r ' : i J1 i La , ; 7 r .; it-" t - J r VV V0L7 WASHINGTON LETTER. Frost oar EajaU: Csrresponrtant. - President Cleveland a u d Secretary (ireshau. are hav ing as much trouble with the influential jmjro element in "the United States as with the Pandora's box of applica tions which has been dumped upon the Department ' of State. The jinjroists can see no excuse lor Spain not hav ing .'made, the apology de- nianded (although it is pnt- ent t o all cool heads tint t he delay in caused by the change of minister) and would like to see the Presi dent, snid a flet. over to seize (,'uba at once. The same hot heads also inter- pret the Monro""doctrine to mean that the. United States should attack (heat Brit ain, if that "ouimy carries out its threat to eo npel Nic aragua by force to accede to its demands. Fortunately for the country ii"it her the President, nor his cabinet has-any touch of the jingo fever; consequently- the num erous foreign complication are being handled in v bnsi ness and common sent-e Way. No further demand will be made upon Spain until its new ministry has been given ample time to reply to that already mad-; then th; de- inand will be renewed in n tear that will neither briny the apology by cable, or wai . As to the Monroe .doctrine: President Cleveland does mt interpret that, doctrine to mean that this country will prevent a European power from assist itig upon honor- able, and proper treatment in its dealings with the coun tries of Central and South America. President Cleve land thinks it was originally intended by President Mon roe to insure fair play for the comparatively weak coun tries of South and Central America, and to prevent the absorption of their territory by European -nations and Ambassador Mayan! h a s been instructed to inform the Hritish government that the United States would main ain that construction of the doctrine. The general be lief heie is that Great liri t ain was making one of her usual bluffs in dealing with weak nations when she threat ened to bombard the Nienr agunn seaports if her de inands were not acceded to by a specified date; but should that threat be carried out there is a wide diffem.ee of opinion as to whether it would be icgarded by this country as a violation of th Monroe doctrine, with the majority in the affirmative. . The only unfortunatething about Secretary Gees-ham's demanri for the recall of Uim Hawaiian minister, because of his repeated violations of diplomatic etiquette, is that it has re-opened the whole tiresome Hawaiian question. The U. S. is on the eve of a diplomatic ,yictor.y in the controversy With Germany over its -laiiu that American cattle were diseased and we-e solely for that reason shut; out. of Germany, and the pro hihition is expected to bt BOONE, ' WATAUGA COUNTY, X. shortly removed, the German go vern men t h a vi ng been con vinced of its error. Wheu'lier many removes the prohibi tio.n, the other European countries which followed her in adopting it will do the same. This victory will bear testimony to the wisdom of President Cleveland in refus ing to order tariff retaliation against the countries which slnt out our cattle. One of the busiest bureaus of the government just now IIs tl,!lt Internal Revenue Secret a ry Ca rlisle ha s ha d t wo i-jei Ks irom orner nurenns ro assist in handling theincome tax returns, which are pour ing in by every moil. Already- it is apparent, that the estimates of the receipts from this tax, made while it was hefo re 'C5 ingress, were very much too low. The returns are required to be made by April, 15, with a penalty tor failure, but th--. tax is not due until .Inly 1. next. Not withstanding that more than 40.00() has already I ce paid in. l ...I. . e . . i i It is nowaliout settled that a new treaty concerning the Bering Sea seizures shall b negotiated between the Uni ted Statesand Great Britain. It lVniiderstond that Sis Ju lian Paunce