0 'BuflHCiuPTios Rate s To Thr Watauga Democrat. ; : 1 3opy 1 yeaj'..;....;;.......'....$1.00 ' : V 6 months.......:.... 50 8 m(mth8.....t;....r 35 ): ."' t AdvWtising Bates. S OH inck 1 week.;..v!L $ .75 4 1 1 month.. 1.75 1' 8 V 3.00 ' , '5,00 1 . ;1 year.;.;..........:. 7.00 ." l colmnn 1 week................ 9.00 " ; lmontb......?.......13.50 ijl;-; " 8" .........25.00 1 " y X year;.v... ....50.00 Entered at the Postofficeiat Boone, N. C., as second-class s mail matter. v''; LOCAL NEWS. -Read the new "ad" oj M. Blackburn in this issue. - judge Green's family is ex- ; r pected home the first of next . week. ; . ; . The people will be behind . with . their fanning t h i a .spring. . I j. , : ; Highest prices paid for butter acd eggs. M. B. Black ! burn.' r-Cider, gingerale, cakes, crackers, oysters, sardines. V etc., at Blackburn's." Solicitor Spainhonr spent ' Tuesday nieht in town, and left for Lenoir on yesterday. 0 Romeraber Arbuckle's cof fee is still 6 lbs. for $1.00 at .Blackburn's, ' . , : .Ashe county got no court this time, owing to the con tinned illness ; of Judge Hoke. . Mr -.f . f Moretz. our iQiusthng merchant, is off on ia business trip to Hickory rand other jjoints thie week. If you need any groceries call on M; B. Blackburn he lias just received a new snp , ply at nick bottom prices. V Owing to the fact that Htudge Hoke remains unwell, it is expected that some oth- f fir Judge will presile at our . .court. Our enterprising iner chant, Man'.ey B. Blackburn, ' has just returned from Balti more. Md.. where he has Deen purchasing his spring Land 'summer-stock of goods. ; We are iudeed pleased to state that Uncle Henry Har r dm, who has been so ill at North Fork, is so much im proved that he hopes to re- pn in a few days. .If yon want unheard of bargains, don't fail to give us a call next week;- Visit oh ' one time, and your trade will always be done atour store. See us. Moretz & Farthing. W. L. Bryan is attending 1 federal Court at Statesville this week. Calvin J.Crottrell and John BrOwri, the furors -"'from this countyare also m ; attendance. ..;;: tgrw.n- Dy.au nuwueui vo team that our friend R, k. Hartley Esq. of Blowing Rock, was Onrried a few days since, but 'wenre not lnfoiroed as tc .who he married. , If vou need a hat either ladies or gents suitable for lanv season at lowest caBh price'catt on M. B. Blackburn lor be ha i hem in seock ana r':i deal fairly with you. J 4 ' Court will be in session r hext week, and we wish to Ts say to our suVscribers that what they are due us will be c-'wanted'theih Do notroisuri fioratand. This aDDlies to ' " , - - . j .. - SOU. ,' ' , . - ; (y-6n Tuesday night we had v Vnd it is ltared lhat the fruit .crop is damaged materially, We hope, however, that the damage is not greatv- .: The turnpike needs work and all the public roads we have passed over are in ; a very bad conditionr Wo be lieve the roads" a re worse than; they have ' leen for years. . . ; :r'.''r'y"r There has been more whiskey on hand , for a few days than was needed In consequence e lose .one man, the jeweler, who left Tuesday night for a better location." ; " '. Rev. Mr. Cherry, was summoned home on last Monday, to see his infant who was very ill. The condi tion of the child, when last heard from, was much im proved under the skillful treatment of Dr. Parlier. Messrs T. F. and E. S. 'offey. J. C. Horton and Dr. Phrlier, are now the posses sors of some very fine horses. They are all good, but iho pair of blacks owned by Fin are indeed beauties. They were purchased in Scott coun ty, Va. Mr. Geo". Gragg, of Boone and Miss Addie Brown, of Rutherwood, wre married m m on Wednesday last weeic. Here is good luck to this young couple and a. hearty wish, that thtir lives may be happy and , a blessing to those around them. -Atty. W. B. Councill has not yet returned. He has been in Sa'.ishury since he was at the Supreme Court, and has had a verj painful operation perlormed on his face. We are not informed as to the nature of the growth removed, but hope it is nothing serious. His re turn is expected to-day. Dr. J. K. Moose, of Le noir. N. C. will be in Hoone court week to pra3tice den tistry. ,Ho is a regular grad uate in dentistry, and has li cense from the State Board of Dental Examiners. Refer to any citizen ot Lenoir. First class work, guaranteed, and moderate prices. On Tuesday of last week a negro by the name M. I). Jones, who claims to be from Winston, was. lodged in jail here for handling" bogus checks, by Deputy -a'h'ff., Geo. Green, of Stony Fork, When arrsted, the negro had in his possession checks to the amount of nearf 1,000 which he claimed, were drawn to him bv a Winston firm. We learn that the firm has been notified of the fact, and they say no such checks have been issued by them. Good-by nig." Out-door life and Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver OH with Hypophospfxites have cured thousands of cases of consump tion in the cairly stages. They cure old, advanced cases too hut not so many, nor so prompt ly. When a case is so far ad vanced that a cure cannot be made, even then SCOTTJS EMULSION checks the rapid . hy of the disease, relieves the pains in the chest, reduces the night sweats, and makes the cough easier In these cases it comforts . and prolongs life. Don't experiment with cures that destroy the digestion. Pin your fahb to the one remedy which haien THE STAN dard rofc Over 20 Years. Book kWfcfrwfof the wiring. , Forukbyftfl dfaggWiM 50c and : . . 