YhsVataaxaDamourat A Danoctt vtio fa.mly newspaper d;vtU to fcha lut-jrt ot Coun ty State ana Nation," Publwhed vry Thnrsda.v at Boone,' Wa. tau&a bounty. 3i . U. ; 'i Mm. Davk to Be PreM) V Richmond Va.'h June 8. -At a meeting tonight ol the coin pi it tee bavin? charge of the recep tion to be tendered Mrs. Jefler ion Davis, at the D vyit? Mauwon during the Confederate reunion Jiere, a letter was rear It o m ilr, Davie saying that she would gladly be preHent. i: During the reception Mrs. Da vis will be seated on a plat form . between two of the rooms and will hot be expected to tine or hake hands with the guests. , .Miss Winnie Davis and VIrs. H ayes will receive at the Joot of the platform. ? ; ; Mr, Wm- L. Royall has decided not lo deliver his lecture "On the battle of Gett,v8burg"during the Confederate reo aion " . In a letter he says: "I had proposed to deliver my lector.; on "the battle of Gettys burg" during the coming reun ion ot confederate veteran at .Richmond I have however be come rtware that the criticism iu that lecture of certain eminent confederate lia1prn!liad created an anxiety in the minds of sonic of our devoted Southerners that uch a lecture might, be coustru ed as a breach of that whole-sou ed and universal hoxpitnlity which 1s the prevailing spirit ' o: the people of Virginia, and espec ially of the city of Richmond, in welcoming to' our borders the valiant defenders of our homes and friends.' 1 - 'Without in any wav changing my opinion as to the histoiica truth of the statements I hav made, I shall not present them at a time when they might bed is tastciol to any -confederate guest of the city of Richmond." A Marble Bridge . The new bridge to be 'erect- d over the Tennessee rjver at Knoxville, Tenn.. while not to be of unusual size, wil bet the engineer saj 8, a won der in the engineering and architectural world.' It is to be built entirely of pink inar- ile quarried in Knox county and within a few miles of "the oite. It will be 1,600 leel tong from "out to out" o abutments and will bo 240 feet long in the main spans of arch, which, it is claimed, is 20 feet longer than th Imigest arch in the world. It will ri&e at the crown of the channel spans J 05 feet above the water, making it a decidedly imposing struc ture. It la to be n solid mar ble bridge from side to side, with a 50 foot roadway 100 feet above water, with the lour largest cpans in the world. The immense arches will be 8 feet deep at the key stone. 15 feet at the skew backs or spring lines, and will spring from piers 30 feet high and 40 feet wide. The piers gD to solid rock, the aubstrwture limestone. 12 feet below the water surface at the bridge site. Tbearch 8 and spandrel filling will be constructed ot concrete. Theparapot walls will be constructed of sawed marble s'abs, with heavy blo'ks on pilasters everv 15 feet, pro jecting above the wall proper and giving- what might bo called a semicatelhted effect. Railwav Review. ; t' . The hotel keepers nt St Loaisvvere led 7to give the "toan and brother" thb cold shoulder after reading Rus set's famous letter-, calling them "savages,",; Tom IJai ley ought to havesuppresHed that letter until Abe Miildle ton "OuM, get- accoihrnoda. lions. . v.. i . Mr. A. Lewis writes to to'e Mor nmg . Journal to St. Louie: "The RrcKiuify rinjr hn8;i)ought niidi-iior. a fpH-iul; H'lti of