ThoUataasa Democrat J A TnttAAH a. mil it nAUtanik AM devoted to the interest ot Coun tj State ana Nation. ; Published vary Thursday at Boone, Wa taiga County. N.C. r lbursdafjkpiil 29,1807. ;' , Judge Greene opened codrt promptly at 10 o'clock Mo"n day. The J udge's charge to the Grand Jury was listened to by a very large ' crowd of our citizens, it being the first time in our history that our people ever had. the pleasure or opportunity to hear ouo ui vuvit unit vitiicuarApuuiiu the law from the Bench as dtidgeoi tbeuourt. we leei proud of ou Judge and be lieve he isgiving satisfaction. Judge Greene conducts his Courts on active business principles and dispatches the business ol the Court in a pleasant and satisfactory manner. Our people were all pleased with tbe Judge's charge to the jury, and gen eral comment on our Judge is favorable. Politics is in a great mud die throughout the whole country. The election of Mo Kinley has not relieved the country, nor has any pros penty shown up except in som centers of business. The rural districts are sorely depressed, prices remain low and a great scarcity of mon ey is the cry. business men still faiL to meet their de mands and the cry is still heard in the land that times are hard and the great-ma jority of the people are grow fog poorer every year. Con gress shows no inclination to relieve the country by any movements to restore the fl ; i , ;.. i iL uunuiui cunuiuurt ui iue country. It is hopelessl y in active. From the Marion Democrat of Va., we see that Z. V. Sher rill has been reelected first assistant physician of the South Western Hospital. Zeb Vance b'herriil is a Wat auga boy and we are proud of his success as a physician and that he has been promo ted by the Virginia peopie to such a responsible position. Zeb was always a bright young fellow and deserves well of tbe public. Success to him . . v .The situation in the flood ed districts is distressing in the extreme, perhaps no time in the history of the country has there been anything so severe in the way of high a.: J i a . i uuea uuu overflowing 0i6ucn 000 people have been made homeless by the destructive nooa. The Turks and Greeks are fighting in good earnest. The Greeks have generally defeat ed the Turks in the several engagements. The Turks have so many more troops than the Greeks it looks like that they could soon over run the Greeks. Purnell, of Raleigh gets the judgeship for . the Eastern Dist., in place of .Norwood deceased, J. E. Boyd is a p. V M a, VJ V'Sva w t-u7 a I can ury. H. G. Cheatham,. (col.) ft i THRuiugu)ij. jigger Dancy w coj., at Wilmington. ti. uav Hi vans tne new WIUIUIMIUUVr UI (JtTIIBIUIIH 1H '."?! 'Isafnor ' Doin'iprAta in a The foregoing is what has been done on Hate docket up to .Wednesday .morning: 10 o clock : V .' i State vs -Vance and Pleas 'hurch, Larceny, nol pros with lavei" .-y:; State vs. Charley Pope, nol pros. -::.: -: : State vs. John Cluer and Will Townsend, Alias ca pias;" r.v-.-f--1 ' State vs. T Gross and A. Johnson, obstructing road, judgement confirmed. State vs. Sm)th Oliver a. & b.. nol pros, with leave. , State vs. Gas Church, a ft b Alias capias. State vs. Jas. Lunsford, forgery, npl pros. ; State vs. Vance Byers, a. ft b., nol pros. State vs. Smith Rymer, c. c. w.. nol pros, two cases. State vs. Jas. Cable,- Will Cable, and Mary Cable, re sisting officer, nol pros. State vs. James Grimes, a. ft b, Alias capias. State vs. the Cables, mur der. Alias capias to issue. State vs. Charley Paine, c. c. w., injury to church. Alias capias, two rases. State vs. Emery Greer, c. c. w., capias, two cases. State vs. W. L. Moretz, abandonment, Alias capias. State vs. Hard Brewer, c. c. w., Alias ca pins. State vs. Charley Paine, c. c. w., Alias capias. State v8.Roby Pope, lar ceny, Alias. State vs. Charley Moody, c. c. w., Alius. State vs. George Johnnon, larceny, Alias. Stale vs. W.. B. Holsclaw and Eraaline Holsclaw, f. ft a. nol pros. State vs. Luther Mryers, a. ft b., with d. w., Alias. State vs. S. N. Bingham, and John Brown, affray, deft., Bingham, pleads guil ty. State vs. Pink Miller, adult