ae Watauga Democrat A Democratic failyewspaper dcrotaJ to the Interest ot Uoun tv 'State' u 16 Nation. Publifihed rvJr ThvuMlay at Boone, Wa. tamra County. N.C. Ew tk Tariff Affects Iron. There has beenTin the face of mjuced tariff duties, an in ooyraing incrt'As in the ex ports of iron and tminutac turus within the paM year, the value for th past niiio itfobthW' being f 31, 252,660. against $27,310,702 for the corresponding period of last year. The gain in 1894 show ed a gain iu 1893, so that , the gain ha been continuous and notably this year. The articles exported -embrace nearly everything from a nai to a locomotive, including agricultural machinery. TIih opponents of the jiewr tariff say there is no reason to con . gratulate ourselves on this. 'for these exports were made simply to get rid of a surplus -which could not profitably be disposed of at, h jme, but t his is not true, for they h u v e brought better prices than heretofore, and in addition to this our manufacturers would be more apt to restrict the output than to kwp on pro ducing and shipping to for ' eitrn markets without making any reasonable profit there by. . If our manufacturers were on the. name footing that then most formidablecompetitorH are in securing their raw ma terial tax free, in buying in the- markets whtro t h py could buy the cheapest, they would Hot be long in demon strating that they are more than a match for the manu facturers of other countries, and iu building up u foreign trade of immense propor tions. Wilmington 8tu Winston Sentinel: After Rev. Mr. Price had preached his last sermon to the colored people, a few nights ago. be announced that any member of the congiv gatinu that desired to testify for the Lord could do so. Several made short talks, the most per tinent out of which was a colored brother who remarked that he bad heard some people say that Sam Jones was the greatest man that ever visited Winston; others said Mr. Fife was: while others thought Mr. Price was the great est. The brother said he would tell how it was:"Mr. Jones came here and did tho washing, Mr. Fife and Price are now here doing de ironing.' The following story is credited tod Teres papti In one of the earliest trials before a colored jnry in that State, the twelve . gentlemen were told by the judge '.' to "retire and find the verdict." They went into the jury room, whence the opening ana shutting of doors tnd other sound ot un- s usual commotion were presently heard. At last the jorj came back' '''into court, when the foreman announced: ''We hab looked every whar, judge, for dat verdict -. in the drawers and behind de doahs, buUt ain't nowhar in dat blessed room." . u, . ; . , . North Wilke8boro" Nwu: On Friday little Daisy Park er; bt Ashe county, who is 11 years old, came into town, . ' leading 57 head of her pet -' turlceys to market. She had - raised sil of them and they were as '-gentle as dogs'' foi ; lowing ner wherever she went. They , weighed 505! pounds, ; bringing her about $26. Lit 4le, Daisy is a bright child, ; arid has shown by example " .what aJittlegirl can - do in : the poultry business. The par -vtiiig scene ' be t een her iqnd :') tft pets was really pntKotre; ;;..