, .N. C . and answer jC-. .Jk--.. vt'i ''a-'' i-i demur to t In-coa. plaint i-i r-'-'i" 'V'V'-.--1 ;.Tr'i-i-:;& said a-tion, or tin ..hiintiffl tiC-T', li?- ..Ill ,iil(l ill' ' :,.'i ii- relief demanded in said com plaint. This Aug. L'Oth. 1 Joe H. Todd. C. S. C. .,11 ...... I- i.. tl,,. e,,i,i! L'nlTc.sltj of North Carolina. Includes the Col left", the U niversity, tin Law School, tic Medical School and the Summer School tor Teachers. College tuition !?'r). a year: bo ird $7. to a month. S 'ssio-i begins Sept. (i Ad dress President Winston at Ciiape! Hill, N. C. V . .... Botanic Blood Bairns ThoTiri-at HomeJv for th $rody and permanent (urtM't h-:rofu!a. Hheur:iatism, Catarrh. Ulcers, tciemi, liitii, ji,d Sprtvidin Sores. Ernvlons, and d 5k 1 AND liL0h DISHASCS. Made t.-o.T j r. njil-n ,f ar. t-T.diei.t ph aii itn who ls.'J it vitti m.-r.-t us success for o years, anj a t. ti.;t!ii;i'i u- e tor tttt -.ti yc.trs by thou-S-inJs -f iAis-Jiil r-p'c h. s Jrac-istratei t'ut it re, j,,, (fjc i.ifv.t tyddir.;: ur fonic an i Ii!'. oi rjrftier ev.r cftrod tf :hf w;r'l ll njkesnew ritl; bl'jol, &nl j.ii0itj Jimost cdracalous healing properties. i fT WKITH I0R !!0(!K OF WONDFRFUL CLRU5, ssnt free on epplicatlou. If nt kert by your local Jruclst, sen.; Ji.r (or a iirpe tottie. or $5 00 for x tottlts, arj meikiru v,n lie snt fre:gbt &.i by BLOOD BftLM GO., ftHanta, G?. RO KORE EYE-GLASSES MITCHELL'S Eve-Salve A Ctrtsln. df, nd KfTeollTf Raciarir for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, ' Producing Long-Si jhtdns, A RestOP-?- r ing the Sight of th$ Old. Cores Tear Drops, Granulation Stya - Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, ail Roorms ones rui rerun rmiAiniciw. Also, TuHly efflckdoiit when nont In otliw iralftlM., curb a l:lcers. FfTer ares. Vamsr. Halt Hhraai. Bri... Pllra, or Vbere r.r IntlftlulZlailon t. iaU, MMTCMELtSB 0AM VH may njed to advaotare. Was 6li br mil Dracitata at '43 Cent. J t THE STANDARD. DURANG'S t : Rheumatic Remedy Ho ntain?d lis rtpiitaiion fcrlSyenra v Y Wing ijt. eiaii'iar.i rmeuy for the quick anil permanent tare nt Rheuro- tuin, sonl. wiatim, ptc. In all Hs fom:s. It is en.tor'J hy tho '-amis of riiysi ciann, Fublishers an.l ruti.'nts. It in iiUKly vegetable ami luiilild up Iroin the nrsi u.we. 11 nevtr thus to cure. Price ia one dollar a Ixiitle. nr aix bnttlea for five rtollRrs. Our 4U pmfe lam- 1 1 tag's Rheumaiic Remedy Co. ,Z 1316 L Street, Waslitnoton, D.C. T earth. Ttiey act n it h ua cum; tbat makes J Dumnu't Lirrr Vilia are tile beat on f J uei ctsu box. or ciB3 roa ti. T T FOB fiaLB jrF0tt!?Tl. J wv V. I. DO'JCLAS 33 SHCZ I T-f 5. COTiDOVAM, 4 -cf.v "i'. , r'i LADIE3- vv-i.'iiAUu:... V oi: ' HI V.: J-". f : ., : I' ti . . ! j y. : r I . I I ! t- V i ... fl ' I . ...!. I . . ! i:i . . - . , . .JO. : . t V"!' c,,.. h jw trim ill 'i irl .i ji ' T'iZ Mis nt ca::dii v College of Agriculture and MechanicArts. jTh. 'Coin s.' m M ehaiueal.in i ivii iiu iiii 'ei-in;. I? il .1,.'!, r T .JiwiiiiiiiiiitiKiritnii tinin, rs - IT" i PS K I us.. 1 ... ! J' 1 ; 1 n 1 ! " -1 ! o ; :.: i 1 : o 1 ! . inii 6t i i 5 W...J . , (-S-R.' t O.I O M I I I I l !'i l l i riiliul t l.U I.M I'HOu Bua tMrifo Uich Arm. Z ? Iliu iU ;Un N. -ff 2 ev k Sir Ihirn.riug Slintll. f Hn U.iml lu Cunnlrucltoiu S Z I.ub Mcuiimilml A p. itrsuc. tllt till LioKiilit rlllKli. Z V I'prtu t Ailjiiatnu-nt. 5 It A l'nicr Xtil-ui. m " !i.n'tylih I'uriilture. 