12:3 Wteugal3mqi)rat T A Democratic family newspaper devoted to the interest ot Coun ty State fcno jSatiqn.V Published ; tvery Thoreday, at Boone, Wa tMgaCottnty. N.C. r, .' R, EEMABKABLE INSTANCE OF IEX "MAD V ... You probably recollecj: that I once tailed your af tention tn para rf remf.rknh.fl mem mory shown- by old man Micajah Gurthie." To be rc- CUrare aoouc n myeu, ueiuj; at leisure to-day hete 1 went to the court house, and 1 there flifd that -at" February term 1886, 'the cause of Hen ry 8etzer,'. .versus ? Mcajah Guthrie was tried before Mac Kae, Judge. tThe latelaraent ftd Mnior Binalmm aba mv- i . . t? - " self appeared for the defend ant, and Messrs Robbing and Long for the plaintiff, fctetzer. The ripfen.l-int lelied at the trial upon an old grant from the State to Alexander Mc Kay, wl.ich was issued in 17 90. The grant is recorded in an old nook; now in the jvgi ter of deeds' office, being hook "A" p. 396. It is not on thi ' general index, the old gen tie; man. Micaiah Gutbrie. us- out UU IliU VHI I V vuc a r S V ord; that it had been read to him hv Hip nlrl rPcUtpr. W t w-a- aaaj . w a. i D.Summers, thirteen years before that date. Mr. Sum mers denied that ho had ver seen the grant or ever heard of it before. The old man could not write or read. I spoke rather roughly to him for misleading me about the grant. "Don't abuse me," said he; "I know 1 saw it and hat Mr. Summers read it to me over thirteen years ago. I have," be continued, "-jlear recollection of the appear ance of both of the book iii which it is registered and of the recorded deed." He then stepped to a stack of old books in the office and re- quested me to look at each book with him. This I did. On comiug to a certain book he said: "There, it is in that bonk, and if you will turn over by leaf I will know it' from ita appearance over thirteen years ago. I did so and on reaching the deed at page 396 he said: "There is the yellow stain I saw when Kn in morn fan A it. " Tt niiAuarl to be the grant. 1 went into r n ja- a e w eawAVH a av aw atv b. granVtried the cause with the assistance of my brother, Majoi liingbam, and won it, of coaise. - , . V i uao uiuii iuuiiuiui '.wo things , in connection with thlfl ill or nif F is nnt nnlir : one of the most remarkable instances of memory possess ed by an illiterate, but it 'teaches all members ot the patient and respectful to client, however ignorant, in hiVstatementof the facts in his cause R0MULU3 Z. LINNEY. r t ii il ii statement that be wanted a colored physician pooled hu- Eeiintpndent oi the .Eastern ospital at Goldsboro; Landmark. m t . . ..... The best ealve in tha word fnr CUt. braises, ttoreti. hIopi . unit rheum, lever 8ore, tetter, chap. all ekia eruptions, and, positively cures piles, or no pay reqnired.lt IAAJ UailUD. LUUUI 1 111H. ITIII'IIM HII 1 w guuranitxju j,o give peneet sat isf action or money refunded. ' 25 ; centa per box. For sale by Hols daw and by XI ackburo. I.' mi v. t x m ruuttiui iimes: n i. 'StricKland, the man who raised the hif Jiog in this county, ha traded onp of , the Saiit: fur a hou&-.. . - aoy to Opcrcto Art Jeaturw pectin wtaHootfiPtn. SbmH te Iza, tMWlMi, cf&oleat, Uiocougb. As onv nu Uldt " You Mm know yoa bT taken a pm tin it ia H Ter." Die. C L Hood OOj Proprletort. Lowed, Mm TtM only pUla to take wttt B6odi SamtiuUla. Death of Bri. Canoll Moore. Lenoir Topic: : , Mrs. Sarah Moore, widow of the late Carrcll Moore, of Globe, and mother, of J. D. Moore, of Gastouia, and F. P. aud W . C. Moore, of Globe died at the residence of her son F. P. Moore on April 16, aged eighty-two' j ears three months aud two days. She will be greatly misped in the community where she lived, for she was a mothpr in Israel. It is a singular in cident thai Mr. and Mrs. Moore were born onthesame night January 14-15, 1815. The death of such a tfood christian ladv Mrs. Moore at such a rip old age is not to be viervpd as the death of younger pprnons, or of those unprt parel. While it is haid to part with parents .and friends at ary 