Ml: If: .V'?'. i : '.,5 ' t 1. ; v !:'. Is ; , ' A U e m oo 1 1 atk! fa'iiii !y n e wa pi iper devoted to the interest ot Coun . tf -State and Nation.'1 Published every Thursday : at Boone,' Wa- . tauga County. N . C. . ' . i - ' ' BsBBtlful AMweri , , , , i'pupil of the x Sicord ; K8 ve the. following extraor dinary answers:' ' ' '4 What Is gratitude? ; ' Gratitude Is the memory of "; the heart. 7;, .:, i i What is hope? - Hope is the blossom of hap pinws.' - ' ;y What is the difference .be tween hope and desire? Desire is a tree in life, hope is a tree in flower, and enjoy ment ta a tree in fruit. What is eternity? "A day without yesterday or toroorsow, a line that has . no end. ' ; V- What is time? A line that has two ends; a path which begins in t h e cradle and ends lirthe tomb .What is God? The necessary being, the sum of eternity, the merchant o natur, the eye of justice, the watch maker of the uni verse, the soul of the world. Does God reason? Man reasons because he doubts; he deliberates, he de cides. God is .omnipotent; He never doubts; He there fore never reasons. ... An Iudiana editor and n rich widow, were, eugaged to he .man ied, when the eigli- hors began to talk about it, charging that he was marry ing her for her riches. The nohle ' minded young editor was sorely jrrieved at- this, and he peisuaded his a Ilia ne ed to turn all the worldlv pelf over to her Krowndangh terand thus ptove to t li e world thejRincerity of his af fection. The trusting widow did so and thVvery next night the editor wlnped with the girl, and in the morr.imr the widow pied the forms in the office and ) would ha ve pied the form of the editor if she had found him. Ex. , LOST. .That young man who has drifted away from the moor ings of childhood, and from the authority of his con science. That young man who drinks a little whiskey for its social cheer. That young man who vis its the enchantress. That young man who 'sub orns conscience for gain. Thatyoungman who j?rum bles to accommodate three other fools. That young man who sub stitutes nit for work, when his wit is so small that it u;i!t br? helped by trickery. In all these the evil forces are liberated that usually make damnation only aques ion of time. Ex. When you see good Demo crats straightening their shoulders, polishingfheirsilk hats, triming their .'whiskers and hear them hinting abouH nominations, you may count on a democratic victory a t the next election. Demo crat are sprucing up every where these days. Pough keepsb News- Press. ,We violate no confidence in saying thattheopposition of the 'Pops" to the nation a banknotes would not be half so fierce if the "Pops" bad more of the notes in que.1 tiou. Phil. Inq. The Globe, Atchison: The telegraph editor of the Globe is so .used to writing tele gra ms thatend up with . 'tyu hlo is expected" that , be re cently made this addition to a marriage notice which pas sed through li is hands, and the mistake wasn't noticed until the form wasjocked up. : Kill all Ike Cata. " The British Medical Journal calls attention to the fact that d.vptheria is often spread bj cat. During the last epidemic at Brigh ton, Fngland.