15 - Li.M Sl.iro ;mmI Hwlne QolltlMn1 a Z (tor it I.rfnp Hnne of 0Dml Work 5 r tl 1 v. my Smlug Mnohln In Mm World. ? 3 Exasl"fl THE ROYAL for points of exc?:!cnoe, and you will z i buy no other. I RuYAE S.iiCOoRoikford.ni. i rilliliOlililiiilillilil:lll!illil.l:lil.l.lililililililillllUiS CURE UPAY ON I.ECF.IPT OF 50 CENTS WE WILL MAIL A BOX OF & S h ft r5 SfiEaSB : i?- k a; . tb i-l D u rJ .'J E TKE yVt INF AU 'B'.C CU2F- fOH Mrr, Srongtl Itciv MMiA Wzz, Ring Tfonn as ?.'.! Itcs.ngjSia Disease:,. "y?u kn TE'fEH. i! ,rptt;rt i.'iS hew long h bat wistf. TCTriSiS alii s .'t.-ialn'.; cnr i )u uc it ilarmh-ss, Palaless and Fragrant iBftilfTS WirKr. jil If yl lr itiaantUflixl ..U',ltt. I w:ii, hr rt..(iU lloforeiio.'a Sool'.im Itniik of IhoS' iti-i.f ;rrfrii. Chat, hum !H.rk, unu iat itaO.-aU(.t'a.nunaii. SAVANNAH. OA. Pore Cham-Tartar Powder ENDORSED BY PROFA.L.ETZ,P.H.G, of Mellc TepTtnH.it Tulno L'nlvenlty of Ioulian, who, iu r aciri-ful nnulyKU, proli'.tuiotN. II a pure Crnuii Tartar i'owdr, whirh lie cheerfully nwunmieuda to U publio. "The Southern Favcrite" ' ic;e, Wholesome no Powerful. Vou Wsnt it Aik Crooer For It iiiit-F SuFG. COn NIWtANS' V.'ASTf pJA i If if 1 t i i T f.' P."iECAUTlON ii.- in.-. I v ill In hf Ui " m'Mi'i.;: t;:;T AT OXCK. f:-n:; L J'iiU MTg & Supply Co j-i6 f u;it bt-etu 3oatoa. Cfl n T C D I PI C Ml I tKIHt i! NATURES CURE FOR CATARRH EX1 RAGT MEXICAN CACTUS. Thin nhn vreatment for Catarrh and diesc of tno respiratory orfrans ia one cfthd mott Important discoveries in modical science and pottetset the follcvir-g advantage! 1. Th pilint can c'l-e hlmstll . tmail e'ptttM nj ithout ni.'.de astls'ance. 2. No ot ili-'l or purm.i al tile ll atoassarj Curlni trontif ent. 3. Tho raaj.fl ate In no al.a olantl.a to th pillon! anJ tnt.HnadHeomlurt. 4. fna rene.7 reaches the seat ot the trouble .'.9Ctl. B. Tlie mrtVdlrt end meent ot enptisnce cia b c:ti ! 'n 'ile p.'et aithout monrenionoa. 1' ' "' 1 i! I I I ' " .y dnip tor . V." T fllNE NDINSUFlTOfl, $2.00. ' wCrSPONDf-NCE SOIICITEO. Cxc;cr'.no McJicine Co., Waco, Texas. ROOFING. Metallic Weather Boarding, Camplats CeUlngSj Corrugated Shoetlng, Roofing Paints, Iron Roofing, Ee Trrwthj, Cotters tnd Spoutlnj, - All forms of SI eat Metr.! for Building COMPLETE AND frEADY TO A.Pl-V VhIN KHIPPeD. zssxss&wist vs&to&mamswm WE WANT AN AGENT ' In thi.t.iwn im nrrartlo workmaa to ' take ori'.vra ami APFLV our ustsriala I ia thiu liOnlty. ) ti.rraip.m.l. noe aolteited writ Cor ' nrioiHi anil terlua. .5" fT?C0.. Cincinnati. Qhf- ; SSTABLI3HED 187i. " ' a . , i , V-.--.V i A ---:'4..-- t.J-.-M SOU J Btuip lor lllo.tritol frtM Lilt. Tho $ l!!'n3f!!lr Ranii"l.i n I III. VWIIMIIIUUH'.I i. I.,!.iu Jlwlli Wl UflU. . . Vii'itx.1 1 fi Men s v voin ' or.ai p.-H.us 'Ua m Piin jotI 0i( a n.upinp 10 'iiuut Suipesji 81 i js . ? f f - -:; ' "S PI ! 13 : .1 . a . w , 1.