?A8 Wataaza Democrat A Democratic fa.nil.v newHpn per tdtvotaJ to the interest t Coin. tr State ano Nation. Publmhed wjr Thursday at Boone, Wa taiga County. N.C. P il I 1 .'. '.. I'm too Buy. A merchant sat at his office desk. Various letters were snrend before him. His whole being was absorbed in the iDtricarieu of bin busi ness. A zealous friend of re- lijrion entered thi office. "1 want to interent you a little in n new effort for the cause of Chrint," naif, the e-ood man. "Sir, .vou must excuse me," repiiel the merchant. I'm too busy to attend to that subjpct, now." "But, sir, inquiry is on the increase among us," said tha friend. "It is? I'm sorry, but I'm too busy at present to do anything." "When shall call aMin, sir?" 1 cannot tell. I'm very busy. I'm busy every day. Excuse me, sir; I wish jou a good morning." Then, bow ing the intruder out of o(Tiee, he resumed study of papers. The merchant had repeated ly repulsed the friends ol hu manity in this mnnner. No matter what the object, he wr always too busy to list en to their claims. He had -ven told his minister that he was too busy for anything except'to make monp.t . But one morning a disagreeable Ftrnnger stepped very softly to his side, laying a cold, moist hand upon his brotv, und saying, "Go home with me!" The merchant laid down his pen; his head grew dizzy; his stomach felt .faint and sick. He left the counting-room, went home, and re tired to h i s bedchamber. His unwelcomed visitor had followed him, and now took his place by the bed side, whispering, even and anon, ion must go with me.', A old chill settled on the mer chant s heart; spectres of ships, notes, houses and lands flitted before his excit ed mind. Still his pulse b?at slower; and his heart heaved heavily; thick films gathered over his ejes; his tongue re fused to speak. Then the merchant knew that the name of his visitor wasdeath! Humanity, mercy and relig ion had alike begged his in fluence, means and attention in vain; but. when death camp he was powerless he was compelled to have leisure to die! Let us beware how we make ourselves toe busy to secure life's great end. When th excuse rises to our lips, and we are 'out to say we are too busy to do good, let Us remember we cannot.be too busy t o die.-Christain at Work. The world once thought the world.wns flat, but after hundreds of years we have come to believe, after the teaching of our school geo graphies, that it is "round like an orange or a ball." Norv Dr. Naneen, whose trip ''farthest north" has been productive of unusual results comes forward and states that theeaith is not round at all. The question will be settled when some explorer goeu to the moon and from that luminary takes a snap shot photograph of the re volving spere, or pear, or whatever it is Charlotte Democrat. 'NqticA I wish to sdl one of tny-Tarmson New River. ' u- . AJ. Critcheir. No Gripe When you take Flood's nil. Thu big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take InloodR and easy to operate, Is true ot Hood's Pills, which are flfTI 1 1 up to date In every respect 1 H Safe, certain and sure. All BIB w druggists. 25c C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The ouly Pills to take with Hood's Sarsapurilla. NO ICE. On Monday, June 7, 18!)7, I will sell to I e highest bidder lor cash th-j interest; of the heirs and estate of J. F. Mornhew. demean ed, in the folknviug described tract of land, twit: One half interest in the following described tracts lying in Elk township, Watauga county. Hegintihig on n stake at a white-oak and poplar in J. 1 . Hardin h line rnoiiinii: south with BHid line 122 polfH to a stake in I . Lalloway.H lins. then Houtu 55 east with the Hanie 15 poles to a buckeye, his comer, thenre HOiith 40 polcH to n utake in P. Dcwis line near the creek, thence Kouth 65 east with his line 70 p:)lew to a Ktake i n (J. Wat son 8, then north s.j east with said line 02 poles to a chestnut oak, his corner, thence east with the same GO polon to a stake, thence south 1(50 poles ton stake thenc north 88 ";it (50 poles to a chestuut-nak in Win. Ilnntn- ton's line, thence south 30 easti 50 poles to a stake in A ley Ilamp ton's line, thence north 5N poles j to a stake in Win. 