M ' I ' . oo:i: ATAl'-'iA COi'NTY, X. ('.. VIirilSDAY DIX'KM HllW V-K l.il. NT). 8. ,, "A'ASHINdTN !.' p .0 1: or ! . . .' 111 !; I r I . 1 . - w !. n but I i. to 1 . , t ii 1 f; (:n 1 . ! t III-i! ! .'! V! i:M: "T-. I, f;'i . - t, i Us linr-s ,. -. -v : i. r V v ' , I DC .- I - r llf v y raa J r " f r 1 ! ..' 1: -. .-' . Ire b-., -n, iCC U.i ; T " I y. .1 l'-- . - 1 v. : - 1 .- : w, r ;-: t - ' r f - .-. I' . V j:- t' -. v.. -1 1.. i ! r - .1 - i - 1 ti 'i 1 C l ... I I Deal , wii j" mm will '.'irt'j a p r li ji". -..autri. An.jr Kt once . Read and' V ii P.'ilowir.iv letter pivts you ; cf how the Policy Ilokl- i:s t t.-.e Equitable Life veil w'.tli tl.e result of thiir iiiv.iti iiit. GxFS-xvn r.F, S. C. :i 4, ;Co3. V. I K i vi Rod: It'll. S.C., I,r;ir iiir : - In irjily I youisifU'e rM't cf Jc'y. R'vii'K '"- rc-ulis f my To-.itiup IVluy ii t'li Ivjiii ::;::!, v. ii-.li s:-.y tliat I am iiuvetli.vi !, si.- l v.ith ilie roMilt. I Iisvj (l.i.-1'.lrd tu t.ii." tli? c:l-, siirrci.ilcr v:ilu? of Jr.y jrV.'jv. Let me kv.ow at o:'.co wh.it ti'.l. Iluvel ecn o! t of t - w l lor touic tiiiic. Vciv trillv, L. M. ;:o-,-,:x. Tlie fOon:.-T yea scour'? a x: Vy the Focnsr you wi'.l derive t;:e bent fit run! the lo: :i it will co;:t you. Write for fixts and fig ures to-uuy. Address V. J. R0DD1Y, Mnnn?er, For tli Ctralicar, Rodi I'ii:, 5. C. li:()VESSl()XAl. B. t'OUXril.L, Jk. ATTOltN'.V AT IiA X. I'OCMIO, X. C. Y. 11. COUXCILL, M. I), lioonc, N. C. Itnsidont IMiysiciati. Office on King Street north of Post Office. A710RXLY.U LAW, M.viriox, ' c -(G)- Will practice in tV co.trts ol WataiU' i.Ashc, Mitel U,M-Iknv-oll iiixl nii ithev mini' rs in tin1 western district C-ySjn in ntteii t-iou jiven to tha rollcetion ol IiiiniL'."fe2 W. B. Coiint iil M. U. T. C. Eliscl.burn. Ujoac, S. C. Zioiivilie, S- C Council! & Biacklmin, Surgeons. (If JiuiuiJU vorCiiUantleiuMl at all horns "it June 1, '9-. E. F. LOVILL. J. C, FLKTCIIEJt. LOVILL & FLETCHER ATIURM'A'HAT LAW, BOOXK, N. rj. tSrSpccial ni tration given to the colh-tlon ofchumsr&i. NOTICE. II ota Property for Sme. On account of failing health of mvwlf and wife, I orfer for sale my hotel projK'rtv in the town of Boone, North Carolina, and will tell low lor cash and make terms to suit tii;; buyer, and uiH take re,.l or pnsonal property in ex change. Apply ho'mi. W. L. I'UYAN. POa nTPPEPSTA, Tn(3!i','V"n, mii'I stojiiai'h rtior,l -T, Jure All decent keen li. pet "entitnehM - IiJ4UWl'? 1LJ.-. teaoiarli and crossed ivJ luwjua wruppur. ll I ill" ! 1st '-Muii of ('-:' -;vsn I! e (' d S important aUH'tld C.'T t if 11 Is t ! X 'tltt'd ' i' rt i( ! v and with rt'iii! 1:, .iii-Im am to '1 n e- :i':i'v annui'ini'iits m." will i nn !irt r:i!rs duty. I still Vi i v lt citlfiliv in f.i vo1' P: r 1 ' 1 -"iil si 1 hop Ti'i: t oAij sr;!i:!i! i.i: I 1U ,!,...!'.. . I I . , .111, I 1,1 ,! I. I i lindi r v i t iiir ::iri :i vat i. to v, f. ..very Jin ! t !( ! of iliff, - oiitial thiy in fiivor of iclintd f tiaar i tola n out of on:- t.:: i I. ..m . l... t ' U ll . II, l II M M l I III' 1,1 M '. . . , now ncco: (led tlio su;ar i'1 'fiiiiiii!; interest in our ta:iif laws, it still languishes to :!ie extent of closed refineries Hid t liousaii'ls of l:: clia! g( (l workmi'ii. if wouM wem to present a liopelcss case for icnsonaMe legislative ni;l. Whatever else is done o r omitted, 1 ';u lastly repeat hero the iccoinuiendation I have inad in oiuitlier por tion of this coiuinniii'-at'on, that the additional dnt of one-tent b of a cent jn-r j m ri ; ( laid upon FtiLvar imported from counties p n y i n g a Ixainty on its export We abrogated. It soeisis to tne that exceedingly iiaportant 'onsideratioiiS point to tin property of this amendment. "With the ad vent of a ir.nv tariff policy t ot only caleu latcd to relievo the con-inin-eiH of our land in t he cost of then' daily me. but fo invite a Wetter development of A merie:,.:i thrift and create for us closer and nu i" profitable eommci'cial relations w i t h therest of the world.it follown asa higieMl, imperative neces sity that we should 'fit once