the promised and bullied and plaurt Superior Court will cotmue ed itself into asqnoreconvention maioril v. etthose of fte svndi orily, etthoseof tte fjyndi- nbw'on the ground how 'oushesH- ani white alarm. cute nervo Heath shakes with a vage, Thorn son walks the aiprensiv ' floor. Enoch delegates harv 'been pur chased and p -id loftoname Mc klnley. Hot someof thel!vest(ck may get'awVy!!' Some fellow ni'ay com e ji ngli ng a bag pi d oii bl onns knd stamped the herd.T)iere)tore the nngsters of the liantoh eaiwii dates leel their hetuts boat, little and quick like a . bird's. T h .y wish it wei-e over, and Lumber ton Robesoaian. , " '" Senator Tller is now out of the republican party party beyond, recall. This is his latest uttei nn ance in theNew York commercial Advertiser: McKialey will not gain ten ' votes among the free silver people by the buncombe on bimetallisui. ' We will not let the same yellow dog bite 0s twice We shalljiisist for thewliite mot al first, last and all the time. . I we do not get what we want Ave. shall bolt and that is all there is, to it." The Senator says that' the next election will be thrown into the Mouse i Col. Olds sends out his item 'Sheriff Smith, of Richmond says both Rets ot delegates :fr;m the Sixth district to the RepubK can National convention will go; According to, the Sheiifi every thing is for silver in his part of the State. Jle remarket! that theH cry had l)3en raised against Dock eiy that he was a gold man, but thnt now it is discovered that he was the only free silver republi can in nomination. ;,The Sheriff, nowever declaaes thtiit. the repub licans in the Sixth are just noyr f-a.ving wood' and doing very little talking;"News and Obser ver.' Eirkth District Conrrition. A convention of the Demo emtio party of the Eiirhth CongreHHional distriet is here by called to meet in Raleigh, N. C, on Thursday, June 25, lbUb. for the purpose of choosing tWD-delegates and two alternates to the Nation al Democratic, convention. which meets in l.'hicatro. 111.. on Tuesday, Jnl.v 7th, next. lne clnlegatr'S selected bv the counties com losing the district to the State conven tion, which mepts at. the same time rind place will be ivcognizetl as delegates to this convention. The convention to nomi nate a cbndidate for Con gress and a Presidential elec tor is hereby called to inept in Wilkeshoro. N. C.ron Wed nesday, July 29t h, 189G. , liy order ol the Executive committee. ; . EDMUND JONES, Ch'm i ii i i m , .The Democratic Contention. Raleigh, N. C, April 10 96 A Convention of the Demo cratic party of North Caroli na is hereby called to assem ble in the city o? Raleigh on the 25th day of June, 189G, or tho purpose of nominat ing candidates for 3overn6r and other State officers and residential electors foi the State at large: for the pur pose of electing delegates to .ie National Democratic con vention at Chicago, ; and for ne transaction of su?hothfr nusinsss as mav nronerlv time before Hi: liSlV.ivX The several counties of th Stfltp will HPiPPt itoloiraro- ' "HrK BIW r0,1,,l "eel.OC vate win select delegatet? 