VOL: IX. BOONE, ATAUOA ? COUNTY. N. Cm ; TO APBIL, WASHINGTON LET'tfiR From out Begular Correipoadent. 'CfThei were probably f e w yv democrats at the last session of the House who didiit feel I ?ei little" bit ashamed of the proceedings. Ren. Bailey; of -Texas, rose to a question of .personal privilege, and after ?, having read an editorial from Washington paper,' t hat r V . . it claims to oe aRuocraiiu, etui irig him in effect a tool of Mr. Reed, he denounced the wri ter as an infamous and mali cious liar. Later Rep. DeAr mond, of Mo., arose also to a question of personal privi- 'ge, and policy of semi-week- adjournments, and dis ; claiming that he and the .Democra ts who thought as he dio, had rebelled against the Democratic leadership estab- v lloliru 111 .auiuOi nuu t d is charging that it was the f! - other Democrats who were 1- TT-'. "... ... -. Octing in opposition to the A' ( caucus.- as II tnai were uui V : enough lor one short sitting, r . Ren. Burke, or Texas, also ifaiade a personal explanation callings the meetings of the akerj or" with either of the It e p u b 1 ic a n .., congressmen row Cincinnatti; awl , now Storer insists on tthat a p. pointraent being made,: al- thougnne cannot get me en dbrsement of either Senator, or any one of the Congress ional delegation. He ha re used to accept a foreign ap pointment, because his j-foh wife wiehes to figure ia tne official Bonefy of Washing- ton. It is said that Mr. Mc Kinley lias told Senator For- aker'that there was nothing left for him to do but uomi- imte Storer for the place, and that he added that any tight madron the nomination in the Senate would not be re garded by him as a fight on ' ' A Sent rata Life. . V 1 f n rnUa fh hlnc I bylieve that a christian he recflrded .ag , bellieeu man should lead a separate aud allies of . Turkeyi r Tftej life, 1 he line between the choice of the.; latter pan,; church and the world is : al- would be opposed by , public,, most Obliterated to-day. ; l opinion througnouti weswrii i have no sympathy . with the Europe; and the probabili ideafyou must hunt, up an ties are in favor of tjie with old musty church record in drawal of the ; blockading order to find . out whether a fleet. W ith the departne oi man is a church member or the foreign , ships the union not. A man ought to live so of Crete with Greece would, hat everybody will know practically become anaccona that he is a christian. If blished f a c t. Philadelphia - i there are certain things in I Record. your university which arede tii mental to your christian profession, you say, "No Oil. In London they used to have a good deal of drinking among church members. Sometime ago when I was there I was invited to a late Hunoer at the house of a W. B. COUNCILL, M. D. Boone, N. 0. RpHident Phvsician. Office Christian (?) man, prominent on King Street north of Post in tha Muhh.i ri fifthnnl. UfflCB. was Koine: to meet some Sabbath school friends, and I expected a real religious time. To my amazement they had teven kinds of li- The ilnhlpU Exploded. ':,; coming to the station carry- Chicago Chronicle: L - ' v, ; ing two cameras and a sue- If reports from Pavillion picious bundle." The two men to wnship, Kalamazoo coun- owned the bundle and expos ty, .Mich:, are true, the much ed a little airship about: four talked of airship was not on- ft long, painted on 'canvas ly a realuy,; put is now a At the endoi the platform thing of the past. George ru.v wire runs ' out ' from the W; Somers and William i;han ton of a telegraph pole, t wo burn, old . soldiers, claim to slender threads which were have seen the shio on Sun tied to the Dainted shD were day evening, when they re-j thrown over the wire and the mniried ud until a latelihour gh'D were drawn un. McCann in attendance upon a sick moved back to a proper dis- nurse. iu n puanuuit w.m lanrt ior uersDeCwive euorL illuminated at both endsand nd snapped the