leinove the chief if not the only oWstncle which has so long prevented our pnrrieipa Hon in the foreign carrying trade to t he sea. FKEE SHIPS ''A tariff Wuilt upon the tlaory that it is well to cheek imports, and. that a home market shouh' Wound the in dustry and effort of Ameii can produces, was fitly sup plemented Wy a refusal to id low American r gistcry to vessels Wuilt abroad, though owned and navigated by our people, thus exhibitinga will ingness to abandon idl eo 'i test. ror the advantges of American triitLs-o'-eariio car riage. Our new tat iff poli -y, built upon the theory tlnit it is well to encourage such im portations as our people need, and that our products and manufactures should find markets in every part of the habitable globe is con sistently supplemented Wy the greatest possible lilieity to our citizens in the owner ship and navigation of ships in which our products and manufactures may We trans ported. The millions nov paid in the foreigners for car rying American passengers find products acioss the seas should be turned into Ameri ean hands. Shipbuilding, which has been PUOTUACTED TO STRANGULA TION, should be revived Wv the , .,rto , Mfi. rie. H t nblo em- niiwvv j-.-- t.it :,i act 1 .(- .! - 1 . 1 lit li ; ; 1- .! .v..;. Il'l i - v i'. t -1 i. r i -'! !i I H sr.H iii 1 ,1 IV t! !. n ! 1 . U'' !ll'l flit rv.il' n i: Iin ;- !nii di i ur Am' 1 r i to . 1 . 'i I A al'i 0. nl ;il.l iiAH'i! liv Aiiuicuis nj";irs i:: tin li;:lit ct fi.'Miit cdiiiiil i.iii.- t linlv til !n ;l t;ii!llli for in' n -an r a KKI.IC Of IIAI:l!A!:IS.f than anytliii. r tliiit exists .! in or the M'nnision of a . , . . . I Ll . . istatuto of thi' I iilti'u ,S!at I earnestly ict'ounuoud its prompt repeal, rut: su rkt.vky's financial srnLMi:. The Secretary of the Treas ury presents in his report a scheme, modifying the pres ent banking laws and pro viding for the iss'ie of circu lating notes by STATE hanks free from tax ATI ON, u n d e r ertain limitations. The Secretary explains his plan so plainly and its .ad vantages aft' developed by him with Siich remarkable, clearness that any effort on my part tr pres"iit- nigu nient iii its support would We superfluous. I shall, t hc-e-loi e, conti nt myself with an unqualified endowment of f h e Secretary's proposed cirrigesin thelaw and a bi i f and imperteet statement of their prominent features. It is proposed to repeal all laws providing for thod( osit of United States bonds as security for "irculat ion; to permit Xational banks to issue eiiciil iting notes not exceeding in amount 75 per cent, of their paid up and nnimpared capital, provided they deposit with the (5ov ei nment as a guarantee fund in, United States legal tender n otes including treasury notes of lh'OO. a sum equal in umoant to '0 per cent, of the notes they desire to issue this deposit to be maintained at all limes; but whenever any bank retires any part of its circulation a propor tional part wf its guarantee fund. shall We returned to it; to permit the Secretary of the Treasury to prepan and keep on hand ready for issue in case an increase in circula tion is de-si rod blank Xnt ioiial Wank notes for each Wank having circulation, and to repeal the provisions of the present law imposing limita tions and restrictions upon hanks desiring to reduce or increase the i r circulation, thus pel mittingsuch'increase or reduction within the limit of 75 per cent, of the capital, to lie quickly noide as emer gencies arise. In addition to the guarantee fund teqnired, it is proposed to provide a safety fund lor theimmediate redemption :f thecirculating notes of failed Wanks, Wv im posing i small, annual tax, say per cent, upon the av erage circulation o f each Wank until the fund amounls to 5 per cent, of the total cir culation outstanding. Wle-ii a Wank fails its gnu ran toe 1 TV : 1,. i,i I i, . - ' i ..-' ty :);: 1! i" t .ir . ii 111 ll:. j ': S :'! 1 - :n-iiii'.l, 1 ; v t of - I'li-.l iil v ! he in i'li-: (-.,! 1! " f ii j f ; . t i.ViiiV.l-!.- . i ii,.- iiii'ii. (T.itf ly Inpic.