2 a j. . 4. . .... 9.: 4. - . ft r I I. H.l -ff tV.'t i (.. . i Hil l ai v.l.i'.n. "if (I ?A tif :r,'.n,l I X n BUBSCBlPTION KATES VThe Watauga Democrat. lSul 1'jJ,gU nan, and, we all 0 months .0,..,.., v. ' v,.. ' A. mouths "a& w,Mh'or h,n trl'' to V Sltt IBINO RATEH. . . . , , a (MM...;:;;:........ 1.76 3.00 0 " 4.iit;5.po 1 .V0flt,...l. ...... ...A..... iQO olumn 1 week'.. 0.00 wly..'........;.:....5000 wintered flt the Postofficekt tfoorie, " N. C, as second-class 'mail matter. ; '4 , , - LOCAL NES. The wheat crbp'on' Cove i;reeK iooks unusually pros perous. , ; , r-AttlirneylS. S. Coffey is ? lurt'Ht tending Bakersville ,court Miss J. Jennie ( 'offey, of Boone, is on a visit to But leri'Tenn. T-olonel and Mrs. Geo. N. Folk, ulter spending eeveinl days here, have returned to Lenoir. - , . t-From the amonntot bus iness before ti.e (J rand Jury "last week, we may expect a -. full docket at our nsxt term oJ court. -T(vii. l 1,1 -Miss Maggie Lovill'will . ' Hitetid the summer at W. R. Lovill's, her orother,nnd will -St frmter. the Female College it flpMiiialtrtrrt thiM full' (. l. ti . ;uuiiviii . una inn i cm w v "v. r- i - . m m m . m mr mm u T. m a - - , laenca uuouc compieiwi. i ne ri.i'wtiat subsribers by for Ct' p natersand paper .hSnwWftafii, ahli farther disi-Us- tcrfti itsrn nywjaittiionfluwfryon questions, ' motl fr f;i ' W!W'! " y?t- Mm ft a w-i m a .T"n-j ': The floll.v Spring Col at Butler,. IViiil, closed its " es.xi.iny.esterda.v. TheBchool i tat'tilyW'will dose.jt8eiHioii IliiVt U'llub . "I "tj i . ... . ., : re county commission- . ei wfie in sengion oh Moiv- da and Tuesday .of this : 'week, and made a final settle metit with ex Sheriff ;lilfrdj 1 1 'Ifr, John. L: Cottrell, of " Wilketiliojo, wlio recently jre 1tJ.L.l""iLil r..u'.:''lt luiueii iryiii iiiCiAuiiee ui Ph.vsirianV a ml fturgeruis. H Haltrmore, Md.,, Was in tiiwn thisneek.' ,-rLittle ti'Uift, daughter of N! N.olyard,, had the in is fortuiit! (. toii-fliet a painful wound in her fool; on lant Sunday evening, by jumping on a piece of broken glass. .1 i. --fn tur next issue will ap pear an obituary of t-onshjei able length on theaiejne i '. Browu. of ; johnsopi .(county, ... Teua. .Sorry we could not get it iu this issue, i : . . .... r-We are sorry, tp wiipbunce , that our popular physician, v":' Dr.;;L:';C;ihi;ve, will leave us ati'dVinove '".fA Blowing Roetc. . The Ui . wil' be grea t ly'iiiisaed by our ebpl here, Pile ore that is being.ta ' i.ii' froiri 'the . tunnel of the . iitiitlfatheit silver mine is i ih in both gold and silver. Tiie only queWtiou now is,i.it large noqgh to payv 1 - More , work will be-'dtne to drive through the shaft; r . Tithes are most evident . ly"imprXyihjl.'J.e8slW lives, near '.the . Boone and Blowing Rok turnpike, on ' Middle Fori hasj gone' into a general .'.merchantile busi ,. ..liess nearhis residence. If yViU t(ht goods henj( of course heMI seir'e'm ' 'that wayi 0b" ' .. j early.apd avoid thei-ush: ' ' m r- 4 i.....n... w t LoviH boarded the train at Elk . Park for Thlef Ri ver -Falls, Minn., where lie is loca ted -.in the service of Uncie Sam. The t-Apt.ean boast f of as mnnv friends in Wntaii. his far oR piHt of dat.v. -0. JfGoaWill, with sev enil .hands,' is now at ork maKiiix 8mie much- needed impiovernen(s on the Bkiw itg Reck Hotel property.' Tjhe building is being re fur tilshed from top to bottom, tfndlbe present or liens, Coun vi II and Taylor, will ha Ve it ready for."sunimer' bonlrders by the time the season opens. J uty Collector R. L. Couneill seems to be some what improved ti health and we hope ere long to see him ngn in a ble to a t tend to the duties of his offlce.