l,r,;,...::vi . t.r ..Vi the Watauga Democrat lhursdar August, 8, 18!)T. in . -i We do not claim to bo one of the grumbling class that cannot see any good in oth ?r people but our own sort. We have pronounced views on all public mnttrrs, but we are Iree to accord to every man his rights op these things and we do not claim the right to regulate and think for others. Wenrelio eral in our vie.vs both as to J-eligion and politics. We confess, however, that we feel outraged over the pres political monstrocities that now confiont us, not that these obnoxious la.wa were enacted by the Republican party in Congress and in our State Legislature. The Din -gley tariff i s now a law, which will tax us higher than even the old MVKiolev tariff did on many of the necessnr lea of life. Financial reform was the great issue last elec iion instead of reforming the currency and banking sys tern. IVe have a great big hiirh nrotective tariff law . tliattha already rich mnyj grow richer and the poor man can go to thunder if he can't get along and pay the big tariff tax under the op pression of the single gold standard law of the Republi cans. It would ha ye been as oppressive if enacted by the Democrats. While this huge tariff may bring flush times to the great business centres of our country and we are free to say that we think there will be more activity, among some of the manufacturing sec tions 3f the country, but we all cannot, be of this class, other interests should be con Bidered. Now we come to our Stat affairs. Auditor Ayer said in IheMorehead meeting of sheriffs and State officers that the last Legisla ture had appropriated near ly one million dollars and that this tax had to be rais ed from. the people. Treasur er Worth declared that there were five million acres of land in the State not on th.3 tax boots and declares that a big deficit in the taxes this year is certain. More tax, more tax, is the ereat hue and cry of the Treaeurer and Auditor and they say that .the criminal law passed by the late Legislature will be enforced against the failing tax payer. Then in the face of these things there are a tew who are urcinc: us to rote more tax on ourselves on the 10th, inst., to be squandered by a lot of new inexperienced school author ities, who have r.o proper or legal orgrnizi tioii of t h e school districts. ve beg to be excused in participating in the further luxury of taxa tion. We believe and hope Watauga will vote the whole concern down. The Alaska gold fields are still attracting creat inter ests and many venturesome "people go there to get the yellow metal. We will not go, but it we had to mine for gold we would go over in Bfarke and Caldwell counties, pick ue out a favorable spot and go to digging. Thegold mining in North Carolina is of greater importance than "many think, A-short time hence there will be hundreds of miners flocking to West 3forth Carolina attracted lere by the gold interests. We mucti rather risk mnking our fortune in Western North Carolina digging gold than to risk it in Alaska. Ko-'i'o-bae for 'ltty Cunt Cornttd tobtuwb habit euro, nmkei weak It is now' certainly., demon strated that the Republican party of North Carolina is incapable o f making laws and governing the State with wisdom and economy to the end that our State mny en joy the benefits of govern ment to the full pxtent aim- ed by the honest and true men of the State. The two last Legislatures have signal ly failed to tidvnnce the in terest ot the people by any legislation. The members composing the Legislature have for the most part done nothing b u t to advanced their own private gains and that of their friends. The in terest of the State was al ways secondary. The last Legislature is a great huge monster on the people. The object seems to have been to undo everything that had been done by the Democrats and try an experiment of their own at the big expense of the tax payers. The re sult is that the State is now greater in debt and all the perfect system organized by theDemocrnts in regard to the numerous institutions of the State are nearly all now disjointed and a general dis content i s the result. The new school law is the most insulting to the majority of the people of most anything else, me oiu law require! negro committeemen lor col ored schools, now we liav( them mixed up in most of the counties with the white committeemen. Now the n cro has the same- rightH m our white schools as white men. Take the county of Wilkes where they have negro committeemen with white men to look over the schools and hire teachers. Why not have left the law as it was and have each race to look after their own schools? The authorities of Watau ga have not put any colored men on the school commit tee. Many other counties have them. The new move has caused the colored peo ple to complain. Under the old regulations the colored men run their own schools and have succeeded'well and had advanced their children with the free money. Now they are dissatisfied, as well as the white folks. It iH claimed by many that the change in the school law will retard t h e school interest very grpatly, the old system had been made well nigh per fect and the people were very well satiffied and our schools were getting on well, public interest was more favorable everv .vear and the interest increased. Radical inefficien cy and partisan zeal have blighted it and many ot . us think it will be a failure for the next few years. We fpel sad over this knowine: we have the tax to pay any way. It is poor encoaroge men to raise the taxes out of the p K) pie and at the name time the money to do no good in educating the children. Emulsion is made up of the most essential elements that go to nourish the body. Where the appetite is varying or lacking:, it in