i'iV'''V.':''r,:V'"T',-'"-''i .i.-J:r'.:'y '!::' '','7, '- j'i '''v":A:','S p;".-7is 7 IftoVataaga Democrat ' 'S-. The Butler wing of the pop ulints are indignant oyerthe result us -well qh every other honest citizen who believes in free silver. It is hard to predict at this time the effect produced on the populist party in the state over t hi result bt I'ritch nrd's "election. All know that the populist party had it in their power to elect a silver Senator by 10-opmtting with thdpinMTatK,' to this -end the demorrat offered their services in a ean'eaa, but it. was not heeded by th( pop Butlei caucus, and In conse quence the democrats 'nomi nated aud voted for Lieut. Gov. Doughton, giving him 33 votes, Cy Thompson pop ulist nominee gets 43 votes, and Pritchard received 8a votes, so Pritcnard r was e lected, v Republicans, bolting populists and negroes great ly rejoice over this victory. Senator Butler takes his d- . feat sorely and sullenly and immediately called a cane; t. of the faithful pops, and is sued aft address to,the pen- . pie of the state denouncing the republicans and holling pops in the most Dittr terms that language could employ. So ends the fight. There is a bill before the legislature (o impeach Judge Norwood for- drunkenness. The provisions of the bill ought to extend to members of the -Legislature as well, a lid the foul oaths uttered by some of them should also be "Considered. Some of our law makers use horrid oaths and get drunk besides.. Men who are placed in high positions -should be moral, sober men, and have an influence f o r good and not encourage by their acts, the youths of the land to follow in their wicked foot-steps. A drunken Judge is aq abomination to all good people, and should nev er be entrusted with the .Jives and property of the cit izens.' ' Bonks still fail; business ' iknw continue to go under, ani business fails to revive; times grow worst, Congress if republican and is in sea sion the second time under Cleveland's administration; McKinley and Hobart elect ed, and Jeter C. Pritchard is again United States Senator and, notwithstandingall this prosperity keeps itself hid. What will be the result, arid herecan we can we base any .kope for the future? Not. in the action of Congress in rai sing the tariff, for this will make times harder. The high tr the tariff the higher the goods, and no money with which to buy them. Does any jane man expect good times to poor people in a high pro tective tariff, and this is the only change talked of. - Congress is having some sensations over the Nicira- giacaaal bill now pending in the Senate. Also in regard to the ratification ot tue ar bitration treaty, bet ween En gland and the United States effected by the two countries I had a backset in the Senate, and it seems doubtful now hethef'this. treaty will be f alined by the Senate until a better understanding lV had on several points, especially on . the Nicaragua canal ui ;:.Frw Shiftr (Jry. If. C. v': Editor Demqcmt: : Vv f We havVb'een watching uiiic iously to ee. some dots from this community, but nothing has ii ppea red since the holi days, and as some time has ebipsed sincey l hfMittrtate to refer to Xmas, lnt. wilt say that it passed off very quiet ly. There was very little drinking, n few parties 'after the usual mnnrer, at which many liariuless guinea were played, o ' But the mst enjoyable ocv cation whs an o.xster snpper given by Mr. and Mrs, T. U. McBride. The oysters were fresh from Morehend Cify and served in the best style, together with boiled custard, peaches, cake, etc., as desert. About fifty -young people par tookieartily of the bounti ful repast and went a Way feel iiig that it would be m a n y days before we would enjoy another occasion so pleas ant. 