: 9 v , 'V.", ,. Si . J 4-... r " CM CP) jr.-.' "A1 f f HVbbcmption Kate gTpTflK Watauga Democrat. 1 Inch 1 week;..;.;;...., .76 1 :; . lmonthM............... I.T5 1 H t.uu s 3Sf- X columihl Week 00 ' . . l: ? 1 month...... .... M&0 1 v 3 -v .7...25.00 1 tM,6 :...'.'S7.50 1 " ; I year.. ......5000 Entered at the PostofHceat Boone, N. C, as second-clous mail matter. ' LOCAL NEWS.) -Send In the news. The weather Is fine. '"" Hay 'harvesting is now tne order of the ddy. ' , Prof Yarboro opened school 1 in the Acadeniy hefe on Tuesday ' of this week. -Nice western bacon at; 10 r.U. per posed ht Blackburn, - Oottrell and Miller's. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank A Clinaid, of Hickory, are stop pfnR it the Coffey hotel. ; ' . The list of jurors drawn for next term of court willap . pearjn our next issue. Mr. and Mrs.X. V. Hen klc. of Lenoir, have been in . .town this week; - -rryochewolil'ttiiH." tabncco, for snle ;t Black burn. Cot tre.l & Miller's. -r;iand Mrs. J." A. Elli ott, of Mountain City,Tenh., spent lust Sunday with' rela tives in Koone, and left on ,l -Monday for homv VlTe learn f . om the Topic that : x -Wy W. Scott, of the Treasnry De . purtlneat at Washington, i on a viit to bin home in lenoir, yrhere he will spend bis vacation. . , - A,.protractl meeting of 1 tn uch interest has , lieen in r progress nt Henson's Chapel for the past ten days, and is "'Htill going on.- " . i ." Examine our stock of dry oods and not ions before buy ing elsewhere, as we think we , r.nu please you in quality and prices. Blackburn, Oottrell & Miller. The article written y ' "Alexahder BHI'Vis conclud ed in this issue, and we hope all who may see it will read it with Cii re. It is an elegant article, and well'worth read ing., . -rMi. Thos. L. critcher, ol Bainbio, has been appointed Notary Poblic'by Gov. Curr. Tom is well qualified to per form the duties of the' office, and we are; glad he has the appointment. - , i '; - L. 0. -took, . who is now ' working on the Charlotte 0b aerver, was in triton this iveek and gave our office a call. He seems to be doing well, and we are &lud to see it, as he was for a long time typo in this office. There is the usual crowd at Blowing Hock this sum- : iner, most of the hotels being ; full. The people aie enjoying .. their rides over our new turn pike, and speak of it as a rvjagnificeut road. L North VVilkesboro Insti tute" wjll open August 6th. Board 0.00 per month. C Tuition fr9iL fl.00 to 2.50 per month. V i v 'y Write to VV.R. Absher forcir- cuIar8,Morthwilkcsboro,N.C. , . - --Coftt Is not considered a ; good crop, owingto it small nejsa and being late. Wehope . howftverthat'the refreshing ,, showers will bring out the lit tie corn, and that , there will be a sufficiency inide Wheat is yielding ; arell. rye .not so well; pats splendid, and iota toes as good as u re. wanted: r--i nf nrs uicyuaj mp jeyvr roada overjjfie; Boone a fl BloW'iDg Btwk - turnjdjje wa!s made ont last'ThursJuy f y an Alabamian. He made the fun from '.foAl, to.u Boone in about 50 minutes..rht bi eyi-Je is doing wonders arid is fast becoming the comm on mode .of- travel ! where t h'e road are well graded.t,r' , Qur, good friend.. Pleas 0. Moore, of Granite. Falls, called on us Inst week and we had a very pleasant chat; He stated that it was reported that Col. H. A. Brown, of Co lumbia. Tenn.. was dead.. We see no account in the papers in regard to it, and we hope that th6 report is not true, and that the gallant Colonel still lives. Several of our old war chums haye asked us to say that we ought to have a re union in Oct!: next. We w ould be pleased to tneot our old friends and war comrades a gain, vnd would suggest that we hear Irom Wa tauga , Ashe, Johnson, and othercountieH, in regard to the matter. We suggest ' Boone as the most central p jint,und October as the month. When the ware house on Elk was burnd some time a go, it wus given "out that all the wliiskey therein contain ed, was dehtroyed. But on investigation it was found that the iron hoops from the barrels conld not be djscover ed in the ashes. . Search was cofitinned until last Friday, when four birrels. all full of whiskey, were found nicely buried in the distillery.. Col lector, Hortbji was notified atonecVand he now has the whiskey in his possession. DR. R. D.JENNINGS -RNTI8T-f Is npw jCiited at Blowing Hwfc, wKere he , will remain during the summer and fall of each year, and desires to impress upon fvi the impor tuaceoi havinjcyourteethat tended I o at once. Don't Pat it oft, Ifor by so doing, your teeth get worse; aive you mote pain, costs