6tage ot life, the departure of such as Mrs. Moore, viewed from thechrist ian standpoint is .like the garnering of the well ripened grain from the golden har vest flelaY We feel sure it is well with her, and that she rests from all her labors. Gnat Mra'a Father's. Homer was a farmer son; Pope's father was a mer chant. . Milton was the son of a copyist. - Mozart's fat her was a book binder. Charles Lamb Mas a ser vant's son. The father of Crowley was a grocer. Talma, the actor, was a dentist's son. Socrates was the sou of a day laborer. Oliver Cromwell's father was a brewer. The father of James Mill was a cobbler. Powers, the sculptor, was a farmer's boy. : The father of Samuel Pepys was a tailor. . Th father of Burns was a peasant armer, ' , The father of Dr. llusn was a farm laborer. Shakespeare's father was a wool merchant; fhe father,of Goethe was the son of a taUor. John Wesley's father was a country clergy man. Biblical Recorder. In their, growing embarrass ment the republicans of the Sen ate are disposed to follow the ex ample of the democrats in 1894 in adjusting the tariff differences. They propose to pass the bill as it shall come from the Senate mniittee on Finance, leaving the committee of conierence of the two Houses the final task of compromising all conflicting claims and interest. Suctfan ex- pt-riment, if tried, would be likely to result just as it did in 1894--- m a contnet in , committee of o f conference, at the end of which the house was compelle ) to swallow the whole bill of th Senate to get no bil) at all. Tb ? latter alternative would by no means be unacceptable to the country in its strong repugnance to the threatened disturbance of the entire tariff schedule. Phila delphia ResordJ" ( - - Pills fii jrtf ' sl'mi " " Urn " V A tittle Chinese Bahy. - , v "Just opposite ux," writes a mis8lonar.$ ; "is a. young mother weeping for herbabe, beca use be is' not fof God took him this morning, 'but she does not know of God' love in taking him from the ley if to come, so Bhe, mourns 'a,f one without nope; to ner the. child seems lost forever. They have one priest to chant Drayeis ovr the little body because the child bad one or two teeth; had he died before these teeth came, they would hae only had a mushinn to blow the fluto,. while the little body was being put into the coffin. The neighbors say that the young mother not only weeps for her child, but also fof fear of what her mother-in-law is goirtgtosay to her for allowing th child to die, for this is the first grandson." Recorder. KewETeiylorainr. "The Lord's mercies are new every morning." ... What an assurance this is to carry with us in all our wayfaring through the world! The fu ture is always to us. The shadows brood overit - A veil hides it from our sight. What is under the shadows, what is advancing oit of the impervious mist, none of us can know. We havenoanx ious questions to ask. This is enough for all that is com ing: "The Lord's mercies are new every morning.'.' Live a comfortable, happy and thankful life. Take p each day as it comes, certain of this,- that whatever it lays upon you to do or bear, it will bring new mercies f or new deeds. A. L. Stone. . Currituck is a great coun ty. It was thekeytonoofthe Democratic party for yours and is so still. It produces thp finest ducks, and geese, and swan and snipe, and bull frogs, and. the oldest men in North Caioliua and the most stalwart, heartiest, healthiest men in the State. And.now to all these pro ducts jt adds a product of a fat boy' 13 years and six months old who weighed on April 6th 436 pounds. His name is Lewis T. Lewark. He has 10 brothers and sisters whose weight ranges from ,180 to 250 tbs.-Elizabeth City Economist.! ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Yalle GrucjsJSeminary. MALE AND ' FEMALE. This school offers to the people of . Watauga and surroonding counties superior advantage. " Expenses far below those oloth er schools of sinnlar grade. ' l"Tuitiii fl.00 to 3.00 per month. Board f 5.00 to $6.00 per month. Summer term opens June 8th. 1897. ; . A full corpe of experienced tea chers. A first class Music Depart ment. Forfurtherinformationap ply to ' Rev. W, L. NICHOliSOX, Prin., Vallenmci8,N.C. " J. F. Parks, colored; is ant applicant for the position of postmaster at Statesville. He made a trip to Washing ton recently and on his re turn reported that he had filed his papers and that his chances for the position were as good as those of Messrs Long an J " Leonard. While iD Washington Parkssayshe took supper with Congr ss ma Sbuford, of this dfst riot. ana inac Mr, enuiorct yras ' IwillllllMrwillwiilWWI i ,' : : ' '' II' Aebblefteparafioftlbr As similating UieTjodandRetfula puttSlninArhnnnrirVwebcf Proinofes'Digestion.Clecrful ness and Rest.Con tains neither Gm,MorpUne not IfiaeiaL Not NAn c otic. - JtWtTOlJD-JXGZlEtnMa AoetfectBemedv forConstlba- tioh, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, VVorma .Convulsions ,fcvErjsn oess and Loss or SLEEP. '. Facsimile Signahift of -NEWTfOHK. w tXACT CO FIT Of WRAPPEBi the only North CarolinaKep reHeutative who would iptro duce him"to the President. He seemed very, much pleas ed with the Congressman's courteous treatment of him. Landmark. A Boston man's bicycle broke down and "flung" him and now he has sued the manufacturers of the wheel for $5,000 damages for, in juries sustained by his full Ex. - COME TO STAY. I now nave my tannery in opperatun 4 miles north of Blowing Hock on the head of Isew liiver, and wish to in form the nuhlicgenerallv that I am now taking ou leather daily. I huve spared no lit tle time ana expense in ad ding the best approved ma chinery, so t'lat my fncilities may be equal to the best and largest tannery's and facto ries of this country. Thus guaranteeing to the trade a standard grade of uniform work of both leather and sad dlery goods. Gents saddles $2,50 to $15,00, Ladien cow horn and morgan saddles $3,50 to $10.00, Ladies leap ing horn summerset saddles for, safety riding $8,00 to $25,00, collars, bridles, sad dle bags, leggings, pouches, belcs, etc., at uottoin prices. I have served a term in a large Saddlery lactory of St. Lom and expect and ask to be itldged by my work. y Hides wanted on iHres, alsniarket price paid tor hides arid tallow. Call and see ine. . ; . , : f; ':. HeHpectfully fept. IQ M. A. Johnson. "Notklng else like The most refrcshinj? attw pleasant Soap for the skin. GUTANEOUJj jSjQAP. twefltnurte ran ra ltHUT MUMSy$BATH 11 It lasts twice as long as others. A trial will conriocr yon of Ita (nat tmriu WiUpiraMloaaMatlaaUdiMta, CHARLES F.MILLER, kMfr.af -. FRENCH MILLED TOILET ' SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. LancAstef , Peon. ESTABLISHED, OA0TOZUA. rtailt STm 4T uai THAT THE FAC-SIMILE - SIGNATURE OF- ti' IS ON THE WRAPPER ' . OF EVEBT B OTTZLE OF , OutoHt ii mi is la obmIm bottltt only. It it art toll la talk. Soat allov asyou to tell ran aajtiung aua ea tb pita or ptooiM taat tt it "jut rodn aai "will aaiwer ararr pu. poaa." irta Oat j t 0-1-8-T-0-S-I-1. BUCK SPANISH JACK. 14 Hands High. I have recently pureh&Hed at a considerable cost, . a thorongh Sred HlacU Spaiiuli Ja'k which is, by alll oddH, the finest ever shown in Watauga county. He will be found at my stable 1 1-2 miles from Vail Crucis. Season $4.00. ; - : CHARLEY T.I1AIRD. Ceutificjwe: This is to cer tify that the Jack I sold Charley T. Baird on Dec. 30, is a clear- blooded Black Spanixh J acck; is easily managed, breeds well und large, and is good conditioned everyway. . J. S." Wagner. SP"The Jack will be in Boone during court. See hitn. , , r NOTICE. By virtue of the power con tained in the last will apd testament of Mrs. A. P. Cal loway, deceased wa will on ft A y .1 c m mm Monnay tne dro day ot May 1897. at the "Court - honne drwiu BoAne, .N, C, soil to the highest bidder 800 anres of land on the Kich MuuntBya Watausra county N. C. ad joining the lands of T. J. Cof fey, wm. liradiey ana others, tha same beingin three tracts Terms made krtown on dnv of sile. This 80th of Marc'hJ 