G o V ' fiUBHCBIPTIOX KATE 8 I ; : 1VTiiii Wir Aim- nuTLrnrnip ''Si I iopyl year.A...........;.f 1.00 r,v. 4'lfi months......... ........ 50 r.. 7 5fA month ... 35 0 . Advebtibing Rates. A JL 1DVU a. WCTML V ' ' I 1 month.................. 1.75 v l 8 3.00 1 " 6' .....A 5.00 ll 41 1- year..':.;................. 7.00 1 ...l.n..1itf "' Oflft 1 " 1 montb.......A..;..18.50 1 " 3 " .........25.00 1 " 6 "... ........ ....37.50 ,01 " 1 year...M..........50.00 Entered at the Postofflceat Boonff, N. C, as second-claas 'mail matter. LOCAL NEWS. Lewis, Glenn is foreman of gthe grand jury. I X' I ICIJVI M. y. Him iiu Lenoir, was in town Tues day. K ' V . newiaua urnveu Tuesday evening and is at tending Court. Over coats are still in Ouse and straw hats are npt Sheriff ("alio way says he most have the balance of his taxes without delay. - -CaptTToddis still full of niS riCQ jOKcK UMU UaS BUIUt? 1 brand new ones. O " We will not be able to give our readers much of the -court news this week but will do so next week. -Solicitor - Spainhour i s prosecuting the criminal 1 ... ... ..t- 1 1 docket with vigor and is making en able solicitor. There is some whiskey on I hand among the court crowd ' and we had some disturb ance but nothing serious. The medicine vender nmused the crowd at Court on Monday, by his ready wit -0and his lecture on diseases. - -W. H. Bower's big bass voica is heard in most of the suits tried. Bower gets there aa a successful advocate. The people are all com plaining of the great deficien cy in money matters and O claim it is harder now than UK Ul C". -Attys. out side oi our . . a county are Todd, Blackburn and Council!, of Jefferson. Bower and Wakefield, of Le- noir. are attending court here this week. w e were pleased to see Editor Deal, of the Lenoir Viskoj, in. town this week His publication is bright and - newB&jagd deserves a libera . patronage. Our people have lately worked out the public roads. " acd they are now in fair fix The approach of courts is greatj stimulus to get work on reads. . . Sheriff Boyd, of Caldwell was in town this week an gave our. office a pleasao call. As usual, he deposited M a dollar for the Democrat another year. . . . . -The cold weather will not !et the grass grow, some the fruit has been killed but ' there remains plenty to sup- ply the country if it does'not frost any more. f - We learn that Miss Visk 'v. Farthing, of Beaver Dams, had d cancer removed from her hand by Dr. Smith, o Butler. Tenn., a short time . ago. ., :' r , Note change in "add" O 4 Valle Cruris Seminary in this issue, The prospects for the summer session are , very bright, and tne oppotrnities It is thought that the criminal docket will be dis posed of by this, Wednesday, evening Then the civil cases will be tried and nothing to prevent the' docket being cleared this week seemingly. Wheat has taken a jump upward owing to' the Eus tern . war. , Speculators have made millions of dollars by the rise, but producers of wheat were not benefited as the crop was in the bands of the combines. -Dr. J. Q. Wilbar, Dentist, will be in Boone, next Mon day, and for some daysthere alter, for the purpose of prac icing his profession. The Dr. is well known by our peo ple, and his work is of the best, Don't fail to. read the ne "ad" of W. F. Sherwood & Co. 1 hey are, to say the east, one of the best firms in the county, and are always ready to sell goods at living ?es. A call at their store will convince you. We were much in hopes hat many of oursubscribers would have helped lis during court, but very few of them :iave paid us anything. We need our dues and feel disap pointed. We are much olig- ed to those who did pay us. Our old friend, Esq., Gen- ry, of Jefferson, is here look- ng hale and nearry. ine sq. ppaks freely of the Rev. lobinson affair und makes some extended remarks in he last weeks Jefferson Times. We have no com ments to make on this un- brtuuate affair. Nothing to prevent, the publisher of the Democrat will be present at the close of the school at Sutherland next week, and this it? to no tify our subscribers in that vicinity to be ready to make settlements while he is there. The "almighty dollar" is juch needed at this piint shop at present. On Tuesday of this week Deputy Collector Hortonseiz ed over 200 gallons oi whis key, the property of Z. C. Church.. The whiskey was tax-payed, and regular in ev ery respect, but was seized or taxes due on whiskey that was burned in Mr. Church's ware house on Meat Camp, some time ago. Ashe county is connect ing herself by telephone and now has connections a t WilKesboro, Marion, Va., Eikm, and Mountain City, and now want to extend to Boon, and Blowing Rock. Our enterprising Ashe citiz ens are wide awake. W. It Out-door life and Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with HyFophosphhes have cured thousands of cases of consump tion in the early stages. They cure old, advanced cases too; hut not so many, nor so prompt ly. When a case ft so far ad vanced that a cure cannot be made, even then SCOTT'S EMULSION checks the rapid ity of the disease, relieves the pains In the chest, reduces the night sweats, and makes the cough easier In these cases ii comforts and prolongs life. Don't experiment with cures that destroy the digestion.. Pin your faith to the one remedy which has been THE STAN dard foR Over 20 Years. 