: RUBhORIPTIOM UaTB 8' - 1 To Thj Watauga Democrat. f ' isopyi yeaT.;......,......,......si.on 1 , U UUUbUSx nil ? ' v . luoaths...;.. :;..w...; .35 '"l'.";:" :i ;;iADVEttTI8I!io'RATIi:i. v-J:?'::.. 1 Inch 1 week..;:i.....I:,.t ;76 i x mourD..M.(fH(.. -1.75 1. 1 year 7.00 . 1 tiijlnmn 1 wpHbr.. . Q lift -: ' 1 ;: - i. ft tka ; f. " s lyear .50 00 I v Entered at the Postoflce at 1 Boone, N. (?m as second-class ' .' Much mat ter ia crnwdml . out of this issue. - . Pleas? bilng on the w o o d - you uroiiiiwKi. : e Vf ra. fnrv Rumatv - f Dan : nt?r rtK, ii qune ill. -Not thechangH in adver tluumonf if .1 R Plot bo litniiirilVUI V J VIHI AP JesHe-lT. Hoekins, of the Far mere' Mutual, was in town this week. V- Patty, window glass of all8izes. ami unframed mir rors at Holsciaws.; i;nuV milium, ijihio, tuvo, fruits, '.nuts,; cakes etc., nt The trade iii youug caf- : llf . . . . . i ih iii w rit ii irii iu nni ru nn tive at present. The old reliable Snlttn Al jnanac forsaleat J.7j.CIarks. Pi icse ten cents. v -Note the change in Will W. Holscldtv h ad. It is full of Christ ". Ui W. , ... " .... , " V- You c in got the best a xe, . t'U:4hiH ri lid Inner hrimllaMhov ds at Holsclaws. "' ; .1 Deputy Collector Horton ... . ....l.j ,........1 i .t . tra old brandy here on last ": Monday, . . A full line of Arctics, rnh hi-s niMcintnshpH pfc: nf tti hHHt-nnfilitv.it (tl.-i Llnif n :& J list, liWPi'rpil ii Int. ff l'ti terus and globes, lamp cliiui .neys and qneensvvare at Will IF. HolfclaAs. - You must remember that yon can get nice presents of ail sorts for Xmas very cheap . iivioviuno . w. ju. oran nas Dee n off on a business trip to Cald ' tvpll jint VVilL-ou i-nnntiou fit several - days, and' has not yet returned. I'. Fin Cofifey has gone to (late City, Va. to buy horses for the bojithern market. He was ac - courpanied by his wife as faf as "fclkfark. . ;. You can get Uoods Sar ,saparilla, Pierces Favorite ' Prescription and Uoldeu Med ical isiovery, and Dr.Kins medicines at Uolsclaws. v - '-Kvail odd thAnupHt. linn o( bnristmas goods ever ex hibited in Boone, is now on - hand at Blackburn and Mil. -Mr. 0'Connell, of White .. Snlnhrir Snrinira. W ' V, i spent Satui day night at the - Bryan uouse, on nis way to inspect timber lds in this ana uanvreii counties. The Farmers' Mutual has Ibis week Doundel to $161. . i-On in WntHiiirn nnd if tho T- ' ' ' - v. I n a ... .i I n. A 1 . . ptfufjiv iuu& ftcu iu iur pro tection oi their property the amount will soon reach 1200, f)00 ana not arnn thpra' 1 r Judge Green and family noir, ; where they will make their future home. Wearesor v ry to give them' op, but hope . the change will be a happy -Meat Camp township has a petition before the commission ers asking to be allowed to vote on local option which will lie c6i on at next meeting. : It is to be hoped the petition J will ie granted, 'i'-" --On Monday of this . week. Misb Mitchell, oneof the teach era in- Skyland Institute- a t Blowing Bock, died from din thena. She was from - New Pa m pshire, & ml - her bod v was taken to that Btate lot interment. '' '-K He leHrn that on last Sat nri ay night the ' dwelling of L. M. Wntem, t f (lup Creek, who haalosttwobamsbyflre recently, was discovered burn Ing, but fortunately it was extinguished before much da mage' was done. The trial of the flveChur- chei chained with' th burn ing of Linville Waters