camera. The moyed through space with time was carefully selected wonderful rapidity. , when the sunshine was bright They had scarcely time for mid the streets- were desert this observation wheu a dull ed. explosion was heaid and the McCann wati busy all day obiect disatiDeared. Theyde- vpsterdi v nrintinz nhoto- I - I r ry i tu ndminirttrfltion. T h e dare the report to have heen cri uohs from the nenative he nn.riinnt inn will almost he re like that of heavy ordnance mm, in the camera, and this . . I 1, t . I . . J! . A. . I . t . I 1 jected, and Storer must know una to nave oeen immediate- morning tne puotograpns it, yet ne insists on uemg iy isuixwueu uy n umium, were iiisme. nf nroiectiles 11 vimr The Goat tad the Airship. Certain Renublican Sena- through the air. From a Greensburg, HI, tele- thpm MAntlfl.l fn the mornim? there was gram Carter, Sboup, Warren and found a large coil of htavy One disastrous resultofthe Burrows, have demanded of wire, evidently a part of some airship's visit came to theta tha Tipnnhlipnri of the Sen- electric anolianc). At anoth mous Greensburg goat. Billy ate Finance Committee that er point a propeller blade of saw the strange thing In the dntr ot not less than two some very light material was heavens, and immediately rents a nound shall be olaced discovered in a partially f us- becoming frantic, comraenc i - - i . .. A that fh Hntv pA pnndltinn. Tnrpft men en- ed to DUt ihe nortneaSi . UUUO a jitrau un.iwm.. i vu uihed uiiu v . :j.p" a'nr unci no- thflt HOlnnw ml shall he raised to caired in shinaling a barn in corner'of the Reformed Pres ilf no" hl own nation was mtet a schedule submitted Comstock township affirm by terian church. Finally, he ?i n..noH hA hAd pnnsnlteri hv them, and the demand is that unon resuming work on took another despairing W ' MV - - I I 111 11 Hl '-.- ''". til tuna nnf a I niwintnoii !aH hv a ihi-out t tha nwtrnino fnllnwinir thrt ne look at the heavens. Ihe tf .'f.,t,rf RannKiifMins nd Mr. ,iAt t.hft tariff bill if their onrrenee thev found there lights in the airship changed V : vAHnnk imnd nnins to al- wishes are notcftmnlied with, work littered with minute color at that instant. Billy ' .', rnmnm.nfo tn An oo If ii nludflu within (ho nrtwpr (viirmonta arhiph hn d in frothed at the mouth and Lnmtt instnnP tipnptrn ted went against the corner of left the table, and tin host 4 j- ... tinn r, Mk.ia.iff kin Km it iflU-Ko aKimrioa anH Atitail tha the church a seventh time, followed me uo stairs, tie talked against other Demo- not the opinion of those best boards beneath. Whatever when bis left hoiu broke off wanted to know the trouble. a IUo. mninntv vfitorl infninioH that fhftv will tlink I rnnv hfi thp thpnpipft thprfi IfllflG&ritK bMSfli llfttlldl '. for the three day adjourn- use of that power to such an scarcely a doubt that tne -h ment just the same, and car- extent. They are simply ex- aerial stranger is gone for f ried it. . ercising their right to make ever. WlX1 The treaty negotiated by a big bluff in the interest of , Other MwlfwUtlow. S'lSne last administration, with the products of their -states, Washington, April 13. -A 'rl Great Britain, denning a in order to get as much of telephone message received r::v' groat porton of the boundary the protection swag for their to-night from Columbia '0Hrie. between Alaska and Can- constituents, as possible, but Heights, - a suburb of this 1- ada, will never be ratified in in the end they will tuke what city, stated that the airship ; . its present shape. By a pre- is given them and vote for was seen in that locality :? tense of liberality in giving the bill. A shortly after 9 o'clock. ; the United Slates about four Having satisfied theraselv- Ripon, Wis., April 13. The ' teen square miles of territory es that Democratic Senators hundred and odd people of ' which we already had'a leg- would make no further con- Ripon who think, they saw '.H-'al claim to) the wily English cessions, the Republicans ac- the airfehip Sunday night was diplomats made a trap cepted the last proposition beautifully caught in a trap which was intended to cost made by the Democratic by two or thiee of the city nri:. Ka TTnitPfi StAtpa a11 the ter- atiprinnr rnmmittee and the best business men. These ' - lliv vaavw .