-Tlis res ignation was tendered to Col lecter Carter some time hince oh abcount of failing heulth. but was not: accepted. Dick has made such an efficient and popular officer that Ihe Collector is loth to' give him up. The reform Judge Tim bei'lake, never reached here until Tuesday of last week, thereby incurring an expense of near 3(K) which has (o.be paid by the tax-payers of Va tauga county. ; He opened court on Tuesday, but on WerfnSilay he took a violent tooth jache and court was adjournal without - single case on the Civil. d(i;.kethe ing'tried. We again' repeat. great U Reform. r S hiiVi lost two of our 1 iii'kafn'tit'Sr.l-'ai'ihai.iKur-u tr- through the- columns of the Democrat. Wfl-ohJy jlreftte4 tlie offended "ohef m We hnve treated rnany others just d id not pu bl ish thei r a r t icles. It ishatdjopleaseeverybody in;Ttttining a pa perl A, Our in tetjoijiehave a I :wjr been to try to iicV fairly h all men but some of them can't see , hense the trouble. VAllen A. Hols-law wants fun Jo note the followingand JftifitMiereby: Ladies, remember von Hti 0t 6 Ulfef pebble grained bu0il(fmoes for $ I, cash, al- s.Q,iftn0f , hats chea p at my Gentlemen, you can get a pair of fine Cong, shoes for $ 1.20easli, a I; my store. You will find a nice line of straw goods o all kinds at prices to suit the tunes at my store. Farm rs, you tan get five good hoes fo $1. at. my store. You will find a large lot of good family medicines of all Kinds at my store. Good Rio coffee 25c. nice white sutrar at 6c. 6 lbs. so da for 25c, rice at 6'cts. and in fact anything you want cheap at my store. Wanted at once, 400 dor. eggs at 8 cts. per doz., also all kinds of roots and herbs will be bought at the highest mafket. prices this season' at Allen A. Holsclaw's store, Sit verstone, N. C. Acting through the blood. Hood's Hareaparilla not only ctlreJsfecrofnla, salt rheum, etc., but gives health and vigor to toe. whole body. Theie.has been a suit be fore Judge Starbuck over the State Librarian at llaleiuhV The man who the legislatui-e appointed sued the: present incumbent for possession but the court decided tnat the old officer holds over; that.' the new Librarian was not legal It elected by the Legislature. TMacosG i goes to the Supreme airt. , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. The dispa tehee ays that "the wages of . 250,000 per sons in New England Reread yaiud yofuntarily Inst week' and' that "the manufacturers are .swamped with orders" tell tin .'eloquent tale of the improvement in general bus iness.' All the great line of trade feel the effect tff the re-, viva.l. In the woolen,' cotton, rubber, -straw goods, and boot ' and shoe industries, something like a boom has come within thb past few weeks'.,, - The iron and steel manufactories are beginning to sljow nn activity such as was absent for the past two years, rms is, tne report which conies from all the prominent manufacturing lo- ealities in New England. Whut is true of that region is true in a greater or 'ess de gree of the situation through out the whole country; The great manufacturing centers of course, are the first to feel the effects of any sharp change inbusinessconJitiotis favorable as wel! as unfavor able, and this consideration makes the Mew England situ ation valuable as a business barometer. The panic struck that locality before it did the rest of the country, and it is hit earlier tfilso by the wave of returning prosperity. That the rest of the country is be ginning to respond to the im prbV(ed ,?ftji(l!tions is shown by tfie increased bank clear- a noes and tbegrowth of rail- - . roao earnings. Railroad earnings are slow in reflecting the improvement in conditions because of the shortage in crops last 'year, which has reduced the reve nue of tiFi : ra.d from that important source. But the roads, too, are beginning to leepond to the improved influences, especially in the manufacturing region. The stock, cotton, grain and gen eral provision markets re main buljish, which ordinal i ly is is a favorablesy.mptom. In 1 878, when railroad shn res and grain made usharp turn upward,- the end of the panic of 1873 had come and a bus- mess boom wascloseat humi. For the next five or six years there was an industrial pro gress tin oughout the coun try suiih as had not been known for more Mian a d cade and a half. Now us then. t he a d va nee in prices of stocks cotton and grain marks the exit of the trade stagnation and the advent of another period of business activity and prosperity. Globe Dem ocrat. DM Tea