1 .,.. ,.v- y: ;' 1 1 I.., '" ' V ' r " ;" I VOL 7 COUNTY, NY C,, TOUKSt)AY : MAECH 21.1895, no; 2 -);.. ... r LETTER. Troni our Bcgxilar ConapontieLt ".' V.''''' 1 ,' -.. ... It is fortunate foi the .coon try that thepresent ndminiH tration is frw from jingoism. If it were not ' thfre v:)nld be "ii Certainty of an itumediate tariff wftrherwcen.'fhe United States a the .'countries " which 'have followyd the lead of Jermany j n excluding American' cattle and meat. professedly on li y gi e n i c on uds, "a lid p;iave danger . t)f war of a more murderous nature. Alt hough Secrctnr- '.'ies Gresham and Carlisle have heen confined -to Iheir homes, by sickness foi . the ' greater part of the IukI week ', they have not escaped the ' pressure brought to bear on them Sy the jingoists, to rei taliate upon those nations , (Jermany, Frame, Belgium, the Netherlands and. Den motk by' imposing the ten percent additional duty nu thorized by law upon all im ports brought to the United ' Htates in vessels sailing un- der the flag of a nation th'at discriminates against Ameri can products. -This m ny eventually be done, but there are several reasons why-the administration has iio desire to do it unless compelled ly circumstances. First, it is '-believed that a European 'combination has been form ed for the expiess p'urpose' of - trying to force a tariff war in order to cripple the rapid ly growing foieign trade f the United Staff; second, the Treasury is in no condition to lose the. revenue which must necessarily be lost by a tariff war with the countries named; third, the struggling business interests of this country could ill afford at this time the entire loss of the trade of thosft conii tries, WASHINGTON whi m would almost certain- ly follow retaliation on the part of this country, arid lastly, these countries all de clare that they are not dis criminating, but. are onlynct uated by a desire to preserve the health of their ritiz ns. Secretary Gresham believes .. i n exhausting diplomatic remedies before resorting to retaliation; but if retaliation - -is resorted to it will be car ried out thoroughly and in the end we shall not be los--.ersV ;' 1 The Rep'iblican editors who -f)ae jaaiiped on Secretary ' Gresham because- of his re ported efforts to get the gov ernment of Great Britain t6 ettle its boundry dispute ivith Venezuela by arbitra tion have simply phown their ignorance Every adminis tration since that of Presi dnt Arthur has endeavored to bring about this- nrbitrn tion, and in keeping up the effort Secretary Gresham is not introducing nnything new, but merely endorsing n policy which has been su pport ed by four of hi predecessors, ', Frelinghuysen, Byard, Blaine and Foster, and which is creditable to him in every re spect. ' . -There is common sense in the concluding words of n statement made by "Assist nnt Secretary Curt's. of the Treasury, denying the seiiya- tional statements .sent out from.. Washington About the Treasury, being cinbarrassed by .reason of delav in the de livery of the gold purchased by the late issue of bonds. Those words, which follow, are especially commended to those democrats . who are fond of getting their news from republican or assistant republic nlpapprs : " T lv e prosperity of the country will be hastened, when some effec tive method is formed xof check ing'these alarming nr-ti'-leswritteti by newspaper correspondents and news gatherers who are willing to sacrifice the truth and their own consciences if t hey ha ve any to create n cheap sensa tion, and phiy upon the feel ings of .an. ;i!rendy over wrought public." -Chairman Sayers, of t he House Appropriation com mittee, closes his nnalysi" of the appropriations made by the Fifty-third Congress Aitli the following'-Tohavecheck ed the biennial billion dollar pace set. by the Fifty-first Con gress is an achievement in itself. To have done not on ly 1 hat, but to have reduced ihe appropriation of theCou gress below the billion mark is a triumph vast in its tiro portions and significant of a let urn toeconomical and hou est government." The first fight in the ranks of republicans of the Fifty fourth Congress, is. already on, the principals being Reed and Cannon. The row began over the Crisp complimenta ry resolution adoptvd by the last House. Mr. Cannon ask ed Mr. Reed to offer that res olution and when he declined said he would do il hiniH-ilf, and ht did. He also made a Pew "ittinK remarks to Reed .1 a. I.:. .1 . 