fote, th British Ambassador, assisted by Sir Char'es Tapper, minister of marine and fisheries foi Can ada, ami other Canadian of ficials will represent Canada, and that the ' negotiations are to be carried on in Wash ington. Secretary Carlisle has just returned from New York. where he weni" to meet his son who lias been to Europe for his health, and incident ally to give a little personal attention to several official matters connected with the Federal offices under his de part meat in that city. The Secretary has entirely recov ered from his own indisposi tion, although he still shows the effect k of the hard am continuous work he did dur ing the past winter. Good Tines Coming. Richmond State, -Hon. I. Taylor Ellyson, one of the mast astute business men in Richmond, and one of the most cautious of men in his statements, gives it as his deliberate opinion that t h e country will now haveat least two years of prosperity. He belitvcs that the new era will begin with an active busi ness during the spring mos., and thai thebusiness of the year will be very satisfacto- 'y. It is the first time since the panic began tha Mr. Ellyson has seen daylight's head and the first time that he hns-Mr like advising his friends to in vest their money. But he be lieves that the danger line has been crossed and that the way is now dear. Those who krio what ex cellent judgment Mr. Ellyson has uud who know how eoii servative he is in all hisstate ments and predictions, will take comfort in this word of encouragement, and we give it proiniuence because we huve taith in the mun an'J in his predictions. Beware of Tiieiu. Stfcesyiile Landmark. The Savior of mankind when on earth warned the people to beware of the false prophets win) come to you in sheep's clothing but inward ly are ravening wolves. 'IM . . i litre neer was a rime in the history ol the world when this warning needed more to be heeded than now not on ly in matters Higions but matters po'itcul. And we say unto you now, beware of i nose wno come to you in politics in the guise of "re form." It was this self-same cry that swept the Democracy of North Carolina off its feet last fall, n"d behold the re sult ! Those who cried re form in sheep's clothing proved to he ravening wol ves. In the ityand State of A l I New York thecry of'refonn" fond resounded. D.-mo-rats heeded tin song of the siren and vofed for Republicans Under the specious plea of "reform,'' and Ihe wolves in sheep's clothing swept the citv imd State. Now here the .New York Evening Pant, the organ of the mugwumps and the reform cro.vd : We pointed out at the be ginning of this session of the Legislature thai-, if the ie forms which the people voted tor last fall were defeated in the Legislature the conse quence would be the return to power of Tammany im plies, including, of course, David B. Hill. Now e ents are moving that way more rapidly than we had conceiv ed to be possible. T'le Leg islatuieis more subservient to Piatt, more deaf to public opinion, more brazen and ni re unwholesome than we had ever imagined. Ah! ha 1 and ha! ha! Be ware of the lying hypocrite who asks your suffrage on 'the plea that he is a reformer, and fiee from him as you would from a pestilence. Tle WithnEiigTaTid". The Monroe doctrine will have to be asserted if Eng land or any Euiopean Power attempts to get a. foot hold on this continent. It is to be hoped in the interest of hu manity and of the peace and prosperity of our own land, that no complications will re sult jn a war between the U. S. and any foreign Power. A ttar with England especially would be most deplorable. Our people speak their Ian gnageandaredescended from them to a great extent. "We ne brethren." To be embroil ed in a war with Great Brit ain over Nicaraugua would lie inex' usable on the part of the nation causing it. Butth . United States have rights. have-mVerest at stak- a ml l he Monroe Doct rine must be