- tn'atf.l Iiy tin- !. c::s!: a-s ts ot s.iiJ 1 m:i s -i:ii', iiu l i'linir t!n for it tli.--i- slionl I lie , in i l itions A In fovi-ri;- in -i.' tu l i : nt sii-li i ii pan iiit'ii t j iiimi t , wcrcall iipiT ntiy tnm i:.k!i jr"oil liv i'lorata locint coul'l ili siic, ami 1 1 - ;hS sMimit .niior.y; t h otln-r j I'nnncial rcfo'iimcmlatioiis i-!!:ks, tl'.i ir coi.fr:liiitioi M;( ii;itiot h f oU v umlt'i'stood i coi-stitiiiir.; a tiir Iii n upon , until oonsiili-ri'ii in roniicc- to;t!.i" a?i ts ,f tlic faili-il hank in fa voi ol 1 1 . cont i ilmt in--j War.fcs. Aa fur! !i"t-si ri!i it v it )iit"iiip';lti d that the tiiiT ptovision, living thojndi rm.il u t.i;:.: l hold ts i ; to I", the bank's he . i i o' t he sto-! ret ain"d a ml "bto luoss on ilCCoUi'.t of notes is to 1 its circulatiier will be the result of those li te made a first mancial recommendations it lictl oe, ail it. assets purpose of meiting the e-j pense of print iug notes, ofii cialrinier vision; Cfim -el la t ion findo'hei like clnirges. there shall bo imposed a tax of say V, per cent, per annum upon the average amount of notes in circulation. It is further provided that there shall be no national b nkuoten issued of a K-s denomination than 1 (); i !i iteaeh Xational bank except in the case of a failed bank, shall redeem or retire its notes in the first instance at its own office or at agen cies designated by it and that no fixed reserve need We maintained on account of de posits. ''Another very important feature of this plan i the ex- j, Miiption of State banks from xatioii Wv the U. S. in ease wlwn' it ij shovn to the sat isfaction of the Secretary of the Treat-iffy and Comptroll er of the Currency Wy banks claiming such exempt ion tha t they have not had outstand ing their circulating notes ex ceeding. 75 per cent of their paid npand and unimpaired capital that their stockhold ers fire individually liable for the redemption of their circu lating notes to the full ex tent of their ownership of stock; that such banks have kept and maintained a guar antee fund in United Spates legal tfnder notes, including treasury notes of 1800, equal to oO per cent, of their out standing circulating notes when presented at their prin cipal or bi '.inch officers. "It is quite likely that this scheme ;uay be useiullyamen ded it) some ol its (frtails but I em satisfied it furnishes a hnsia for very great improve ment in our present banking find curienc.y system. 'T conclude this communi cation, full y nppreciat ing that the responsibility for .all legislation affecting the peo ple of the United States rests upon their Representatives in Congress, and assuring them that , whether in ne-.-or-(iance with recommendations I have made or not, I shall be glad to operate in perfect ing any legislation that tends to the prosperity and welfare of the country, Signed (Jhovku Cleveland." Executive Mansion. Washington, 1). 0. Dec. 3. '9-t. Woni i n You 're t he ti rst t rn m p seen about here all summer. Tramp Yes, ma'am. I always was noted tor my enterprise and push. Harlem Wife. NO m i.'i'fViT WT ' , ' ! ..V l'l.-i'li'iit 'I'-vd in I w:is mort ;it'.'!itivly listfiii'il 1o tli in tii it M-nt in toil.ty. Tl.' 'tion witli Si cn-tary 'nrli.!i's animal ivport, to Wo sent to l.'oimioss to-niorrow. lii'-ii exis-'eantaius t If details of the plan for reform of the cur !-;rei!cv ('f he count iv which the President so strongly en dorsed in his m "ssage. What i' or thejwiil be imp issible to say nn- tii the sentiment ot the dem ocrats has had time to We conie apparent. Speaker Crisp looked quite as good untitled when he rapped the House to order as he could possible hnv looked hud a maj jiity of the House been us fortunate as himself in getting re-electfd, and his own re-election of the pi'iikership Ween assured. Indeed, the most noticeable feature on the democratic side of the House, aside from the entirely too numerous empty chairs, was the pre vailing good nature of those who were defeated ' 1 a w t month. If the repuWlicans expected to see an array of long faces they were disap pointed. There have boon i numWer o f informa! conferences o f democratic Senators and Ue presentativesf or the purpose of discussing the probability of reaching an agreement on a programme for the s"ssion, a: il there is some talk of holding a joint .caucus and requiring evf rv uian who at tends to pledge himself to stand bv whatever program me the e.Mi'T.s adopts. 