J ID Volt IJOOXK, WATAUGA COUNTY, X. C. rilUlLSDAY XUVKMHKH 29, 1804, NO. G. 'Demi V)r-.m A QO C fj" V H THI ICIT. 3. ccr.ovAjs, 3.?1pciice..3Sous. 2.V-?B:T&NTSwt3. LADIES' SENOftWCaiAtOnut W-t--DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Ya taa wn "ift br smrrhiislaa' L Fiactase.w. e t I .ti: l n.anrf,enrToC ktlvrruscJ short in fie world, and tuarauir Ci value hy stamping th name ana pnce 01 tile bottom, whici protect oa aaf.it hista prices and the mi'Mienum's profit. Otir short rpal cuatom wor is :, e)r H-.ud- aud woarint; joaliti-.. Wc hjv the : Sol 1 tvrry irlicrr at lower prirrs for tlteTalue Kivrnthaa inrMVriutc. Vil-.c no aubvliuie. If your Scaler cannot supply you, we caa. bold by Beal-r, wbouni will shortly an pear hear. AeuM wauled. Apply a once. Does IMs Hit You? I 5 The management of the 5 Equitable Life Assurance v Society in the Department of 2 the Carolinas, wishes to 6e- cure a few Special Resident Agents. Those who are fitted for this work will find this 1 A Rare Opportunity SJ It is work, however, and those J who succeed best in it possess J character, rinture judgment, $ tact, perseverance, a'ld the J respect of their community, jj Think this matter over care- X fully. There's an uuusnsl S opening for somebody. If it fits you, it will pay you. Fur- X ther information on request." X W. J. Roddey, Manager, KOCK nin, s. c s PROFESSIONAL. W. B. COUNCILL, Jk. Attorney at Lay. Boone, N. C. W. B. COUNCILL. M. D. Boone, N. C. Resident Physician. Office on King Street north of Post Office. J. MOBPIItovf AilQRXEYAl LAW, MARION, N. C -(o)- W'ill practice in t'te courts ol Watauga, Ashe, Mitchell, McDow ell and all ther counti w in the western district S"S;mi iai ntten tion given to the collection ol lain,? W. B. Conncill Jf. D. T. C. Blackburn. Boone, N. C. Zlourille, X. 0. Councill & Blackburn, Physicians & Surgeons. tv&Ca Us attended at all hours.& June 1, '93. E. P. LOV1LL. J. C. FLETCHER. LOViLL & FLETCHER ATIORNLYS AT LAW, . BOONE, N.C. Special attention given to the collction of claims." NOTICE. Hotel Property for Sale. On account of failing health of myself and wife, I oner for sale my hotel proertv in the town of Boone, North Carolina, and will tell low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, and will take rertl or personal property in ex change. Apply soon. V. L. Pit VAN. FOR DYSPFPWIA, IndllTfirtlnm, and Btomafh disorder, taka BHOvt ft IRON BITTKKS. All dealer kp It, 1 per bottle. Genuine ttas tasdt-uaik and crossed ltd liaai en wrjpsi. W.I m- jr I WASHINGTON LETTER aHaawaaa From our Regular CorreipondcrX Tne Democratic Senators and Representatives w li o have been in Washington since the .hi-tion have with one or two exceptions tnlked in a manner that indicate, the pioper spirit. Their greatest desire, they" have naiil, is to allow the past to rest, and to have the Demo cratic party take a fresh start hy getting together in Congress and adopting some legislation t ha t will help the country and incidentally the Democratic party, in 1800. Just what legislation shall be acted upon is a question that will determine very soon how deep this anxiety for party harmony goes. The idea I have heard most gen erally expressed by Demo crats is that Senators and Representatives should not commit themselves to the support of any particular tariff or financial legislation until after the recommenda tions on those subjects con tained in t h e President's annual message to Congress are made public. 1' h a t would leave them free to ac cept the President's recom mendations, should they be of such a nature as to he ac ceptable to the Democratic perry as n whole, which they are almost certain to be. With the Deinoctats in Sen ate and House acting in har mony much can be accom plished in a legislative way during the three months of the short session; without harmony there is no hope of accomplishing anything and would not be even if the ses sion were to be three times three months long. Since President Cleveland announced that his annual message to Congress would certain important financial recommendations, based up on Secretary Carlisle's annu al report, Democrats have been greatly interested in lea mint; the nature of Seere taiy Carlisle's report, but it is as yet a secret, confined to those who have promised to keep it Until the report and the President's message are made public, Secretary Car lisle has not been at his office for several days, preferring to work upon his report at his home whwre he is free from interruption, It i s said that the system propos ed will supply the elasticity so badly needed in our pres- e n t financial system. A I though Secretary Carlisle has always been known as a friend to silver no one, who will tell, has found'out what part silver is to play in the proposed new system. A laborious attempt is be ing made by certain parties to have it apppear that President Cleveland has ex ceeded his constitutional au thority in dealing with the proposed mediation of the trouble between Japan and China. Their w hole story is built upon u false founda tion. They say that Presi dent Cleveland off. red to act as mediator. He has none nothing of the kind. At the request of the Chinese gov ernment h dirvctd" 'Secir- tary (ireKhani to ask the Jap anose government. f it would f.i vorniily rounder a prpi sitioti tojhave the Tinted States act as mediator in order t. put nn end to the war. It will