1 y, : 1 'W.v x , :0- . 1- ' ' i : v fiuBBCiuPTiox Hate 9 3; To The Watauga Democrat, X JOpy 1 yearV..!...:........;.! 1 .00 i. : " M 0 month.........,........, 50 8. month.;.:! ....:485 Adv'ebtibinq RaTKH, , y ';1 inch 1 woek..,.........,..l.....f 75 1 1 . i lmonth 1.75 , 1 - h - a nn ,' . -......,....... tJ.W . 1 " A " R (V) '1 "1 yeaf;...,v...:,..;..... 7.00 ; " . 4 ' 1 .n k . s t.. a column a ween................ w.u i X lUUIllII . ,;io.uu 3 -..............SS.OO 0 . .37.50 1 1 ,: " -vl, year....r;.........50 00 v r 'j. Entered at the Postofflceat -' ' Boone," N.'CY, as second-class J ,tv mail matter. ' LOCAL NEWS. Read the numerous land sales in this issue.' - 'K!' fSome cominunicatiousHre 11 4 vl?Avol(',b'y crpwaeil out of - -" i - inis issue,, .. . ; -: : I ;l-7' ,. . . ;( nrii family have moyed into ;Wti ; the UrJ Keeyes dwelling. ; i . . " were in seioniionaay ana . " Tuesday of this week. . . - . . -. - -. " iJ-h'W .y r-For.barKainKinanythin you need, call on Blackburn, Cottrell and Miller. . '":;'rn'gatheririis'is the usu al avocation of the farmer. ..The crop will be, pretty fair, but hot as large as usual. Attorney J. 0. Fletcher and G. A. Bryan returned on i Monday crqm Atlanta, and report an enjoyable trip. ; -Mrs. R C. Kivers and lit , tie Ralph, after a protracied lvWi - to ielatives in Iredell ;. coiinty, have returned. .- Miss Nannie Rivers open ed school at Linville on Mori day and will teach there du ring the winter. ; R F. Ragnn, of Boone. ". ha quite a curiqsity. On one ; stalk he has thirteen w e 1 1 develoj)Hd heads of cabbage, hard and sound. Solicitor J. F. Spninhour and family will move to Mor " ganton this week, and will r-emain there during the win ter. ; ' " J Miss Bina , da ughter of ;, Jmlge L. L. Greene, left some . ' days since tor Greensboro, "where she will enter he State 'Normal & Industrial School. -. V Persons who intend t o j.jinjr eir" subscription in wood-will please deliver it at once before the roads get so We learn that a number : . of the citizens of Brushy Fork s will lenve next week for At- k lanta to take in the Exio8i ; w. tiou. : .;V "Hot Shots" by Sam Jones, is the title of a new hookjudt publi8bei by th .-. Southern Pnblishing House at ! Nashville, Tenn See ad elsewhere. ' v : Deputy Collector James C. Horton anticipates moving -to town in he near future. - He. will occupy the residence of the -late R. L. Councill t Ghid-.to hav Mr. Horton and family with us. . Messrs T. J. and W. C. ' Coffy are off for Atlanta. . Capt. Coffey goes to consult a specialist in regard : to his ' neuralgia trouble. that has ;-' been affecting him eftriously v for some timo. ' l a -Mr. H. C. Martin; of Blow ing RocK, has sold bis inter estin the mercantile business tcMr. Holsbouser and has '. LUnoved to A Lenoir. We are . irideedbrryrtogive up Mr. Martin nhd his pleasant fam ily, and hope they may find It to their interest to move : ' rback ere loug;: 1 Miss Emma Horton,: of New River, attended the Ex positiou at Atlanta and got married to a gentleinan from High Point, her oldbaau and haa not yet returned. Good luck to them. . v Kx i ' Prof, y D." I. Dougherty has returned to his school at Bq t ler, ,Ten n. . H is fa t her has taken uirt place , at Jeffeiwm and will remain there to wait on his afflHed grand father, B. C. Bartlett. The pnbliHher of this pa peris sorry indeed that -he was forced to miss, two con secutive issu s, but suchwas the cue. He was detained at Statesville so long that, it was utterly impossible for him to do the work and get it out. ' Mrs Elizabeth, wife of Ad am Hix,dipl at her home on Watauga River at 2, p. . in., last Saturday. She hasbeen a confirmed invalid -for the past twenty years or more, but pneumonia was the di rect cause of her death. We learn that Sheper.l M. DuggVr, the taiented au thor of the "Balsam Groves of the Grandfather Moun tain," was recently married to one of Watauga's charm ing daughters, but we are un informed as to who the tor-1 tunatelady is The Demo crat extends