'We all feel thankful, to Mr, and Mrs. McBride f o r their hospitality. Ve hear an occasional cry about the hard ti ties, and such cries arc likely to con tinue for the next 4 years. We can not; hope for a n y - thing better, lor we have in this administration almost exrtetly, whit we have had for the past 30 years, and with these administrations, for com inon people, have gnu diirfHy".gr6wn worse. SoiiiM of our citizeus who wtitinueo support the party -of,. . com bines and trusts are howling hard times at the top oft heir voices. Lei us lay aside. par ty piejudice and view mat ters from a business titat.d- point for the next four years and if we don't get relief. let us unite upon a platform that we feel sure will adjust the the financial system so that the masses as well us the classes ;may4 receive en couragement. Then if we are still df pressed. Iet' have le- lief even a t the point of t h e bayonet. La Grippe ts raging in this community. We have seyer al severe rases and among them are Rev. D. C. Harm- an and F. P. Mast. J. H; Mast and wife- haye just re covered from a se yens at tack. Uncle' John -Teaster died the 19th inst-, of Grippe.' Old Mr. Joiner died on the 18th, from old aire, I sup pose. There is nothing much be ing done now. A lew new dwellings are being erected, and from appearances it is reasonable to suppose that somebody wants to marry, but alasl his "gal bucked." A- A T V...-U VlU Park, is visiting bis mother, Mrs. Boone Deal; ' William Bradley is on the .... ' Southern market with hors es ind mules. 15. The agony is over at Ral eigh; Pritchard was reelected Senator receiving 17 votes from the so called populists. IFe haveall along predicted the election of Pritchard as it was generally understood that Hanna was furnishing the boodle and it isnow ofien ly charged that these immacii late populist bolters received their share of the boodle. Of course it did not require a big sum, the agents kept the largest amount It is under stood that the pops were a cheap commodity . and' sold out for much less than the most sanguine expected. Hanna hd,no use of 'more than enough to cat ry out the republican 'plans ' and ho would nt ha v;;Coai5 to : Ss"3 M$l! more of them at; half, price 7i nd the market became Ver r dnfl after a suffit-ient number had been'sei'Uied., It turned out . to be an easy ?h'eap job. 'Money inakes the '."mare go" is an old aa.t ing, now it can bh said t hut money makes the pops go, and it does 4iot take much either, Wre a re not informed whether, they got the g.dd or not, though it was u gold transaction. It is now "Inime! that the el ction of. Pritchard gives thf republicans' a majority in the Senate, and a tariff bill can be passed nnd the mltl stnndard iiuiintained. The North ''arolina populist ure responsible fur this, ai d re joice at their great victory. Sena :or Wakefield; of Cald well county. Sly a great ma jority of t'ie populists in .his district endorse his action in voting for 'Pritchard, t h e goldbog. This is leally amu sing, if true. We predict how' ever that. Edward will hear something "drap" at t h f next election. , The republicans in Con gress m'ejnaking a huge ef lorttoget an international agieetnent to have ni'l v st coined, ami have sent iSeria tor Walcott is jiow in Eng land, but there is no pros pect of him accomplishing anything. Before 1 898 the whole co'uiitry will- be in fa vor of the Uhito Stares i n g t h'ei r o v h ti n a n rial 'p ) I r cy of free silver at 16 to 1 ' Ike Ltg l'tnrt, . A hill to make it a misde meanor tc wilfully disturb a political meeting has been in troduced. No political speak er must be disturhed. An a tiiendment was offered pro hibiting the speaker to -use abusive lunguage. , . So far there has developed very little interest in the L islature. The bnsin'Pss is mainlv to im-orperate towns, chun hes etc. A bill is on hand to reduce the fees of clerks and register of deeds, but such hills, are generally introduced for "bunctanbe." They never paf-s. A charter ha beengrante.l to build a rail road from Haleigh to- Aberdeen and from Aberdeen to: Concord, tnaKing' the route shortei than by Greensboro