'Pi... about his churlishness. Tru ro w has grown -since then, and although Reed's election to the Speakership seems as sured, Cannon is sa'd to be engaged in raising obstruc tione't hereto and to be not without hope that a combi nation can be formed to beat lii ii Ex Speakf r Crisp, who is a silver man and one of the commissioners who willoto the monetary conference, if there be one held, says: I have been greatly encourag ed by recent indications of a change of sentiment in Eu rope toward silver, and I have strong hopes that if an other confeience shall beheld practical results may be ob tained. I would rejoice to sec thenilver question elimina tion from the Presidential campaign. Charlotte Observe.-: The Sena tors did avwy worthy thing last Saturday night in presenting Lieutenant Governor Dougbton with a silver service, and several of them made very nice speeches, political enemies as well as friends testifying to his unitorm cjurte sy, consideration, impartiality and fairness. vVe do not recall a case during the session ol excep-. tion to his ruling. In truth, Mr. Dough ton is an excellent man. He is a lair.minded man. a strong and level-headed one. who has fill ed the office of bieuttimnt Gov ernor with greet credit to himself his party and the State. THEaOWlUflG IXFAXY. , , Almost A Riot In the Hooset News .and Olwerver, ' A most disgraceful and des perate scene was enacted in ihe hall of the House of Rep resentatives last night. A burly negro, apparently act ing ..under the 01 der of the Speaker, stood at the inside door, and hclrT.it fast with both hands, refusing to al low either ingress or egress. He was acting asdoor keeper, and his purpose was-to pre vent Democratic members of the House liom leaving- the hall. Captain R. B. Peebles, mem ber from Northampton,, and Mr. Lee, member from Hay wood, came ti the door, and finding their way barred by the negro, demanded to-be let out. The negro refused, and a'struggle ensued, which came near producing'n iiot. Several negroes standing by rushed t- thejissistunce of the negro door keeper, while other by-standers took a hand in. aid of rapt. Peebles and Mr. Lee. About eight or ten people became involv ed in a violent struggle and surged back and for th in the House, some trying to pull Capt. Peebles back m, while others tried to open the door ami push him out. Fortu nately t tie door flew open and heSvas released from his position. Had notthestrug gle terminated quickly, it is likely that a serious not would have resulted. Thus the record of this leg islatnre closes with the crown ing infamy of a burly negro door-keeper using physical violence on Representatives of !ha halls of the Legisla ture. Never before has the State been brought to su' h depths of humiliation and infamy. Not even in the darkest night of Reconstruction was the black hand of the Afiican laid upon the shoulder of men whom' the people sent as their representatives. What is the purposeot this infamous violence? " Is it to provoke blood shed? ... Is it to solidify the negro by degrading and insulting the whites? Was it a conspiracy spawn ed in the afternoon caucus? Why did the House refuse to have a white Confederate soldier as door-keeper and elect instead a burly negro? Why did the General As sembly refuse to adjourn in honor of Washington and Lee and yet adjourn in honor of Frederick Douglass? Why was a negro selected last' night to use physical violence on white Represent atives? .There is some infamous purpose in this dinholicrfl rec ord. But it cannot be ac complished. We warn tha colored peo pie that they are being used to kindle a fire that cannot easily be extinguished. And we warn the white men who are using them tlmt a day of