erating oil, jury found deft., cuity, One year i n State prison. State ys. Will Carrol, a. b. with d. w., judgment sus pended ou payment of cost and fine f 25,00. StaL. vs. G. W. Carroll, f. & a., jury acquitted. State vs. lMn nerd, injury to real estate, continued. State vs. Robt. Clawson and others, affray, guilty. State ys. Jane Shores and Stella Snyder, assault, guilty by the joiy. In jail 1 month as to Shores. Stale vs. Ham Wilcox and Willett Wilson, affray, con tinned. State vs. Will Townsend, judgment suspended on pay ment of cost. State vs. B, Aid ridge, guil ty. ., State vs. S. J. McGnire, af fray, judgment suspended on payment of cost. State vs. Hiriim Green and Nancy Jones, f. ft a., guilty. 'tate vs. Harve Wilson and Willett Wilson, affray, guilty. " State vs. Pat Mitchell, as sanlt with intent to rape guilty, fifteen yeais in peni tentiary. State vs. L. M. Waters, a. ft b. with d. w., guilty, f 20 fine. State vs. Martha Brnd- shaw, judgement suspended on payment of cost. State vs. David Reece, cru elty to auimal, judgment sus pended on payment of cost. State vs Mary . Cannon keeping -disorderly hous, judgement suspended on pay ment of coat, . A 8II0BT BIOGRAPHY Of ELDER ; , B MoBRlOX. Barzilai McHbide w a s born the 28th day of Sept em her. A. D.1790. ;v , , -When he became the head of a family, he emigrated to thia country. After which he professed faith in Christ; and attached himself to the Cove Creek Church, the senond Sat urday in April, 1825. He was ordained to the minis try th 16th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1832. by Elders Leonard Bowers, of Carter County Tenn , and Richard Jck9 of Ashe County, N. C. After the resignation of the pastoral care of Cove Creek Church, by Elder L. Bowers, Elder R. McBride was chosen to that' responsible post in which he remaiued until u few years before his death, when, because of infirmity, he gave back to the church the sol emn trust which he felt him self no longer calculated use- ully to hold. Elder B. M; Bride was one of those Minister who looked upon the teachings of t'le Word of lod as superemi- nent, as infinitHv superior to all others; neither would he allow any other to com pete with it as his counselor, which is saying much for a minister in these days of stair and strife for place and pow er as a pastor. He was mild and gentle, affectionately to his bro., Ministers; his liber ality was bounded by his means only, and scarcely by that; he acted as he thought that all he had more than needful for himself and fami ly, was given him expressly for the use of the people of God, rather than himself. None relied more fully on the Lord Jesus for salvation; nor did any appear .to have brighter hope of future bap piness; all who knew him be lieved him to be a christian indeed, n near attainment to this of which few compara tively can boast. But he is gone, and we nave no aoubt has seen the King; he has be held the land that is afai off; he has been drinking, and is still at the fount which makes glad the city of God, where may it be bur happy lot to see him when our work here is done. By request of a rel ative we reprint this We viv idly reclle;t the grand old preacher when in' our youth. Editor Democrat. Did f on Ever Tr.r Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, gi t a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be pe culiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a vonderfol direct influ ence in giving btreugth and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite constipation. Head ache fainting spells, or are uer? ous. sleepless, excitible, melan choly or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the med icine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty euits and 91.00 at Holaclaw's and Blackburn's. . . JLEolitlon. - Whereas, we the hoi.orable Board of IV)., Corn missioned of Watauga county, after one ronsidmufon and dili gent sea'rch, can not find a man in the Republican party in Meat Camp township qual ifled to list the taxes of said township, and whereas, it is not the sense of this