8COTTBOWNB,NfwYrk. . - Godsumption All persons would do well to come to Court prepared to supply their wants in gen eral merchandise, as M. B. Blackburn has jut returned from the North w iere he has purchased an immense stock of dry. goods, notions, etc.; which he will sell at ' prices that will astonish you. Prof. FrancumV school at Foscoe, N. C, came' to a close on last Saturday, and we have,l: heard-' from-"good mn that the closing exercis es were the best ever seen in the county. The Prof, talks of abandoning school-teaching now, and entering a new field of labor, Bloome4 to rade V Mora. Little James William, son of Mr. and Mrt. J, P.Taylor, was born Nov. 4th 1893, and died April 7th 1897. The death of this dear little boy who had not yet completed his fourth year, is a severe blow to the hearts of his par ents, who loved and cherish ed him so fondly; and has elicited the deepest sympa thy from the whole commun ity, for all who knew hiin were impressed with the brightness and vivacity that characterized the little one. The baby boy had rather a delicate constitution but his parents had never entertain ed a thought that the prec ious gem that had been en trusted to their keeping should be called for so soon, and the shock was great when the Angels bore the dfcar little one away and their hearts are aching over the loss of the one around whom so many fond hopes were ger-tered, though bow ing to the will of "Him who doeth all things well." These dear little ones! How they entangle themselves among the heart strings and the loss of them leaves such a deso late spot in the heart. Yet thanks to the Good Shepherd who ladeth his flock and ta- keth the little lambs in his bosom We know "it is well with the child." Rude storms will toss those of us who are left behind and be fore their fury some ot our frail barques will go down, hut the are lorever safe. It is a beautiful sight to see the Hirong'man dying in the full triumph of christian faith; going home with many scare to show. ard sullied and be grimed with the dust of hat tie "made perfect, through suffering," but it is not more so than the death of a little One like James withiu whose little breast no drops of bit terness bad ever been distill ed and whose soul bad never been stirred by passions, the fountains of whose little hai t had nt-Ver been soured by pel ffchness and who has not yet learned the corruption of the world nor been brought to experience the weakness of onr fallen natures. Such was the death of little James Tay lor. Pure and pinless as the new-fallen snow. The tiny feet that had never travelled in sins dark ways suddenly ceased their patter and his soul like Noah's dove return ed to Hin who sent it forth; and the precious form was Htill and beautiful as a Hleefi ing angel. He lives now in the city ot the Grest King, the memory nf hint will live in the hen rts of parents and lovea onea until their brief span ol life is over and they go to join bini whree pa i ting is unknown. J. it. tt. The Tennessee. Centennial will open May the 1st. : T h e arbitration ; treaty hangs flie In tha Senate and it is now very doubtful wbeth er it: is ratified or not. If it comes to a vote it will: prob ably be defeated. i Was Very Nervous Hr.d Sirotherlns Spells and Could Not Sleep -Doctor Called It Neuralgia and Indigestion. '. -t fcd jmIiu in my bead, neck and houl Jcrt u J r I through my body bat tibey wcc twi severe in my left elda. The dootor ea led It tiearalxU and in digestion. 1 wa cun&ned to my bed lor eight i .. h. I wa very nerrona, bad amothmiog polU and eonld not sleep. I read of oarea by Hood' Saraaparllla and of a case similar to mine. My boaband procured a bottle, and I began taking it. After taking one bottle I felt better, was able to rest and my appetite Improved. I continued until my nervousness was cured snd I waa much better in every way. My husband has also been bene fited by Hood's Barsaparllla." MAXT & Btohs, Spain vUle, Virginia. Wood J Sarsa- D pariiia I . the Best-In fact thi ' True Blood Purifier. Bold by alt druggists, frt. six for as. siOOa 8 PillS Hood's SsmparlUa. MORTGAGE LAND SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed to me by C. M. Carlton and wife Elisa. on the 21st day of December 18 05, and registered in book E of mortgages page 382 Deer. 26th 1895, to secure the pay ment of forfeiture and cotstsm a ease wherein f am surety for John Michael for his an-. pea ranee at Statesville U. S. court, Spring term 1896 and upou his forfeture the costs were taxed against me to wit $47.75. I will to satisfy said bill oncost sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Boone on the UG'.h day of April 1897, it he ing Monday of court, the