-; Looalnr Tkem. :, , A certain , editor lost two subscribers by an act , of his own carolesnes; nnd this, is ' a. - ' ' 1 ' l 1 . i. . m i. "'.1 now II came aooui. i n e y wrote to tsk his 'remedy for their respective tionhjes. No. I, a happy father of twins, wrote to enquire the u e st way to get them over their teething, and No. 2 wanted to know how to protect his orchard from myriads ot grasshoppers.. The editor framed his an swer upon the orthodox lines hut unfortunately " trauspo eu the inquirers two names, a a with the result tlm, Number One who was blessed with twins, reads in his reply to his query: "Cover them carefully with straw ami set fire to them and the little pests after jumping about inthe flames for a few minutes, will speedi ly be settled." Number Two, plagued with grHSHhoppers,"was told: 'Give a little castor-oil. and ru') Itheir gums with a bone ring." A HpeHnl from Winston to the Raleigh Sews and Observer tells the following which is nlleged to have occurred in the mountains oil Stokes county last week: Thomas Mabe was running a braud.rvliatllerv and when ho went to '-double" he filled fiin large still with "Hinjrlings" and "backings,'' causing it to Imil over and run down. The liquid took fire as quick ns.jowler and caught in the still. The cap wan blown off and the huildiug was soon filled witli flames. Trteowner wes standing near the still, while his two boys lay asleep on th floor. The burning liquid run over the hoys.: Father and son made a rush for the door, bu. it was fastened. When thpygot il op m all three were burned so badly that all are expect'.! to dL. The house and contents wc re destroyed. Ip addition to the canning in dustry we should supply the entire celf ry market of the Stnte. We have in this valley thousands of aers of the finest black land forcelerv culture in the world, with the advintagethatrunning water could be put into everv field at very little trouble or expeuse It is our prediced that not many years will pass until Transylvania will be as well known in the celery trade as Kalamazoo, Mich., now fs. Who well be the first to try an acre of celery on our black bottoms? With irrigation, a failure of this crop would be impossible. Brevard ews. Bunk' Blodsoe has thp con tract to rMiver a valuable walnut tree at this place. It is of the curly variety and was planted I y Shade Cala way 85 years ago at bin hon,e on New river, a bout. 25 miles from this place. A man by the name of Severt pur chased the tree from the Cal- awaysfor $11 and sold it to northern firm for $125. Bledsoe gets $75 for deliver- ing it here. North Wilken boro News. Notwithstanding the i epub llcon victories of this month, the price of cotton decline and the gold in the Treasury continues, to dwindle. The lep'ubliean Congress meets' next week, however, and will, of course apply the remedy for these - result of "demo cratic incompetency!" If it docs not, the people will know whpre to place, the ie-spbnsibility.--Landmark. . r The Pemocrrttic party seems to be in the position the negro said jobn Minor Bott's race horses were. Bott's horses lad been beaten badly by Jones's homep, and when Bott's nejrro was tak ing hia horttes off the field, Jones' negor said to him: 'Take your horses home ; and . keep them therethey can't leat anybody's horses." Bott's uegor retorted: -Well I'll tell vou what they tan do they ouu b.t one another for I have neen theui do it.- "News and Observer. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. NORTH CAE0LIS A C0I.LEUE op Agriculture and Mechanical Arts. Tho next wKsion of this Col lege will tu gin September 51 h. hxaiiiiiimious nt county ieals first S ittml.iv in Au-I U it, Young uiHri iiiHirnig a technical cuunition at arum usually low cose will do well to nppl.v for catalogue to A. Q HOLLA DAY. I'res UALKtou, N.t.'