be difficult to make sensible people, who are upon principle opposed to war, believethat the Pres ident exceeded his authority in thus trying to end a war between two nations with which w? are on friendly terms. II mv friendly we are with Japan may be judged from the fact that a new treaty has just been conclud ed with that country. There is little danger that the Republicans of the next House will carr.i out the threat made by some mem bers of their Congressional campaign committee, to throw out the entire Virgin ia delegation, which is solid ly Democratic. The Demo crats would not ask any thing better than such ac tion by the Republican House. It. would not. only keep Virginia solidly Demo cratic but it would bring out thousands of Democratic vo ters I n other States. The leaders of the Republican party are too shrewd to put su?L a club as that Would be in the hands of the Demo crat?, however much Repub lican contestants from the Virginia Districts may bog. Democratic newspaper cor respondents, iwho are as a rule great admirers of Secre tary Cai lisle, have been in hot water with their editors ever since that bond issue was announced, because they hail on the personal author ity of Secretary Carlisle, sent out the positive statement that there would ue no im mediate issue of bonds. That Secretary Carlisle had a good reason for throwingthe hoys off the track by telling them up to within forty-eight hours of the issue of the fall for bids that no bonds would be issued is certain, but to ante none of his newspaper friends have been able to find out to a certainty what it was. Speaking of the nond issue, present indications are that the amount to be issued 150.000.000 tvill be s u b scribed for two or three times over. This is 'gratifying to Democrats, whether they ap prove of the issue of bonds jr not, as it indicates in an indisputable manner the con fidence felt by capitalists in the adrniniseration. Some Democratic members of the House notably Hooker, of Mississippi, and Bailey, o Texas, are criticizing the administration for issuing bonds, but the general im pression is that no forma! action will be taken the sub ject by Congress. Many stubborn and aggra vating cases of rheumatism that were believed to be in curable and accepted1 as life legacies, have yielded to Chamberlain's Pain Balm, m ich to the surprise and gratification of the sufferers. t-Mie il JIJMICH l Hill "ill ifiirtr the pain and sufferingand its continued use insures nn ef lectual cure. For sale by W. L. Bryan. BUSINESS. Wilmington Mcsmmiit. There is some improve ment reported xincr- the elec tion in the business outlook. Tlcre i some progress, not very T.uch. but still pro gress, to a revival of th pros trated. Dun's Review notes advaiwe for last week. It says that "low' farm pr.i ducts. Imw wages, and only partial employment of labor, still retard distribution, and the limited demand hinders the lecovery of industries. Progress towards recovery has not censed, and many es tablishments have resumed or added to their producing force, some also advancing wages, but it will take time to lift business out of its de pression." Y s, it will indeed take timeto undo, to remedy the evil of the past. There will be no genuine revival of business in the South so long as the farmers have to sell cotton and the cereals at such low figures. It is non sense to expect a boom with 5 cents cotton. 'Dun' says that ."money continues to accumulate, none going West, while the outgo to the South has dim inished. Bankers ure much en couraged by indications of larger business, but there is no increase as yet in com mercial borrowing, and one dry goods loan has been ta ken at 2 per cent. Mer chandise imports in two weeks of November have been 10 percent, larger than last year, though 30 per cent, less than in 1892, and exports for the same time sliow a decrease of about 8 per cent. Exports oi' bread stuffs, cotton, provision, and oil in October were $57,006, 367 against $58,828,935 last year, although a million bales of cotton went abroad, and the value of the same quantities exported this year would have exceeded $70,000,000 At last year's prices, thedifference cn prices alonelbeing $10,600,000 in cotton and $2,600,000 in breadstuff." For last week there were 270 failures in the United Slates against 323 tor the same week last year. But it was dieadful last. year. Carlton Corn well, foreman of the Gazette, Middletown, N. J., believes lhat Chamber lain's Cough Remedy should tie in every home. Heuted it lor a cold and effected a spee dy cure. He says: "It is in deed a gram! remedy, I can lecommend it to all. I have also seen it used for whoop ing cough, with the be.it re suItN."' 25 and 50 cent bot tles tor sale by W. L. Bryan. Chariot t, Observer: The figures given out by the Republican con gressional committee represent that the next House will be com posel ot 246 Republicans, 104 Democrats and G Populists. Of the 104 Democrats the South fur nishes all but 15. This looks tol eraMy bad. but it has not, been many Congresses back since the Democrats only had 60 members in the House and the South fur nished pretty nearly all ot them . Yet now they have the Senate, the House, the President and nearly half of the SupremeCourt. Nil desperandum. tyPay your subscription. A Wondrrful Root. Atlanta Const i tut io.i. (lining is a root almost worth its weight in gold In China, .and Seciefary Mor ton in his last report recom mends its cultivation in this country. Formerly we shipjed one million dollar's worth of gin seng to Chinnevery year, but the supply has fallen off. and Co rea now furnishes nearly all of it. The Chines regard this plant as a cure for almost any disease. They believethat the root possesses intelli gence, and power of locomo tion whidi enables it to run aw.iy to escape capture. They also believe that it is guard ed by the tiger, the leopard, the wolf and l he stjuke, ani mals appointed by the gods to protect it. A root weighing 3 or 4oUn ces sells for $200, but the A meiican articlecommandson ly $2 a pound. In Corea it is .