I . 5 liOOXI'. YVATAl'tiA ( OTXTY, N. C. ! !I''!MAY ()( T i'Kl! -.". 1MM, NO. 2. VOLT Do Kut !; DcmvT'l A'ASillNi; fnx !.!-;TI.;U. 1 1 1 !!i !i i '." " t l,r ! ; t r,-., : Kro:a aur R-Tin- Cor:.-ncnrrf , , . .. v... v -o-: ..... ib H !:. ion at . !;,!.... on !. , I-1. . .1 : ' I.' . i 1 ; . j 1. : 1 11 . li ( . ! a1' . .' ' 1 a . . . l'ivi h-nt C!,.v. i iii.I1i.i- - ...... u .. ... o i'l 'I..' il' !!.:, 1 1 I.i ':!::. 1 1 ! f S i ' . ' 1 . ' 1 V ' . V Til' t 1 ; ' "' i i . in;) sni.l auytkiii"; lti.it .1 bo.!- !. .1 i . i : . , ..... ' . i . , -.ft li !.- .liivl.';-- " i Mr. ' :tf s--i.r oat tnim.' .'.I :-n"s a', ab.'-'y i; i i " to ;n ,.;:' i l ; . ; i ! il. r i! u!i.-:! . ... Ill lH" ' ' '.'I'M. ''l ...... - .. I'll 1 s.cutcf c;:ti.!ymcal,orin: S,MM ,;t t:,U part in tli- " , ,. ..Mi. ' Mt!." l fan. 'liiHi. 1 rii. c? lv;s:,..1.vt!:i folio-: ' ' ! , . n- - ' - : . I hi Mi't.Mm-tit I'immvi" it!:!-' t f L:.o i:i:;ur;i:;o2 : , , , ' . ;,, t . ,:..i r .... it ' iiui.!" o i 1 !. I.. -I miM.t'riy.! . ,1 . . . ;l -' ! ,. : ; . ' : i . . A' t ! ! i.i lii 1 1 1 i ' . : ni"- i . i i in-, i o !n nu n . ) : ! iia 1 1 .-.: !-:-.. K" . ; 1 1 ; i hi w u r,' ano in u iiMiuia 1 i : . l .. i. ... .. . -i t . .in .hi t v w.iit . vi T-.) s an,t,,l f, -iMtaHv v.. !I-in- ''M1!'l "V,M" 'A 1;- -u:, 1 : v.-: , ' '' i! ' ' " i;:1,'' H;:.;1v..vtinr.:.vt:--ri f,.,- , rs .Iiiuml- th-,: vvllH ,!"r ' . ' ' ' H-..-:::.l:i::li-:-of.l;..l-.!..-c:.s ..t f,.vv .);, Vs. It ;s not known l-ivora party m.-asun-.. II. ( t'h:ia....-!j-i; a !, . !-n-i p..;;o::. Th; M.uaj. "stat-i... nls op-i. : 'v"-I; Sty f'.an ! u.-il, l,. ii sp. , -., - ; oflhc ; :..,... t.,,f ;t;.,(,.:.I.J..il.:M;'.i't-i. for .-xt.-iu!.-.! : b- t a n- v t.- . : i.i .. . t .: - .in! f ir ( 'i ) "i s rii.il :-':iji i - , .' ir: .Jn-!;., Su , ' ; i. i-i.r r.n-rf .1" .. Slu rlff. , , . i. of 1 'oiii t, 11 -icr f ,, (, . '..!.-. ' ui ; :.r, fortii-T, j, , a:.!i !: . :i- that .V'5" il . ,.;'. '.ini: .: tji it !',,. oi th s!ia!i . , r.i!.- ! o-f'i: ! t1;' .No;-! il si i 1 1 1 'ln. n--' i's lrlVO- ;': it friial! ' ace it ; ' 1 1 1 at y ! . i ;- ': i.: i.'l i ii'.' I i '," t ."" ! .ir- t- ., , .. ...,!V ri poii'V. r;oa H FnuVfty I .th.-ca-;- '.wis r. ini.ro.,:-.--l-n.-lsu na- .-aporf-. :L..;Oin., U..,..LS t) a. iM,!lOUt roMS'lllillL' H rlons i.vcc, sor.se r.-.vvi: , r v"n" 1 " , , . oil 1. 1 ' !; - i : . . . i - a .1 ! .-' . ii ' . . t.li'l .' '..".' s-i." i ''at "I i. ( II.. ;-..tl el'il. HiH' t ." r . : i r ;'. , 'i; t !'.;'. r ii sis.)'! tl ; ii v. us ' !' ti - .'! vr.t.tj.-s (A ti fnr .'--; -r ; -. ,,f silver as n nuir..y Mi.' ; Tit ry. I ha t t ! pro r t l.o f.o r-in.- of i! " I .-.) !:::.:. ! t; ,. .('';!'( I'' i 1. 