4j,tlj;roi, Bte,i Uo,a., ,.: hebtate Convention in ec-i corda nee with the plan of or ganization this day promol gated. - ' Done by order of the State Democratic' Executive Com mittee. " , . JAMES H. P0U, th'm. .Smithfleld.iN.C. WILEY-RUSH; See, ; - ' AHhboro. N. C (Demoeratic paf)ers are re- q-spsted to publlfh.') - xoit;e, . ; 11 - i rtf er of Kl iaa Cm r r, ( Jo v- at Hi 'court Jiouho in Boone, - "iituugu munty, on "'iinugu munry, i,., on Monday, Julv 13th, '90, to w;nm.nf on wvk, or tiri- Judge Henry Rr Hrymi to pre side. Said court is for the purpose of trying civil canes, also State ivihh, whero tile liefeiidMnls'iire ir- jail..) IMain-, tiffs, defeudaiitH and v it dhhs eM, take notice and govern I . . . I I w yuuiH'ivuMiirroniingiy. , . VV. C. OoFFEY, ' "",!.-.-. Cliui. i d. (i. Boone N. (U Mttv 25. '00. . Notice to Cbfmilata of itoinnre. Tjnite l St ites Intel mil ll-v enue. AsheviH". N C.. May 15 1 896 Noi ice is hr'ly ti ven that st'izure wok iihuIm at Mrayson. Ahefiuiiifv. N. C, on the ,7th day of .Vav, '06, oi 20 ..'narrcls or corn wIih key. and one r"op,i't s t ill a :id a pp-i ra I us com pier e irop err.vof F. V.Cass. No. 457a. Abow seiznie was ui:id for violation nl Internal Rh venue Laws. All persons making claim to t he above proper! Vj win apical ar my omit in AMbeville, N tl, within 30 days of the date of the first publication of thisnotieeand file such-claim, otherwise the property a hove described wil b declined forfeited to the United btnt.es under Set-tion K. S. S. L. Rogeiis Col 41 h Dist. N. C f p?r J.C. IlouTiiN, J). C. NOTICE. INntiee is heivbv lriven -to all whom it may concern tint a petition will bn filed with the board of (onnty com in is- monei-s on the hnst Monday in July asking th.it the Rlow mg Kock township line le changed so as to ikI.I the fol lowing naiia.d 'bonndaiv t Blue Rnlge township: Rec:in ning at nimmer Hill on top . i .rii t .a . . a . w . . . 01 ine riineiinge,tnencevith said ridge to Yadkin spring at the nullity line, thence with suid line east to.tJie Blue IK.-!.... 1.:.. i:f. ,1 niuxr niie, inence with the Blue Ridge and Blow mg Rock line to the beuin- ning. 1 ins May 3, 1896. Petitioners. Ezsoutor'f Notice. " Having qualified as tha execu tors of Jonathan Horton. du ct ased, late of the county of Wu- cauga, . u. rnis is to notify nil persons havinaclainisao.iins't the estate ot said deeeaswl to ex unit t hem to the uudorsiirned on or Iwfoi-e the 1st dsv. of June 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per. hoiis inaeouMi to saia estate will ? -11 4 1 A . 1 ... piease come forward and make iinnediate payment. This Mav C t m -t Oil, - V J. ( HOUTON, J. B. HOUTON. sxecutors of'Jouuthau Horton. deceased. . . , EVEHY GOOD CITIZExX Owes it to his country and to himself to subscribe for his coun ty pper. It gives him the ne as at home and abroad, and in orrni him where he can buy ' his goods bo as to save money. I am going to edit this space in the incerest of the good people of Watauga county, and I want them to, -rend it. It will be to your interest.. SEE THIS ! A first class sowing inacliiho with all attrtchinents Hawing t ittrtchin S22. Tire iron, band iron, sheet iron round iron, winare iron, tiro ..a ... t i Chattanooga 'chilled, blows Dni musciis plows, Dixie plows. Watt ploWK, double and MiiglepIowg, steel ploww; nil kinds of plow bolts cleviw-s, hiv scrcwK. miir.l. tree, double trees, pi iliN. boards lamlsideH. srHiidardsuiid ha.ii lies for all the plows. j ' Kentucky csne mill ,th( i , 'bjxr e.niH mill in the wo fd Tin,' agate,; and iron ware in! eiiflless vanetv. , .4.li !lt ' ' CH ARXErt OA Sf 'URDWARE ST0R2 JUM. llL'(;K,.luiiager. i for Infants r.i' Ml f ,,)-. M:;: I j ftatcmtn' Vropt, Colfry' 171 - w Tl ' ' i IwfMFhlWwpoifdofopluMiJiotpliln r ' ; ': VM ktiwW that opium and momMn.t rfnrfr .i- jil - .,... i 1 J ' 1 1 ' '"' . L ,(, - , , ' , (.