Erer Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your trouble? It not, get, a bottle novt and get relief. This medicine has been fouud to be pe culiarlv adapted to the relief and curs of all Ft male Complaints, ex erting a wonderful direct influ ence iu-giving strength and tone to the organs. It you have loss of appetite, constipation, head ache, tainting spells, or are nerv ous, sleepless, excitable, melan choly or troubled with diziv spelfs, Electric Bitters is the med icine you need. Health and strep- fth are guaranteed by its use. arge bottles ouly 50 cents at W. L. Bryan's. iGeneial Jlanso in's reception in Mexico was said to have been a u'iost splendid affair. LThe Ministers speech on, the occasion was a brillian t one, has electrified the Mexicans and is attracting in ucb; at tention. Minister.Ran8pm is a perfect type of the Ameri can citizen and "will : have a great influence in Mexico. In our humble dftloioii tfiere are very few men superior to our Mat W. Random. ( ... ; , England : and Nicaraugua have come to terms 'and Ni caraugua will pay the indem nity, and England will with draw her war ship from Co rlnto. So there will be no other trouble'nt present and the Monroe doctrina is still observed b4V England. NOTICE, Htate ot North Carolina, WV tauga county. By virtue ot 9 mortgage deed exesuted to me by E. B. Miller and wife. Jane, on the the 1 0th day of Feb. '94, and duly recorded in the book of mortgages for Watauga county, I will oner for sale at the court house door in Boone, for cash 1n hand, on the 2nd day of June, '95 it being the 1st Monday in said month, 525 five hundred and twenty-flye acres of land known as the E. n. Miller Steel tract, ly ing in said county, and is more fully described in said mortgage deed, to satisfy, a debt due by note and said mortgage amo an ting to $180.00 with internet and cost of this action. This May the 1st, 1895, A . J . M oreta? M ortgagee. Business Mem Want - Accuracy Comptetenes ' Conciseness Convenience A Business Han -V kM M 4m tl la tHMMt mmm wwHtm Mtocl, l M1fa SMn M m tm 14m UM. Ml MM - -ttf- kw4ril Mn oylnloM If k (m art ?f,f It 1 kair4 rm o wiu fact. Tfco W m y W m ttx EayclMt Brtttfi(6a, Mr mo odUr oft win n tomfUnmlj mm 9m mny aaa'i tnlm. k Im Jmttr MM cIM 0m knowtodf M Vtwl mot Umftutt I MM kv tot t4 Another Characteristic OtHMklMlBM tM Ml I Ull IM DM ejr M OmmIIm. H bto (m4 hidfMdi ctuklM tM (Ml Mflt Ot 1 re)M( kJaMMWCt klfa kU MJkbor. mi law Mm U "MJ H m Ifct koMM) Mgr. whllt hU mm Wm4 M4fhor Ha Mltl til vorM wmm tl mti tkM kt teM " Km Mckt kavt mmm" h thlt cbaracMrtttk f CmHm nMM Ma Omi m iM4iii( m (MriM ia racaf A BMjknJl IrluaMw iralM k ftay MlMcjlBtr4iKMtyMt. AtkoranH mUmm aiiMi k lk atltaaaka Hk1lkri caa ktorl M Mrnh a (raat aaaat kt The Charlotte Observer, mtt tfcttr aa-M-4aa Mlttoa al latraJvcWf krkat for Uan m amll Um aaknc (Mtrally kM katMM ftnlDtr with Id Mrpaulat ' Than aH will vaal tt, ao4 thy nN kav to pay Um paMUkan' Mfalar ark ; wfclto aua who iu tkrtMl ano(k M tarchaM 4urin lh lattoiucMif Mrlo4 kM mv4 httl tjcm par vommm mt th prlta af ttx work. Wrtw far aaplkallaa blaak M The Observer, Charlotte, N. C In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don t play with Mature s greatest gift health. tfyoaaraiatlraa out of aort. waaE hd generally haaited, aanreai, kiv ao apprtila mi cMt work, beg ia at oncetak ftretif thenlnw mediclne.whtchfi Browti'a Iron Bit. ten. A few hot tlta care benetl coaMa froa the very first doM at mrm'l mi fwr UHk. aad ll'i pleaMaVr().takw. It Cures Dviecnaia. Kidney and Urar Nawalfto, " TroatblM, tCoostlpaitkM, Bad Blood tJrUWla,' ' ' Nervotu allatats . .. Womta's complaint. - CM anl tha w alaa It haa eroaaad tmt f Vt cm tha wrapper. All others are sak atltatM. Oa racelM of two at. etampt wa Will aend Ml of Tea BiaalMwl WarM'a Pair Vlawa aad beok-lraa. ROWN CHEMICAL Ca ftALTIMOfit, MO. m Iron Bitters 1 mmA The grentHerret to nrf-eaa in hu ting plenty of the rots forts of life in in knowing how-ufid when to buy. Flrtt look 1 fejond eiiimlnn the quality and price of the articb. or nrtitles. you wish to bay. To thoae who are interested in buying