as now. A bill has bten introduced to incorporate the Stone Mi; rail road in Wilkes county. asy Xo Take asy to Operate Art features peenlUr to Hood's nib. Small ta lire, taUile, effloknt, thorough. AsoMman IS. bod Mid: "You never know jrou mmm hve token pin till ii Is n liTlSIl tct." JSC. CI. Hood Co, r k rroprletors. Lowell, Mui. W TIM only pilia tc Ulu with Hood's temparOls. To Whom It May Concehn The Vails Crucis School. .. .... Male , and Female. Offers to the people of YVatau ga and. sarroanding counties. Superior advantage. ; KypeQHes lur below , those of other schools of similar jpraje. Tuition being vtry reasonable, and good board iu brat families at only $0. per month, ..' I - A full corps of experienced bach ers. A firt class Muhic Depart ruent. ' : For further infonttation, apply to," : : Iter. W. & NiciioLBos, Pnw. ' " Valle t uuds, N. C o-o ; Yes, the old year is -gone and the new one is heiv, and I a in still here a nd hope to 1 merit your rontidf nee and trade during- the year 1897 by Fair, and honest deals; f shall eirleayor to k-p on hand such good aw ycu . all may nHf? nnd at . as ; iovt' prices as I ca u " powibly sell I hi nam. , -. ,. '' V;7, Lshall, during the year trj to kp m bettni nssrti'tnient ofgoxls than ever Vfore. I do not expect to , K E BP ,'M?ii E A P J d H N ' SHODDY 1TFF, ' y bnt good gods .that I can rr. ni uind to my I rinndM a nd cuHtomertt. I Hsk a porton of your Vrtbi'ible patronngf on thtf fctH. A hy specinl iroodrt pot kepr in stiwk will hp Hieerfnlly iirderwl.tor :nv Inndrt on shin t notion. I slmll keep a good line of Coff. " ' Sugar, v . Kit-e, - ? , St)da, '. , . Spice, . . .. ' ' ; "' ' ' ' etc AIho domestic," jeans, ala ma nee, " calicoes, fa eh meres, flannels, ft: ncy dress goods : AND SHOES 1 Veep the largest stX!k in the county and ty to get the best shoe or. the market for the lenKt money. You will find all grades from the coarse to t he fine f 2. 25 ladies shoes Men's and children's in all grades. Vi-tll wVlll'flnsI all Ata man'u med huts. 1 think i have ai yood a stock of HARDWARE as you will nnd in the county, all very cheap. Please come to see me when in need of goods,' will do you rignt every time. , . : V :. I will appreciate jfour trade, ana return many; . many thanks for past patronage,. Yours anxious to idase. WILL W. HOLSCLAW. I'm no Cheap John. rhave.no breath to waste, No Tima lo lalk. I SELL GOODS AT MY STORE. My goons do their own talking, I will nbt sell vou a pair of boots lor 10c. and throw in a bushel of corn. My goods have good,vul ueto them, my stocK is new, (resb and choice. I want to sell them, that's what f bought them for. 1 am going to sell them too and don't you forget it. I know to le able to sell I must put them down low. You ain't going to trude with me just because you love rae, you wunt the worth of yonr money in something that you know to good. , Just wish you would step in my store end asK a tew prices you are not bound to buy, but I'd like to see you get away without buying afltr you learn my prices and see quality of goods, you can't do it. Shoes Irom 35c. Up. I haye just bought $1,000 r WORTH OF bran new goods Tbey fome in every week, I don't want to get overstocked so they must go to make room for the goods coming. To be able to sell cheap a man roust know when and where to buy. " , ! ... GOOD LUCK would hae it I struck it exactly right this time and I can sell you goods almost as cheap as you Can Day them at WHOL-ESAb E. , Don.t take my word for itI may be fyJnc. Just . couie and see for yourself. ; ; RMArtlON HODGES. Jan. 7 vmi: ' 7:::;r--.' TiiEViRGiiiiAFiREAi;Di.iAei::Ei;;siiAi;c!co Paid in losses in last ten years, Paid lit losses lastryeat over.::..:...;........;.; 2WkO00.0O. ........ 1 : ' :...U. I : Rates on unexposed frame fa rni houses, with shingle . ' ) rxof. 2"ents ter day or 75rrtits -per month,, or 9,0() per ' ; The names nf a fey of our most prominent1 Wiitauga! ; ('ouuty policy ;lioldei: dr. l. c; Reeves, jno p. HHidin, 9. a, cxioncill, jr., n. -o. Grngg. R. p, vannoy, j. ci Borton,- Mrs R.