1 ' ' HI t !.: '.!"!- : y .!:'.. i . ; : . . ;!' j ;(' ; ' f i , , i i I. ' .o . . I p' ' i !. . I . on o. 'u , N- it!i all t Jo-s" nil vai". apv" '.ail io la iiijj; Lack anil pio- , a--in . --ii iii- : X m:::i ''"i : ". is trial i:i la.-n1;.! :. , .- ( !,,, ; ; m i -v ail t lie iM.vt-rv iW.'A ir.; r. o t ; . jef chancer a:m !; vmi-l .!!-;-!: it 2 VvV.J.c Lr intonr.atv:!. r ' iiii i'Mi-t' ':! i'-a! activity" : hV.J. RtKliky. .Man-i-.-, t la l.-.lc-al olii. ial to try ouhl pror.,,1 JM m: ? RtKk ;:.!!.;. C. ii .-(.1:1 1 (.1 a Hi im.H-v f l"Cl ioi. '.- "!" :1 i" 1 t;t 1,- !o,- not ,-oni.i-r it i ar-ooa top o.iaai. a.o a.-.s..,. "prna-ion;; tM.loiral r :V. i as ax hkciy to !.. ;. , haiaa oc u:.- oI.Imi oi itv" for an otiin.il to kj --.k 1 " ! 1 !i !!!! ,,"!!Si: :'" r.' .,,,.1 ,.:,..t.. .....: !ial l.v;! ni.-irki-l ,: ! y tl.c-n- ot t ! .-n,;t rv ha.! s.-- li- noniiiiatiofs hav. li.'-r'"-'-"" ""- " . ... . . , , that y.ur crop i ill vnniiv !!iati vol i lie coin rary. ' 1 , l,ap)cn in Kit.. u,u.ai. . , .. , -. ... . .... ! , ,,.u-.. I),,-. :. r bcin- tlic an v. o' , i i , a i ; i ; ! r-, v. p.. n;:riLL, ju. Attoun-.v at La , i : . 1 1 a-O la. alicj- ol n.onihol' no;;;-, that lias l.cm j.mr , lor -vi r mih c i lie j.cpuDlican Now, the ; r..:.--or (;ls 1' ty has Inrn in contn.l of , . t 1 1 ' t I i ' V ."!'! ! II I.TO It" TTIO!. tlj ' . ! Ill 1 ( I I W a 1 It 1 . 1.ik.yi- tll.lt" Villi ( iii isi mas, n t iioiiii! oi . V I! i 'Of VCI1 I M 11 I .: i !. ..:.i ).;a.!.. i t a k. a sa icci i ! ih'l ''. !; ' in i!- ! !!j'i;;l a n.ii. . .a... s I I is s i j i a i a in ni .ii. , - , , , . ,. . i ,-, k .,,,, I i it..,..,,.. V l' i.i ..i : iii.si'iir his - s iw. i a 1. 1 . I a- i-.-ino va 1 oi the rcsl ric . 1 ' I"mmm i i ii ' iii i : i i III U III ' 1 c i l -1 i ." - i i...;.v.,o Il.v;..i-.n ("Hfi.-.v It li.it it -an ' ln ren.'.-n -i Lv : Mr- 'ockrau loss a i (0)'Kh;V:.ree; aoiiii ori'o.r , ,-m. ial wilhout noc-i .'aN'a.l is said to a.; ire to n ' have iaipeli.-H ( on-rcss to re-1 -'j'-M Ollice. ..tI;v of Ids official outi..s. M" S.niue. Maybe form tie tarai in their inter-! '-'aneou. ii,i : L ...i.., i,- i.. this time a nuaii-ei- of o!ii-i "e a ;-ei ii.sr.ni.- uii. o-n "..y,. '.vi!l have no inon.-y; tli.it your hi a .-s and farms will have no va'r.i;'; tliat they wil' not he -a orth astntjeh money j as they were when the vur lendcd and that ultimately' jyou will be deprived of your' . - : . ; r ! ieh wa'e'Jions on iheir trade woul.ii ' '"S i"1"'"' j 'Multiolv it ov iuo. con e kin:j. i es. w T...'.MtBi..u ' ........ i ..... rr i ...... i .' t . I I ... i n . 1 . . . j V n -WWi W ! rials ro:nirei,t!v coii't- ted ! tt'ouMn t it M oeee.(i.