.'Ov VOL IX. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY? MAY, 6. 1897 NO. XIX. way o ji . o-n nn mori - m r n n wn 9 vvjyu V V 1: 0. m - J - WASHINGTON LETTER From our Begnlfr Correspondent. v : 4 x ue cuiei pie uii runner I and , his assistants . havingl fr v orie to Nfw York to take tuirt'in dedientinir the tuorfb- jr. . ,7 . r . thent to (Jen. Grant;, the' pie v -hunters who hadn't the mon- ry'or the railroad passes to ' . accompany them are taking D. ; a rear, aooui nui or lou gress is nlso gone, as it was r," previously ' greed. Jatv the Hbase and Sena teT should ?1 meet : today and Thursday only to adjourn. ' ' , ' It is becoming apparent - that the administration is preparing to let down some .'-;'of the civil service bars to r-'-.i tho nfflfP nifltiirpH ' Mr. Mci- ,; . Kiniey has been talking over r . . the matter with the civil ser vice commission and two of his cabinet Gage ,nd Wil son -have publicly ndvorat ed modifying the Civil Ser vjvi - vice uuiequtf uppue'j iu ineir if departments. 'P Some surprise was express I- ' ed by Ohiamen whowrenot f-UirisiJi the Ktimeiti'topeak' when Judge Day, of that - State, who was supposed to - . " I . O.I r preparing to go to uuon, 0 iitipet 'com ralss'oiier, at lS? lowed himself to be noininat- v i6)Vd First Asst. -Secretury of vWtate. iney krew t u a t Judge Day had resigned two f,: judgeships, both paying moie salary than any of thu JLsst. i S?cretares get, imd that he f, wasn't exactly the sort of man who would :nre to be ri anybody's assistant. ; Well, -he is to be Sherman's assis rttant only by name. So far lVuuh the matters he will handle ';;vy,";i9recoricerned,"he will be Sec r cretarv of State, and if Mr. '."Sherman, who is giving visi ble evidence that he feels his age, gets tired of the woiry tfnd resigns, the portfolio ; will be given to Judge Day. : tVhat Mr. Sherman thinks o o ?tt8 programme would mnkt Interesting reading, but un v 7 " less he concludes to- add an .'other volumn to his "irectl ; ' lectiQiis" the public will have vO:--tdb.e content with guessing. rMIad Sherman wot been in ' 'Hanna'a way in tho Senate, : 'be. would never have been , mnri Swrernrv of State. and '4 V - I : ieArould n jt be persuaded to 7 . withdraw it should he tender his resignation. ljVv Senator Foraker won his ' ' flgbt against Delia my Storer, . f Ohio, without having to "i ask for, votes in; the Senate 4 ? . to reject' his nomination to fV;,Jib-jWBSt. Secretary of State, -t: Storer Was nouztnated Minis- ter "o Itelgiunv fnstead, and Foraker lias no objections to his going there. Had 22 niembefs who were , , present but did not vote. sup ". " p o-t te d Representafive 'm . BlapdV appeal from the de cision of the Speaker,, refus ing hiib recognition to otter his resolution calling upon the Attorney- General for in- .:.. formation to what steps ' .,; had been taken to protect the j . interests of the Government'; fn relating to the sale of the i, . Union: Pacific Railroad, the ZJ': Speaker would have been de--' . . ; ' featedas the vote.stood 87 fonnsustnmuiglhe . bpeak er and 75 aiialnst. " Such close call as that ought to convince Mr. Reed that he ins got til be a little careful or he will fct a heavy throw down someday. . . ' ' Th'e'd4th of Judge Hol- mnh, 01 Ind. so losely fol- owing that , of ex-Senator Voorhees, another di 8 tj..n- guished son of the Hoosier state, is deeply.ielt b the old-timers in Congresf. : Not withstanding his fume t an obju'tor to bills carrying ap propriations he believed to be iinhepssary, hn . member of the House had more person al friends. That he valued the food will of his associat es was strikingly shown sev eral yea rs n go.