'Minton's line on top of a mountain, then west with said line 20 poles to a chest nut. near a branch, then north 45 west (50 poles 1o his corner, then north with Kflid line 20 poUa to Minton's corner, then east with the same 00 Hi s to a stake, his corner, tl en north with the same 120 poles toastakeinK.Mikael's line, then west to and w it h Cinty Watson's line 140 poles to a stoke on top of a ridge, then south 20 west with the same ,50 poles to a stake, then west w ith the same 24 poles to a stake, then north 30 west 52 poles to a pine, then north 40 poles to a chesnut-oak. her corner, then east 20 poles to a stake in the Ragan line, then north with said line 25 poles to a stake in the W'utson line, then wes-t 50 poles to his corner, then north with the same and Hindel line 220 poles to a sonrwood and Spanish oak, L. P. Watson's corner, then west 158 poles to a locust and Spanish oak. then north with his line 32 poles to a chestnut, then west 22 poles to a chestnut-oak north 35 west 70 poles to a red oak, then west 55 poles to a stoke in said line, then south, with th. same 50 poles to a white oak, then same course 50 poles to a stake in Joe Sanders' line, then south C5 enst 130 poles to a pine the.i south with said line oTidNin uie Triplctt's line 100 poles to a stake, then enst 20 i oles to a stake, then south 70 poles to a stake, J.F. Hardin's line, t h e n east with same 50 poles I o h'scor net, then north with same 00 poles to a maple, then east with same 50 poles to a rlorwo" '. then south with the same 00 poh's to he beginning aiso one-mini interest in the following tract in satin township: Beuinninir on two chestnut-i and a white pineon n i nir, iui uri hi uij.in oi land granted to deo. W at - son, Out now owned hy t 11 e j neirs omv ni. Minton, running east 2G poles to a stnke then south with Khhn (Jreen s line GO poles to his corner, then east with the same 3G poles to a stake in said line on top of the Elk Ridge, then south 24 enst with the heights ol said ridge 500 poles to two black nnd a white pineon the west side of a knob near Joe Town, ihen west with said i idge 70 poles to twored oaks, then the snmecourseTO poles to a small chestnut and "lo cust on the bank of the Hall branch, then north 30 west down the meanders of said branch 130 Doles to a stake in cuhn R. Hodge's line, then north with said Hodges ami Lewis Hartley's lines 205 poles to a stake, said Hait ley'n corner, ..then west with his line 8 poles to a white oak, his corner, then north with the same 12 poles to a poplar, thence, west 22 poles to a spruce nine, corner M t he Keaton tract, then north 22 west 115 poles to a sinfce, then north 88 poles to a stake m Minton's line, then enst with said lint! 80 poles to the beginning. M. F. Mokphew, Ad in. of J. F. Morphew, deed. The Secretary of State had a letter from Columbnscoun ty, saying some hind for which the Moimous wanted a grant was for use as a church site. Tha Secretary of State says that if the ap plication is regular thefti-ant must be issued, even it were desired as a site for a Budd hist temple. Recorder. Diicklen's Arnica Sa've. The best salve in the word for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tever sores, tetter, chap ped hands, chilblains, corns and all ski.i Ci uptions. and positively cures j iles, or no pay requinMl.lt is guaranteed to give perfect sat istnctioii ft money rclun led. 25 cents per box. For sale by Hols claw and by HI ickbnrn. A man who believes that he knows more than any body else is generally a fool. A man of sense knows that he does not know everything. Everybody ought to feel thankful for the favorable spring weatVr. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children. fhlfiO- It n Of Senator Earle, of S. C, is a yery sick man and may die. Judge Earle is the junior U. S. Senator tint is a demo crat. OASTOIIIA. nha- tlllili a(ptue erf of In what way is Ki (iiiil?' . jioing to get reliet is the anx ious thought of Ki and his friends. ETerrl'odr Haya 60. ' Casenrets Can.lv Cntliartip, the most won-dei-f ill uiL-dii'ttl ti i.Hiov cry oT tlio au'o, p eas ant mid rertvslmik' lo tbo taste, orl. (itiitiy ami positively 011 kiilneva. liver mid bowels, cUansini; ll:o entira system, dir.pel coiils, cum lieadnclie, lever, liuMiuM KmsHimliou ami hiilonsnns. l'ii asn h iy nml try n box of ('.".! to-day; In, u."i, f i i i nis. HuManJ guaruatecd to euro by all linitgiats. I is a waste of time to nn.!',!,T ?,n. i "' H. "V . , alyzethealledged logic of a politician who is trying to work himself