-.i upo,. i a -' repi-es-eoaiu.,, . , . ' b-ipial rights in ha raitniiiis-' 1 t:, hvitli !,.-adnani;,ra,ion are' v. - nt .era t i, ni.abers I f ft i, . -a r , leabv excellent! ,h" j , , , ;():: (, t e li1fai., of tI)(1- a i ntn.yr.i .-i i , ; v.-,7 ; o tne i.n cs.-n. i ton -e. .i-.-ininauu iimiMiiy. i a.- ,.,-,..... r ... a f w... u" l" n. o : i .,.! ;i ;.. .i ;..!., ..i -Now multiply that by " 1 '7. . . I ... .1.. .1 I n i I il. ' !....: i i i i . i.i ill. i ; 1 1 . i.i..'..i SlMies M 10 J lli'inin is o. iii'- - . - - Cabinet will make sp.M-'.ies J I" id of his administration They show tint the intelii- boW the close of the eam-loi tue business ol tin- I en-, uwv. r, wi.le .-nvaKe. progres sion i ;!i,v and uli.-c'.iii's inosive An "ii'-aa manutiictui-- iubli-a r i ui of facis a boat : e:-s ,nre nh ve t o t r.eir oa n m -N.C -(.,)- Will tirnrti.--- in i'ic courts o Wiiiiiiu-a.Aslie, Min-i U, :vla.v-i paiun. ol! Mil l ill! It her .ailliM 's ; .. Uli 11m- repubiieaun are liowl- 50. "Yes." "Add your nee." Y..s.,V w "stern distri.-t '-"Sx; :'i- . , ,' ..... Iiii:.t (iai.v. bur ho h.is ibis to ' Tmcs's rmi wish to ;.vt rid ol'i 'nl.Lra..-t. .Sbo. Man iiiv-n id 1 lie i-UI-'i.,:i oi;o. m.io , ., , . , ; ;, , , --Yes" lu,,,;." u,v department ant horiz-d ; say a bout a si a u nunv hit -y ' a-- pronrtiou sara-ule.s and. ; a atiou 'v -.. ' . nr oo- n is..- i niuew an ' ' . . I 1 . . . I . . .1 . 1 . 1 4- .i;, . , ,!,. ., n ,i niiiiiii ; a.-n wnai i a- o-suu blv even ,Our rijxhts as eitt-f ;:eiiS will b,- abridged and your 1: mes taken from you without adeouate pay for them. Think of these tilings kind friends b.-f. -ie you vote for a Topulist or a Republi can or oil her one who has I'm .;, ,(p . f.f. s ;)jitCiir olhi'm n . I the proeivduiov. ;iLr-nnst Mr. Riven wine cm W.B. (Viwi'i .v.. o. v. cFh.-Kb.ru. !M(V.l(in fl)I. ,.iVin- violated isistant Sen-otary McK..v d 1 i..r..jld: ia shut-out and, Bo,N.C ionwlUN.C. l,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, plwjti,, roprdibc.-in ca m .i i-u : :-!.u t-ii, .nooment. Ti.ei f!onnriM A rliCiil-r ':v'?'tl. i. .- o .-. a. .-..i..,. .,it-.....- Wv s ...lai-v : ." -n:v . i! nuts it- I wuuul'ui "''''; tiv 1 1 u ! it . r I ill. an i.i-un.Mi ........-... . - 1 . . i . i rn...T..i t;,.,i, r,.m i .... I . I i ..... .i. I . . . ...... a, V. i i i ' ' 1 1 1 Me 1 1 1 1 1'. r-,v i: , iii:; iu'. u . I M ViAC x 1 .11 uri v.iu- ' i r . I .ill . I l J i i a - i - l : v I . i i ... i . t wrlve hundred and six- A Xovr York diKpatch says: I. Ab !!'!. '! Itl: . . . : oi .a.-hi'ian i:'a. ' on ra; . tIh'.l?S.H! US A, !l"r '"ip ...... . :i... ,.. ,:w.nl-,'.al,i. Iwi.lv i.f nwlic:. a i WO .lUOl'l 1 1-IV i "J W VJS(. IH.elMctt.ia.Air. Morion ? - , " Z Z' ' . "Tli-ink you w-i.the kins WCfiPs:ittt;rhi ;t a ithe reonbb.