barn caine off at Gnp Creek on last v ednesday. The evidence wan not sufficient to convict, and they were all relenupd. Hope rhe guilty parties mav yet be detected. Rev. L. EJ. BoHton, write- ing from Banners Elk sars: We were tnucrh pleased to have with us Kev. Calvin Far thing, of Beaver Dams, who pleached Saturday night in the Banner Elk Academy. and Sunday; morning and night in the ' PivHbyterian church, tolare' ana atten tive congregations. His dis courses awakened deep inter est uud we trust he will visit us again. On yesterday at 1:30, n. in., in t he parlor oi the Br v an Uutel.'J.U. Fletcher, one of our prominent yong attor neys, was married to Mins Carrie,' the youngest daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Brv an, the Rev. I). C. Hannan performing the ceremony. The marriage was a private one, but the hostnf iriendstii this estimable couple wishes for them all the happiness! . . possible, and that their lives mav be crowded with many blessings. rA n V D ! I A T iOTDT?AT T TTrrvTiTTi"!?3 " Merit taIlca"tlM intriiuio Tain ( Talfrs llOW-' ofMr. r3dr Sarsaparilla ' ! the b4t, In fact - the On Tnw Blood Purlflet. Prepared only by q h Hood t Co., Lowell, Mass. ?JWttii20cra(::My hirig silence has hot been occasion"' ed by want ot inteient in th DeiuoiMat or its readers. Fi.r a time SCl ioUM tiirkiWM in in v- Bood'sSuMtwrllla. family Prevented mwiith..r power to ..... ...... VDIV. Mooa'BrjprlltapoM.otiul Mrs. .J. pomas Was Kick In All- nd snequalled enrstive cower nd thr. gU8t but is about herself a- JV" " it. When you boy " . ...... . luwinj uuKiwni, m puriiy jour blood, or have been On the go r.ilich of CTUfnyth tuny blood dlsewes, yon the time,, and in meeting. 1 ! XJT1. Spent a lllght at ; BUiW ing xperlment. It wlU make you Bock last Of Oct. With lliv f'"rIoiourlehlag,inlthu. nAft' J "i l . nj . ""nBBriMoiauea,etrengUen Oin tnend JOhn Ldmistcll, the nenroe and build np the whole system. ana tneo on to Ashe to at tend a funeral service in nif in ory of Nain-y Phillipps.iijotli er of Capt. Phillips, who used to live in Boone. Her mmd en names was' Showu. She was tine of the first , persons 1 got acquainted with in Ashe was one of the best friends 1 ever had, and one ot the best women I ever knew. On sun- day night after the memorial the promptness with u-hieh as not VPttbeen aJ"5ted, nltho the low does not rnjuiro wmni,..! i .... J. :v " "llu wn,cn the payment for near v a month vpt 1 ne gets his money from t h e - I tnk o-iPt. nl turn in cni'in.r !. I l.n .... 1. . t armer8 Mutual through the personally for many years past, an.l tlnit I regard you as Piuiuirliinr I XT U. ...... 'Inn iint!irhf tinf liful knin... ... ...i mi . ' . K in, num. anQ' "(""I Muuiii uuemcBs iijii.m who win noc iirotniso . r w r-m I .nr... 4ti n hah ...... .Af I uk'id '.noil ,yiMj periuriii. RESPECTFULLY, J. R. WHARTON. Tieasurer of Guilford' Branch. P. S. I wish VOIl thrt frrant-PSt. anonaaa in wnnH I 1 .. .. . ... . . K I . . . ... y est that was not promptly Ul, i !TK!""IH rarmcrs insurance u. as a great be .)rti(J uevoieiu insmuuun, extending its inilnence for goad to W e clipped th above from the Alleghany Star whose pro . Wilkesboro. N. 0. Auir. 81st. lftflfi. prietor has a policy in t h e Mhh&. Jesse F. Hoskius, Agt., and Chas N. Hunt. Pres of OF 1 ti ft ?U AtSUHBR OF 1 BYi GVlLtOliD WVSlil niUNCHOt ('2UK FAUMER8 