honor, able body to appoint a Dem ocrat. Be it resolved, That we ap point Mr. 0. Roy Norris, a true and tried Republican, of Bald Mountain to list in said township. If is very im portant to look after the wel faro of thepeopW.' ' . ;. The Dingley tariff is oeing discussed in the Senate and it promises to be a loug tedi ous affair, and no one knows how the thing wilMook when it gets through the Senate. ' i There la NotUlnj S Good, y Thereto nothing just as good aa Dr. King's New Ilfacovery for consumption, coughs and colds, so demand it and do not permit tbe dealer to pell you come sub stitute. He will not claim thereJ is un.Ttbing better, but in order to make more profit be ma claim something else to be just as good. Tou want Dr. King's New Discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable,' and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For coughs, colds, consumption and for all affec tions of throat, cheat and lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's - New Discovery. Trail bottles free at Holsclaw's and Blackburn's. Regular size fifty cents aud fl.00. it is now claimed that the reason tnat tbe uemocrats carried the election in the cities of Ohio and Illinois is that most of the Republicans were at Washington trying to get office. , Dont Foifct This. We wish we could more fully impress upon tie mind of every one the very great importance of curing a cold at one. A day s delay may be the means of fast ening upon the system t'ledread- ea tonus of disease so often toe result of colds, such as Diptbei ia, Conges ion of the Lungs and Consumption, ft is of the ut- mowt importance that some good, reliable remedy, such as we huve proved Symphyx to be should be kept always at hand. Tbe turnpike directors met here on Monday and Tues day but we wfre prevented fiom attending the meeting and do not know wnat was done. We have reports that Spain ha6 withdrawn thous ands of her troops from Cuba but this report is being de nied. AGENTS WANTED For Wariu Cuba by Senor Quesada, Cuban repreHentativein Washington. En dorsed by Cubau patriots. In tre menu ouh demand. A bonanzafor agents. Only 9150. Big book, big commissions. Every body .rants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outfit free. Credit given. FHght paid. Drop all trash and make $300 a month with War ;n Cuba. Address today the Nat ional Book Concern, 352356, Dearborn St.; !hicago. AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR FRIENDS AND FORMERCUSTOMERS AndTkade Generally. We are pleaflpd to announce t6 you that we have opened up a nice line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE at our old stand, and here are a few of our cash prices:- . Standard Sheeting 6 oz. a cts " Plaide, 6 . White Extra C Sugar 18 lb 1 00 Granulated " 16 " 1.00 Arbuckles roasted Coffee 6 " 1.00 Good green V 7 " 1.00 We have a good stock of shoes of all kinds also Leather. HARDWARE such as: Nails, - Hoiue and Mule Shoes, , Axes, Mattocks, Hoes, Harrow teete Iron stands ' - & LASTS. We win offer no inducements to anyone to buy on a credit. We buy and nell strictly on a pa down system and will not be umdersold by any one. Call and 6ee US. ' '; ' " ;; -. .Verv Eesp't. ; V IV. fi. Shm wood & Co., , l l Amantba. N. C. Apr, 2?tb,,97. v - THE VIRGINIA FIRE AIID ORGASIZ&D ;S31;': ''; i Paid in losses in last ten years, over,:.....;..;.f 2,000,00000,. ' Paid in losses last year over 1250,000,00. 'v'"'-'" V'. ' '. r - . 1 V'',:;V, ... :-:v v . . ' 1 A 4 Rates on unexposed frame farm houses, with shingle T 1. -: roof. 2Jents per (lay, or 75csnts ppr month, or 9,W)'pCT'.fV-';:'v'. year,-for tl.000 insurance payable in easy installments.' V . The names of a' few of our most prominent Watauga (ounty policy holders: dr. L; c. Beeves, jno p, Hardjn,' b, ? J. councill, jr., a. o. arngg, r. p', vanrioy. j. c, Horton. Mrs.; R. L. councill, wm. Holsclaw, Coffey Bron., a. s. Edmisten,; Mrs. m. J. Brady, a hotel, conncill Taylor & go's; hotel, . D.. i uolloway, 3. b. Johnson, J, p. councill. Geo w. osborne, J. s. . winkler, l. h. Micnael, gA d, Taylor, w w D Edminsteu, Geo