ncceewiries for their consumption for the leant money we most rapectf'Jlly intite them to call on tM and examine oar pntire line of - GENERAL QGDCOANDISIl, . ('onfiiHtingof Grocei iejs, Ilnrdware, Tinware 8heetlhga Plaids, Prints, Cnshmets, Hats, Cups, Shoes, Clothing, No tions, etc. ;' 1 It will not cost you anything to examine our good but we will be pleased to show them to you and give yoo our phew whether you buy or not. Sh03s, SbStSbs! We make n specialty of shoes. We think we cad Bell you the nicent and best shoe for less money than any mer chant or merchants in the notlntj r We do not quote prices ' in on" advertisement from the fact there n re ho many differ ent grades ot the same line of goods that it ia almost Im posHible to quote prices and at. the same time describe the good so you will know the quality without examining for yourself. We will rtbt fry to induce any one to buy our goods by selling nn time, we sell to all tor $he Pay When fyiy Receive The Goods consequently it enables us to sell goods for It money, All we ask is a fair trial and the buy er will be convinced of the trutb. VeHY toPECTFULLY, ' 'ULACKbURSilOl lltELL & MILLER, April 4th, 1895 I LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW Statesville Marble Work If you are in earnest about wanting the best Monument or Tombstone, forthe lenst money, be sure to write to me, as I buy direct from the quarries in car load lots. I em ploy. the very best wotkmen, and' today t have the Inrgest and most complete stock of Marble in North Carolina. fSFSatitrfaction guaranteed. Consult your interest, and give me a call or write for prices. C B. WBJ. Statesville, N. C. Jnuuary04th, 1895. . . . . HEW- YEAH Yes. the ohl yenr of 1894 is gone with all its pleasures and troubles, and the New Year 1895; i ffsliei-ed in upon us, and we all nhould make the best use of it possible. Tho way to dorhat ie to uegin right and keep right the year through. You cun do this by doing oil your trading during the year at my store, where you will find a complete line of gen eral merchandise, all at the VERY OVEST PRICES. I will sell for strictly ppy down during thejrear 1895, by ' so doing 1 cau sell you much cheaper than on credit. For instance good sole leather at 21ci, by the side, good coffee 20c. a lb., sugar 17 ttw. for fl.00, 5 lbs. soda 25c. Ala maiice 6 sts. and up. domestic, very heavy 7 cts by the bolt, cash, jeans, calicoes, worsted, dress flannels, ctsh mers. shoes; yes the larges lot of shoes ever seen in this part of the county, very low. Cull arid see them, you will also find a good lot of hardware. 1 can get you on short notice, cook stoves, farmers friend plows arid it pairs, Bis sell and Chatauooga bull-tongue plows water piping etc., ALL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. WANTED: Corn, rye, wheat, butter, eggs, feathers, dry hides, beeswax, etc., all at highest market prices. Please give me your trade this year, and I will certainly sell you goods cheap. Wishing all my friendR and customers a prosperous nod happy New Year.' I am Yours Anxious to piease, WILL W. HOLSCLAW. ' THE MOUHTAH MEOIGIIJECOPANY OF ZIOHVILLE NORTH GAROLIIIA v Is now engaged in the manufacture and sale of a valu able medicine, known as the MOUNTAIN HEttB.MEDt ('INK, composed of the natural herbs of our mountain sec tion. This wonderful medicine is highly recommended for c'Js eases of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and all diseases ari sing from a billious system. This is no patent medicine. It Is pure, simple, cheap and effective. It is recommenced by the physicians of the county, and is one of the best meui cines on the market. This medicine is put up in packages with full directions with full directions on each, Price f 1.00 per package, sent post paid to any address. If you have Liver trouble, Drt pepsia or Kidney complaints, try it and be convinced that we are not trying to humbug you. RuspectfullY, IHE MO (1ST A IS M EDtC I SB OMPANIi Znville, N. ?., Sept. 6, 1894. iirm,iiir---t-r-)TlTf-i GREETINGS 1

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