- ,He was very poor and when, approached by a publisher with a liberal offer; he decided " to write a book covering his reminis cences during his long mem bership in the House, and actually began the prelimi nary work. About that time John Sherman's book' was published, wn. when he saw the antagonism that was thereby arouspd, he co.nelud- d not to wrfteabook. When teinonstrated with he said: book of remmiscences that ?ome8 out only makes tron- tile for the writer, lie is Innnd to say something, ev . m - a . r en if he is iunocent of any mean intention, that will cause heartburning and mis understanding. I must not let the end of my life becloud ed in snch a way." Senator4 Jones, of Ark., said, speaki? g of the futtw of the ; gold Democrats; "Some will remain In the Re publican party and others will return to us. t is too early yet to predict what pro portion will renew theicalleg iance to Democratic princi pies, but I think a very con siderable number will. Those w'io are willing to support Democratic prinnples will be welcomed back. We shall be glndnof the assistance of any man who believes as we d'j and votes with us; that is sound Democracy. The gold Democrats may not. be per mitted to vote at the primal ies in some places, but that is a local matter determined by local sentiment. General ly speaking the Democrats who left the party last year because of the money ques tionwill be permitted to identify themselves-with the organization agairf, if they will support our platform." . A small boy waved down the C. F. and Y. V. passenger train last Sunday, and when asked by the conductor wha ivasthe matter, inquired it he had any cignrettes on board The. conductor told him h had no cigarettes, and was also Kind enougli tc direc him to that country where he c6uld 'fret a light," Ex. AGENTS WANTED For War in CubabySenorQuesada, thiban represen ta ti ve i n i W ash i t o n . Bn dorsed by Cubau patriots. In tre menuouB demand. A tonaii2afor asents. Only $1.50. 1 book bit;, commissions'. Everybody A'ants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outfit tree. Credit given Freight paid. Drop all trash and make f 3()0ua mcUth with War in Cuba; Address today the Nat ioNAii Book Concern, 352350 Pcurborn St.;- .Incngo. . '.: . " x BETOLUTI0N REBUKED, . H'e publish elsewhere the Sjjpremo Court, affirming Judge Adams, in the cases affecting , the control of the hospitals for the insane in t li State, the decision, w hith is able and clear, was written by Justice Montgom ery.-und . is the unanimous. view of the court. : No decision has been render ed by the Supreme .Court In many-years which will be as gladly hailed by the' whole people as this decision.'.. It js a final rebuke totheabortive attempt to revolutionize the charitable institutions of the State in the interest of "self seeking politicians. In places hat are purely political, it M bad enough to sea incoinpe tent and base men foisted on he public; but to see t lie. in stitutions established foi the are of the. insane prostitu ted to such base ends would tiring a stiirirn on the State th it would he disgraceful in the extreme. There is not a neighbor- lood in North (,'arolina from which there has not gone some unfortunate - suffer, to seek healing in I he hospitals provi jed by the tax-payers Relatives and friends, in sor . . row and in deep anxier.v pray for their restoration t( Jiealth. Their anguisn in seeing them bereft of reason is terrible when they kftow they are given the-best treat ment and kindest caie. The fear that. they would be'tnrn- oil fiver to the management f pie hunters has hung like a pall over them, and as they rend Justiee Montgomery's able decision they will feel to thank God 'tha. their Joyed ones are not to be threaten ed with dangerous changes. The insane, too, who are keenly alive to the attempt to remove kind ph.vsieians, will be glad that the faithful ministrations of Dr. Miller, Dr. Kirby and Dr. Murphy are to be continued. Phe old notion that insan ity was something else than a ten-it le disease is passinu away. " Asylum give place to hospitals. Tbekeepingof the insane h now secondary to their rnedicul treatment. There is no place in a hospit al for spoilsmen. The at tempt yf the Governor and the Legislature, by Revolu tionary methods, to convert our efficient h-imane institu tions into wards for the sup port of incapable politicians, was the crowning act . of the infamy that marks the new regime. It aroused the peo ple as nothing else has done or could do. That the mon