you more, and eannot be sav el so well. Ha ve them exam ined every 3 or 6 months and as soon as one decayed one is discovered, have it filled, and you wdl not miss what it will cost, you to keep them up, and thus save yournatir ml teeth, which are so essen tia to good health. Afo Charge For Examination, Give me a part of your pa tronage, and make my house your home while ha vingyour work done. BflTSufflcieTit produce f o r my family's use will be taken in exchange for work. Office at residence, (Morris Building.) Very R"8p. R.D. JENNINGS. J uly 18. . There is no truth iu the statement that Cleveland is working for a third term. The people are willingfor the President to'restupnnd look after bis three girl babies. Mr.; Cleveland don't want any third term. "Canst thou minister to a mind diseased?" asked Macbeth. Cer tainly, my lord: the condition of the mind depends largely, if not solely, on the condition of tne stomach, liver, and bowels, for all of .which complaints Ajer's Pills are "the aovereignest things on earth." . Hon. Charles F. Crisp is in Loudon sight-seeing'and try ing to recuperate his lost health. . Bish -p J. B. Chpshire writes to' (he' News and Observer in defense Of.Rcv, Miln?r Jones in regard toth; Bakersville aftafO Th istmp sjea ks hi tbe jbighestrter m. of t he Key; yii. JoneSjf nnd also of the iiopfe'.ur;iJakerayile..-Tlw Rev.'Jones also haa letter JH the Newsand Observer ex plaining-himself about tbe language he usel against the Baptist land Methodist 'de nomihatioVis. There appears to bed cOnt radi.rtion letween the jwrtiea which onght riot to exist, It;is morally wrong to misrepresent a minister of the goselr and it would be very wrong indeed for a min ister to state anything but factsA It is probable that a breach has been made in this case that will not be healed soon, which islamentableand ought not to exist. ;, " A HodsekoK Tretaare. P. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N,;Y., says that ho always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results lol low its use, that he would iiot Ik? without it if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, druggist, catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Dis covery is undoubtedly . the best x)iigh remedy, that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it ban never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles tree at anj drug; store.- Regular size 50c. and 11.00. ' The Chinese have murdered fonr British female missiona ries and wounded one Ameri can lady missionary. The United States Consul Jurni uran, at Shanghai, states the above, . Try Klectric Bitters as a remedy tor your trouble ? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be pe ciiliarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female comDlaiiits. ex erting a wonderful direct influ ence in giviog strength and ,tone to the organs. ? If yott have loss of appetite, constipation, head ache tainting spells, or are uerv- oui. sleepless, excitable, melan choly or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Betters i the med icine you need. . Health and strength is guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at my drug store. William H. Ballou wants ISecrefary Oirlisle impeached for allowing ten Mexican bnlls to be imported to do bull fighting at the Atlantn Exposition. Mr. Ballou is vice president of the Ameri can Humane Associaticn and is of the opinion that the Sec retary can be indicted, Iron and steel are aovanc ing in prices an1 the demand is steadily increasing. This is a good omen of returning prosperity, and a sign that the Wileotitariff is all right. What doour republican breth ren thiiik of the new tariff, any 'uy ? . In order to introduce Cha m berla iu's Cough Remedy here we soil several dozen bottles on strict guaranteennd have ioUfHl that evety bottle did good service:' We have used it ourselves and think it hii peior to any other. W. I. Mowery, Jarvisville, W. Va., For -ale by all druggists. , Hawaii wants to be annex ed to Uncle Sam's domains badly. T'lis country has very little use for Hawaii, and can run along witboucherior sev eral years yet. LET ME SAY o ,r.r- ; To the. dwellers in the arraM- clad hills and low guen vales of. W atauga; to the people who own I the flocks ; and herds that '.Lie down in green pastures and feed b.v the stiir Waters," in the Land of the Sky thatl desire their bet ter acquaintance. I am belling H ARD W ARE; in the town ol Lenoir, and your raided tatronage is earnestly so licited. You cannot do better else where. If you want a machine of ; - A X YK1JS D, I