-an entoodate toriou nalp.ible I'a.U-hoods. He; rmtitifa-iurc-rs thore.uccoiu-. )lusrA Idovenior of New Yolk out says that there w.-ie r.O.C.dUi ,,. utiv, y few ol such nioll;1' hoili Junt?l,i. K. F. I.OVtL.'i. .5. rLKTi lir.U. LOYIL & FLETCHER ATJURXhYS AT LAW, . i. : ... . ; . .. . t , i In i i a 1 I v. lw . i-t a i v ii-l t Ii.miisi ! vns i if i ri no imures m i no nia i ' or -a 1 1 n io e f" )" - - tne Treasury otfH.ds. Tliej io old saidinWaskiii;;- t hens j consistency and stuptdi'y bv fa.-is, oblainVd froii: tliomar. i to show .-.-ills'.- liy t ii-ir !;- U laiuanu !n-h piotection nt inmo'rted under ': oontra.-t, ision.- shoiiid not be dropped I home for products which sue- . . . . i . . ... ! . I ... .,1 tint I linuii ur.ii .iiv.'.'.i il i . in i ii . r m i a 1 I io i in t. ! 1 wore i-cooi tea to in - oooan- m ..-'". '- - : i- ., :-espoilse. So ou were born in l)e- eoinber. sixty years ;if-o, ehV" "Whv. how in He- world pany has been incoiporuted, with a capital of $G0l-,O00,-for the purpose ot pure! rs i nii; timber and timber lac-is. and Tiiannl'iK luring lumber. This corporation has acq iir cd about T.l.bOO a?res of tmi do yon know?" ci ii .l the pio-! ber laud near Aslieville, Wes tern Noi l h fill olina, on the OR.XhYSATLAW, mPnt b hi ilfl:.M , ;lll n-adv tu bo sen, but it markets of t ho , orhl. As I he ; - ., , on. .10 , n a. onna, on tm, lmAVP v ,, m nr u. a sp. . ,o iini oi .,.. . ,r "Whs, retoi b. the knu;. hue ol the Sonihorn railroad. BOONL.N. . lt.-ot, and the dep artiaon, was .!,., ernuncl to W Iron, ' .,r ans.ver-1 MK and not b,r Iron, the estat, orlu the -no, .lop-rtcd then, . al alter o-ction. i ." .' ' Ji,. .11'. 1 j- .' i i.i ."at h of your birth was t,f Mr. (Icoroe Yanderbilt. '''JlrJl'l' and that p,o(,'edino.s bo be- hs not OTsted ia,w such a o An y ' - ''hi:-; , - to rn . . . A 1 . . i. . v ...in). I li-ii'ii'i.'- .i1! hi 1 1. ..!,. i'ii 111-. i.i ill', i.'l' t t t oDreei' k-. m isrun ai-,-unst M v. . or.tiu. ..nn 01 o-.., . . ....... ...... .... ... i.. ...... ... ,..,.,,, JU. .in, 1 uono. novo ; . - - - , , . , , . , , I , , REAL ESTATE AG'To. tiooxi;, v. r . had be beai iho candi'atc ofianv ii.,p"-'' ti vi, unciu .otneioncy ol proouot ion. t p.i j... ... . ...1...1.. ia.i :.i. ..a, r , i-,.w. a. : or. s-:or. t 10 OollioCl Ml S. i I i " 11 . ! S V I O 1 1 1 0 ' 1 1 . I .10 n.ra'- .-iv..,. I.':!.)!- -, . . i . : , 1 1 1 ;a .. . . . . i . .-i m tiiiibcred with hard woods and popl.tr. Vai'i'al idea.; State A.iditor Fiirmau he .oiiioci-iits. If ;- has vio- Ineui. t Ho wr.-uo sior is i;,o wmoamji 01 mn .!,;.,, . . ' . ! ., ... . . , . . . , ,,, , . 1, .1 1 . 