H ' Blaii , Allen Green, w H NOn is, d r Baird, B P Baird, T H Tay- lor, s N Bingham, ceo w Robbins, j cshiill,vw.B councill, bo--i ofcy Moody, l w running, capt LEE P MILLER, Agt. Elizabethton, Tenm. OH ! LADIES ! Make your breath Sweet by using if KET&GOI SCOTCH ASK TOUR DEALER RXPERIINOS. TRAOI MARKS OHIO Anyone lendiiif a Aeteh and description may Jaloklr awertain, free, whether an Invention la robably patentable. Communleatlona atrtetly onadentlal, Oldait wrenoy fortecarlng patenta In America. We hre a Waablngton offloe. PatenU taken throuh Muna Co. reoelr SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beantlfull attfulty llhismted, lanreH envnlatloa of saientl Be Journal, weekly, terms t&00 a year t )Ux mouth. Specimen ooplee ao4 kiAMO Boos ox F.iurn teat tree. Addrea MUNN A CO., 61 Breaaway. Mew Trib Hew Tear's Greet ing to my Heads I Thilu year ''of 1896 was full of hope and pmn.ine bur the poor old .cratun could not live long enough to see those hopes realized, so she turned over the job to this bran new you ngnter, 1897, with the hope that he would push things lively, md faith! he is doinfe that very tning! Whj the little rascal is shov ing new goodrt into my toor faster than I can put' them on the shelves, and then he fore I can look around the little fellow is gone and I can hear him out in the jmiddle of the street mnginA ut "Oh Yes! J. B. Clarke han now nnd always keeps GROCERIES AND " NOTIONS. Such as , Coffee, Sugar, Cheese, - ' Crackebs, Cakeh, Canned-Beef, Potted-Ham, . Salmons. SARDINE8r Butternuts, English walnuts, soft shell ed almonds, peanuts, raisins, tig. canned fruits, shoeclress ing, inks, plain and fancy can di's, fancy . aiid laundry Soaps, . Tobacco, Snuff, . r Cigars, . Cigarettes, ' . - , , Matches, Horse and Cattle Powders, and many other, articles too tediorts tn mention. N. B. My goods are marked at. rash prices, and will not, un der any circumstances, be sold on time. ' - . ' " - -TerY Respectfully, -- .,' ,. J. B. tZARKE, Jan 14th 1897. " ' ' IlARItiE HISURAUGE CO. e p Lovill.and a Edminsten, ; J F HARDIN, Local Agtl S - Boone, N. C 1 SNUFF, : FOR IT, PLEASE, IWANTED-ANIDEA. thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they mr fe'?TIifvr2ueth- Wtiu JOHN WlDDKIu PUKN4 CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. IX C, tor their 100 priie oflex? "uuw A Valkino Advertisement. .,In February, 1862, 1 had six hemorrhages from thelungand for some months wa under the ; care of two doctors, and finally . went 'o Denver, but returned without any benefit fomy health. I then read, ol your treatment, 1 and sent for some from which I " felt great relief, and have con- ' tinued using it steadily up to the present ime, with good results." 'I am certain your treatment has been the means of restoring my health. 1 have added fifteen ' pounds to m.-y weight and am, still gainiug, have a good ap-" "'" petite and sleep well. In fact, I : can conscientionsly Bay I am a walking advertisement for your treatment." J. Fallon, 154 South Grand St. Chicago, III. . If you will know more of Mis treatment, and read the testi mony of mauy others, who have been cured by the Compound , ')xvgen Treatment, not only oi consumption, but ot various oth er diseases, send lor book of twe hundred pages, sent free. Or call and see us, We treat patients at the Office as well as at home. Brs. Starkey & Palen, 1529 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. Please mention this paper. Vour (Face It1'. Will bm wraathad with meat ngaglng . amlla. aftar you InvMt In . IteSeiigQacliiQ iiwhi wrm its tn PIKCH TERSION, ' TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, : Tb most complete tad ueful derica tnt added to taij (awing tsachiM. The WHITE Is . Dortbly mi Kauftomity BiUt, Of Flii FlaUh aid Pirfect Adottrt, : 8wt Aa Smbfci Artlototv ... And will erre and pletae yon p to Um fall limit of your expectation. f- Actiti Dialku Wastxd in vnooca fled territory, liberal termi, AddrM, ' ' rWKITESErtUArail,,? CLEVELAND, O. . r V. I?' .;rO' ;r.S O 1 o w

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