1 Book about it free lot lie asking. ' For sale by H oVuggisteit 50c'and $1.00. . SCOTT BOWNB, Mew York. s wnp 101 Lovell, of Sutherland,, has been extensively " engaged . in the telephone business. On Tuesday of this week, while carelessly handling a pistol, Loganf Farthing had the misfortune, to shoot him self through the thigh near the knee. Dr. Pnrlier was summonei and the ball -re moved. While the would is not considered dangerous, it will keep the young man con fined for a long time. He certainly has oir sympathy, Last week Judge Green held court at Danbuiy, and from the Daubury Reporter (Democratic) we clip the following:-'Judge Green is pre siding over the court and from what we learn from hcourt people passing' arouDd he has made an impression as a man of ability, push and without partiality, and is here to do justice between man and man. ' The cry of "hard times" still goes upl If the merchant wants his dues, "hard times" is his remuneration; if t h e newspaper man wants his pay for work nndlabordone, ' hard times is the answer he gets, but let a patent med icine man cqme around, and oner his wonderful concoc tion for sale, "hard times" take unto themselves wings and fly away. Truly it seems that many of our peopleren joy being gulled. . The entertainment given at the Court house on Mon day night of this week by the McKoberts Bro's., was in deed very enjoyable. It con sisted of musical terms, ne gro comediaus, contortions, slack-wire and tumbling spec laities and old plantation songsters. The entire troup werealmost musical wonders, and the violin, banjo and guitar addea very much to the occasion. The pei lormanc eswerewell worth the money. Blood Is Life. It h the imlium which carries to every nerve, muHcle, organ and fibre itn nourishment and (strength. 11 the blood is pure, rich and uealtuy you win ue wen, it impure, disease will soon over take you. Hood s sarsapanna has power to keep you iu health by making your blood l ien ana pure. Hood's Pills are easay to take easv to operate. Cure indiges tion, billiousness. 25c." We have no fresh news Iroin Cuba this week. Per haps active opperations will ceace for a few months ing the rainy season. dor- Why not piofit by the exper ience of others who have found a permanent cure for catarrh iu Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Republican common politician tells us to just wait until the tariff bill pass es the Senate and the flush times will surely come, that was promised us before the election. Well informed Re publicans say that the Ding- ley tariff bill is too protective and cun not bring about the prosperity promised. Oth erssay that Bimetalic com mission, sent D.y i-reamem . . i ti McKinley to Europe, wi bring good times when tin international agreement oi silver has been agreed upon Europe says tor America to lake the lead in the bimetalic project. This is what W. J Bryan told us all through the caniDamn. It is evident to all thinking men of all par ties just now that the finan ciai question is tho question and only question that dis tresses the counlry. : The Kentucky ifcnatorsbip is e t' II ha nging fl re and ! the end ia not yet. Dr. Hunter has withdrawn from the con test after being indicted "by the grand jury for bribry. ' ScrofulaSoreo Health Wai Greatly Impaired, tut ? Hood's SaroaptirlHa Built ItUp , ' Sores Have Ail Ciosppcarod. "I wu troubled wlia ctj '!cn on my !ce, which opFcr.re.i like tc:i. iy?ii. My health was so mush 1 npiiro.l (bal'l was advised to take Ilocti'a Bftrsaparllla to bnild me up, end I bought six boltlcs. Before I hod la'.isn helf ol this amount I found that I wao improving. I could rest better at right, end felt refreshed in Iho morning. I gained in flesh end when I had finished the six bottles the sores on my faca had nil dlsaperrsd." J. B. Bod die, roitmc"ter, KasavUle, No. Carolina. " AHor SKtferins from 'a sore log for 26 years, four bottles of Hood's Barsaperilla made a complcs care. It is several years slnco I took Hood's Barsaparllla, but I have not suficred with any sore or erysip elas in that time." Mss. M. J. Hartley, Lovett, Georgia. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is ttie Best the One True Blood Purifier. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's pub S5sssa;',a", Attention BUYERS, All who are interested in low prices in General Merch andise will find it greatly to thnir interest to call onj Moretz & Farthing, Don't be decoyed by these old one-hundred-percenters, who raise the war cry of "CHEAP JOHN GOODS" Against those who want to "Live and Let Live." Our motto isH the most goods foryotir money. Don't elieve otherwise until you have given us a call flSTStore in Dr. Reeves buil ding. Very truly, MORETZ& FARTHING. Come to See He! 0-0 Yes, the old year is gone and the new one is here, undl am still here and hope to merit vour confidence and trade luring the. year 1897 by Fair and honest deals. I shall endeavor to keep on hand such goods as yen all may need, and at as low prices ns I can . possibly sell the sam?. I shall, during the year try to keep a better assortment of goods than ever before. doi not expect, to KEEP "OilEAP JOHN. , SHODDY STUFF," but good goods that 1 can recommend to my iriendsand customers. I ask a portion of your valuable patronage on these facts. Any special goods notkept in stock will be cheerfully ordered tor my friends on short, notice. -I shall keep a good line of Coffee. Sugar, Rice, Soda. Spice, etc. AIho domestic, jeans, nla mance, calicoes, rashmere6, flannels, ftmcy dress goods AND SHOES I keen the larirest stock in the county and try to get the best shoe on the market for the least money, iou wil. find all cnides from the coarse to the fine $2.25 ladies shoes. Men's and children's in all irrades. You will find all grades men's and boyw' hats, Ladies untrim med hats. I think I have a yood a stock of HARDWARE na vou will Una m the county, an very cheap.. Pleanecome to see me'wiien in need of goods,' willdo you right every tune. I will a ppreeiate your trade, and return many, many haiks for past patronage YourH anxious to please, WILL W. HOLSCLAVY. !ANi)YMliMlC II VI s s pi aM keskM tm. 14. 8TKKMN0 BKIKDI m. .. m aMinitn BBsarDVkW An r r r r r r r f- tu r i i nniniiirT t ri uo yon expect iodu any goons vnne nerer If so I assure you that I can make it to your advantage to give me a call. v , HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTHERN CJITRR wnmiK 7 HAVk 1 AKFN 1 HK AHVAN7 AfiVl OF A LARGE CLOSING OUT DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, AND CLOTHING. WHICH WILL BE SOLD STRICTLY FOB CASH AT WHOLESALE PRICES Having made my profit in BUYING. Thanking you for past favors, I am Very Respectfully. April 21. THE FARMERS MUTUAL Fire. Wind and Lightning Association, thp f 200. -Watauga ano ainnifi untui.ii m 000 mark of stock subscribed. A company of the people for the people and bv the people, cheaper than thecheapest and safer than the safest. Fair and honerable ndjustment without law suits. W. H. Calloway Pie't JJ . L. Bryan, Treas. Supervisors, A. J. CHtcher Jerem ia h 1J rrwon K C. L. Huleher.N. L. Must. H. H. Farthing, VV. H. Hardin, J. M. Shull, L. D. Lowe and A. J. Moretz. HE S HAPPY, YOU BET. From the Greensboro Recor i. AKnnt iho hnnt.ient man in hours of the Legislature was He has been working tD got rroP,noi.u' Mntim Insurance it was secure and left last week, but had to return to look after it. However it is iuv a law and Jesno comes in under the wire in tine shape. The Legislature plooes the f armers Mutual on a level with the oincr oenevuieui, eotu .. the Odd Fellows, Masons, etn. He has a right to feel proud for unquestionably all dou jt nf th vnrinns nssociations he has with bo much hard labor established in the West not being here to stay are e imma. fC,i tu Yfitpment over the vote in the Senate Saturday night was but little less than ease Dili. Ourcountrvmanhns achieved a State reputation ror tenacity of purpose determination and success in carrying to a successful termination what he believes to be right. He dtservea success and should be congratulated and thank ed by all of his farnec inenas. The Duke and the From the Twin City Daily. Jesse F. Hoskins passed up the Wilkesboro road this morning spreading the good news among;, the various branch Associations of the -Farmers Mutual of the valu able legislation he has secured tor them He says the grand principle o! his insurance is now legalized, which is as old as time itself, when the Great Law-Giyer sail : Bear ye one anothei s burdens." and "not a wave of trouble now rolls o'er his peaceful breast." Mr. Hoskins manages these As Hociatious with credit to himself and a benefit to the farin ng class, to which he belongs. Mr.UIoskins, the General Manager of the Farmer 8 Mu tual, sa'vs that the Watauga and Mitchell Branch wnnw ap proacbi'ng closely the f 300,000 mark, and that this Branch taken all in all, would before mid summer be the ideal one in the State; that the class of stock-holders, as appears by the list, averages up better. Democrat. R ROW N ING. KING Leading NEW YORK Clothiers Spring Line Just Received. n a li-RV AV Aot. BOONE. K. C TV ALL 0RUGC15T5 COm Chhase. MosttyU Cm., er K n Twrk. a.au.l amIlam TL- mm M. sit. i i t i t - i nurii r . . . SALE OF M. B. BLACKBURN. 2 b attendanee upon the closing Jeese F. Hoskins. passen u um bwi.ur m ro. irom laxunuu. u. tuwunu that in the House over the ... Fanners Mutual. & CO, effered are unexcclleU. - '