- i ti w,:?s ( t: n m II; T3 ' it" Z L 5 1 ; i. ; r s c a : . tt fj c .. f l 4: r--?S hv:j, AcnMi'i.KTi: m;ws r The Pr-Je of the North Caroli na I'tesH." n.iyou want to in !.i;il.it,s ip ''M r that kIuiII Mi.i-t the zn-ut.ti ri!it on .North Cart.li 'a, no matter wh. i it .nnv be a i. ma: KnaiT-i'Aa: iv ri:u Ho you want a n-li,,!,,. v.nz.vou all ,; ,. (('f J,,,, '"'t e.,,.,M the lt-h.,i lu iiu-'v-t i in illation, an. I has lor twenty-one yeam hu p:ltt in. I fa. t.i ,rii thiM.,,uil, aiilil,.v. .-!.pi.nt f tin- l!. Noith Statf? Then miIim i he lor ! TIIL WILMlKt.T.). .MI.SS:x;iR ; Campai.mi Hates: ; The "Daily Messenger." hy mail, 1 mouths on trial, for jThe w.fkl.v -Transcript Mes sel!'r, (the largest and ,best p.iMT in the State) 0 i ,'i,sl1 hi "'"v". ' H..1I. ix'wsna wifh the a ddr, ss nf ,..i. II IV -111 ll.-. . Ml I I I f O I O I V J ,UII K.I- " : . : . 1 ti 1 i in with theaddr. ss of tiv, per sans and rei-ei ve samjile cop ies of Till: Mi:ssi;.;s;i;. M. 1st. l.sss. if. taki: Tin: Otego eiid Alton fl. fl, IIOIN.i West and Ncilliwest J'niigrants gcii Wesiera Stales X to any of the 'r 'i'errilorie!? V!ils;iVi' lliile monev e-,,iag via. I'iiieago mil Alton route, t is the quirkest route to KANSAS CITY. PKWKU, PC KlShO, And all )oinfs in Idaho, Wash iiigtun, Orcjron. I'tiih and California. !'"mst ntul. Ilrst ICtiuijifica llotul in the Yt,st. Only line running Solid Vesti bud trains oetween St. Louie and Kniistis ?ity. Iteelining mlr eai-H end Tour istejKji-B e of extra charge. 1 will niee )artiis at any rail road station with through tickets and baggage che ks. For full information, maps mid descripive jmnipliletK of tht West write to or call on H. A. Nkwland. Traveling Pawsenfiev Agt.. 1!) Patton Ave., Aslieville, i. V. J. CilAULTON, li. P. A Chiuigo. III. Inaisuit.jn. and Stomach (livinlen, tK BitiiwxN nit! uirrr.t.g. All .1i-aler Veep It. i per bottle, (ientnrr. hat Va.le-u.ark unu cnoard red lun ua tu i-r iZ DOLLARS Jo PER DAY iy Easily Made. We wiip mnnr nmn, wonivit, !kv and rirJs ta work i'i in ft v lutui 4 rein n i;nti irour.4 JiL-ir -wn iiotiira Tin litfi,i i . drRtit, f:rii ! h r.ioruljo. nut s bt tter ll.: 1. tin otb o:lf-rrt, ani.is. im .uv i: clf.ir I Id itiirl io pm;v titl 1.1. Kri,ri'iHfv otuiyf - piul Milily liirjcMs.iry. N; c:ti.:l r "iiiml. Vetqulj 711 Willi vv rvt.;ini l'.rtt vn tiT.it ytm well, nnl h-lj '(; ;: n t i tiin nntiimr V oao 1, dju jig v.ell n trcii. and ! j f ftttd f. m .lu' (iiiv. A iv (:i' Mr " hit', ci.n Ji. tho w;:k. All .'upc;.'.i v " fo'hov oni dii nitrt lira lie di Mi.tin. ''Viriwl lv will itr.iih lrmr yrtu y.-.-:t iif.il of in im I" r i'ifjr i- i.7 it'iu 1.1 jrr-it .1' iMin i. V4 r f -r mr -n ? l ci'fi! r. ati'l r-C'-i f Mifr';iii'i-,i. No bnrvi A iii li you crittlm!t' n it to on w;th tht GnoRCE G7iKr,of4!t,Co.t Cox 4?Q, POnTLAHD, rVTAliiE. Jj k"- n .c-J .v, f? ai jt yj '.i3 ttf . Oo'h.ii a..ii--, urfi: i nt 'i V,. . V.A.-..V U ll' --' - -1 r .--1 7-: .. T. k a: k Cavet.ts, and Tnuir.-M"! obralnev!, and nil Pat cut li.bint'H3 roniinrted fur fc!ode Fees, Our C ;: U 0Dr.f..ii' U.S.Pa.it (fftiw. ana v-vctii' crnre rftt iulcbs Uuie tnuu tuoat rvtiiti:e fruin v' ih.!i,Lni.. K-ud m otic-. '!r:-- crplf to., with (leicrlp-1t-n. Ve aUviFe, I paT;'titatif or in.t, of clurtf. Vnr tcv lotdje I'M je-fciit Is (irenr-d A l-jmphlol, "Hew to 0l'n PiiiciitH." -4 huuva .iivi t- jr int Uutts, auu C.A.SrOW&CQl -. OppoiiU Ps. '. OfScs, Mathiaatoa, 0. tf r r ' iiii L