. Holly Spring College. A co-ed ucntioiiul Hchool of high grade, Ixrinxits next Kension Au gnsfc 5. "i8i . Heathful ami moral hu atiun. Large and coil veiuent building. Library and Rtadin Room. . Micrneopo ami mineral CHl-inets Excellent dehatiug 8(ci.itios. Ample biu--ding hci ommodutioriM at small cost. I nit ion very ivnsonuble. p rite for catalogue to J. H. Smith, Tiumdknt. Butlkii, I1I3T0UY OF THE LAST LEGI2LA- T02E. B117 Oao, Only Ten Cr nts A, attractive panip!) et,160 pages, withornamen tal cover, devoted to the rec ord of the bist Ljgiliitnn rhev. (Ht Lc'islut lire, nave ll);it. of 18(i8. ever UKeinlih'il in t'n State. This book give its record plainly ami truth fully. It givcsfactsaiid name and is tliorouihly reliable. It has been prepaier1 by some of tlie Le.t Dimicratie writ ers in the State. Every patriot, every citi zen n ri d every Democrat should have a copy. Price 10 cts. per.copy poit paid. Lowr prices by the hundred. If not on sab at bookstorp or rliugstore id dress E. M. Uzzell. Printer and Hinder. Raleigh, N. MtivSO, t f 1 Poor Health means so milch more than you imagine serious and fiaiai aiseases result irom trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's f greatest gift health. If yotttrefcclini out of aorti. weal if haosted, netvout, jf nave no aDoetnt ana can l worn, beariii at onccuk. ble ftrengtlienir.- T, medicinc.whlch u J Brown' Iron Bit-J, tern. A few bot- i ties cure btntfit fcijr uiai uu.. 1 if j -1 wwm mi. jvmr M 1.1 A vrnt 11 . 1 1 plcuant to take J It Cures 4 Dymeosta. Kldnev and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood f Malaria, ' Nervotu allrDent 4 Women's complaints. Clt Mltw AkA .Ml M 1 MA I. La. mmmJ mJ F Una oa the wrapper. AU other arc tub- 1 atitatea. On receipt of two c. atamps we f will aend act of. Te BeautifnJ Weritt'i fur view and book free. ' BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, Ma Lumber Wanted Idly on the V'.'a affH AuMewlAtea nn.1 !?- 1 nnuiwi tri V.iriabla Fr'ctidn Feed Saw Mil! with QnUk Iltet Jlus H-artyj.; Die 'a , v.nnm"i." muu hi S'v; Ifi.t, Wlin l-.ngltm.k.; ana uotiera iroin n 10 r.t Hora Power. - ' tc For full doicrlytlva CaUUofln i ddresa, A.B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., YORK, VA. ;Browits Iron Bitters . A r.3 1 1 1 MA 1 1 1 'r'ifbr- Infant? and Children. r --ii nn 1- 1 animiaaaaaaau-ataLLij : MOTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric, Batman's Drops, Ciylfrey'a Cordial, wan Kxallcd eoothlnft- Byrupe, and . ntoit remtillc for children are contppsed ot opium or morphine f ' ' o Vow Know that opium tnd morphine are tupgfvlng narcotic polaonaf ' , Vow Kno-wthat lu moat countries drugg lata are not permlfted toacllnarcoUca without laUeliug them potaonif ' "yow Ktiow that you ihoutd not permit any mcdldna to be given your child unleu you or your phynlciau know of what It la composed 1Q Yon Know that Castoria la a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of . ita ingredient U published with every bottle ? IH Voq Know that Castoria la the prcacrlptlon of the famwis Dr. Saniint Wlrhrr. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria la now sold than ofoU other remedies for children combined? ' . ' Xo Toa Know tlut the Talent Office Departmeut cf the United States, and of other countries, have issued excnsire right to Dr. Pitcher end his assigns to use tlio word " Castoria" and lu formula, and tliat to lactate tlicnt is a elate prison oenv? Io Tow Know that one of the reasons for granting t!ib government jrcledlon was because Castoria had been proven to be abfto ste!y harmless J no Vow Kioit that 3J averace doses of CaatorU are furnished for 1 cenla, oronecent adasef - Tn Vow Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, j-our