will order it lor you at the but torn of the market. ' If you want piping, belting, hose saws, valves, steam gauges lu bricators, cant hooks, spindle oil. red engine oil, journal castor oil, harness oil, cylinder oil, sew ing machine oil, journal grease or any kind of grease come and see me. If you want a flrst-class -SEWING MACHINE with all attachments for f 22.00 or a good New Home sewing ma chined the best in the world, come and see me. Why pnv an ngent for riding around and feeding a team? . . Needles for any sewing machine in the known world W an be Sent lly Mail.'fk -"Ii you want bar iron, bar steel, hoop iron, sheet iron, rod iron, of evf ry size known to civi lized man, come and see me. Life is too Bhort to enumerate every thing; come and see. J CHARTER OAK HARDWARE STORE JOHN U. IIOTJCK. Manager Leuor, N. C. June 2G. NOTICE. By virtue ot the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by a. n. Franklin and wife on the 6th day of 1 Aug., 1804, to secure one note for f 175.00, i will sell for cash to the highest bidder on Monday, sept. 2nd, 1805. at tbe court h o n s e door in Boone for cash th tract ol land .described in said mort gage deed, situated In Mitchell and wataugn counthw on both sides Of Elk liver, adjoining the lands ol T. K. Matson and others, being the land where 4. a. Frank lin now lives. This July 80, '95. g. Men. Hampton. Mortgagee, by T. A. Love, Attorney. NOTICE. By virtue of the power contain ed in a deed of conveyance from j. Evins nrown to a. u. Franklin kn the 8th day . of Nov. 1880, I will on Monday tne 2nd day of sept. 1895 sell lor cash to t h e highest bidder at the courthouse door in noone the following de scribed tract of land in Watauga county ou the east side of Elk ri v er. bounded by the fands of t. k. Mai son. the state line and others containing 214 acres. . Said sold to satisfy a lien created by deed lor about f 500.00 balance of pur chaw) money. This July 30. 1895. w. vanoe Brown, Assignee, by t. A. Love, Attorney. NOTICE. Under and by virtue ol a war rant of destratut to me directed by the collector of internal reve nue for the 5th oist. ot N. c, and against 1. a nenney, i will on moii day, the 11th day of sept. 1895, at 12 o'clock, M.. sell at the post office of Triplett In the county of watauga and state ol s c, to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate, to wit: Lying in Elk township in (.he coun tv ot watauga and state of n. v. and being tbe same lands convey ed to chesaid J. a. Denney by T. A. cox and wife by deed dated Jan 30, 1894 and registered in the Register's offlw of said county in book "s" on page 97, and by I T, calloway and wife by deed 'da ted Feb. 5, '94, and registeied in tha Register's office tor said coun ty in book "s", page 100 and b.v oeo. w. Hendrix by deed dated March 25th 1893 and registered in the Registers office for said county in book "a", on page 157, containing in the aggregate 213 acres more or less, and for a more particular description ot said lauds reference is hereby made to said deeds above describ ed. SSaid sale is made for the pur pose ot satisfying raid wan ant of destraint and costs. This Aug. 3rd, 1895. P. A. McElrov, Dtp. Col. Biekleii Armlet Sa'v The best salve in the world lor cute, bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay requiraf. It is ? guaranteed to give perlect satin action or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. BIG LAND SALE . , Whereas, Jane Miller and husband E. B. Miller did c:t the 5th day of August 1 802, execute and deliver to Albert R. ShattU' k, Ti natee, a ti ns! deed on certuid land in Wa tanga coiinfy. State of NorthCarolinntherelndeBcribed.to secure the sum of f 1,300 iue by said Jane and E. B. Milter to the British aud American Mortgage Company, Limited, which said trust deed is recorded iu Watauga county, in deed bok C, page 477, to which reference is hereby made; nnrf jL'tiprtuia Hofttnlt hnn huon mnrio in tho itnvriiont: nf tho uiuuira wuuiru uy, biiiu iruat neeti; tnu wuerean iue uuuer signed has been duly appointed substituted trustee in the place of the said Albert JR. Shattuck, as provided in said . i i u i a. h ubi. uttrti, auu uus ueen nuiy reijuesieu , w, eeuuiw inn trust therein contained: Now therefore notice is hereby ariv en, that under and by virtue of the powercontained in said trust deed, I. the undersigned substituted trustee, on Mon day the 2nd day of Sept. 1895, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 n m., nt the court house door in the town of Boone in Watauga count. , will uy public auction sell to tho highvst bidder for"' cash the following described proper ty, viz: 443 acres in three tracts. ' 1st tract. 