l(J7yAL" , To Prof. F. S; Blair The Local Agt. of Wataoga Co , ! ing the stainhng there of "The Farmers Mutual" and ol Blair also.. o' - -' ; ' ; Greennboro, N. C, Sept 28th, 1896. Pnf. F. 8. Blaiit. Dear rs to the condition nnd woi ki"gs of- the Farmers Mutual. Ki a.Ja f t,,w.,0lJnl v 1 1, !f,J to ay that morp thaii f 500,000, worth of property in insured in this county to hi$. Since its oigapization about three vtr. Hgo, unly about 45.000. insncMl linn ha.in r.onaiii ii.,..;,,, -u t 't V . . ' '. "",,lro,, lUIIHC,. HUTU years we have had six fires, three of them within i -isf I hrw montns.. ine nssessments for the first two 'years Vis at rate of 30 cts. Der SI. 000. I riclliit inrr thu iiw.u..n ...... ..a. less than f J.50 per thousand. I regard the plan "f inmir ance in the Farmers Mutual to be the etieappstand liet in surance in the world. While there will lie some grumblers' when a fire ocenrs, on the whole the workings of onr Compa ny have given almost universal satisfaction. For fntheV particulars as to what our county has done I beg leave to refer vou to mv nrintpd rcnirr m th Anni,.,i our association May, last. Since that time the three tires liny uhu nmouni 10 ao'iur f auo J am now iitllertiiur Hood's JPUls MiKaSr Allpuhnii" ytni.. Tn t-Uii, :.. .... .jii,i( H IIIIO IB i.i.ii uiu 111111111111 IU IUMUI fQVU J HI! sua we publish a letter from 'no ttH,sT!n.eDt8 wn,rn e being paid promptly, in, a few Mr. .i. V. Brown relative to , ,,JB ' Wl" "vh pHiu an ine osses except the last me, which Somethioff to Kuow. It may be worth something tn know that the vtr.v best medicine forrestoiingthe tired out ner vous system to a healthy vigor is Elettric Bitters. This nipdii-inp is purely vegetable, acts by pv- mg rone ;o tne perve centers ut the stomache. erntlv stimnlntes the liver and kidneys, and aids cnese organs in tnrowing off im puritiei in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the annetitp aids digestion, and is pronounc ed by those who have tried it as the very best bloo l purifier and nerve tonic. Trv it. Sold for SO. or f 1 . per bottle at Holsclaw's; 1 111 -A , 7 ana oiacKDurn and Miller. Tin burning of B r o w n nro s iautory at Winston on the 10th inst, threw four hun dred men, women and chil dren out of employment. The Grandest Bemed. Mr. R. B. Qreeve. niRrnhnnt. nl i;HiIftowie Va.certiflest hathPhnd consumption, was f? 'en up to die, sought all medicaltrcatrae.it that money ould procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear I a.m. m oit our firor no rener. BDeut manv nifihtfl Rtirfr nn in n nhnir tvaa a " " O " Vea cak? induced to try Dr. Kings NewDis covery, ana was cured by use of two bottles. For Diet thrpevpn nas oeen attending to business, and save DrK Kings New Discov ery is the grandtst remedy ever made as it has done so nuinh for him and also for others in his co rn unity. Dr. Kings New Discovery is guaranteed for coughs, colds and consumDtion. It don't fail- Trial bottles free at Holsdaw's, ana tfiackDurn and Miller. A. C. Avery, jr.; son of Judge Avery, was stabbed at Morgantona few days ago by two negroes. The young man is. dangerously hurt and may die. y: The negroes made services at UetheJ, J ran out to JeffiM-Roti to see mv ! friends, and when I got there the Methodist people were gathering for prayer meeting and kiukly asked in e t o preach for them. While there I met