-. .... - I V riiorv worth having in that vacancies in the Senate Com went to Ingalls park, the col : : wtinn. hv HhnHinff out our rnitree i will all be filled in a leire athletic campus, and claims within what is known few days. Politically speak- there fastened together two am nr "thirHr , mile stnuM ire the committees will stand larse sized paper balloons by and its intersection with the substantially as they did at means of wires. The balloons 14l8t meridian, and it came the close of the last sessions, were then set free and caused O yery near to succeeding "too; An agreement might have the excitement. Stranue to -AB .thA trPiitv would have hppn rpnehpd hefore. hut the sav. the eye and ear are so : been ratified sometime ago Republicans wished to pun- easily deceived at such tim. s had not Senator Stewart ob- i8h tho silver Republicans foi as this, that many of the jected.' Mr, Stewart object- supporting Bryan, and the best citizens were ready to ed on the general principle Democrats insisted vhat it swear that they cou'd either that the matter was too Jtn- should not be done, and it see the boat distinetly .MepArataiife. ; 1 to raise the bloirfe:&: ; m PROFESSIONAL. W.B. COUNCILL, Jr. Attorney at La it Boone, N. C. T. C. BLACKBURN, M. D. BOONE, N. C. Office at the residence ot quor, and they drank until H,, nnmrtu AttanrlaJ should call them drunk, but , - they would have considered e. f. lovkll. j. c. fletcher it a Kifat insult if 1 had ea.d , m I fl n rxpurn so. There was a iaay sunng next to me who kept ref usi ng A. Tl OLlllh YS AT LA W, and the deacon kept urging ROONK. N. C. it upon her until her cheeks ssrspecml attention given I finally said that they would have to excuse me. II WILLIAM R. LOVILL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sutherlands, N. C. Practices in the State and A Child's Plea. A pretty little golden haired girl of seven years walked timid ly into a New Jersey Police court room the other day nnd asked for the -'man who sent mamma to jail." The judge happened to drink-conrts. Du. J. M. HOO-SIIGAD, UUilbDI UkiQUIUIIOlf ism V iU I or portant to be hastily dispos- was not done. i ed of, and now that the con tents of the treaty is nnder . - stood, he is being. congratu lated . for having prevented ? the Senate making a blun der. ' , According to current gos sin. ex-Representative Kel fl lamy Storer," of Ohio, must hear the flapping of v iuy:s. when it is positively known they saw only the balloons. That Photographed Airship. Chicago, April 13. Accord ing to the Chronicle, the air ship seen at Rogers' Park. Citizen: Evangelist W m. P. Fife, of whom it was an nounced that be would re move to Gainsville,. Ga., to Hve'and would locate his Bi- l( ii. - U.. I.. A . . - V u n ! and of which phor.ographs cd to remain m North Carohr."" . , . K. ken by Walter R. McCann, is jail?" When told Tier name, the thing until they put it away letters answered promptly, ana juage recaiiea mat nuurv uu vrhen 1 was about, at least. " before lie had sentenced a woman mh Rih e tells us to lead a to jail for sixt days lor drunk- different jfe. You may lose enneBS and told the child so. . u.,- ,ni rain Looking up mto the kindly face j J D I llii tunl nroo r ha mrar 11 Tl. did you ever have a marainaf and'then. choking w.th sobs, she popular man in Babylon at could control her feelings no Ion- a certain time, but thank ger and begged piteously for her Uod, ne nas ouuivea an ine mother'r release. "Your mamma other men of his name. Who has been very naughty," said the were the chief men of Baby- tx,Arra "Sl'io cef a dnink nnd abn- Inn? IVhun HnH wnntfH nnr J""6"' R" 7 iwm. J'"..