-ultivated under gover ment. supervision, but in this country the plant griws wild in the mountain regions. The Chinese say that the virtue of the plant is not in its ma terial composition, but in a mysterious power appertain ing to it. through being pro duced wholly apart from hu man influence under the care of a ben ifi cent spirit. But while the Chinese will pay any price tor the root, and will consume allthatcan be produced, the medical men of Europe and America have never never found any cura tive power in ;t. Our Indian tribes, however, agree with the Chinese and regard gin seng us a valuable medi.'ine. Mr.ny localitiesin the south are wel' suited to thecultivn tionoftlii plant, and there is no danger of overproduc tion. The chinese would rath er go without clothes than go without ginseng. .1 Wifo Wi nted. A Chicago man enteren a newspap"!- office with the lol iowing advertisement to be inserted. "The advertiser desires to make the acquaintance of a lady of refinement and good looks, five feet four ami one half inches high, and weigh ing about 130 pounds; bust measure. 39 inches; waist measure, 2S inches; size of boot 3; ditto of glove, 5 complexion, pronounced bru nette; deep hazwl e,.es with a view to matrimony. Ad dress" "Seems to me you're migh ty paiticular about the s:ze and kind of wife you want," observed the advertising clerk. "Well, perhaps I am; but, you see, my wife died be fore we had been married long, and she hadn't bfgun to half wear out her clothes, and her father gaye her an awful sight of 'em. So i t seems to me like kinder fly ing into the face of Providence when silk and things is so dear, and the country labor ing in the throes of a finan cial convulsion, to take an other mate, and let the moths break I hrough and corrupt all them duds. So I just want a wife to match them things." The Saw-papers DU Their Duty. Wilmington Messenger. We have referred to the can vass made by the Democrat ic sjieakers the earnestness, the ability, the patriotism, the self-sacrificing spirit made on the part of so ma ny. Wo w ish to refer briefly to our State Democratic con temporaries. They hae done excellent work. I n fensou and out of season they have been preaching good, sound, Democratic doctrine. What ever of education the more intelligent people have secur ed in politics is t n very great extent owing to the iteration and reiteration of principles and facts and statistics in the daily and weekly press. The North Carolina. Democratic news papers have been faithful, zealous and resolute in their dissemination of political truth, and the miscarriage in North Carolina cannot be laid at their feet. They are the teachers in politics from January t o January. The speakers who have done so nobly, $o well, will now rc&t for two years, but the Argus yed press the faithful, un wearying, Sleepless sentinels upon the watch-towers of Liberty will keep faithful guard and will give out the signal at every approach of danger, at every attempt to pervert justice and oppresa the people. The Press wise:, bold, honest, uiawed, untrammelled, free is the hopp of this land. If liberty, if justice, if sound and patri otic rule, are to be maintain ed and the many burdens of fixation are to be lifted from the stooping shoulders of the stooping shoulders of the people it must be mainly ac complished by the Press con trolled by the patriotic, true, honorable atid wise men, who have principles to main- tain, and cannot be allured from the right by threats, by power, by tests of any kind. The Demoiratic papers of North Carolina have done admirably and the real Dem ocrats have much ciuse to be thankful for their influ ence for good and their fidel ity to principle. Topic: Stand by your town, says a sensible e x- change. Not a dollar invest ed there but some good comes of it. There is tio fam ily like your family; there is no wifi like your ivife ; there should be no town like one's1 own town, where we live, ed acute iair children, on whose streets do our babies play, and where we may some day sleep. Let the newspaper stand by the towp and !et the business mf n stand by the newspaper, and let tis make our homes as famous as possible. Chamberlain's Ey and Skla Oiatmemt Is a certain cure for Chronic Bora Eyes, Granulated Eye Lid. Sore Hippies, Piles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head, 25 cents per box. For sale by druggUta. TO HOBSB OWHEBS. For putting a horse in a fine healuSj eta ditiofi try Dr. Oady'i Condition Fawders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure lose of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 29 cents per package. For sale by druggists. es30fle dodat pajs for tha Democrat one rear.

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