Miss Nannie Rivers of Boone, 1 was glad to meet 1 i . ' iier anu to Know sue was there teaching, she is worthy of a good place, and 1 trust she has one in Jefferson. On myieturnhome I preached at Mission Home and Gap Creek, spending a right pleas ant inght with my good friend John Hopkins. Next I went toMorganton to at Und the BaptistSthteConvention It was one of the very bent sessions I ever attended. Wa tauga was well represented. and Boone very well by W. C. Coffey. Don't be surprised if Bro. Coffey ha's to go to Shelby on . (special business HboutAjnus. The indications are that he has valuable in terests in that town. Next I went down and spent most oi a weik at my old home at Sulphur Springs in Alexan der, attending a iheetingnnd visiting my mother and rela tives. This was a mostvn jo.yable visit. The weather was perfect and the roads good. We had a good meet ing too. We have had some exceptionally good meetings here this fall. 1 have had lar ger adlitions to my churches this year than over before in one year. Have hadl09; 3G at Jvmgs I reek; 49 at Lenoir and 24 at North Catawba. Oui public schools are all in session. I have issued cei tifi rates to 58 teachers. We have no lack of teachers here I have not learned what there will be per capita this year, it was 1,01 last year. We had quite a nice spell of winter 10 days ago, the snow was 3 o: 4 inches deep, but all gone now, and the weather lovely again Onr people are en gaged extensively in thelum ber business. Rey.J. G. Pu! liam passed this way last week on his way to All Heal ing Springs for Mrs. Pulliams benefit. My old .friend Sey mour Taylor, spent a night with me on his wnr homo from Conterence. I whs c-hid to see him again and to know he had embarked in the work of uplifting humanity. The health or our people is gener ally good. Kind regards to all the readers of the Demo crat. I. W. Thomas. Agent Jesse F. Hoskins. We have yet to hear of any loss in the va Hons associations managed by Mr. Hoskins that was straight and hon ... .... I . , n , , i r - ........ uuuu, A. ico. Wl lilkwandAllnrhiny Branch tnH.Farmer Mutual. Gentlemen: I have to thank von of the Farmers' Mutual and both or the Pnitiipss und business-like manner with which who has seen its'praeheal WiT iUm the jm'Mutual; tor on the night of Aug lvni,.,illru "prucnai 20th, my wagon and work-shop was destroyed by fire, workings. Ihem ji-ewe see w I. i-h wn inaiifuri n tha pn..AJ u.HAi -A-jI rill ami near oi t ie rnrnierH .Yin ten onvatrnm dntonf I tual the more favorably are mley, the 1 reasurer, for the amount as per adjustment by nr- iui(M 1-p.nr-u wiiii ii. isiere r v, v.u. . ,v,j nuuroi, uuiiu n?r imr uim noiioraoie adjustment oV ii.e Kupervisore is paid withouta quibble, and the cost so little, I can't see how any lanuer till tiffttrl nnf 4- Ka !nAtiM ..UU tf in no coiiCHalmeiit or holdina: I..I..L-.....i... i m it I m Ul " ' '" iu cots v bo hi tie, i cQ nr. s hack of an.vth.ng by Mr. Hos Lin ltford not to be insared with you kins or his agents Blair and Wall in presenting it to the peop'e. Their aas are not of he pa tent inediciiiekind. Foj example, we have i n out hands the original of every RESPECTFULLY, , G. V. BROWN, .Winston, N. C. Aug. 19th, 1896. Jesse F. Hoskins. Esn. lloni- CIP Minna nn t-kli nf tlwi Ovnil .f Unt. mR T 1... .. .. n . .. letter published in the, col- d Uworti KV "IZT'Kg! ULnilS lor trlft ClUinns tn nr. It offpfn tlia hoot, nnrl a a v ' I p'4hdv iiiouiauw luui lilt: larulPrH I'HZI umine. i ne Ad in tlieAhegha taKe i "Off nave two policies in it amounting to $1,200. (3. .1 . v m.i ... ' ny oui!