- ( : i. o Vow Know that in moat conatriet'diunist are not permitted to aett narcotic trttbMtUbellugUwmpo'bonst ''"',' ';'. ,n ,.,,.! . :.;;;' o Vow Know that yon thonld not permit anymedldne to be giran yoarcUld -.nbleaayouot your phynicluu tnow or what It U composed f Ho Vow Kmw that Caitoria ii a plwly .Mt yrrrmritloii. ad that Mat of lla lugredienu la publiahol with every bottler . ! : '" That U haa been tn tue for nearly thirty yean, and that won QutorU i now told than : of all other remedla for children com blued? , , , -''!;. i f "' ' 1 . ' ' Po Vow Know that th Patent Office Qepartraent of th United State," and of ctlicr tounu.es, have isaued exeliwlve rieht to Dr. Mtcher and hla aaslgiM to nc th word . Castor U aud 1U formula, and that to imitate them I a itate prUon oflente t Po Taw T-wow that one of the reason for granting this government protection waa because Costoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless T . , pa Vow Know that S3 averag dose of Castoria at furnished for 49 ecu is, or one cent a dose? - , no Vow Know that when Possessed nf thlsprfrH xT"i"' .rflindrtninaj bcUpt well, aud that yon may have unbroken rest? " " ' - f newo tfvgrs are worth knowing. They are fact. The fAc-fra!1e Children Cry for FItcher's Castoria. IB Say, you 1 1 Have y o i; Keen my stork of Musical In 4strOTneiitsi? I am getting new gooua ?very week andnov have a larger sto k than ev er, and my prices are the low est. (iiptars, Mandolins, Bait jos, Violins, AutoharpH, Ac cordetms. Music Soxes a ml every kind f instrnu entthat is kept in a first class Mush Store. VViiteme for pri-rs I ?ah save you money. Al dress Lowe's Mu.ic House, Newton. N. When Baby waa sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Caatoris, When ah became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, aha gave them Castoria, ISSURE, INSURE, Now is the time, for here after it tuny he , too lute. r?ee the promptntrsbS of our company. Delia ylan, N.f! March 21 UG. Equity Life Association, Staunton, a. Dba it -Sifts:. Your agent.' Mr. Frank A.Clinard, of llickorv. N. pain Dieclicck io iJUy for ? 1.000 to day, it. being amount tin husband wnsinsurcd for. This claim was paid 70 days belore it was flue, for which please accept my thanks. My husband had on. y paid two annual premiums on lis policy, hence I commend von for your promptness and kind ness in the matter. And wishing you success in tho future. I am Uesp. Mas. Maky Hkowa, toi'Y of Ueckii't: Received of the Lquity i.iIp Association on check of P. 11. Trout. Treas.. No 2929. dated March 13th, 1890. payable to the order of Mary Mrown on the Augusta Nutionul Hank ol Staunton: Va.. which said check is ar-ce,1ed in full pny.' menr ano uisciai-ge ot tlie policy No. 8040. issued Mav 7 '94 oii tho life of William II.. Brown, of oeiiapiaiie, i). Mus. AIAKY ltllOWN. WitneHHCH. J. F. Shepard, J. r. R. W. S. I'egrnm M. 1). IVIlonlnne. N. e. Gew FiTZPt fiii Lee, I'res't. 1' HANK A. ULINAKI), Agt. - Hickory, N. C. Canst, sod Trad-Marka obtaioed ana all Fat cnt bttsioeas conducted lor MobirstC Fit. . OunOrrie(iOpporru,S. aTcNTOrnei sod w cansecur Datcat m less two uaa lluisc remots Imn Washiatoa. - Scad model, dnwing ot photo, with descrip tion, w advise, ii Datentahla or nut. frr. ,.f chains. Oar fc not tj till patent Is secured. ' A aalMHT.''Ho Obtain Patents," with cost pi sain in tho U. S. and fonica cooauiat eat tree. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. psTritT Orr.ec, Whinctoh. D. C. tGFQw iloibi TM VHfttr ikc Ihmovmt VW rv;i-. ' 3X IK. Ik , '-,.'.-: ' ! ,- ' ' T wi.ii.iylifclll,iWiivvvv.WSM11(twM , 1))' and" Children. - 'f ; - ... -. .... ; , Coixltal, any wxallcd goothlnj Syrupy ad ' Is on ewerar wrapper. HIST0BT OF THE LAST LEG1SLA. TU&. Buy One, Ouljr TeuCfnU. A neat, attractive pamph let, 160 pages, with ornamen tal cover, devoted to th rec ord of the last Legislature, (heworsr Legislature, save that of 18G8, ever assembled in the State. This book gives its record plainly and truth fully. It gives factsand na mes ami is thoroughly reliable. It has been prepared by some id the best Democratic writ ers in the State. Every patrior, every citi zen and every Democrat should have a copy. Price 10 i ts per copy post laid. Liowvr prices oy the nindred. If not on 8ala nt lookstoreor dingsfore ad dress E. M. Uzzell. Printer and Hinder, Raleigh. N. C. May 30, tf Frof DaUb. tit 1 rs Irlaelosl f tks li'iatHGiAL COiLEfiE Cf KY. UNIVERSITY A firlM )Mnl ty JTM' Etfiatititm ' fir Kyntem nf RklkwlntT nd Menrsil ilxin.w Kinr(ioi. . I cvt tn compli'ts ..'iirni-K- ( tir ut f.n. Iiirli'dfnr tulti, n. locks !il Ikkiih. I'Jt4at-up:T. TrrnrllinB mid reltumiiif tnuzi.t. I.- ticrp.nfrl Rraiiiniits -Viii :.-,n':. mi,1 i.vi .."v.-IhI.. Na Vsratloa. MJITB-e yntv. Kfiyn'-l'v Tnlwrsitr Diploma '" "'ir ru'ln'.tn.. ri Ai-Ulnmrr citen our ",.M'r. 'U win.1 MtU'lli'iM, hi tinlrr tknt pimr tttt- r may reach tkii Cbtitg f thi nntiee nntt wlttr it blt"r, VILBU.1 It. SMITH. LEXINCT0N, KYt means .so .much more than A f you imagine serious audi. ftatal diseases result from1 :i ... i Don t play with Nature s greatest gift health. liynaarefeeline out ol cons, weak , and generally ex hausted, i.e. vous. . have no appetite ilron ana cant woi if, j begin at onceiak- in; the most relia. J bit strengthen!. i( i medicine.which 'i J Brown 'a Iron Bii-"i- ter. A few bot, Jf tie cure bciieM i. cones irom the very first dose--H ntH I ttatn rntr , ttttk. and It's 1 pleasant lo take If Ctl tAC 1 a vui Dyspepsia, I Neuralgia, Kidney and Liver V T 1.1 ItUUOICS) Constipation, Bad Blood fiakirla, Nervous cRntent '. Women's compialata. 1 ., C" ",v ,h genuine H has crossed red f r nnesoa inewTapnt.;. All oihen arerau-! sub- 4 1 w f f nvill send set oi Tet BeMU-j TVcr! cair views and boolc-iree. r"0WN CHEMICAL CO. SALT) M 01 a .1 1 ' Poor I Health! Browns Bitters j Backh'H's AruUa Sa'vv ' w , : ' : ....:., .: '-X The best salve in the world ) fur ' cutsl bruines, sores, salt1 rheunu '.'!jfevf r sores, tetter, chawped hunus . cuuuiuins, corns, hiki uu ,; sun eruptions, and positively cures, piles, or do pay reiuired. It Is guaranteed to give iwvfH.-t satis 'i faction-tn o n ey refunded. ' Trice 25 cents per box. For sale I by all drutrftints, . " mm EOTAKIC- BLOOD BALM. A househol J remedy (or all Blood and Skin dlattaaea. Cin a without full. 8rrf. als.Ulrers. 