- it wan lound that several cats died of dyptheria and that beyond a doubt the dread disease had, in a. nunjbr of cases, been communut by ui.uuVkiI. In hnmllll lunilOM '.f flat Kansas City Star: t U i pleasant to, reflect that boy cott is not an American word. It was brought to this conn try from Europe, to which we aw indebted fori Anjuchia:; Hussion this 1 1 e s, English sparrows and other foreign poKts. ; : Chicago Dispatch: ilcKin ley insists that he is well in the lead. To avoid a rear end rolision from the Flank er express we advise him to hanjtj out two re'1 lanterns from the caboose. Messeueer: Thanks to theU nited States Governineut. there in tobe a quaruntiiie station at the iriouti) of the Cape Fear that will be worthy ot the name and eqnal the demands upon i t. This is as it should be. Ii0ii; de layed, , the blessing will soon come now. . NOTICE. By virtue the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by . n. Franklin and wife on the Oth day of Auir., 1894, to secure one note for $175.00, 1 will sell for cash to the highest bidder ou Monday, sent 2ud; 1805. pt the court house door in uoone f.r cash the tract otland described in said mort gage deed, situated in Mitchell and watanga counties on both Mides of Elk river, adjoining .the lands ol T. K. Matson and others, being the land where A. a. Frank lin now lives. This July 30, '05. r C. mcd. Hampton. Mortgagee, ' . ' by T. A. Love, Attorney. NpTlCE. By virtue of the power contnin ed in a deed of conveyance rom J. Evins nrown to A. ft. Franklin en the 8th day ot Nov: 1H8U, I will on Monday the 2nd day ol sept. 1805 sell lor cash to the highest bidder at the courthouse door in Boone the following de scribed tract of la ndin, wntauga county ou the east side of Elk riv er, bounded by the lands of j. e. MatHon. the state line and others containing 214 acres. Said sold to satisfy a lien created by deed lor about f ouu.oo nalanceof nur chase money. This jply 30. 1895. : . w. vance Brown, Assignee, by T. A. Love, Attorney, NOTICE. : Under and by virtue ol a war ant of destraint to me directed by the collector of internal reve nue for the 5th Dist, ot 1. c, and against i a benney, iwill on Mon day, the 11th day of sept. 1895, at 12 o ciocK, M., sell at the post office of Tiiplett in the county of watauga ana state 01 n v., to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate, to wit: Lying in slk townshipm the coun t v of watauga and state of n. c. and Wing the same lauds convey ed to the sa'd J. A. Denney by t. a. cox and wife by deed dated jun 30, 1894 and registered in the ne&ister s otflcx of said countv in book "s,T on page 07, and by I T. cullowny and wife by deed 'da ted Feb. 5, '94, and registeied i;i tha Register's office lor said coun ty in bDok "s". page 100 and by oeo. w. Henarix by deed dated March 25th 1 893 and registered in the registers office for said county in book "b" on page 157, containing in the aggregate 213 acres more or less, and for a more particular description ot said lauds reference is hereby made to said deeds abovedescrib ed. Said sale is made fur the nur pose ot satisfying said wanai.t of Aoat point, nml noafa vliia n,n- I -... . ....... vww.u. AUtLi 3rd, 1895. . . r. A. McElboy, Dtp. Col. UfCl ,111 Brooklyn a few weeks ao Upon hearing it, the , girl's mother spanked them both, sent her daughter off, to u Ixmrdiug school, keeps the young man with her, and datsaatop to his smoking cigarettes. - She says that if he behaves himself, he in a have her daughter and part of her properly when they get oldenouglitjouiarryl Orh erwise slitr wllfprt)secnte him. She is feVfiensfbre mother-in- i noSderointr iduce Chant herein Couglf temedy here YUlMii I jsevevuj rlozeii bottles n sTri it auarau'eeand have J lia t vtv bo 1 1 le ( I id good sen are. Vke ha ve 'used it ourselves