-is iioiuuig more noi xuuib iruiy, U. f, MAST. less than the proceedings of L, the Wilkes and Alleirhnnv - . CT xl Branch arlopted by the mem bers at their first annunl meeting. NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! CASTORIA For Infant! and Children. nfk- ilnila BlfUtSJt hi tTt wyp We have the pleasure to nnnnnnm in fh nnMio that mi LtOOk of ITOOde is now almost cnmnlptP nnd wa will onv fi you want goou goods cheap you will do well tocall on us. Hats, Hats. Hats. Dry .Goods and Notions. Dont vou need a Snrino- lint Ii' Mil mj Yin trill both feel and look better with ono f our Into Krt Mr.. I ... i . ,. ' Tl, ...:r.. r .. r , jwuiuwiu. b uuvh U UautlIUI llll? OI i .it; mie ui Mr. ieonHm Wells, ol east Brim field Vf nss had been suffering from ner ralaia for two davs. not S.p. ing able tosleep or hardly which we will sell at rock bottom prices. Don't fail to com L'OOn jtlll iphcn Mn 111.1,. 1 .L . r ... . ..... .-iicu mi. iiinurii. uuu Kuiume inein. the merchant there sent her . 1)0 1 Hp of Chamberlain's Ck. CL.. I Pain Balm and asked t.l, OHUtft i OIIUBS. 0 UBS she give it a thorough trial. ' . . On meetins Mr. Wells the Wnen yu wan a nice pair of sjioes cheap remember weal next day he was told that )va-V8 nave tnem- 4,Money saved is money made." Wo she was all righ, the pain nrt'e saved 15 per cent on the purchase of our shoes und had left her within two hmiPH and that the bottle of Pain will give you the benefit of it. When in need of any ths.ng n our line of merchandise call and we are sure we can sa nun mm llieUOUIH OI X Bin u.vimuiii.iouMiiiniiu Balm was worth $5.00 if it Jrou mone5 fls we have adopted the could not be had for less. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by "PAY DOWN SYSTEM," and do not intend to he linderiinld Jinv nna inwi'f an early and repeated visit and inspection, we know we can iiucreutoii. luanKing you tor past favors, we are Very Respectfully, BLACKBURN. & MILLER. Over 100 convert tn t h Morman faith left Swain t.'ri. recently. There are 19 Mor man elders at work in that county. . Others have fonnd hpnltli. vi. or and vitality in Hoods Sarsa Darilla:and it. stirelv h STOE TO GET Your Money's Worth If You Buy From J. m.moretz.i LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW. I have recently located in BooneintheD. B. Dougherty P. 6. building with a neat line of groceries and general merchandise. I run no lead ers, every thinga bargain. Giye me a call when in the City and be convinced, Yours TO Please Statesville Marble Works, 0 . If you are in eamestabout wantingthe bestMonument or Tombstone, for the least money, be sure to write to i as I buy direct from the quarries in car load lots. 1 em ploy -the very best workmen, and to-day I have the largest and most complete stock of Marble in North Carolina. swrsatisfaction guaranteed. Consult your interest. ' and giye me a call or write for prices. ;V , ' t tin. inn T nA rv :, . their escape. " . " j to help you also. Why not try C. H. WEIVrt. StatesvilV. N. IT , uui ivi iijviii. Nov. 19th. 1890. ; January 24th, 1895. . : ; : N : '

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