-""-- - a J oi.... ses her neighbors. ' But she is work done in Babylon He W. L. DOugias cr puuca .. ...... I . I ill .... .kiu. mrm aulli?!v ntiifai.t ATV frt ma nnd I Inv hfir." ROD- I ...l,.. GnA n,nn inal wii.-iv. "v - - 1 kuuw nunc iu uuu dujo v-' bed the golden haired pleader, 0 Q "and il vou will let her go 1-1- y0l7 can be in the world, won't let her be naughty any butnot Qf jt Christ didnt nmre-I love her so. Please. ... .... v.1 r.i,, ntt nlaaoa lor. hor irn. I Lii'r.no, vu, kuov r-w ..1.1 1 i L I U.. That was too much for the gray wona, out ue ,.yu u. 1 hsire I. kind hearted magistral, they might be kept from evi . and .in he turned away to order A ship in the water le all the reU-nse of the mother, he used right, out wnen me water hinhsm lkerchiel vigorously and gets in1o the ship, then look his voii.-e was husky from a 'bad out. The world in a chris eold' which had suddenly devel- tian is just like a wrecked ves I Da. I . - 1. ' -t .l..l, (1PVTU W 1 MTPIPnii tt'on'ii o tara fif t ho flifllHIPSt HOrt. w ''; ' The story goea that be took ACababvnorQat.ada. Cuba.ii William ' Hoodtaw. flyman : adrantogeol MrvMcKinlej' in n : !.l t-l." ... . I . J I... irnuo tlio tafnt-u PWPV financial obligations to him to force a - promise that he ':y-S?, should be appointed Assis tant ; Secretary 0 f State. " ; .When the promise was made, T J Mr. McKinley 'did not know that Btorjer was not on speak f ing terms with Senator. For- mendous demand. A bonanza lor save the story away. agents. Only f 1.60. Big ' book, 'f he alleged photographs Xrt? t"; rshss Mss b Mr ',d "nd,,H book. Uotnt tree, ureuit given, uuiupauuiu unuiw v"n- Freight paid. Drop all trash and Vr Sunday noon, and mate f auo a men in who n ar in Cuba. Address today tne wat . . . i 1 f o nr ional Book Concekn, 352350, Dearborn St.,' Chicago. v , not early in the morning, as claimed by' MeCann. Hood less says he saw the two tuen oped. Ex. CASTORIA Tor lafanti &nd Children. selatBea. D.L. Moody. Now that a state of war ex ists between Turkey and Greece, what is to become of tha "pacific', blockade of Crete by the European floets? Tho powers must at once mnL-pfl choine of positions. The McAdoo bouse, areens They must declare their neu- boro, is closed. trnlity, in which event they would be compelled to cease AJnM An Ka Cl rtrr n 11 n1oi which the Cretans fight and fkttw tffUMN Mali MADE UPON HONOR, SOLD UPON MERIT. "There is to much ing; 1 can't stand it. He said. "You are not a eentleman." " 1 1 1 went out of the house, and pammttr'R RT.K N C. the next timo I went to Lon- n ... L j :j. u: AftoKnite: No Burning Out (ion 1 tiearu il hiiibucicu ,t. , j I I . . . 1 1 I JL ICiUV,klU vnvvu - orouna wnat an unurenne- m nnfu tf nrntTiinon . rpiiannn dim it.i:i.'M,i,A4. i.ratil Imnnlv t.hinrr T had done. But nil v treated in Va.. Tenn. LUfS li L lie iijioo nuau O"? nauu, v o , T. s. V; ,1 ji i i .l. i t-.vi i .r-v- hn hrti nnnnr. i h.iiii h. ij. ilcuicujuci iuu u umm ivarn came imo nereis n i ir juu, r -f. B Tnn RnnM to Bt nd ol turned to the judge and asked, tunity ol speaking in London nniirmitrrowth no matter "Did you send my mamma to I J thundered against that how small. Examination free, W. L. Douglas S3 5 SiOSnT "". I. CORDOVAN, FRENCH Ii CNAMCUU CKF. 43 . FlNCCAlfcKANSMSa ' n.k? P0UCE,3 SOLfi 2.I.T?BCYS'S:H20l5HCH LADICH' Over Out Million Pw.Ijwmi t. Tb tlv tb bMt value 1 i the momv. Thev equal cueten hei I. rtyle and fit. Their weanm nuiiiiiir. m ..iniiwni The price are antfnrm, tmpl en eie Pr!ii i to f j aavea ever other raskce. 11 your dealer cannot supply yon va cad. Sold bt FULL OF BEAUTY, GRACES STRENGTH. EVERY HEELTARRANTDX ReeeelMe Dealen fcivIM to Ct ' rueeod wtta a. - MANUFACTUftCD Vt ," BBLL1S CYGUE CO., INPIANAPQU3, CO. J, '. ' . At: i

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