aha Hhink . it sn jV'iot. touin.Vi'Otner. VV. I. Mowerv. .11y(svill, W. Va.t Kor Wb.v illUragists. , 1 : N6STfl CAROLINA COLLEGE OK I Apneult:e and eelwnlcal Arts. The next s'si()n of this ','o lee will bi trin'ep;einber5t h. Examiuitions xj e o 11 h t y eats first Saturday in Au g 1st, Yoiiny; men desirinu a technical enncatimi at anna- usaiill.v low cosi: will do well1 to applv for catalogue to A. Q. HOLLADAY. Pivs. , ilALKIOH, N. ('. Holly Spring College, A co-educational school oihigh grade, tiegiiisitH next session Au gust 5. 1895. Heathful an.! moral kh-ation. Large and con venient building. Library and Reading Hooin. Microscopfis and mineral cabinets Lxcelleut debating scniaties. Ample boar ding fiwommodations at. small cost. Tuition very reasonable. Write for catalogue to J. H. Smith, Kit; kident. liUTLKIt, Tknn. HISTOUT OF THE LAST LEGISLA TURE. Buy Onp, Oulj Ten Cent. . A neat, attraetive pamph Iet,1fi0 pages, wirhornnmeri tal cover, devoted to the w ord of the last Legislature, theworst L"gislatu re,, save that of 1868. ever assembh d in the State. This book jrivr its record plainly and truth fully. Itgivesfactsand name and is thorongldy reliable. I' has been prepmei'.by snm of tie1est Democratic writ ers in the State. Every patriot, every citi zn a nd'r every I)emoi ia should have a copy. Pr'n e 10 cts. per ropy post paid. Lowr prii-es by the hnadivd. If not on sal j at bookstore or diugsto're ad dress E. M. UzzhII, Printer and Binder. Raleigh, N. i. May 30, t f- In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and! fatal 15cm coc rci,lt fmmm r trifling ailments neglected, i Von t play with Nature s greatest gift health. if roamiecllnc 1 out of tont, wni i Mid rctitrall -1 fatutted, nervous, J ind csn't work, begin at one tak ing the most relia ble atrengihening nedicine.which It Brown ' Iron Bit- tlea core benefit I ciHBca iroin tne j . j -. . very iitm w tw7 ttai wm Uttk. and Iff pltuant la Uk. J It Cures DrtDeosI. Kidney and Llvr f Nettralgla, Trouble, Cofutlpatloa, Bad Blood inalaria, ,. Nervous ftHmenU Womeo'a complaints. (Ut anlv ihm gnaltiai It ti .. rmmA wA r unea cm me wrapper. All othen are tub- r will tend Ntof Tm BMutttal Warld'a 1 Fair View and book-tree. " stltntea. On i rfttlntM (wav itimn... , BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MOV Aicrrrj nun wudci vci . i men ty year-old boy recently mar Ba,l5 Iron Bitters 'Cis: for Infants and Chlldrciu U U tutqnoatlwMiMy lm fAe world lum twr Vna-n. Tt It fanaltw. ChUdjetm Iflw IV I ' tin im hmlih. H HU t Chaiy Urmm . la It Bfathf lutTw' 'oiailag vtetk U tihtclvimlr d r.otleaIly iwrfeot mu t oMldNi Hcfai, ' CtrorIfc daatary WotlBa t ' Ciori nUiy Tfrt 1m , Caatorl yrtmi ronAUng Eamr Card. C tri mr IMarrliCB. and Wind Collty ' Caatarl- rejUreo TaothlaK Tronalea. " Caatorl oar Coaatlpntlon emd FUtnl ay. Catorl aaTaH the) ffecta of oarale arid g er poboawae f . , Caftarla do ao ccntata morpliln, oplma, of othw aarootio praaartf . Ctorla airlainatoa no food, rogulat tho otoataoa aad Wweli, STlas; aoaHay and aataral aloop. Oartorla to pat ap la oao-afao potfloo eafy. It to ao oold la frwUr. goat alloar aay oao to oog yog aayOtlaa; ol on tap ploa or promlao that it to Jaat aa tood n and " will aaoaror orory parpoao. " Boo that yon yet Q-A-8-T-Q-?l-IA. --..-' Tho foo-afaafla nlgnolgrn of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. T1IK DEMOCRAT.OXE YEAR S--QNE DOLLAR. 