1 1 1; 1, : irv it on the t.o t pi-rson ; sa vs t ha the number of pen ate. the .n, as it iso hiiiiied 1oopa!pabl. uulrue .0 do-. 1 1 l- industrial c um a v.hio!i; , . . ' ,., ! . . v ,, , , '.. .... . . ai, : 1 S . . ..... , . , .. .. i I iin-'-i. Ii s sue . a p. !lo;sioiii. 111 North V.aro 111; 1 e has, h o v i 1 have to pu iv.-aii.vvue no will(-oiisal-.tho nov.-tarib has ti:a' !'! .U; 1 ! . 1 ' v ,, , .1 1- a ,,iv!iv ..! oa rwix ocf p-'opl-s - Ms -ear wil prolablv h W ill -iv-s.ec!,-i! auentn.11 th ,KM!:ltVi otir:.v.-iso i.ot.l-r it a mo-mait. No notices , h(Mvorkin-inon .vii! d -a, ami ro a OS! liiei n 01 1 1 in-. 1 IK- ii - i ., ., . . . . i .. -ii .. ; , 1, 1, 1 1 ; . . .,.,. ,,..,! ... . . .. i t. . ofllcal Kstate ill Y. N. ('. j 1 lint is ;'! tl-.ere is uootu 11. ' . .--o ..... a nu o-e- v .- a .... 0 . f I ' .. ...... ........... 1 1 . . I 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 w 1 - v: . V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V .1 Til.. Itl'iiiil'tl f.r 1 t.i' : I i 1 i 10 1 a sii 1 11; on 1 1 t 1 . . n. .. . . .-..,1 . ......... . , , ( ...... 1 .-...1 .... ......... . . Those ho v'my- tin ins. timber and mincial lands for sale, w ill do well to cab on said Co. ii.t I'.ooiie. ! L. ailEE & CO. March Kk l''k s.''--.V-o.--,. eS a-'.o pro; ably be ! abonl ".(KM), an increase of which is certainly neither a ieainpaiun be 'aiuiiaiar,: lr.;lu';l,kv -(! OV('r lj'sr 'v- . ,'. t ,w n ,.! n..,i , i,.. The pi-nsian warrants will b--' these replies ol tut' manuka--. :1 1 ion i.a t lei n ,.o . a. 1 -1 Half! '-.-;.o,-M- tor S;uo. On nreoiiut of I'ailiiia- h'-nltli domo.-iMtic nor 'a tar if re-1 The news in-eived by the Tm,.rs u hiidocla ;v t ha t the ; iiiby and son !y slid.-orcrawl j sue,! in i-imibei-. form pap, r. boars te,ti,aoay!(ie-m.oratic rampaiun ein-j nilt no duty to proteej , iU!o his liftl - ! .-.!.. Mr Well-; 'v'Mal v ',n,(1:"';' to the 'rood o'a-ct of the t.owi.niitoe eoiitiiiucs to be ei:-!t;!(.n, t!ie ri-oiossiomii rro-Miorn kucn-ks .-vny at..: -.oat . ' etiaileetea l.i.y e i"- .' . ' T . .. - .. 1! : 1 ...... n.,n.,v!. .. ... . n ..... t 1-.... n , i-;.. I o no . i i 0 m 1 it t he 'I 1 1 as' . i.w-;ri- I..,.- ;,. ti... fatow mf. ii-iiiir.-i'''.-.!!-. and the belief ; toot 11, rtists on vitn--ss howl ho makes in i's u.4T 'or stroiio; lanena!j.e, 011 its edi-itlu.t. the democrats will 1 e-; oV,.a t is the iudu-drial revolt ; losipiatian a ejindidate -V;,' 1 -- . tond pag-e: "The i-ffoet of the; lain control of the House is . n;;a;nst -their n-irrow and iib-; i'01 judge, iu.o a wrecked j'- '"-neloriin '! iiev, tarTff Uiw will un.;n. s-1 lir-n and caumb be shakeiid.pil thforio.sof trade." ouass of busted corunidrunif j t ;;:v '?'"','.' .; ..,.,10.. i. n.i.i..,.i.,i Ti.,.' I.v 1 .am! li.