enforced as no foreign conn try can he allowed to menace oni supremacy or to in anv way endanger our existence. England has no right to Ven uela that warrants t h e seizure of territory and if it does it there will oe a war or a reti-at. England makes a deirnnd that it will beinipos sible for Venezuela to meet. A seizure of teriitorv wll fol low perhaps Will the bully iing business succeed, pass tin challenged? Messengr. THUKSDA Y VICTIMIZED BY AN OLD ROUUE. Woodstock, Va., March. Farmer Helsey,a prosperous young man, rode into Edin burg yester.1at& urd' hitched his horse in front of Holts man s Hotel. A few minutes later an old man jame a round the corner and, seeing the horse, deliberately nnhs tened the saddlu and disap pea red with it. Farmer Ilel- sey.an hour later, mounted his hors. ban back, and set out to capture the thief. He over-t .ioK him four miles from town. The aged offender ac knowledged that he took the sad lie and Jiad sold it for two dollars. "If vou don't believe me," slid the old man, "I'll go back with you and prove it. Hut I shan't walk, he added ."Well, get on tbe'iorse ;Ud I'll walk," said Farmer Ilel- sey, alighting. He was pleas "d at the tlioug!iiof handing the thief over .to the authori ties. The old man stiaddled the animal, .and Helsey stepped in front, holding the reins. They Started leisurely back to town. Tiie old man-enter taiued thevonng farmer with stori"s of the hardships he had emTuutered through 'if He had stolen I he saddle he said, solely because he need ed 2. He might have got more for it, but did not try. lie was so trunk and appar ently truthful that Helsey had half resolved to forgive him, when the old man sud denly applied his cane vigor ously to the horse's sine and the animal plunged off-wildl.v down the road, and disap pea red, leaving Helsey a vic tim f misplaced confidence, minus both saddle and horse He footed it back to town, and then a systematic search was made for the siged thief, which was kept up for twenty-four hours. He was cup ured to day at Whe.itfield, but had traded the horse for a $10 gun. During the night he broke into a distillery and made meiry. U'hen locke in jail here he' took things philosophically, and ( x press ed iiMiil'terences as to tvhat Ik came of him. He is six tv-five years old. 1 he officer who vaught him is seventy-five. Farmer Helsey recovered his property. Press and Carolinian: "Mi Clerk, enter a fine of fifty dol lars against Judge Bynuni' Judge John Gray Byimnfij.i d -Lwet-7TdJrisillg J Ifage Tim berlake on tin beie-h in the Superior Court at Morgan-n-uijast Sit urd. iy afternoon on a motion for continuance in a case" Judge Bynumhad insinuated that I licCourt had soaiething againsr htm on pt-rsoiial grounds did not like idni. Ju-ig Timberlake had sat perfectly motionless until tiie words were all ut tered and the "contempt' complete, when he made the above remarks. Judge By iiuiii attempted to say some thing turthur when Judge Timberbiki: s a i d : Take your seat sir!'' Thejnddent has created considera hi'4 gos sip. fi"Sut scribe for t'li.' Demo crat one year S3l i n APRIL 4 1 895, An Ontsido Oplulon of North Caroliua Dr. Clark Bell is the editor of the Medico Legal Journal, ot Xe.v York. All physicians and surgeons know who he is-kr.ow that he is one of the foremost men in the profes sion in the country. He will be remembered in Charlotte as one of the company of Northern physicians w h o made a tour of a part of the South last year and were banqueted at the Central ho teljin this city. Dr. Bell writes a letter t o a North Caro lina acquaintance, and from this letter the Observe! is permitted to make thefollow ing extract: "I regard JCorth Carolina now as the foremost. State in the new South. Texas is a lose second, and Georgia and Alabama next. I visited last year every Southern Stab' except Florida and Tennes see. "Your State is to be in the ront rank in the