5 DOLLARS to PfcK UAT 20 Easily Made. We vent many men, wonKO. bo. and glrliK work (or ni a few hours didlr, rgln .ti im1 aroniM j tliuirown homea. Tim buflnrw In tnT,'Inant, itrictly honorable, n(l pavi teller limn tiirothel olfered acnte. Yon linre n rlenr I'tM and M omprtltlon. Kxpcricnie mil pprtlal uMlltj nn noercwry. Ao ca;iliii1 nutilrid. Vt inlp jot wl.h ervrylhliig Hint you nitsl.trMt yon woll and help von to rarn t n tlmr firillniMtr tifti. Women do ai well n men, ami lTMw'! J make gooil pay. Ar '.. unva iirre. rr.u no in w-jrk. All meeeiil T.u fn'l-r mr lln and rkn pie direction i. K im-n -k will Hin'hr bring yon a cre:il dml ofm-mt F.'rvtl.hig U nfW uiki gf-at drwial. AA'rl'e fnr our nn.pW I, and rrwlre lull Information. n hatw done it you conclude not to go on with Uie buntneM. CCORCE QTIN8CN&CO.. Box 4?S, PORTLAND, MAIt fl pure Cream-Tartar powder ENDORSED BY - PROF A. L. EliETZ,P.H.Gf Medlcul IepHmeot Tulare CnlTerstty ' Loolmnna, wbo, at tir a oarofol unalyls, Bour.ofH 1i vwro rra Tartar Vowdyr, :tph lie cuoerfully rooouuuaods to. the ..lie.- "THE SOUTHEfiS FAVORITE" ' i;.-)e,VVH0LE3CM. am POWERFUL. YouYanltt A- 3ro3erFor!L iULr mr'c. ifJ la. ROOF11S3G. ) IrletalHc Weathor Boarding, Complete Celllnoa. Corrugated Shooting, Roofing Paints. Iron Roofofy Ewe Trauohf, Gultert (nd Spouting. v rAII farmt of Sheet Metal for BulltfK COMfLETC ANO RCAl'Y TO APHLV VMHCN (IHIPPCD. t?.sitiu'm WE WANT AN AGENT In tlil,lwn an aners-ctlo workman to tto ordnr aud AX'kLX our materials la llils Tlolnlly. Corre'ijiitnoo acUdtod' writs for prtiHie anil tornu. TT & CO., Cincinnati, CWo. C3TABLI9HCO 19Ti . aaui M I m -M sal t ramady for lnfWata mm. CUUnm Caveat, and Trade-Marka obtained and alt fat-1 ent bun dm conducted lor MootnaTg rcra. i ouo Orrioi to oaooarrg U. s. ptcnt Omet andwacantecitra patent to feat tuna tbaa Uuk remote from Washington. , SmuI fnndL drmvunv or fthotiL. etlth Ararrin- tlon. We adViae, if patentable or not, free oil ctuugo. ,uur lea not ou till patent utecuraa. ( A nanucT, " How to Obtain Patent," with coat of aame In tha U. B. and foreign ooontrictj eat free. Adores, C.A.SNOW&CO. Btaawaiea Ikaaiao taa aub aa A A COMPLETE V PER The Trde of the Kortli Cni loi na.rittiH." Do you want to aid in building up a paper that shall reflect th jtfateBt credit on .North Caroli na, no matter where it inu.v U seen? .Then uatronizo - TbeW'ilqimgton Aiessengef Do you want a-reliable pa pi giving you all the news of th world a Democratic wwspapei that eipjnls the best-has tht largest circulation, and has for A A . r cweuiy-one years uefii x pan and factorin tbejrrovth nnddev velopnient of the Old. . Nortl JStutw? Then Hubw'-i'lrp lor "' THE WILMINGTON .MESSENUEK Lampaifrn Kates: The "Daily MenKener.' mail, 4 months on trial, 1 fo TIip weekly "Transcript Mes senger," (the laruest ano best paper in the State) months on trial for $1.00 Cash in advance. Both papers are large Plight-Pact sheets. Send Postal Uaro with tlieaddivss of flvt ner sons and receive sample cop ies OI THE MESSENGEIt. Oct. 1st. 1888. tf. TAKE THE Chicago anil Alton R. H OOINO West and Northwest Emigrants uoinir to an v ot tht Western States or Territnrips .rill save time and money going viu. vnicago ana Alton route t in the quickest route to KANSAS CITY, DENVER rUEMLO. And all points in Idaho, Wash mgton, uivgon, Utah and California. Finest ami Host Equippeu Road in the Wvst. Only line running Solid Vesti bud trains etween St. Louip and Kansas 'ity. Ueclining mir cars and Tour iHtepet-H ee of ostra charge. 