into another office. Washing ton Post. Sale of Valuable Lands. By virtue of a decree of the Su per'or Court of Wilkes co. made at March term 1890. in the case ofR. K. Nooe et al, npiin.'t Jo sep'i 1. Shields and othes, the undersigned will f-ell n) tmldie outcrvtothe last and highest bidder at the Court House door in Boone, Watauga co. N. 0. on Monday June 7th 1897 t a valuable tract of land known as the .ooe or NneM land, eon- ! tiitninir filtrnif Oin iiniuio Tlii j,,.,,,, v adjoins th . lands of Kn- sur tin f m i tin' oi w m id laiKlsnu l others ami is oc;itd it I'lowing; ltock township on the head wa-1 ors oi mw mver Known as inklers mill creek'. Parties "!f"IVjri,n-v 1!un'fr "l"rma"" win please write or call on me at Statesville N. 0. Plots of the land con be s ?en on the day or sale. Terms of sale three moid lis time with note and approved se curity. Title retained until pur chase money is paid. R. R. Nooe. Coaira'r. April 30th 1897. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Valle CrucIsjSeminary. MALE AND FEMALE. This school offers to the people of Watauga and surrounding counties superior advantage. Expenses far belov those of cth er schools of similar graae. Tuition $1.00 to $3.00 per month. Board $3.00 to ?(J.00l per u.ontli. Slimmer term opens June 8th 1807. A full corpp of experienced ti a chsrs. A first class M usic Depart -inent. For further information up ply to Rev. V. L. NICHOLSON", Prin., Voile Cruris, N.C. i , i jtgc table Preparation for As -similating tk Food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digestion,Chccrful ncasandftest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphlne nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Jhv$ tfOldDrSMWELHrOJER DimJLia Sml' jUxJttinm jtoujt Strd . Jlmtrmint - jlirmSctd flanficd Jitf" hmtuym ttanr. Anerfectltemedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .rcvensh ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOUK. Ju3er Names of NewsHpp:s. , 1.1 ... no nml it, At.i.i,,L. urn 'iiiri in . j i it m ll-n -i is called, the Scorpion. We have had the Toothpick, the Tomahawk, tin lbpsaw, the Uuzz Saw, the Thomas Cat, t lie BaZ'io. the Horseshoe nnd t!it Horn, hut nothing so like the "wild and coolly West" as the Seoipion has ever inaile its appearance in this section before.-Little Rock (Ark.) Democrat . Dim"! loliano Sjiit anil Smuli: Toi:r l ife Anny. To quit toliai-co easily ond (oruver, lie liiatr nelle, lull of i;fu. nervo and vigor, take Xo-To-Bur. tlic wonder-worker, t'.iat inukes weak mi.n strong. All druists, 50c or II. Curet;uar;m toed. Ilooklet and sample free. Address Sterling Kemcdy Co , C'hicai'o or Now Yoik. COME to"stay7" I now have my tannery in 1 . . i' . r. . V nr unri, uim t 1 r 1 1 111 111- form ;he publicgmiernlly that I am now taking out leather daily. I have spared no lit tle time and expense in lid ding the best approved irm chiiHTV, s't t'mt 111 v facilities ni.'iV iii-1 equal to thebest ainl ! largest tannery's and f,i'-to ' rics of this country. 1 hns guaranteeing to the trade a standard grade of unifoun work of both leather and sad dlery goods, (jents saddles $2,50 to $15,00, Ladies cow horn a n d morgan saddles $3,50 to $10.00, Ladies leap ing horn summerset saddles for snfelv riding $8.00 t o $25,00. colb.rs. bridles, sad die bags, leuuirgs, fiou.hes, belts, etc., at Oottom pri'-es I nave served a term in n large Saddlery tactorv of St. i Loin.'-, nnd expect, and ask to be judged by my woi k. Hides wanted on siars, also market price paid tor bides nnd tallow. Call and see me'. Respectfully. Sept. 10 M. a! Johnson. "KottlHj else like it" The mot refrevfifrv and 1 ptcosatil Scup for the slrin. a r ' r: 3 Op. .1 .v It Its twic: as long &s others. , Arr!l will convener you of Its (reat merit. Will piri th molt fastidious. ! CHARLES F. MILLER, Mir. OX r-i:!1'. :i liLUU TOILET SOAFS AND PSKFUMERY, Lancaster, Pcnn ESTADI-ISHEn, t49t I EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE isiGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EVERY BOTTLE OF m Caitorla is pit tip Is ooo-sl: bottles oily. It la not told la bulk. Don't allow anyone to aell yaa anything elso on tbo pica Qr promlu that it ia "Jtat a good" and "ttHI aMwer every pnr pote.1' U- See that 700 get C-A-3-T-0-E-I-A. tKi.tJg.'