1 f phHigert could be secured from a sufficient number to control both House and Sen ate that wcuid be and excel lent idea, but it is certain that there fire six or more democratic Senators w Ii o would not pledge themselves. lake numerous other fake stories, that asstrting that President Cleveland was of feuoed with Admiral Walker because of the report lie made on affairs in Hawaii, has been disproved in a strik ing manner b y. the official order placing Admitvl Walker-at the head of the Light House Hoard, a position that is considered by Xavnl officers one of the most desirable un der the government. The President seems to have n special liking for this method of knocking out silly stones. It is much Wetter and far more convincing than a stereotyped denial. Treasury officials take no stock in the stories that Con gress will refuse to appropri ate the money needed to put the income tax into opera tion, for the very simple re: son that there are -no morel p.i i -ii opponents u mat taxin eon er Senate o r House than 1 :;-.t of the t.. ii:itt c. i ; ll Ills O! T ; .1 i;ol 1 in prevent its b leg the t.u ili Will. the.V o'l taiiipj, .aunot prevent fin appropri ation to put it into effect. There is reason, too. for the Weliel that Senator Hill, who led the fight against the in come tix in the Senate, will not only ref ise to aid in try ing to defeat the appropria tion hut will hbnself vote for it. as he is on cord a op posing any and .-ill attempts o unharras officials Wy with holding Appropriations as! -ed for, to be used in carrying out existing laws. Ih'piesentatv.? Cooper, of Ula., thinks the proper way to fill the olli ( of po.itrnas tei is to have him elected Wy providing Mierefor. lie is al so strongly in favor of the adoption of some system of currency reform that will give the needed e'a ticity to our currency, either that propose ed Wy Secretary Carlisle o r something pise upon which a majority can get together, and of a Will providing for the building of the Xicargua ca nal. He says that if he could have his way he would make this session ot Congress, short as it will be, memora ble in the history of the dem ocratic party. It's a, pity there are not more demo crats of the same mind. Although nothing can be taken. there Is little room for doubt that the subcommit-' tje wh'ch went to Cleveland, Ohio, to investigate charges against Judge Ricks, of hav ing appropriated fees proper ly belonging to the govern ment to his o vn use, will in its report to the Judiciary Committee of the House take the ground that the charge was proven, in fact, virtually admitted by Judge Rickp himself. It is thought that the quest ;on o.' whether im peachment proceedings shall be instituted w ill We left for the full committee to decide. The commit tee wi'.l make its report to the House before the holidays, unless some thing not now7 expected shall prevent, and it is expected to favor impeachment. The sugar scandal has raised its ugly head again, and the same democratic? Senators whose nataes were most conspicuously smirched during the preparation of tin1 sugar schedule of the tariff bill are again figuring' in the rumors in a manner that is decidedly unplensantto dem ocratsgenerally, howeve-' th? ratio of Senators may look at the matter. Many demo crats are in favor of settling this business for good and all by just putting all eugur on the free list. in Chic: go. Mrs Fourth ilow do you like your new husband? Mrs. Second (with disap pointment) Well, he's some improvement cm the first. Mrs. Foirth (encouraging ly) Don't despair, my dear I lelt just as you do aWout it- i... l ... i ,. i u cue ur-gnnnn- i.-n I v ree Press.

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