; V ;. -jr..;-. 1hl The Watausa Democrat f"'Aj' nKMrtoH'iTicfa.riily Tiewepaper oijvottM to tu interest ot touu ty State ano Nation. Published V f verjr Thursday at Hoone, Wa . v . k ak zxplajiatioh; ;:.', There aeerns to besotnemis . apprehension an to the nu ture of the Farmer Fire In wirarir-e Annotation. It dif fern from the Old 1 in or Cap ital Insurance companies in thvt honest farmeis and per pon owning property in the country band theinselyea to pether lot mutual proteetin UKaioBtFire, H ind and Light Ding and pay b fee of 50cts nm' the one hundred dollar, which is for the expense o f theorganization. Hence there it is no reason or justice in re funding this fee any more ' than there is in refunding it . i ' it ' i . in any oiner Denevoient in- Htitution and insurance pocie ty as the Odd Fellows, Ma sonic Frnrernfy, Knights of ' Honor, etc. Do any of these ben"VolMnt institutions re fund the ffps paid for member v ship? The old line or capital companies1 exact exhorbnnt ;I prenainnm from 'onV'to' five yearsln adva nee (and in these Associations there is no ex pense till thfre is a loss) an 1 it is the unearned prerainms ther agree to refund, more or less according to whetherthe company or the insured poli- j cy holder calls for ciinreilu- tion and they do not pay I. , back rill this for they retain part of it for expanses accor ding to' the standard short rate scale. There are now $139,020 worth of policies de livered. a -record of which iain the hands of W, L. Bryan, Treasurer, and it is safe to say the-ainount will inciease new as i t has dene elsewhere, . for Mr. Hoskins. General Man , ager, gays this isby far the , most flattering showing for the length of time of any As sociation he has established the State and as to their strength and vigor you are reffered to those of Guilford, Foray tlie and Stokes, Wilkes and Alleghany Catawba, Burke and Ashe counties. F. S. .Blair, Local Agt. We, the undersigned, have examined the charter, plans and workings of the Farmers Mutual Fire Association , of North Carolina, and find it to be in every wiy a U gal or ganization. It was charter ed by the Legislature of N. C. H1892-8 and amended in 1 895, and it is useless to say that any registration is need ed in any county in the state It was organized with mark ed success by -Mr. Howfcins in the most wealthy counties in the State, such as Guilford, Forsyth, Stokes, Wilkes, Alle ghany an1 Ashe, lad by the beet citizens of each county who control the greater a mount of property. Oneofus has a policy in said Associa tion, and the other would have were his property so sit uated as to be admitted. Spencer Blackburn, "L. D. Lowe. ' After siguing; the above. J . , have more carefully examin ed the law touching this mat ter, and I am of the opinion that the plan of insurance'fs both safe and cheap, and all v that is jiecesnary to make it ; a success in Watauga county Is or the good people to in sure in the Farmer Mutual. ; ;.,'!.. V-VVs L. D. Lowe. - RcIT - Hen ersou. Inks, I HHw.'at NVilke horo, Mi Rilftinit Hri'lm-on, who . wins ,rk'n off;thIfpublicaii'ti.