future. You lavenot the marvelous re sources 01 re.vas, uut vju iave ten times more than you use or recognize, and you ire near market, and the dood that is at the bottom if the civilization of North 'a'-olina is as good a n d sounlasanyin the nation: ind, what, seems to you lile i catastrophe, is like the working ot water at sea and all will come clear, bright, beautiful and healthy in due time." The allusion in the final claus is to the existing polit ical conditions. Who has paid the Old North State a liMidsomer tribute than the foregoing, and when? Charlotte Obser ver. Persons who sympathize with the afflicted will rejoice with 1). E. Can- of 12.1." fl -ir-rison street. Kanses Citv. He is an old sufferer from inflam inatorr rheumatism, but has not herei of ore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in consequence has had another alta-k. "It came upon him again very acute and severe'" he said: "My j ants swelled and became in flamed; sore to touch or al most to look at. Upon the urgent request of my mother in-law. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Halm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and tw m v n green hie sut prise, it d both, I have used thee fifty-cent bottles and ieve it to lie the fines! thing for rheumatism, pains 1 in j swellings extant. I or sale by W. h. Pryaii. i as 83 f s . Rift o s 8 . 5 s" I tili 10 K5g ' to i8 -Vy.L.doueLAS (IUT. A KINO. 9. COftftOVAN: fWHfc rririifri 1 1 n rmr. . mm: jm'SodSsa, IMN uver un million People wear tha W. L. Douglas $133 Shoes AH our shoes are eqiutty Satisfactory They gtv th bMt VUi for f Jlf money. They equal cuitom ehdeilttifeWe end fit. Tholr wearing qualities are unurpuied. The pricee are anifomfliitfedea tote. Prom J 1 to $3 laved over other makes. If your dealer cannot suspl tat yn can. Sold b Dealers evert where. Wmited. afentta take exclusive sale 'fbPiibls vlclnltr. Write at onec, ; r ... I f I '! uill(hlCi titit ' .... 01 1 1113 t qqciax 191 THe managejjit ft ( "the Equitable Llife jVsrance f Society in the riepartmeftt pf J Agents. Thos&WhbSft fitted 5 for this workd&ift-ifttfi this J A Rare Oppfljfgnity I . .. ii ..1 . 9 X It h jitfr, lioTOeven and those t who succeed beptirtifcliossesa 2 character, maturedwdflrment. $ tact, rrseveranc.infd the Think thiri matter over care- $ fully. Theres.ari unusual openine for s0meT)o'vT If it i fits you. it wilto Fur- j; therinformatroK ttfVeli uest. I! W. J. RodfldyJ'WiWr, o Rock HIM.' I !i")IIIH VROFE$SLQ&l. w. d. ATT0RNAff!jll'v. '.BddhN. C. Milt I'lilt W. Ii. COUJf-te'lM. D. tesi.V .if PliirlM" Officn on King Street' nWWif Post Ofiice. 1 ftu vOif t 1 AnOIlMyY1MMY, UATUON, iLi.i.tLti.-ls.c 10a iroi.i Will practice in tJie.CAurts of Vataugn, A.sh,Mftcli0fcDow a nd all itherncrtijirti in the western district SWpcoifd atten I0." to trte-i?lllTtion ' lauiiK. : ' M 1'Clt W, B. Cornclll M. 1ft WOcBJjiekbiira. Uooue, X. C. t jZipl, N. C. Councill &i Biacfeiiiirn, Physicians & Surg&ons. tCalls atttnWd flit all honrs.'m l'"' ' ,fi June 1, '1)8. ! :i l h tiniti (3. F. LOV1L1 Jik-W'SfJ-ClIEH. 'I L. Oi!''. U Ilk AT10IlNhUTM &-Speciah)ktfinfltilgiveu to the ('olletioii otckiims." Iv-iYTniuu Jhamber'aia'a Eya and Bkln plntmaat Is a certiia cure l&r1 vliroiiic Bdte Evea, fji?.ni'.k?ad Eye Lids, gore Nivalts, Pile, Ec:. nn, l etter, Salt Eheum and Scald Head, 25 cuiij per box. Bdr ale- by ttniisU. For pnttinfr a horse ki a Ijm bccttiy con dition try br. My V CoTiflirion Powdem. They toue :p the np,;apdiiTon, enro of appc'.it?, rolk-ye constipation, correct lc!dn?y dtsordere anadtstfoy Hm, giinf new life to an old or or wprtaL fcprse. 25 cents per package. " Forsalcoy druggista. I Miiio-i FOR rffBtipATi!i'' Indlmrtlnn. and ,-4omacb dlmrdmlaka bruwji h taun avtmmsr All dealers keen It, Umr bottle, (.enu'nfha ' aae mart ana cripqaiftj) kmrmMsl 1 llftl? Hit 3 )wy? ) It io

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