-L. Councill, wm. Roisclaw, wiffey Bro i a. s. Edmisten, 1 Mrs.'M. J. Brady ,s hotel, conncill Tyvlor & ciVhttel, &ip. ; Hollowav, j. b. Johnson, j, jp. councill. Geo w. osborne, j; , winkler. L. h. Michael, c, D, Taylor, w W D Edminsten, Geo t( V Blaii. Allen Green, w h Norris, d p Build, b p Baird, T-B Tay lor, s N Bingham. Geo w Robbins, J 0 shnll, .w b pouncill, bo- - w-y Moody, L w Parttiing,.capt LEE F MILLER, Agt. ' EHZABKTHTON, TENlf, :. , ; OH! LADIES ! Make your breath Sweet by using- i i SCOTCH ASK YOUR DEALEK VtxetmiNot. T 1 TRADC MARK, , nlolj orUln, fr, whetlwr n In' Tcntipnia OUkT I eooMaatua. OldeataMmnfarMearti PftUdU Ukn tknuk Mann 1 u 8CIEHTIFKJ sMERICUJi, MUNN A CO.,. -SSI BrM4wmv, Raw Trk. Hew . Tear's Greet ing to my Friends I The olo year of 1 896 , was full of hope and promise lair the poor old creature could not live long enongh to see those hopes reaHz'd, s she turned over the job to this bran new youngster, 1897, with the hope that be would pUKh things liiy, -vnd biith ! he is doing that very thing 1 Whj the little rascal is shov ing new good iiito my door faster than I can put them jrtn the shelves, and then be fore I can look around the little fellow is gone and I can hear him out in the middle of the street singing ouf'Oh Yes! J. B. Clarke bus low and always keeps - ; GROCERIES AND - NOTIONS. Such as : .' Coffee, Sugar, Crackers, (Ukes, ' . ' Canred-Beep, Potted-Ham, '.v .. .' Salmons. ' :'; SARDINE8.- Butternuts, English walnuts, Hoft shell ed almonds, peanuts, raisins, tigs, canned tiuits, shoedresu ing, inks, plain and fancy can dies, fancy and laundry Soavb, 1 ;( TOBAOCO, : . Snuff, U-. :.-;: . '-; Cigars- - , . ' ClOARETES.' . ' -Matches, Horse and Cattle Powders, and many other articles too tedious to mention'..'."1. r N. B. Mj? goods are marked at. rash prices, and will . not, un der any circumstances, .be sold ou lime 'Z: ' V' Very Respectfully, . J. D. CLARKE Jan Hth 1891 . 5 DfflfPS T I 1 1 . - 11 A. 7 over..;.M...2.U00.G00,00.: e p iovdl,and AEdmitisteD J F HARDIN, Local Agt :-. Boone; C." . KEY &. GO'S. ; FOB TIY PLEASE, WANTED-AN IDEA&fJ 1 thing to ptetit Protoct Tour Weoj ther vT ' BUKi U a, tut thix tUW jiriM oOn. it- iseitnti ,.111 rruruMry, iDOiJ, 1 oaa SIX - hemorrhages from the longs, and . . . Tn ' 1 T . . . lor some months wa under the care ot two doctors, andflirally f went o Pen vr. hn t rti orned without any benefit to my health. I then read ol your treatment, and sent for some from which I felt great rebel, and have .con tin ued using it BteadiJ v ut to t he present f me, with good results' I am certain your treatment Los been the means of restoring my health. 1 ha ve added flfteep pounds to nr weight and' am still gaining, have a good ap petite and sWp well In fact. 1 can coiisi-H'ntionKly sov I am a wHlkiiig advert iHtnient for Vour treatment :, . , ..: J. Fallon, 1 54 South Orand Rt, ; 3 , Chicago, III. If you will know more of thte treatmeut, end : read the tejtl iihhi.v of uifliiy . others, who have l-een eured by the Compound Oxvgeii Tieatnient. not only oi consumption, but otvariotiit -oth.' er diseases, send lor bok-inf twe hundred pages, eent free. Or call and sih us, We treapatientsat the Office as well as athfitjev, . Crs. Sfafkey & Fafedc 1529 Areh HU Philadelphia, P. Please iiinul hm this papen Your FabiD I hm wrmth4 with meat ira(tRC . smlta, riar v In vast In ., wto wmt rra mm. PIRCa TEKS10JI, TERSION INDICATOR: AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER. : TU mott toomplett tai wmThI dcricatWMl' added to any tewtng gurbix. The inilTB is : Cortbly ta lUwtiswIy fscC " Or Fhw Flslsk u Ptiftet AtfjnUmt -.. Im ALL tnraito ArticJw, -: And mil tern and p!aw jot ap to tkt fefl " kmit of four cxpectatioo. ;' J Acnvi Deauu WmD la omm' fted ttrriiory. liberal Una Addmt, . - WHITE SEWIX3 WCCE C3U v.i