-k et for the Amlitorsplrtcp. In a conversation Mr. Hender son said: "1 would never have come off, bnti thought the ticket would be beaten. As I set it now, I hiii the big geht d ;n fool in North Ci roliiia for coming down Mini somebody ought, to kick tne all ovei Wilkes cunnty.. Just think, 1 could now have a $2 000 job with two men to' do the work."' But you will be rewarded. " "Yjs id 'ourhe," said he, 4but' with none of yourdm littl johs that ttiaKe you rifle or walk your. sell to death; Fm gning tolr- a candidate ior Railway Com uiiNsioinr-a fatter, job than Auditor, with a free pass in. beg os h I After all, beneath the un- kept appearance of this man, there in a noble heart and na tureful! of the milk of hn man kindness. No onelntes him and ali;iike him. There is bur one Muff Henderson he's enough 1 K in Concord Standard. Col. Olds, writing to the New. ber.i Journal says: The rumor brba up again that Otho Wilson will ut the proper time, de liyef the Poptiiist vote for Senator to Pritchard. Otho denits this abo utely. It is further intimated that Senator Butler knows ot his purpose nnd plan, and that he also kuew t here would he lu- sion of populirtts and republicans before he hurried away during the conference ol the populist and republican committees in Sep temliei . It was also claimed that : the steo was taken against But ler's wishes and republicans as sert that Butler had been down ed. Som.? day the fad s will be re leased ot course. airman Ayer was 1 ft. to hold the bag as to the state fusion, and according to this latest fusion, Otbo Wilson will hold it in this latest Senato rial deal.- CASTORIA For Infkntt aad Children. NOTICb. Under and by virtue of a war rant ot distraint to me directed by the Collector of Internal Rev enue for the oth Diet, ot North Carolina an I ap&inst W. J. Wag oner, 1 will on Monday the 21st day of December 1896 at 12 o' clock M, sell to the highest bidder tor cash at Vilas . r. O. Watausa county N. C, thefollowingdescrib ed real estate to-witt: All W.J. Wagoners riaht. title and interest in awact of land lying one half mile west of Valle Crucis P. O. in Watauga township, county of watauga and state ot N. u. on waters of Watauga river, adjoin ing lands of D. V. Baird. J. A Baird. Henry Taylor and others and known as t he Greer land be ing the same land conveyed to w. j. wagoner and wite. bv deed from A. L Wagoner dated the 4, dav of Mav 189fi and reciHtpreri in book S, page 505 in Registers office or said county, and to which for a more particular de scription reflerence is hereby made. Said sale is made to sat isfy said warrant of distraint and costs of execution. This No vember 25th 1 BOG. J. C. Horton, Deputy Collector. WHAT VE DO DOrE VEII, . SUTHERLAND SEMINARY. Prepares for college, for business, for life. Next session opens August 3rd. 1896. All expenses fG.OO to (8.50 per month. Boys and girls are trained for usefulness in life. Send for Catalogue. W.H.Jones. I'mncipal. Sutherland, N. C. .S.rite''if Ncirlh Carolina, ii i uga couii ty. 1, John V, Hedges clerk of the board of county ctmi'rs of said co. do hereby certify t hat the follow ing is a true statetuept of tli nnuier of days the b'd. haa been in sesnion also ti e n ). of miles traveled by each member of the board to uhd from their meetings also the a mount allowed each uienbr tor services and milage for the year enilhm Nov JJuV tit. lo witt: W.C. Viiffey chiu'n b'd co. com'is served on. the b'd 22 days at $2 per day $44. H. H. Farthing served us a meiatter 21 days at $2. 42. trailed 392 at 5c. U, GO. Thos :'inglnun served ns a member 21 dtys t !$2 per day 42 traveled 234 iniKs at 5c. 1 1 70. Jdin VV. Hud- g-s, cierK b'd co. cunra. NOTICE. Jacob Mast etal.. vs win You lire u in I wifesirah Vounce ny virtue of a judgment of thesnperiori-onrt. of watauga conntv, se:'ial Term 1890 in winch rain appointed com missioned i will on Mondav Jan 4th 1807 sell to the high est bidder for cash at " the court house door in Boone n. c. the following described lands, one tract of hind sit uated on cove creek in watau ga "onnty where said vounce nnd wife fonnerlv lived con tuiningubont 35 acres which