275 acres in MeatCamp township, bounded on the N. by the lands of woreiz una Mrs. houck, on me b. ny ine ianns oi i . n. Walls, on the ft. by the lands of J. H. Taylor ana on the W. by the lands of J. E, Finley nnd Joha I Ureen, being the lands deeded to -Tana Miller wife of Edward B. Miller by A, J. Moretzand wife, and fully set ont by meets and bounds in the deed recorded iu book P page lG7of the pnb lie records of Watanga county, to which record reference is hereby made. 2nd tract. 150 acres in Bald Mountain township, bounded on the N. by the lands of J. W. Finley, on the L. by the lands of the heirs of Wm. Norris, on the S. by the lands of E. B. Miller nnd on the W. by the lands of J. W. Henry Steele being the land deeded to tlrtiie Millet, wife of E. B. Miller, by the heirs of Jos. Holman, dec, and fully eet out by metes and bounds in deed recorded in book M, page 272 of the public record of Watauga county to which reference is herehv marie. Arri tract. 18 acres ot land in Bald Mountain township, bounded on the N. by the lands of E. B. Miller, on the E. by the lands of the heirs of Wm. Norris, and on the W. by the lands of J. W. Henry Steele, being a part of the land deeded to lane Miller by the heirs of Jos. Holman, deed., and fully set out by metes and bounds in deed recorded in book M, page 272 of the public records of Watauga county, to which record refer ence is hereby made. Said land will besold to satisfy the debt secured by said trust deed, and such title will be given as is vested in said trustee. E. S. COFFEY, Substituted Trustee. LOOK AM) The great secret, to success in having plenty of the com forts of life is in knowing how and when to buy. First, look I second, examine the quality and price of the article, or articles, you wish to buy. To those who are interested in buying necessaries for their consumption for the least money we most resnecthlly invite them to call on us and examine onr entire line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Consisting of (iroceiies. Hardware, Tinware, Sheetings, Plaids, Prints, Cashmers, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing, No tions, etc. It will not. cost you anything to examine our goods but we will be pleased to show them tp you and give you our prices, whether you buy or not. . Shoes, Shoes, Shoes ! We make a specialty of shoes. We think we con 811 you tne nicest and oest snoe tor less money tnan any mer chant or merchants in the county . We do not quote prices in oh advertisement from the fact thereare so many differ ent grades ot the same line of goods that it is almost im possible to quotfrprices and at. the same time describe the goods so you will know the quality without examining for yourself. We will not try to induce any one to buy our goods by selling on time, we sell to ah tor the Pay When Ihey Receive The Goods consequently it enables us to sell goods for less money. All we ask is a fair trial and the buy er will be convinced of the trut'i. Very Respectfully, BLACKBURN, LOU RELL & MILLER. I LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW . O . Statesville Marble Works, If you are in earnestabout wantingthe best Monument or Tombstone, for the least money, be sure to write to me, as I buy direct from the quarries in car load lots. I em ploy the very bent workmen, nnd to-day I have the largest and most complete stock of Marble in North Carolina. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consult your "interest, and give me a call or writ? for prices. C I. WEBIi. Statesvil'e, N. C. January 24th, 1895. THE MOUNTAN MEDICINE COPANY OF ZIONVILLE NORTHGAROLINA. Is now engaged in the manufacture and sale of a valu able medicine, known as the MOUNTAIN HERB MEDI CINE, composed of the natural herbs of our mountain sec tion. This wonderful medicine is highly rom mended for ( is eases of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and all diseases ari sing from a billious system. This is no patent medicine. It is pure, si tn pie, cheap and effective. It is recommended., by the phjsicians of the county, and is one of the best"i cines on the market. , ' . This medicine is put up in packages with full directions with full directions on each, Price $1.00 per prfck age, sent post paid to any address. If you have Liver trouble, Dys pepsia or jvioney complaints, wa ii tn mtt twiner ti hnmhrto- "1BL MOUNTAIS MEDICINE, COMPANf j i . s v. ! j EXAMINE! Or try it ani r convinced mat vtn livappnrpm

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