strous plan was abortive is a subject, for Statt-wide con gratulation. Let us hope that Senator Pr itch arc n n d G" over nor Russell can giye places to tjigir relatives and political henchmen without debasing the Btate -hospitals to the level or purely political de: payments. The Supreme Court has effectively .rebuked legislative revolution. The people wiP rejoice and ap plaud a decision so just ami wise, and couched iularguaue so plain und terse. N. & (. To Car Constipation Ferarnr. TakeCn'Orptfl 0nd Cathorllc. Wc or 'So. If C. C C. lail to tore, Urusitu refund noney. When Lovinr Hothen Grow Selfish. It is when children, reavh rltatiirit.v that the supreme writes lOdward W.' Bok, dis cussing the home-leaving "or childien at time of marriage, in the May Ladies Home Journnl. "All throqgh in fancy and early, years? the children ore moreorless'.carp; And then, just as the parents feel relieved from cares and 6hxieties."and are beginning to enjoy, i ue ruuipaiuoiisiiii of their children in the.serejie and complacent way which grown-ups' have, the re comes' a nmtering ot tne wings, a remote suggestion of flight. .The son is no less then his mother's boy than he has beea nnd ever will be. Rut he is-and who realizes it so quickly as a mother? in a new- and very natural sense, another woma n's hero: and that woinn a girl. With her he discerns, away out on the horizon line, the 'shad owy lines'of akhnyse that is to become a h.)me, their very own. The cirL'ioo. whose going in and out of thehoiw has been a daily joy to the parents-she, too, has become a heroine to some one othea1 than her father and mother It is hard for the patents to realize that this mate of her flight can care for her as they have; that in her yonngeyes in her young heart, it is pos sible thar he can benltogeth er noble nnd capable! Am after v nnir birds havetaken fliaht. the patents wonder sometimes they donotjgrkve m their new life. 15iit sonn fine moining a clearer visjpn is given them, and they real ize that, after all, their chil dren are only . playing the same role which they-playej: a few vears betore. It is a nagnificent quality in par ents when they so perpare themseve that they can rneft this inevitable tijne with th properspirit when in other words, parental lov e m net t y better of selfish Tbe Two Were One. Washmgron, April. T h audden and almost dramatic death ol Judge W. S. Hoi man s wife here a year ago was a great shock to him. Mrs. Holr.ian nearly a help less paralytic 'Fhev wer talking of thefyiioItahility of one ontnving I ljfoth",r, hff h beiiig possessedfijl orifcinnlh M tirifs, vigorous constifutuiur ami f coming fit an long-livnl fami lies. Finally Mrs. Holmaii Uaid: "Never mind, dear, we wont quarrel about it. I be lieve we will reach the foot of the hill together." With these words on her lips she fell forward, and before aid could be summoned, she was dead. , "And so wc did," Mr. Hol man used to say," for ever since she died I have been but aa dead man." N. Y. Sun. Brerrbody Sarf Bo." Cascareta Candy Calliarlic, tbe moat won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant aud refreshing to tne taste, act gently and positively on kldueys, liver aod Dowels, Cleansing th entire system, distel colds, cure heailaol) fever, habitual roust ipntion and bllioiisnes. Pleaso buy and try n box of C. C. C. to-ilay; 10, . !0 cents, bcldand guaranteed to euro by all druggists. ., Prosperity unmasks t h eJ "vices; adversity reyeals the virtues. PIONEEEDAYS IN THE WHITE HOUSE. "Congress first assembled fn the newCapitol on Novem ber 17, 1800: and John Adams, then President, took up hi abode intheExecntive Mansion,' writes ex-Presi- dent Harrison bf'4The Do mestic Side of the' White louse" in the May Ladies Heme Journnl. "Neither the 'npitol nor the Executive Mansion ,wns fully completed. The proporlioh of tho house seemed to Mrs. Adams 'as grand nnd superb." The plan was taken from the palace o" the Duke of Leinstvr in Dub in. H they will put me up some bells and let me have wood enough to keep .fires,' wrote Mrs. Adamsj 'I design to be pleased.' But, though