was iiuirliaspd from A D cowl es 1882, bounded ns folhurs, B ginning on a stakeiu Keeces line naileys corner thei. w 40 poles to a hesnnt on top of the ridge, then 8 14 pedes a hmg the ridge to' a soanish oak, 1 hen a 24 poles to a ha-h on bank of the 'branch then down thecreek to mouth of Eliisons creek, then h 45 E 61 poles to a sugar tree on the ridge, then with top of the ridge to a stake in Rich ard Reeees and JoMiMi ouires line, ther. n to the begiiming Also one other tract on cove creeek known as the William I ounce upper tract, contain ing 30 acres more or less, the same being bought from j. s. Eceorsand mortgaged t( A. s. AUernethy by said Youn e and wire, ailjoimug the lands of Frank Greer, vick Lewis, AnrnnHin vounce and others. Also one half interest in n tract located in shawnehaw township in said counM . Be ginning on a buckeye, potters old corner, then 25 E 16 poles to a stake, then N 40 poles to a stake, then N 20 poles w 66 poles to a stake, then E 11H poles to a stake, then a 45 e 15 poles to a beach chun hes corner, then with churches line 93 poles to a spruce pine, then N 45 E with sn me 26 poles ton spruce pine, then x 15 e 36 poles to a prncp pine, ther e with the same 34 poles to a eprwe pine and mahogany w Btiar mans corner, then 8 with irar mans line to Uh buckeye cor ner N 55 w 56 poles to' a sug ar tieeand chestnut, then 25 w 42 poles to the bejtinninir supposed to contain 120 acres. Also one half interest in another tract adjoining the above. Beginning on a large spruce pine corner to the above named tract run ning n 45 e 26 poles to a spiucepme, then N 50 E 12 poles to some maple sprouts then w 30 poles to i spruce pine churches corner, then w with a ridge 35 poles to a stakf potters line, then to the beginning containing 10 acres, said sale mode to sat isfy the judgment in the case 7". I ITJ" i.ooo.zw ann in j .rirri un nnuir loiM roMl Ol the action. Title in fe made to the purchaser upon p iv- mer.tof the purchase money and confirmation of snle. n f ferf pee is herebr had to said judgment which in duly dock eted npon the judgment and minute oo'-kets of the snpen- jr vnain oi mis connry. , D. n Doufthertv,coinmY. One doihi pars for the Democrat one ier. r wiiirfllTiiii" 1 1 h mu1 ati'iisiHHH wmim WHwwmmtwtnHmTtfmw I HIT """ "" - "-vi''y llti1:t;f.IiT;,:u.i.tfr,i:,,.,;, AVefletaWc Preparation Jar As similating theroodanriRcguIa utheStooadaandBovreUof HP PrcmwtcsDkestionjOwTful ncss andHt.Contalns neither Cyium.Morphine norJtoeral. Not Nab c otic. ammieouiitSMnojmaa CfurtMJbatr . A perfect Remedy forConstlD- tion. Sour StQmach.Diarrhoca. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish' ncss and Loss or SLEEP. F ac Sunk Signature of NEW "YORK. fir EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Hit Portrait Kntilated. (Jhintgo. III. De,!. 7.-The picture of- President Cleve land which hung in the room of the Co k county Demo cratic clnti has been cut to pieces. The perpetrators o) the deed are unknown. It is suppose! to Se the result ol the strife hetween the gold and silver wings of the party which reached its highth at the an.ial Huh election yester day. The picture which wns one of the ltrgst and fiiii-st' of the President in existence, was painted in Buffab and brought to the National con vention of 1888 by the Bnffa lo Democrats and oresented to the Cook county club. COME TO STAY, I now have my tannery in opperntnn 4 mils north of Blowing Rock on the head of JNew Uiver, and wish to in form :hepullic generally that I am now taking out leather daily. I have spared no lit tle time ano expense in ad ding the best approved ma