-an liliikii-ir ir! 'r...M!'f ..f.in lav l-p.hio-i worse than t'rose of the einl 1 ' ' cased to Ju. ' r I I. II.. I i.l.i " l' .: 10 l, ..-'. I ....... ' ! I . i;il ...1 v , 1 ;,lSclaiiir-. tiou should be pi-s-d u:.t 1! ;en of a fa k lainst rel show. aiswo. 111, was uum . lAmeri.-an mdnstriosare Irce.i I Wellborn will ctnitinncdo tlio tiura auaitors (.nice tV.mi IlUI-J.uiw "tli!ll (iir-.t-('v:w: ,. i- Ion I too,la nt-ciofunf nllior flf to run as a 1 opur.st rauoi- ""w i;, JI- "00,l"lMJ ' ' " date lor non-partisan judge ? ivwion ot accounts, .ur of nivsell'iui'l wil'.', I oiV.-r t'.ii'sal. ,,, y hoiA pri.pert v hi 1 l.e t ..w o i j ; jM , . ve.lh, ., , . j ,,()pu lioono. Narih t aroiiiin, end wno ' " , 'llloV tal-'.-lsll M IO"! lli.-lk,' t'-nns 00, popiaai i oiniuo.ico o- "tVlirtt Hi .-( Tiii.iti-i to suit .the !.j.or, and whi in!o-!iltored ami ca.ital lured) l?,u-k Kitchen sas llia ev-.UM ,-( ;Mid tlu peooli' real o:-per, aii.dpmp.Tty ui from its hiding into n-nil ervho,,- ()((UI1 f,ist knows) )lt' bn-e are relieved slid -.iaii"'o. -M 1 . i"("ai 1 o - i W. !.. Ukv.w. land wnohsome activity. tA--jt.,.lt p'aii,-!. , i Is is not ii'. to , -..oi-e of the huge weight of 'of the Mil .Indieial distrief orybody with the faint, st : he Suproni" Court Justice, taxation that has cursed j Chronicle; A- much as the Y. . Scott has been trans ferred to the office of nuditor' for the Slate Department at f ;t,.ii;n ..... ...-il. .. . ... ....'Mil, a n lost, .rninei 1 hem. ! .. ..! J',M ' "l ' "r)"" " " Parties ,.uitiig paper inl"!""- ' , ' t ' , li,n1 r,u,t.on.a n"v il, ,ul " ,..-r .rep-pop-ueans p.u, -. i.qoo, iHld Judge J. V. I mv hand tor ey.eeniion win i-s unw o .n...-. ... w.- 1 ; uu- wom no i ;on silver. tlry are awfully inadl.V' n ' . . tiaUinn uh'M'.vlViii't !,'(' with worls, the writer olthopaiii- oh-s was ov.-n loss lit, JoicU : AKNCrscSMIsr, ' lieoanso Secret a rv Curlile is'. ' L V., the1.aiKrsnnd1f.ey will re-l pl doesn't believe that ;y''' k;i'w is a pnesi, ami; , ,v .,,. tyS,.,! , .Mi,IlvsiiVf-riJoli'rs::r " iU " " , !" ' r-oivepromplatbnt:on,other;tlltl' ,,,,. Btuni ,Peak- "I".-.1'" ,,f, 1 n':"1!s,U;. :,','!;, IT 1 !''M-"dcnt Anli a bninislnilion S;) V)U S(,(. jt 1 I rensnry. Christian Advo- w se t lev n " returneo , . . , , , opinions kuijui.i u.ne 1,,-,,,. ; ;;if!ex"-Hf'fcr1 i.'u-,int of,1 iin" ,,1, n.rHt w a,tv.t' .h- par.y.-(o;cori ioo.s. D. V. r.Ai.'P Surr. 'snoiuiag aoo.-M u.- tnnn.ml. Pi'inoi rati -o.Midi, kit'' I n- Solu-i- tor intLo 1(11 h .ludioi.d Pisli i.-t t takes the wind out of their Srl'ay your subscription1

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