literally in the wooas.moone could be found to cut und cart firewood, Thefewcords of wood that had been pro vided had been expended to ilry the rilastering. A Pen nsylvania wagon, secured through a Treasury clerk, de livered a cord and a, half of wood, 'which is,' wrote Mrs Adams, 'all we have tor this house, where twelye fires are constantly required, m we are told that the roans will soon be so bad that it can not be drawn.' The society ladies were 'impatient for a drawing room' in the Executive Man sion, and this when. Mrs. Adams had 'nolooking glass es but dwarfs,' and 'not twentieth part lumps enough to light the house. There wa no inclosure, and she made a Irying-room fpr her clothes of the grfeat East Room. The original cost o fthe White House is 'said' -to have been a little more than three huficfred thousand dol lars,' and something' more than that amount was ex pended in restoring it (after its destruction by fire in 18 14), fllid in the building o the north south porticoeg." The First Railroad ip America. Grid ley Bryant, a civil en gineer, in 1826, projected the first railroad in the Uniter States. It was built for the purpose of carrying granite from the quarries of quinct Massachusetts, to the near esl tidewater. Its lenaht wnf Jfour miles, including branch ei. tip rt ! . es, nnu ics nrsi cosifoo.owo. JThe sleepers were of stone and were laid across the track eight feet apart. Upon rails ol wood, six inches wide nnd a qua iter of an inch thick, were spiked. At the crossings stone rails, were used, and as tlw wooden rails became unserviceable they were replaced by others of stone. May Ladies Home Journnl. - "freddle's an awful fool, ainfthe?" "He's in love, you know." "What has that to do with his being a fool?" "Don't you know the. defi nition of bye? 'Two souls with but a Single thought,' ect." "Well?" "-That allows Treddle justj half a thought, you see." New York Sun EUurmm Your Dowels With Ctsrarctit. Candy Cutlinrtlr. euro connttpation forever. 10c. Iff . ir f. C V. fall, dnirtrit rrftimt nwnry. Statenville Landmark: Geo. W. Weld of LinvilU Mitchell;; county, came to Statevslle' Monday night to attend Fed eral court. Mr, We'd having"- heard that the mill fixtures ui the Watts mill; in Shiloh township, were for pale, went out there Tuesday afternoon to look at them. ' During the nifchtjie. was seized with ase-. izjd with a Severn sickness, nnd UieoV-nbout 12. o'ct jck Weduesday.'" Death ;was dne to acute opiwndicitis. -f f PROFESSIONAL. W;B. COUNCILLOR. Attorney at Liv. ; ' V;ABoone, N. C. W. B. COUNCILL, M. D. - B9one, N. (5. Resident Physician. Office un King Street north of Post Office. T. C. BLACKBURN, M. D. BOONE, N. C. Offlc4 at (je residence ot M. II. Bloc fr bury. . BT Calls Promptly Attended E. F. LOVlLL. J. C. FLETCHER l.uViLL & FLETCHER ATlOUNhYSAT LAW, BOONE, N. C. VST Special attention given to the colletion ofolaims.Hk WILLIAM R. LOVILL. Attorney at law. Siitheriands, N. C. Pract ices in the State and Federal courts, TDr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, EANNER'S ELK. N, C Ao Knite; No UmningfOut. Highest reffereuces auilendors ments of prominent person tmc ceusfully treated in Vn., Tejin. anil N. C. Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid of a cancerous growth no matter how small, Examination free, letters answered promptly, and satisfaction fcuaranteoa. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE NT FOR AKIN. 9. cordovan; r Ktm-n umuuii salt. 3.4?POUCE,330lES. S2.1.t? EON'S'SCHOaSiCEl. r.ADIE3- .,S3V2I OverOttc Mllllo.i Ccoplc v,n t: , W. L. Bougie $2 k $4 Shoes All our shoes ai o ua!(y aavwf.wtw;' Thty (lv the bett valiM lor th money. They nuiI cmtem ho In itvle and fit. ths price r iinllnrm, itiniptd an iO Thnr woaring qualltlf . ir unaiirpuf i. Pmm St tt 1 1 aavei over ther nakt. If your deafer cannot supply you we can. Sold by MADE UPON HONOR, SOLD UPON MERIT. HJIX, OF BtiAUrV, GRACE ! 3TRENQTH. EVERY wheel warranted. RMDoulble DmIct tavitW U Cec roaoad wlta iu 8 MANUFACTURtD BY B&LL1S CYCLE GO., INDIANAPOLIS. IND. wm li.-i'--.:.. ."': . .-.-v.. -' ?;