reckoning's coming. "We will appeal. toftesniv' paid Mr. Ray last, night. And there will lie no dmibt aboijt the verdict! " The South Earns Livlnj. New Vork Suu. , A Philadelphia'"contempo rary t'ins'tojdiscournge those of the.. people ot the north who would like to settle some where in the southern 'States. It warns them'that "the ter rible fevers of some parts of the South are far worse than Noi t hern '.blizzards," and that "There is danger that many persons may be per suaded intnsettliiig in places where debts, mortgagesand invalidism will be accumulat ed ns-Rapidly as in the North west."" Truly, indeed, a per son is liable to catch fever, or even fall into debt, any where, more f specially if he should settle m a fever-stiick en region, or should "bite off more than he can chew." But there are vast areas- in the Southern States which are neither sw.-impy nor malar ious; and we do not e? that there is any moie need of one's inruring obligations wlyhh hecunnot meet, in the South than in the North. We have never ad vised any body to iro South, even if he cannot get along elsewhere. We merely s iy that there is plemy of Mi-able land. in sev eral of the Southern States which r,an be got ''upon rath er easy terms, and that the new munufecturing indus tries of four or fiye of those States may, at times, afford go'od opportunities both to capital and labor. .No man should go to any part of the country about which he is wholly ignorant, for the pur pose of settling in it, and ev ery man should try to avoid any debt which he is unlikely tobeable to pay." A good proportion of mankind have a fair share of sound sense, and seine of them are very shrewd. The South has suffered less than the North during the past two years of hardness. Nearly all the people theie have been able to earn a liv ing, and some of thun made money. H AEEISOX HAS THE GRIP. Indianapolis, Ind., Mar. 9. General Harrison is confined to his bed at his home North Delaware street today from an illness which, though not alarming, is liable to develop serious complications. Last Sunday he t iok'a long walk about the city, and in the evening was attacked by sharp pleuretic pains that caused him much suffering. Ho, yielded to treatment read ily, but on Thursday a se vere attack of grip came with the sudden change in the weather. His physician siid today that while'the ex-president's condition is not serious, he must remain in bed for some days. Courier: A farmer near Man Chester, Tenn., suicided the other day because he was $9 behind in his church affairs. It the same ruie should work with delinquent subscribers t!) .1 newspaper, every com munity would bf thinned out to an alarming degree. But fortunately for the man who subscribes to a paper, he gen erally leaves hjs conscience at ease regarding the pay. The Monetary Contention. 1 he delegates appointed by the senate and house of rep reseii ta rives to the interna tional monetary conference are most excellent selections, some of them the very best that could have been made. Those of the senate are John W.s Daniel, of Virginia, Henry M. Teller of Colorado, and James K. Jones, of Arkan sas. Mr. Teller is a republi can ami the other two are democrats. Those of the house are Speaker-Charles F. ('risp, of Georgia, D. B. Cul berson, of Texas, and R. R. Hit t, of Illinois. The tw: former are democrats and the latter in a republican. But all of them are strong silver men. When the ap pointment of the senate dele gates came up the gold stand ard men insisted that' the sil ver members should put one anti bimetallist upon the del egation, but they refused to do so, and very properly we think; for in the fir'st.J plaee there is no use of sending a monometaliist to settle a bi metallic question; and in the jiext place it is highly prob able that Mr. Cleveland, in making his three appoint ments, will give all to the anti-silver nde of the question. It was proper, therefore, Tor the silver inemhi rs of the sen ate to appoint a full silver committee to represent that body in the conference. It was also proper for the house to appoint