-ifV.S'arr-gJr.TBaira-ga D a 14 Hands High. T have recently pureh-.ised at a eiaisideralile cost, a thorough bred I'.lacl; Spanish Ja k which is, by alii oihln, the fluent ever shown in Watauga county. He will be found at m,y istable 1 1-2 miles from Valh Crucis. Season .f-t.OO. CHARLEY T. I'.AIRD. Certificate: This is to cer tif.v that the Jack I sold Charley T. Baird on Oec. 'JO, is a clear blooded Black Spanish Jack; is easily ninmigcd, breeds wejl und large, and is good conditioned every way. J. S WfJXETt 71 GOOD SADDLE 2s the most noticeable and taking point on a Bicycle, o When buying insist on getting a Take no other. Get a Burns and GET THE BEST. Jtjtjt rianufactured by the l GRAND RAPIDS CYCLE SEAT MPG. CO., Grand Rapids, filch. Carrots, nd Tnde-Markt obtained and til Fat-1 ent businewcoaductcd lor Mooiratc fit. ! Our Orrtct is Oppocit U, . Patent Ofhcv and we cani-i-ure patcnlu 1cm time tluui Uu remote from Washington. ', 1 Send mod.l, drawing or Trioto Irilh d'jerip-1 rlon. Vie ciriie, if patrmable or nut, fret of charge. Our fee tint due till patent it (ccurcd. ' A MMPHUT, " How to Obtain Patent," wit!-1 cott of ume in the U. S. and foreign countriu tent free. Address, J C.A.SNOW&CO.! Opp. lTtNT Ornct, Washinotoh, D. C. 1 DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Tlie intense itching and sraartinfr inci dent to eczema, teller, fl -rheum, ami othor diseased' of the fkin is inxluntly allayed by apjilyir.g Chamberlain a Eye and Skin Ointment Many very bad cases have been permanently enred by it. It is equally efllcient for itching piles and a furoritc rem edy for sow nipples; chapped hamltt, chil hlains, frobt bites, and chronic tore eyes. For sale by druggints at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cady'i Condition Powder thej arAjust what home needs when in bad condi tion. Toni Uood purifier ai.-t vcHnifuge. Mfmmm mimm WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? j f It ia now considered by European military men that a war unions the powers of Eumpe hns passed for the present at lenst. OASTOHIA. 4M 110 MORE EYE-GLASSES MITCHELL'S Eye-Salve A Certain. Bafe, and EffMtlvo Remedy lor SORE. WEAK, & IN FLMD EES, Producing Long-Sightodness, esfar- ing the Sight of tho 0IJ. Cures Tear Drops, Granulnt'onp Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, aid ntoDima (tries mtv itd rrErmsiau, Alno, equally ain ' ."i n-l in c'btf mal41w, uoli Hi t :--ru i i;t .-r.ri!. Tamorm Suit Jtl.--j-. '-' '.' wbMvvtt'lnilnui::' ' -; f t' BAJLV Uu:nyb' Eoldbr Wt BUILD them to YOUR order SOUDAN, NILE and BICYCLER and TANDEMS PYRAMID M Tfwy run Tfacttf and last longer f?2 and are very attractive. Send lor cv3 our ACCURATELY Ulustrated SVj Catalogue. It ahowi you all it tV tails as to STYLE, COLOR 3 and FINISH. Mason & Mason Company, No. 537 W. Madison St . Pucago, HI. Does This The management of the 2 Equitable Life Assurance Society in the Department of g the Carolina, wishes to se- $ cure a few Special Resident g Agents. Those who are fittrj for this work will find this lilH D litillll I 1 1 : 1 i J n It te&vrk, however, a.d .!-.-r- f. who succeed best in it i.- - - character, mature judmort, act, perseverance, and the respect of their community. Think this mat' over cue- fully. There's k.n unusual opening for somebod . If it $ fits you, it will pay you. Fur ther information on request. W. J. Roddey, Manager, Rock Hlil:S C. CURES SUMMER DISEASES The Idecl RemotJy for cli diseases of the stomach And bowels, such es Oitirrhoea, Dysentery, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Cramps, Less of Appe tite, etc., is that standard of all medicines, . DR. KING'O JjOYAtGERjaETOER. Thoawnds of Certifk eten ptt t (jet. Mr. L. T, Collie'', Kosciusko, Mis., t&jn "My bowels woi.! ? act from .tea to twenty times a day, of a bloody, mucus nature. My kidneys vei-o very badly out of order. I ww treated bv the be it, physicians, end Hicy uid 1 could live but a short whilo. 1 I thea commenced using Royal Cermet nor In three weeks I could eat &3) thing, and do as much work as ever. I con tinued the Germetuef, and can testify that I am entirely cured, end that Cermetuer dli the work." I" It Is ss rlc2scnt to tiSiO ce lemonade, end tvV.ia up from the first dess. It cures t'is ease by removing the cause. Sold hy nrrtfrrrtfta. One DoTJnr. MANUrACTURIt OWUY T THEAMTACS::M;C;,LC3.,Ki WrlU for 4oge Etk. VjiXti free. Um GERMETIO PILLS and OOlMETtlR C01CH SVKIP. ill WBI AE