fol lowing described tract or boundry of land situated in irntanza county on tee wa ters of Stonv Fork in Stonv Fork township, adjoining the lands of L. r. Watson and J. C. Watson. Beginning on a poplar on a bank of a brancn running west to a black oak, thence north 110 poles to a double chestnut, thence eaut to a chestnut, thence south to a chestnut, thence norrh to a chestnut, thence oast to a white oak, thence west to .the beginning containing 50 acres. This March 17th 1897. J. C. Hay, Mortgagee. What the Prow Has to hay About the Farmers' Mntnsl. The Xlleghaoy Stsr and Wataaea Demo v cratBoth Patrons. Alleghany Star: In this is sue we publish a letter from Mr.' G. V. Brown relative to the promptness with which he gets his money front the Farmers' Mutual through the President C. N. Hunt and Agent Jesse F.Hoskins. IVe have yet to hear of any loss in the various associations managed by Mr. Hoskins that was straight and hon est that was not promptly pail. We clipped the above from the Alleghany Star whose pro prietor has a policy in t h e Wilkes and Alleghany Branch of the Farmers' Mutual and who has seen its practical working. Hie more wt see and hear ot the Farmers' Mu tual then ore favorably are we impressec with it. There is no concealment or holding back of anything by Mr. Hos kins or his agents Blair and Wall in presenting it to the people. Their ads are not of the patent medicine kind. For exam Die we nave i n onr hands the original of every letter published in these col umns for the curious to ex amine. The Ad In theAIIegha ny Star is nothing more, nor less than the proceedings of the Wilkes and Alleghany Branch a jopted by the mem bers at their first annual meet iDg.-r-(DEMOCRAT. a a n n n n n .r; rvv-r r r. r r. -are vou cominflpto i Da yon expscl to buy any gc:js ctib t:ro? If so I assure you that I can make it to your advantage to give me a call. !-rf i-.-s ;: 1'- 7 HAVE JUST 'RETURNED FROM THE NORTHERS CI1IES WHERE 1 HAVb 1AKEN WE ADVAN1AGE OF A LARGE CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, AND CLOTHING. WHICH WILL BE SOLD STRICTLY FOB CASH IT WnATPfiATP PBTflFG Ul II JHVJJJUUliHJJ.1 aUiVJUM Having made my profit in BUYING. ; . Thanking you for past favors, I am - Very Respectfully, April21 II. D. BLACIiBIIItN. a a i h k i $ i d THE FARMERS MUTUAL Fire. Wind and Lightning Association, Watauga and Mitchel Branch is now neariug the f 200, 000 mark of stock subscribed. A company of the people for the people and by the people, cheaper than tbecheapest and safer tnnn the safest. Fair and honerable adjustment without Uw suits. W. H. Calloway, Pie't. V. L. Bryan, Treas. Supervisors, A. J. Critcher, Jeremiah Harrison, W. C. L. flulcher, N. L Mast, H. H. Farthing, W. H. Hardin, J. M. Shull, L. D. Lowe and A. J. Moretz. HE'S HAPPY, YOU BET. From the Greensboro Recor-i. About the happiest man in attendance upon the closing hours of the Legislature was Jeese F. Hoskin. He has been working to got passed a bill exempting the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. from taxation. He thought it was secare and left last week, but had to return to look after it. However it is n iw a law and Jesse comes in under the wire in tine shape. The Legislature places the Farmers Mutual on a level with the other benevolent societies like the Odd Fellows, Masons, eta. He has a right to feel proud for unquestionably all doubt of the various associations he has with so much hard labor established in the West not being here to stay are elimina ted. The excitement over the vote in the Senate Saturday night was but little less than that in the House over the ease bill. Our countryman has achieved a State reputation for tenacity otpurpose determination and sucees in carrying to a successful termination what he believes to be right. He deserves success aud should ed by all of his farmer friends. The Duke and the From the Twin City Daily. Jesse F. Hoskins passed , up the Wilkesboro road this morning spreading the good news, among the various branch Associations of the "Farmers Mutual" of the valu able legirlatiou he has secured principle of his insurance is now legalized, which is as old as time itself, when the Great Law-Giver sti1: Bear ye one unothei's burdens," and "not o'er his peaceful breast." Mr. . . a. ! Hociaiious wiin creun it uimneu uiui ft ut'iiem iu ine m rui ng class, to which he belongs. Mr. Hoskins, the General Manager of the Farmer's Mu tual, says that the Watauga and Mitchell Branch isnnw ap proacbing closely the $300,000 mark, and that this Brancn taken all in all, would before mid summer be the ideal one in the State; that the class of stock-holders, as appears by the list, averages up better. Democrat. BROWNING KING & CO. Leading NEW TORE Clothiers Spring Line Just Received. G. A. BUY AN. Act. BOONE, N. C. Sal' 3& 7 V -13 til If B K 1 i m0m000000m0j0mmmigymmm ji n n i n n n - i t t i t i UfiUnY -:' be conjrra tulated and thank Farmers Mutual tor them. He says the grand a wave of trouble now rolls Hoskins manages these As- i. I . 1 a. t

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