silver men to re present that body, for like the senate it, is for bimetal isni. When or where the confer ence will be held, or by whom it will be called, is not yet known. But it is presumed that, as both of the other conferences will be called at the instance of our govern merit, most, probably Ger many will fix the time and place for the next. The soon er it assembles the better it will be all around, for if that convention does not settle the monetary question it will be effectually settled in this country by the people in the election of 189G. Thise who never read the advertisements in their news papers miss more than they presume. Jonathan Keni son,of Holan, Worth county, Iowa, who had been troub led with rheumatism in his back, arms and shoulders, read an item in his paper about how a prominent Ger man citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured. He procur ed the same im-dicme, nnd to use his awn words: "It cur ed me rifjlit up." fie also says: A neighbor and his wife were both sick in bed with rheumatism. Their boy was ova- to my houe and said they were so bad that he had t c do th cooking. I told him of ('hamberlain's Fain Halm and how it had cured me, he prom red a "bot tle of ir and it cured them up in a week. Ftly cent bottles for sale by V. L, Bryan. Nashville, March 8. Col: A. K. McClure of Philadel phia, addressed a large and representative audience last night upon Southern devel opments and he needs ba the South. What th.; South ern States needed he snid, was p hold, frank and manly snppurt of sound money and an honest dollar. rs 53SH0E ISTHK MST. riTPO AKINfc 9. CORDOVAN, 3.ttPOUCE,330LU. LADIES' TViT .SCNOfOdCATALpeUC vw, vi- d o u a LAJS" 4W HCdVTnM Mill W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoe arc equally satisfactory . Tbajr f lv th bet viIim for th Min. They jual custoal hoM in tyl mui fit. -Thsir wearing qualltlM ara aitMirpaaMd. fhi prlcrfl ara uniform, timpad an tola, ram $f to j tavad ever otiwr mkea. 11 jroor dealer cannot supply you wt can. Sold by Dealer everywhere WftiiteaY agent to tike excluiive ulo for this tkIdUj Writs at once. . ; Docs Ibis I Hit You? I O - I . The management of the J J Equitable Life Assurance j; 9 Society in the nonnrrtnpnt ftf 5 JJ 4 the Carolinas, wishes ato se- 2 cure a few Special Resident 5 Agents. Those who are fitted g for this work willfind, this A Rare Opportnmty It is toot k, however , and those who succeed best in it possess character, mature judgment, tact, perseverance, and the respect of their community. Think this matter over care fully. There's an unusual opening for somebody. If it fits you , it will pay yo . Fur ther information on request. W. J. Roddey. Manager, Rock Hill, S. C S I'h'OFF.SSlOXAL W. B.COUXCILL, Jh. Attounf.y AT li.U'. Boone, N. C. W. B. COUNOILL. M. I)., Boone, N. C. Resident Physician. Office on King Street north of Post Office. J. P H0BP1IKV, A170RNEYA1 LAW, MARION, -.-'-N.C -(o)- Will practice in the courts ol Vfttuuga, Ashe, Mitclu II, McDow-, and all rther counties in the western district BSpecinl ntten tion given to the collect ion o' laiin?."&a W. B. Coimcill !H. I). T. C. Blackbnrn. II oo hp, N. C. Zicnrilie, N- C Councill 8c Blactliurn, &S-C:11s attended at all houtsrOSk June 1, '93. E. F. LoViLL. J. C. FLETCHEK. LOVILL & FLETCHER. AT10IlNhYSATLA BOONE, N. C. tSP Special attention giveu to the colletion ofclaimsr&L OSr-aboxlaln'i Sys and. 8kia Olatntat Is a rt4tin cure for Chronic Sore Dyta, Graaulsted Eyo Lie's, Bore KippW PiIm, Ectcma, Tetter, Salt Kheuru aud Scald Hoaii, 5 cents per box. For talo by drugglstt. TO U0S8U0W1TBSS. For putting a hone in a n beclthy con dition try Dr. Qadfa Cord it ion l'owden. They tone up th mtem, aid digestion, ear loss of appetite, relieve constipation, oorreel kidney disorder and destroy worms, giving new Lfe to an old or over worked harae. 25 cecU per package. For ale by droggfrU. FOR DYSPEPSIA, IndlKratlnn, and Stomach dlmrlnn, take BHOWXH IRON BI'lTKIU. AH delcrt keea It, SI per bottle. Genuine baa taado murk anil croaaed red uneeon wrapper. WL.DOUCLA! TV u .