congratula tions. The m nst protracted drought we have ever experi enced, was broken on Wtxlnen day of last week by a gently falling rairt which continued nearly all day. Unless the small-grain crop is injured by the drought, it lias -oeen a great blessing to us for it wived the greater, part of the corn crop. I wish' to say to those who are indebted to me that I need and must have my - pay. 1 win prtMieea at once to collect according to law if settlements are not prompt ly made. Iam sorry to be f sreei to sue, but see no oth er way to collect. Give this notice your immediateatten- tion and sa ve costs. -5 W.L.Bryan. Ttiecase of the United States vs. Tice arid Mack Waironer. who are charired with robbing the post office at Valle Crue.is on Aug. 13th, '94, was called on Wednes day of the Federal Court at Statesville. ar.d some of the witnesses were examined, 'ut owing to tin sickness of one of the jurors a misstrial was had and the case was contin ued until the next term. Tlie bond required was f 1,000 as to Tice and f 500 as to Mack. Mack filled his and was re leased, but as Tice failed, hi as returned to jail to await the next term of court. A cough which persists day al ter dav. should not be neglected any longer. It means something more than a more local iritatton, and the sooner it is relieved the better. Take Ayer's Cheary rec- toral.. It is prompt to act ana sure to care. NOTICE. - The firm of H. C. Martin & Co. is dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. W. L. Holshous er has purchased the interest and cood will ol Mr. H. C. Martin, and will receipt for all account. due the latenrm and settle all claims against said firm. H. U. Martin & Co. Referring to tho above, I wish to thank the public for the generous, patronage ex tended to the late firm and bespeak for my successor a continuation of the same. Very respectfully, ii. a m ARTIX. ;i BctolHtleiu of Betpect. ; x. To the tnernor.i of the late Maiden C'Harman, : ' ; v " 4 good ronuV' death is a public call nnty. and such ca lamity the fridge has sus tained in Uih death of o u r worthy brother. Maiden C. Barman, who departed . this lUe Oct. 25th, 1895; and in testimony of the respect and veneration in whieh he was held by tho Fraternity, we recommend the adoption of the following resolutions; Resolved 1st, That in the death of brother Harnian the Lodge his lost an honored member; his family a deo ted hnsband and parent; the State a useful and loyal citi zen. ' Resolved 2ud.!That wecora mend his moryl character as a MaKon, his energy, hones ty and perseverence as a citi zen and his benevolent as a christian, to brethren as wf.11 worthy of their emulation. Resolved 3rd, That we ten der to his bei ea ved fa rnily our sincere condolence hnd sym pathy, and that the usual badge of mourning be worn by the membeis of this Lodge for 30 doys. Resolved 4th, 1 hat these resolutions be spread upon the Jiinntesof tl.eLodgeand that a copy ol the same be sent to his family and one t the Democrat with request to publish. J. .1. T. Reese. G. W. Osborn, Com. J. H Mast, Oct. 27th, 0895. The only iiermanent cure for chronic catarrh is to thoroughly expel the pdson troin the system by the faithful and penitent, usf ol Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This won derful remedy proves successful when all other treatment has fail ed to relieve the sufferer. There is to be a Confeder ate monument 56 feet high fleeted in New York. The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Doctor Kin it's New Discovery as an ide al panacea for coughs, colds and lung complaints, having used it in my family for the pa8t 5 years. to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other prepara tions." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, I owa. writes: "I have been a miu ister of the Methodist Episcopal church for fifty yearn or more, and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's Xew Discovery." Try this ideal cough remedy now. Trial bot tie free at Uolsclaw's and Blackburn Cottrell and Miller s. We hoped to be a hie to give our readers the result of the New York. Ohio, Connecti cut, Maryland and Kentucky elections in this issue, but fear we will not get the result before wt go to press. We hope, however, tat the dem ocrats have elected their ticket in Maryland and Ken- tuclcy. We have no hopes of democratic success in Ohio, nut have some for N. Y. It lay IH Ai Much for !. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, Ill writes that he had a severe kid ney trouble for many years, with; severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so-called kidney cures but without any good result. A bout a year ago he began to use Electric Bitten and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is espec ially adapted to cure of all kid ney and liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement Price 50c. and 1 at Holstlaw's, and at Blackburn, Cottrell 'and Miller's. ; ": . Throat ? , And Ixssz : troubles, Tfike WW LrJ Cfc:rrjf Pccfcrd Received Highest Awards At World's Fair." Wkmi U DmM, Mk for Ayw TWm. DR It D. JENNINGS DENTIST Im now located at Blowing Rock, where he will remain during the summer and fall of ear-h year, and desires to impress upon you the impor tance of having your teeth at tended to at once. Don't Put it off, for by so doing, your, teeth get worse; uive you more pain, costs you moiv, and cannot be av ed so well. Have them exam ined every 3 or 0 months and as soon as one decayed ore is discovered, have it filled, and vou will not miss what it will cost you to keep them up, and thus save your;ata ml teeth, which are so essen tint to good health. So (tharge F rr Examination, Give me a part of your pa tronage, and inakemy house vour home whilehnvingyour work dpnp. Sufficient produce for my family's use will be taken in exchange for work. Office at residence, (Morris BuiHinir.) Very Rosp. R. D. JENNINGS. July 18. EVEBY GOOD CITIZEN Owes it to his country and to himself to subscribe for his coun ty paper. It gives him the neA's nt home and abroad, and in forms him where he can buy his goods so as to save money. I am going to edit this space in the interest of the good people of Watauga county, and I want them to read it. It will be to your interest. SEE THIS! A flrst class sewing machine with all attachments $22. Tin iron, band iron, sheet iron round iron, ' square iron, tire steel, square steel, round steel, oc tagon steel,, Roland chill plows. Chattanooga chilled plows, Da mascus plows, Dixie plows. Watt plows, double and sinjrle plows, steel plows; all kinds of plow bolts, clevises, heel screws, single trees, double trees, points, boards lamlsides, standards and handles for all the plows. Kentucky cane mill tho best cane mill in the woi ld: Tin, agate, and iron, ware in endless variety. Call at CHARTER OAK HARDWARE STORE JOHN U. IIOUCK, Manager. I?nor. N. C. Sept. 3. NOTiOE. North Carolina, Wntnugn County. In office Clerk ol Superior Court. Notice is hereby given of the incorporation of 'TheGrnnd father Mountain MiniugCo;" that the names of the incor porators are A. J. Critcher, J. H. Mast, W. F. Reece. W. A. Davis and W. H. Hilliard and such others as they may associate with them; that the principal place of business shall be nt Foscoe, Watauga county, North Carolina, and its general purpose and busi nesses mining and miningop erations; that the duration of the corporation shall be sixty years; the capital stock is one hundred thousand dol lars with piivilege to increase to two hundred thousand dol lars divided into two thous and shres at the par value of fifty dollars each.