children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest? yrft, fbewe Irttngo are worth knowing. They are fuels. The fac-r.lrtlla yf Cl,t:tTre of Children Cry for IC2 SSI .IL'slsNfllliig! It Is An Iron-dad Fact. I h.uv ikk;;ooIs to offt-i von, hut I hiiM" llit4 ij o I tl . llanl CjisIi to offtT ytui fi lUUi'HOlL. iIIXSKNfi AND li E E S W A X At the highest ma hot pi lees. I. fi"5F7iow having uny f thw fn tirlrs to offer would fn WfU to km or wiite to Hi nt Hi' win Hock t A. C. 7iV .,. SO, 18'Jo. j. n johjsox. nSTOw floilai pars for li rnoer;it uun war. thv TO ..PER -DAY Easily Lade Ws iw" many mm, r. amen, i-r us n lew imur uuii;-. r'g'l' .Ul-nn nrounu thtlro-rn liomes. bulnm l .rfr.r'.fussnt. trl.:ll Ununrabl", and pnvs ler tli n an; rtl.ef olferod sentt. You liavs :l ilrnr i'rlr ui! otnpcfltio.i. Kxpprlrn' i rii'l rn ril ijl.tllry un nocw.iiiry. Un ea'it;.l r-'iiiind. Vrnii ;.-ob w! h frcrvthln? 1'ist roil n-i-l. treat yon well, fij 'u lp rou to rnv.i t u liinin nnlinnrv traces. VAmien do s well ai, tnri f-oys slid flr Til iko gvt I pnr. Ar i, nnvwhrre, mil do the wirk. A II iiiicewl r.-'l'.w xnrplnln and sim ple !l-eKlloni. IC'irnt " -k will mri'ly Iir!n3 J U ft ,fi-Mit dl of mum . F.'rr IMr.f 1 few a:xj in Rrvst ri"inti I. V.'i'e ir.r our inTr.-plitt-t elrculir, and tt-m-Wr f ill finnn l"n. Ko I'tirwi (lone If you couuluue not lu go cu w.Ui the bnslnrss. CEORCE'3Tif5r''.ifS&CO., Box tv':, PCRTLAWD, QnThKL 'T7trS ' '! EtlDOnSCDBY - 'i ' .. .tkONivm h )u.e l..'-Ji !jniirr(ow, ,-abtw. . ; , :;Trir' :fvHTr ?i Vkmpm ' ?E!yHotcsoMyar)8PowcBruul tfcwWarlK. As. IrjoerFcrlii, , ; " ' . ' I is on crery Ttrappcr. Pitcher's Castcrla. Caveats, and 'f rade-Markj obtained and all Pat etit business cent) acted Moderatc Firs. Our Orricr is OrrosiTr U, 8. PsTtNTOrfict aud we isoxi'ura jwtcia u lew Uxa tiiaa thou. remote from Washington. i Send iroilfL dromg or photo., with descrip tion. AV'S ndvi:;, if patentable or not, free oi charge. Onr (co net cue till patent u secured. , A PAMPHLET, " How tco!ta!n Fateats," with cost cf same in ths U. & aui foreign coantriei. wnt free. Address, C.A.SfJOW&CO. Or. PurrftT Omec, Washimoton. d. Oi vVWVVVWVVVWVWWWWWWS) A COMPLETE NO HA PEH The IVd.-M'T-llie Noilli C.iilti '.V Do you want to nid hi bui'dii f np a paper thut nlmll i t tit 1 1 Hi gi;eatebt cudit on North CljoI1 r.a, no muttsr wln ie it ' I scon? Thin pntionizo The 1 1 ilnuiigl on Mrs, enp-i A LAUOK KKili'l'-i'.MiK l'l'i.!i Doyonwinit tt leiii.tlc papts giving .you all the ik-v.k oi lli noi'kl a l;:ui-ii i j,lic iii ii an i that equals Ihe ht ni- huts H. largest ciruu!al-ioi. ni.d litis itt twenty-one yeiii is ' let n i pfn and fiHiloiin tlirLH.v.tli ,u ddc velopiiiH.t (if tn- )b Nt.iK Stat? Tlit n mi l.M 1 1 ii y THE WILr.I&UYf.S MtSvLStlll Cinnpuiriii UciU'sr The "Dnily Mwspii'." h mail, 4 months on trial,- 'fn'i mmffl r tistJt;Cu Thewcfkly'i,TriiiiipriptMiip ,bo.. ,MtF!ri,tc peiigor,'' ..(the ini-.t irnii I . a. . I UtB' P"Pel UIO uuoti puptr wj uio Mine; mom 1.8 on tutii lor $1.W- Cash in utlvanee. 1'otl pupei-H are lar-iv Kilii-l i Hlmets. Kiid Postal Cm i". with tlu"jilcins of fiyt j c; h;)iis i ni ren-ivi1 wurjph' co' i8 of Tun Mi:N!';-jN.iKi. Out. Ut. 18Ha. 1. taki; Tin: West and Kcrtiiwcst EniimrantK li'OlIit'' td Mtiv nf tin Winter n Stntes or Ter'ritoiier will save time and nionov froino via. Chicago mid Altoii;rout& i i.i mo nuicKt'Bt route to KANSAS tJlTY, D EX VEIL And all pointH hi Idaho, Wash' i . . iiigton, OrwRon, Utah . and l-ulirornia. ; Only line running Solid Vthti Kaunas 'it v. ' i't: i ,tiuimr inir ctirs and Tcui 1st pei-B ee" of extra cbaiRe. '1 will mee parties at any rah- ui mee i arn nr. utiv OHO UiliStTiWZP ClieCkH or lull information, niapB ana deMf'ptfWi' pamphlets, of. thi ,f -,r...T ,,u B. A. 6W1axd; ;! -.' .Tfn yelihg jaenger Agt., : ChifURo, 111. . AConipriH's the UiiiversitV he Cllere,' the Law and-fedicul-schmd. and the 8uminer 'Ht'liorl : j for Teachers, Tuition (J0,00: 85 .. Wieners, 471 Students. AddnW '7l'reHidnt Winktoh: I'hnpel HiiU N. ()., for catalopwnufl hiid haiir- hook onUiiivePBit v Kducatiau." ;.