8heaaialbas.CatarrlL Bslt BkMa sou every lonn of uiooa Distune irom id year' -use with unrarvliur auoeeaa. dent' lmuoatpimnle to the foulest Ulcer, nit' Jo onatratea Its paramount lieallnp, purify Inn and building up virtue. On bottle ha more curative Virtue than a dotea of any other kind. It build up the health and strength from tho first doaa. prWHtttS.fr- Bh ir. rful Cures, fntfrem mppli- QHMiOH . " If not kept by yourlooal drumlst, tend tie, and Ue l w lor a large bottle, or 95.00 for all bo ioln wUl be sent, freight paid, by BLOOD B1LU C0..iflnti. Cj BEST v-v sbout to buy a Sewing Machtaw hi if u rd by ullurina; advertiaementa 1 lo tiitr.k yon can get th boat mad, -ui:ti.r ) and , . Popular r a more song. See to It that ':u bny.frmu reliable mrnn .. th it buve ninu a :t :tit!ou by honest and square :ling, you will than get "i-xir.x Machine that la noted a vond over for ita dura bility. Yon want the one that . k..:;cj. to manage and la Light Running Thar if none in th world that can equcl in mechanical eon- atmctiun, durability of working parts, nnenens ot nnisn, neauty la apneirance, or haa a many New Home It ho Automate Tension, Doable Teed, allTA : it both sidt ot needio no other bJm t j N'R-A-S:.iidt j.VMO,i1riviiic wheel hingad in ai1justRblecejiter8,tanareUuclngfrictionb ihe minimum. : WRITS FOR CIRCULARS, iHEEWHOSEWIHGCHIRECO. Obajior, Mass. Botrrov, Mam. IB Vino CUCAPO, TlX. ST. Lotus If O. it'7, iso. (t iwt aft, dat v avisj. a mm &UI'aUaCBOO,ClI. A1UlU,Sl. , row 1Y I I tiE STANDARD DURANG'S U 1 .i. Rheumatic Remedy!- X H is snt.iinii 4 its rer ltnllon for ' years :as bslng tue stntuar.l rt'medy for the. v quick and pnnanttut turu ol RhPiimn- o -e tlHin, Ootit.Hrtutlca, etc.,. 'n all Us forms It is enilorsu l by tnouranda ol I'hysi- ' ' dan'. i-uulUliers mid Pattens. It is o ' 4 purely vugutahle ami builds up fiou tuv first atae. It novvr fnlN to Hire. ; Price is ono dollar a buttle, or six fj ' 4 bottles-(or five (iollars. Our !t)-pt;v Vmn-j V, ':: phlot sent Free by Miill.. Address, - ? ' 1316 l Street,vasninDton,:D,T;. i . Durana'l Lfar ritUurv til best on T . earth. They act with an ense that multe T them a household bi .ng. , . X ', ri:oi u on. f ia ox, soxti ro it. X - ' ro iali v nauouMM. i KO MORE EYE-GLASSES MITCHELUG Eye-Salve A Certain, Bate, and E fleetly Smdy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYEU' Producing Long-Sighfednest, i Rtsior ( wg the Sight of th Old. . ' Com Tear Drops, Granolatlon 8tyf Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Uriel, . in nwscam ejict mat m rniinnnu Also, equally a(Brcions when nsd In Waar maladies, inch as . Ulcer, Fevar 8r, Tamara. Hall Kheaaa, Bra, Pile. o Wbarevor inflammation e (sta, jDIi TtUUJU0 , AVaUbraVmay be o advantar. SoU fcyaa'" jlwil S3 Ctata. ' 1 Does This f ( Hit You? The management of the ? Equitable Life Assurance Society in the DeDartment nf the Carolinas, wishes, to se-; care a few Special Resident $ Agents. Those who are fitted 2 for this work will find this irtGBityi It isKw, however, and thojw A Rare Oppc who succeed best in ir possess character, mature jadenC&yi act, perseverance, ond the x" respect of their community, g ' Thipt thy matter over care- 2 " fully. There's an uiinsnal Q opening for somebody. If it fits you, it will pay you. Fur- V ther iuforniation on request $ ' " W.J. Roddey, Manager, , aTn1. i r.-.f ? A - . w. ...... V. - , m 9 1 , Lenor.A. f. Sept. 3. v J - r t ...