1897. ; ,, L. D. Lowe & J. T. FEnon. won. Extor.. A. P. Callowav. deceased.1 1 . - .. ' tSTOne doilai pays fof the Dfitnwwt'on rear. l' .' AA'AIkAAaafaf)vv, ptraa, nd Trade-Marta obtained and all Fat- eo btuiiwacnndttctad (or MooiNaTt rata. ! Oun ornct ia OproaiT U. a. mtcht Ornetf ana w can wcurs wtant is ktas tiaa tlwa (aaac I , Send aiodcL drawing of photo., with deatrfp-' tloa. Wa aariat, if pauatabl r aot, hf at' diarj. Uiir Ke aot do till natant af iecarc& ) . A PlunuiTi " How to Obuia Pataata," witfcf ooai ei kvm nunv.aitM Manga ceaatnaa w m jtaoraaa, c.A.srjov&co. : On. pATznr Omct, WAVHiNtToa, D. - ' DISEASES OP THE SKIS. Tht intense itching and amartlnf Inci dent to ecaeroa, tetter, aalt-rbaam, and other diaeatxs of tha akin'ia luatantljr alUved by applying WDarantenain a iyrt ana eaia Obtment Uany very bad cases have been permanently cued by it, It ia equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for aore nipplea; chapped hand, chit liiaina, froat kiuia, and cbronie aore eyaa. l ot tale by draggit u la centa per box. Try Dr. Cadf'n CudJUo Ptwders, thay arejuM what a none needa whan in bad ooodt- uom. ionic, biooa ponner aua yannvnifa. r iTr" m ;Hollv Soring College. A-'tA : na..l lfi.. . -. v ' I".'' : ' H.x teachers; " :J ;) ' rr, iso...'; . Sa!w. 1 .ihpiLrv Ann. KfiRnini? noom. . ...... v ' . . j. . Maps, charts etc. : Tuition andjboard are very low. , r. k n .... ii .-f v- : AaareBH or can ou - ' ,r ? - Smith, PreBident;; A'ir'Aair i-ur ii icrrfa ' I ii I ia a aaai-i n - laW liaUlla bib UUtWWHV ,- .... f ttata mm 'f T.llTCHELL'G o ;ye-salve A Cartala, Bala, and Eflaottra Bmaadr SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightrdnesi, A fttstop i ing the Sight of th Old. .: m Com Tear Dropi, finnulatlona Styf Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eys Uahes, Hi raoBccua triri wsa ti nmm: tvu. , Alao, equally efllo. '. .lira " ti w' ' Jthae faladlaa, urh a . v ' '. fee. mere. Hula K'.e ? ; WharraarlDrtaM.-" . LaUVritinay I eUbra. I 7c BUILD them to YOUR order SOUDAN, . ..( BICYCLES WayjafWWaaaa ' , ; " tact NILE and TANDEMS PYRAMID -. Thty nm better and last longer and are very attractive. Send for our ACCURATELY muetrated Catalogue. It ahowa yoa afl aV- i -tail u to a " ' STYLE, , J COLOR A FirnsH. . Masoa & Mason Company, N5S7. Madeira St, Chkajo,IlL The managepient of the Equitable Life Assurance SncletV in ffi TVrarfmTitrf J the Carolinas, wishes to se cure a few Special Resident Agents. Those who are fitted for this work will find this i A Rare Opportunity It is work, however, and those who succeed best in it possess character, mature judgment, act, perseverance, and the respect of their community. Think this mat-r over care fully. ;' There's unusual opening for somebody . If it x fits you, it will pay you. Fur ther information on request; W. J. Roddey, Alinajer, Rock Hill, S C. CURES,.. SIMMER DISEASES Thai Ltmrnt CaauvIv fnl- diseases of the stomach and ; bowels, such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Indigestion Dys aanala f.jimrtt. I n nf AnnaW . UU3, aid, 19 law BUIUUai U VI .:. aU medlciaes, -Dr. . KINQ'Q ' . a . . . . . A . . . . KoyalGehptder. TfcoeeaiHla eTCeftlBfatae a4trt tfce fact. , Mr. L. T. Collier, Koeciuako, Mlsa., aaya: "My bowels wou'i aot from ten to twenty times a day, o( a bloody, mucus nature. My kidneys woro very badly out ot order. I wan treated by tha beat physicians, and they said I eould live but a short while. I then commenced using Royal "Germetuer In thrM waeka I eonid eat anvthintr. and da-as much work as eter. I con-' tinuod the Germetuer. and can testify that I am entirely cured, and that Germetuer did the work." s WSf It Is as pleasant to take as "'i lenoaade, and feuSds up freai the first dose." It cures dis ease by removing the causa. . Bold hy Drngglmtm, Ona DoHar. ' ' v. -;" AHUfacTvuto omit ar . 'Wftte for aSaftjMt, Ma3a4 free. J - ' Use KRMETUtR P01S end CtRMETIO COUCH SYKIP. f I T Docs This Hit You?

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