--f: June 27th. .,; -. -BOTANIC- BLOOD BALM. A houxAhol.l ri'madv for all Blood and i Sliiu Uli-aa . Curt without full, Beraf. ala.lllrers, Rossini!. CtUvi.h. Salt lilievai ana uyoi v form of Blood Uiwase from tho j stiimloHi, Dimple tothufouleslUloer. Flftv yoiivs' uhu v.ith i aiuryliig auoeesn, 0cm- m tnstratj4w panunomis te:in((, p'.irlJ.v- H ,' Lis more oarulvt! vli tr.e UiM ft tl.i ii : nay othor r.ind. It builds up tho health bj.i sirens u noia ti. first aoso. -. g ViTlVUlVH for Book of TTon-i ft ifirtel CMOS, r.ntfroHMipli- ? 11.00 for a tarpn bottlo, or 8,0O tor six hot- If nothanthv vnurhvnl drnrirlt. send tlet, and moUlolna wlil bo sent, Ixolftht pnld, by E100D BALM GO.. Atlanta, M GET THE BEST When yon are about to buy a Sewlnff Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisemenn and be led to think yon can get the best madiaf finest finished and . Most Popular frr a mere song. See to It that yon bny from reliable mann lecturers that have gained reputation by honest and sq uare dealing, yon will then get a Sewing Machine that Is noted the world over for its dura bility. Yon want the one that is easiest to manage and is , Light Running There Is none in the world thw . can equal in mechanical con atruction, durability of workinar parts, fineness of finish, beauty In appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home: . It has Aatomatlc Tension, Double Feed, alike) on both sides of needle patented), do other baa tt ; New Stand (Atfi driving wheel hinged ' -on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. TEE HEW HOME SEWIHG HAGHIRE ' Obaxob, Kiss. Bonos, Hiss. B trmo SmaM, V.t .. Ciuiuoo, lu. Br. Louis, Ha Tsus. - -: iAS FBAMOISOO, C'Ab ATLAJITA, Gi. FOR SALE BV ' , , x DURAKG'S t: ; 5 lli.uU..'!;i . j ULLilv i .' , " ll.u nit il-ioJ fi ret-tilmi f(-r IS rc.-ira ' iw belit; tie aca.ti'iU'd for un? S quick not ?rrai'nciu ,;,-r- rf HUuini- -i ti.nn, Ooui. .ii-iatin, ti- in t il lis i.v.vr.. ) It 1 eD iif tiiu-.-nv's -.1 I'lij.-t ' wans, hui iuue.1 nipt Patu-ti-s. iv w Enrol vegucaio and l;tili up Siu. :lu -ntdnau. It njve-r MN to iir-; : ft bottles lor five I'c.ltr.rn. vi'.r i imice i aiu- phiel soat tm by A Id. 'Ml, l'rico Is oiu collar .. Wile, or " 1318 L StrertaWfislilTictos, D.C. l . - B. . Duraiig' IAvtr fifUnrn tho Uvt on r enrtli, tnsm n honschi-i'l bl Trtf.v act will) n enso trial nidk.v T lni;. , 1WVCX IS CM. ru 13X, . ' SB0X1SSF0U! X p fob Hit rr ns josnrs. . BO Mil RE-iiSSES ' m.mmmw eves. MITCHELL'S A Certain, Safe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightedness, & Restore ' i ing tht Sight Of tl Old. . (.. Cores TeBrDn)p,Gram;!atloi; S!yf Tumors, Red Eyes, Hatted Eye Lashes, jii rtoDKus REimiTTi m&mTcns, . Alio, rqnaliy emcadoos when ned In ether . DisladlM, snrh as Uleers. Prver Sarea. : Tamora, Pelt Uhenai, Barps,' Plica, or Whrvvirlnnaniination sxlsts, JUMTCHMiuL 'M BAXi fSTmav be di"I to advantage. Seldkrli',"VKUtaata3CaU. J n x o a M e Is! "all 318 ilii u o Bo S e b o ej 'Usi 5a S3 a " a n k. aw COll Slfj ! bo jmmh wes Eye-Salve 5 rJ fKI r ami n3 T Jfi t -SS 2 sT9 KX. a El

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