chinery, so t'int my facilities may be equ.il to the best and largest tannery's and facto ries of this country. Thus guaranteeing to thetradea standard grade of uniform vork of both leather and sad dlery goods. (Jents saddles $2,50 to $15,00, Ladies cow horn a n d morgan saddles $3,r0 to $10.00, Ladies leap ing horn summerset saddles for safety riding $8.00 to $25,00, collars, bridles, sad dle bags, legmngs, pourhes, belts, etc., at not torn prices. I have served a term in n large Saddlery lactory of St. Louis, and expect and ask to be judged by my work. Hides . wanted on s-inres. also market price paid for hides and tallow. Call and see ine. Respectfully. Sept. 10 M. A. Johnson Admlal trator't Sot ice t Marine Qualified as AdminiR trators of Wm J. Critcher. Iecd. lste of Watanjra oonnt.jv t. Tnis is ro uoiuy an persons Hav ing claims against th estate of said deceased to ex.abit them to the undersigned on or before Nov Rajd demjw.a to ex:nbit them tho nnHprt 20, 1897 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estute will please make imniediatesettle men!.. This Nov. 19, 18'JO. L. L. f'RrmiER, C. M. Critcher. Administrators. WANTED. First-elass I o g jobbers. Twenty eonrracts to let at onre. Apply,. ; Caldwell Land &r Lumber Co.. 11 IP"" ' Lenoir, N. C . 5 ' t"'.:1;" THAT THE ' - SIGNATURE OF IS OH THE' WRAPPER OF EVEBY , ' BOTTLE OF ; Outori it pat n ta el bottlta aalr. It U aot nld la boUc. Ooat Hlur ujaui U mII tm UTtUiif 1m si thi ple cr promlw tint it u W m good" tu "will unrer Try NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE and ME- CHANIUARTS. ; This College offers thorough courses in Agriculture. Mecbam al. civil and electrical engineer ing, und in science. General aca demic studies supplement all these technical courses. EXPENSES PER 8ESS10N Including board: For Countv Students - $91.00 For all otherStudents - $ 121,00 Apply for Catalogues to ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY. Raleigh, N. C. President. THE UNIVERSITY-.. 36 Teachers, 534 students Tuition $60 per yearBoard 8 a month, 3 full College bourses, 3 Brief (jonrsos.Lv School, Sinner School for Tea chers, Scholarshipsond loans for the needy, Address President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C, :State XonM;VL xliD usrmAi School. Departments well eqnipped. 27 teachers. 444 regular students, besides practice school ot 97 pu pils. 930 u.atiiculales since its opening in 1892. 93 of Hie 00 counties represented. Compti tive examination ut comity seat August 1st. to fill free-tuition va cancies in dormitories. Applica tion should be made tefon July 20th to enter the examination. No free tuition except to appli cants signing a pledge to become teachers. Annual expenses of free-tnition students boarding in dormitories, f 90; tuition-payirg students, 9 130. Address, Presi dent Chahlks D. McIver. - - Grensiwro, N. 0. m BLACKBURN, M. D. boone, n. c. Office at the residence ot M. It. Blackburn. t&Cnll8 Promptly A i tended Caveats, and Tfade-Msrks obtained and all PM-j eatbutineatoonductadtor MODtaaTC Fcca, ! Oun Om in Ofmsitc u. a. f aTcer Orncr and at canatcoie patent la Jcas liiae uaa thoat' nmota Ima Wathinrtos. v . . Sand aiodeL drawin ar nhotiv. arftli Amm rln (chant. Onr fee not doe till patent la aecered. S tiea. Vt adriaa. U Dateniabla or oL frea of i A MeFHtrr. mow to Ubtaia rateata," with coat ot same la the U. 8. and ioiaiaa - at Ine, Addrasa, . . . c.A.srjow&co. Opt. Pmnr Orncc. Wasninotoii. D. - DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The intense itching; and smarting; inci dent to eczema, letter, salt-rheum, ana