-" M. B. Blackburn, C. S. C. A Big- Lot of JTaw r I have hist received a large, new and well selected stock of .teneial Merchandise at my ntorv, and I wish to call the attention pi the public to the following facts: " ' You can get mattocks, axes, drawing kruves, rim knob lockc, pnd-locks, best made, brace and bits, monkey wrench jack planes, butts and screws, Farmer's Friend plow points, mould boards, dogs and land slides, also points for 54-and 52, Chattanooga hill side plows. Sole leather, upper and narnessieather. xou can get Hood s snrsiipa rfihi Dr, King's New Discovey ' ArnicaSulve, Dr, Joyne's family medicines, nod all other kinds of medicine for man and beast; all cheap. Yes. I havejost received 1,000 yards domestic; a big lot of jeans at 25 cts. and up, calicoes, worsteds, flannels, water-proof flannels, serge, etc., etc,' .' Give me your trade. I will certainly appreciate it I will do you right every time. ir : ...r WANTED : 800 Doz. eggs at 10 cts. per down, 500 pounds of fresh, yellow butter at 10 cts. per pound, 2.000 young chickens nt 4 cts. a pound, 1,000 lbs. of pumpkin seeds at 8 cts. per pound, 100 bushels of white beans at 91 per bushel, 50 lbs. of burdock seeds at 3 cts.. and all other produce usually handled by a country merchant at highest market prices. .Please bring me your, cash and produce and 1 will do you good. Birch oil wanted, atf 1 per lb. October 8, 1895. A LITTLE AD PLACED H EKE WOULD HE SEEN BY THOUSANDS OF PE0PEE.. THY IT- t i look and The great secret to success in having plenty of the com forts of life Is in knowing how and when to buy. First, look I second, examine the quality and price of the article, or articles, you wish to buy. To those who are interested in buying necessaries for their consumption for the least money we most re&pecthlly invite them to call on us and examine our entire line of GENERAL HERCUANDISE, Consistingof Groceiies, Hardware, Tinware, Sheetings, Plaids, Prints, Cashmers, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing, No tions, etc. It will not cost you anything to examine our goods but we will be pleased to show them to you and give you our prices, whether you buy or not. , Shoes, Shoes, Shoes ! We make a specialty of shoes. We think we can sell you the nicest and best shoe for less money than n ny mer chant or merchants in the c.ountj . We do not quote prices in OU advertisement from the fact therenre so many differ eut grades ot the sanie line of goods that it. i almost im possible to quote prices and at the same time desciibe the goods so you will know the quality without examining for yourself. We will not try to induce any one to buy !our goods by selling on time, we sell to all tor the Pay When They Receive The Goods consequently it enables us to sell goods for less money. All we ask is a fair trial and the buy er will be convinced of the trut'j. Very Respectfully, ULACKDUIIN, COl 1RELL & MILLER. I LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW . O Statesville Marble.Worh -0- If you are in earnestabout wuntingthe bestMonument or Tombstone, for the least money, be sure to write to me, as I buy direct from the quarries in car load lots. I em ploy the very best workmen, nnd to-day I have the largest and most complete stock of Marble in North Carolina. fWSatisfaction guaranteed. Consult your interest, and give me a call or write for prices. C- B WEBB. Statesville, N. C. January 24th, 1895. THE I.IOUIITAIII.IEDICIIIE COPAIIY ZUJNYIllE M8TII GAROtflA. Is now engaged in th'; :nanufii-nre -and sale of a valu able medicine,-known ih the MOUNTAIN; JlEUB MEDI CINE, composed of the natural herbs of oirinnouutuin sec tion. , This wonderful medicine is l iMy recninroenaed for is eases of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and all diseases ari sing front a bil(iou8system. This is no patent medicine. Itis pure, simple, cheap and effective.' It is recommenled by the phjsicians of the county, aiidis one of the best medi cines on the market. " " - This medicine is put up in packages with full directions with full directions on each, Frrtje f 1.00 per pack9ge,sent post paid to any address. If yoahave Liver trouble. Dys pepsia or Kidney complalntsrtry it and be convinced that we are not trying to hdtoeul&tfui- IUiSPectfully, 1 HE iXJMPJLNT ' 6o6ds: at .Hy; Stor roars Anxious to piease, WILL W. HOLSCLAW. i mvm

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