1 will miie parties at any rail road station with' through tickets and baggage cheeks. For full information, maps ana lesrrip.ive pamphlets of tin VHt write to or call on ' H. A. Newlavd, Tm veling lTasdiiger Agt 19 Patton Ave., Ashev.Tle, N.C J. CiiARi.To.V, (. 1. A Chicago, ill. . . University Of N. G. L'onipri8sBthe Unlvcrfitv." Hie Collegq, the Law and WedUul school. Bnd the Summpr Rrhnol for.Teachers. Tuition 5 teachers, 471 PtudutH. Addirwa Prwldeut Wintour-t'hapel H111, N. C, for catalogugue aud hand book on,,Uui,veritjr Education." , -C3TAX1C- BLOOD BALM. A household remedy for oil Blood and ' Skin dlaaaa. Curea without falL 8rrf- ala,leen, kaiHaa.Cataita. tall Bkoaa and ever farm Hlnod Diaeaaa from the simplest pitnole totbefouleat Ulcer fifty yenra- oao wiu-nnTaryuw auoooaa, - mj nnetratM tta nfinaim tiMlin. ounfy- M ' log and building up virtue. One bottle kaa mora eorativo virtue than doaaa of any other kind. It build ap too health aodatrentthfxom theflratdoao. tW" WHITE Boo o IToJf orctsrw, mntfr ost fPfy 1 If not kept by your loeol druggist, aend IL00 for Urge bottle, or 4.00 for alx bot UejODd uadlolno wiU be oent, freight CL0C3 eALM CO.. Atlanta. Ca. GET THE BEST When too oro about to bora Sowinr MachlM do not bo deceived by allnring; odTertlM cod bo Ie4 to think yott oao. get tho boot nnc nnianen aaq Most Popular trr a mera soog;. See to it that too bar from reliable nuuns. factarara that hare gained o reptrtatioo by booest and aq aaro dealing, yon will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world orer lor its dura bility. Yon want the one that to ooaiost to roanage vd i Light Running There is none in the worldthei oao equal la mechanicaf too traction, dnrabllity of worfing , rta, Bneneea of finish, beamy appearance, or ho aa ma jr ' improvements as tha . , 'New Home U haa Aaaaaatlo Teoslsa. Poohls Peed. altkO oa both aide of needle (fstmftd), no other boo it 1 Mew Stand (ttntJ drtring wheel htogad ooadjusUrjteoeotTa,thiurediKingfrictkiaM the minimum. writb ran cincuLAnt. THE KI HOIK SEIII6 IICHUE. Oaien.ia. aomo.aUai Uobb,. t Caatuao, Iu. 8t. Lara, Ko. Du&sTBua. . aalaaoooo.CUi. Anuria, 0. FOR aALi Wt " the Standard, f i . . . i .' DURANG'S i Rheumatic Remedy Has irntalnKl Its repotntlon for 18 yean aa twine- toe standard remedT for the quick and permanent euro of Rbeuraa- V turn, uout.srmtica, etc., in an it lorms. It is endorsed b tbooranils ill Physi cians, Publisher and Paticnil. It ia purely Tegetable and bnilds up from tne Brat doee. It never fail to cure. Price la one dollar a buttle, or six bottles for five dolUn. Our 40-pngi: Pam phlet sent Free by Mail. Address, Durang's Rhcamatic Remsdj Co. 1318 L street, wasmnQion,D.c. lNnsfi Uosr f f lis are tbobest t cortn. YnvyactwitDaneaaeuiati tlum a honeehnld Ik ' alna. run w era. r boi, . m!tm fob ii. ' fob sail t oavteisri. r.o f.::r.E eye-gusses ITCHELL'C Eye-Salve A Certain, Bare, and Effective Bamedy fat SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing long-Stghttdnm, 4 Rutor , 4(L big tht Sight of tht Old. : Cores Teir Owpt,6rtnnttloB Sryif) Tanora, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Uriel, in ruwciie (cici miDin ruiiiEncai. Also, eqnally affleackna when need In. otbe maladies, such as Ulcere, Fever peree, Vosaero. Halt Kheoss, Borne, plee. p whereverlneammatloB exists, MITCMMIJVB aVLCFMmay be to advantage. eoUkyaU"ctotoaSSOaM. J naonts a Zlh Atrial j i lUilSllH i ! sill aU 4; a?! 1 2 my ' r i

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