other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye ana Skin Ointment. Man very bad cues have been permanently cored br.lt ' It is equally efficient for itching piles and a fcrorit rem edy for sore nipples; chapped htrnda, chil blains, frost bitea, and chronic sore eyes. For sale bj drnggfots at 26 cents per box. Try Dr. Cadrl Condition Powdera, ther are just what a none needs when in bad condi tion. Tonic, blood purifier tiA vermifuge. HnH.W mm Uoo, - Holly Spring College, :':J Butler, Teus. ;'.'; ;'';' ' Hx teachers. . ' Three literary societies. .; 285 studencs. ..' ; ; Library and Reading Room. Microscope. Mineral cabinets, Maps, charts etc. ; Tuition andjboard are very low. Address or call on r J. H. Smith, President. MIIEEYE-EUSSES r.llTCHELL'0 SO;. E, WEAK, & IMJED EYES, , Pniueing Lena.Sght$dn$, A Rstttt tog tlit Sight of 0$ Old. -Cam Tear Drnm, Granolstlow 8ty Tamora, Red Eyea, Matted EyiUihee, a rnnnifl cu kuifi miinrrreu, Abo, aqnallr Bcc1on htn nM In Mbr maladlM, roeh m I'letr. F-Jrtf 8wm. Tanr.Slt Khena, Bars. Wim. oj WDtnm innMomniianuuu, miTVMMMtMSm ' BEST 'k.t m bo:. , ; j. - ,:t.:.n huyaSewiCKMachliM i T.Ov Of y.y. c.u get VU but mad -lost Poputer r mart tang. Setolltht on buy from reliable tnanit :tnrers that have (rintd a eputation by honest aodiqumra leitling, yon will then get Sewing Machine that i noted che world over (or it dura bility. Yon want the one that in easiest to manage and to Light Running Thar la nana In ttia wnrtif Mtat can equal in tneuhanlcnl con- 4 auuruw, uuiviiit.v G wnnciTip; raits, Cnne.i of nnlsh, bf-.ury I In rppmranre. or has as Uiur New Home: It hat Antomatle Tenniea, DoaMe Patd. alike on both sides ot' needle fttntit no other has it ; K ew Stand (pattnttcy, dnving wheel hinged on adlnstable centers, thus reducing irictioa te the uiiaimum.: . ... WRITE WOn CIRCULARS. THSKEWHOMESEWISGMOTCO. Oaivaa, Mum. Boeraa, lin. ttVunm auma, y. T Ouoaoo, Ixx. sr. Low. Vo. Iialu. Tku ; 4aPouKia,Cikb iiURi,Di, FOR M Ut $ The management of the 2 Equitable Life Assurance Society in the Department of ; the Carolinas, wishes to se- f cure a few Special Resident 5 4 Agents. Those who are fitted 5' I for this work will find this X it T 1th work, however, and those A who succeed best in it possess S character, mature judgment, . x act, perseverance, and the 2 rerprrt of their community. Think chis rnat' over care fully. There's utitsscal opening for somebod) . If it X fits you, it will pay you. Fur ther infbrmatioq on request. W. J. Roddey, AUnaser, Z RockHlU.i. C t CIRES. SIMMER DISEASES - The Ideel R-smtfy for oil diseases of the stomach etui bowels such es Duurbcea Dysentery, hxiigestion, Dys pepsia, Cramps, Lom of Appe tite, etcM Is that standard of 0 oiedkfceW' Dn. KING'O ': . iJOYilliGLHPTOER. Taoeapnea iff CertHlfrtw atert rVt fact. Mr. L. T. Collier, Koacluo, Mies., aays: "My bowals wcuH act from tea to twenty time s day.of s bloody, mucus nature. My XWncys were very . badly out of otfer. I tm treated bV the best phyaioiana, ana they said I ' could lira but s short while. I then commenced usins Royal . Germetnor. In three weeks I could eat anjthing, . and do as nuch work: as ever: I eon' tinued the Gerraetuer, and osa testify that I am entirely enred, and thatb 'Cermetuer did the work.". " ; W&'tt Is as pleesant to take as r lemonade, sad bui'ds up from the first dose. It cores dis ease by reraoviag the cause ; Sold bjr DroaTI-f! On Dollar -' aiaNurcoTjac onl r '" THE ATLANT.1 CHEMlCrlL GO.bE Wrtte iar aeateBoJt.Ma3ee frse.. 1 Use GERMETtta PUIS and v CtRfTHS CO'JCH SYRIP. . Salve 1 mi rv DocsTius BitYira? A Para ilnnArfr.nifu : .0 - vr mm ...