creases it, and where digestion it weak, it aids it to perform its function in a more vigorous way. It enriches the blcod, nukes healthy flesh and cures chronic coughs and colds' by making it possible fcr the body to resist disease. Our friends tell us "IT Works Wonders" but we never like to over-state ihe merits of our remedy even when it has been tested and tried for ever twenty-f iveyears. If you wi 1 ask for it, we will send you a book telling you more about the subject than we can put in a few words. . Go to yccr&ugg for Scott's EmuJ tioa. TVo nut, 53 cte. and $U0. SCOTT & BOWNE. K.w York. . Notice of Land hale. I will sell on the flist Mon day in September (the 0th.) 1897 at the court house door i n B-ione, Watauga county, N. ft, the following ti acts of land for taxes. The costs of said sales are added to the taxes in each case. Wm. II. Calloway, Sh'ff. Aug. 3rd. 1897. uoone Township. Lenoir Elizabeth. 150 acres for the years 1895 tax and cost $3.77. Haigler Julius, 50 acres for yeai 1895, tax and cost 4.30. Harrison d. p. 25 acres for year loUb.tax anacostd.UJ. Bald Mt. TowDship. nav Thos. sr., 346 acres for year 189G, tax ardcostG.51. Blue Ridge Township, cowlesc. J. 840 acres for years lauo ao. tax ano cost 14.o3. stone s. s. 25 acres for year 1890, tax and ?ost 4.11. Kelly A. o. 20 acres for year 189G, tax and cost 3.94. coffey j. c. 140 acres for year 189G, tax a nd cost 4.18. Blowing Rofk Township. ienoir Estate one town lot for vear 189G, tax and cost 2.92. coffey J. f. one town lot for years 1895 '9G. taxes and :ost 7.17. Banner u. t. one town lot for year 189G tux and cost 1.72. tdinfner J. f. nr. one town lot for years 1895--'96. tax and coet i.97 E'k Township. . cowlesc. J. 194-7 acres for for the ye-irs 1895-'9G bal. tax and cost 29.51. cowles & calloway 100 acre for years 189" '96, bal. due by cowles tax and cost 2.01. coye creek Township. Dougherty i. & A. m. 400 acres tor year 189G tax and cost 8.55, Lee and Miller 100 acres tor years jo'j; yo tax- a n u -V s-k cost 3.77. Musgrnve e. d. 1L5o acres for year 1896, tax and cost 3.40. nolsclaw b. l's. heirs 25 acres lor the year 1895 tax and cost 3.93. Laurel creek Township. Dougherty e. h.'IOO acres for the years 1895-'96 bal. tax and cost 3.27 Miller E. M. 100 acres for the year 1896 tax and cost 2.45. Miller e. b. 25 acres for the 5 ear 1896 tax and cost 1.54 cl i open burg h. a. 100 acres for the year 1895 tax and cost v 2.04 union Mining co. 100 acres for the year 1896 tax am cost 8.7L presnell J. n. 100 acres for the year 2896 tax and cost 392. worley s. i. 187 acres for the vear 1896 tax and cost G.20. chase h. 8. 200 acres for the year 1895 bal. tax and cos 1.83. Meat camp Township. cowles c. J. 445 acres for the years 1895-'96, tax and co b. ol calloway's heirs 600 acres for the year 1890 tax anc cost 4.00 Mcuride s. s. 8 ncr?s for tu vears loUu Ub, tax and cost 1.79 winebarger d. v. 450 acres for the vear 1890, tax and cost . 7.3 stanberrv w. e. 40 acres for the vear 1896 tax and cos 3.95. North Fork Township. Elk Knob coppcrco. 128 for the vtar 1896 "tax and cost 38.18 ehawneehaw Township. nrever i.e. JUU acres lor the vear 1895 bal. tax and cost 4.90. uolHclaw F. m. 50 acres for the year 189G tux and cost 3.20. Strickland d. 50 acres for the year 1896 tn. and cost 1.72. Taylor t. h. & J. 330 acres fo the year 1895 tax and cost ' 5.03. Banner Mrs nollie 50 acres for the year 1895 tax and cost 3.28. Edarat Your Howell with CitnearcU. Cnndy Cnthnrtlr, euro cormtlpatlon forever. 10c, 'Ac. 1( l.C.C, f all, drutfiiwui reluoj aumey. Owing, to the foreign de mand wheat is two cent higher with signs of further advance. Economy and strength are combined in H wd'aSiarpaparilla, Every bottle contains 100 dopes an 1 will average to lattamontli, We leurn that, the o I d Stony Creek furnace with 30,000 ncres-of land located in Carter Co., Tenn., hasbeen soli to a Philadelphia party for a big sum, and great im provements wih result from this purchase. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cuscarets Cantly Cathartic lOo or 250. It C. 0. 0. fall to cure, druggiata refund muuoy. T. C. Blackburn, X. D., Boone, N. C. Dr. T. J. Profltt, Vast, N. C. Blackburn & Profltt Associated practicing physsi- nuifl. serC'alls promptly attend ed. 8 5, '97. REAL ESTATE SALE. liy virtue ot a power ot sale contained in a mortgage deed ex ecuted by Nellie rntcharu to j. n clarke and :i. c. Mai tin, compos n; the firm of ii. c. Martin & co. on Junli, 18U2 and registered in the riegister's office of watanga county, n. c, and aligned by u c. Martin & co. to Harper, nam bfird & co. in book 'i', page 558, v:e will on Monday the 6th day of sept., lbvi, between the hours ol 0, a. in., and 2, p. m., at t h court house door in noone.tosat isty a debt of f G0.00, interest and costs, sell at public auction to the nghest bidder for cash a tract of land lying in the county ot wa- tauga and known and designated as follows: Adjoining the lauds o m. L. Mooro. w. i). Clarke, John ox endine and others, being u port ol the Robt. Green "Ridge Field und known as the 'little cove field tracts, granted to wm. coffey Jan uary 20. 1842 and dee-led by said Coffey to imbt. areeu January 2C 1847, atd includes all of Baid tract not deeded by Robt. Green to L. story, containing 24 acres more or less. This July 29, 1897. H.YKPER, Bernhardt & i;o. Assignees of 11. C. Martin & ro. "WHAT WE DO WE DO WELL." Sutherland Seminary. W. H, JONES, L.B.,Prin. L.M. FARTHING, A. B., FinsT AhhIstant. Fall Term begins Aug. 9, and continues five months. Ail expenses $G.OO to $8.00 per month. Free scholarHhips given under oertaiu conditions. For Catalogue and full particu lars write tbe l'riucipal. Sutherland. N. C, AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR FRIENDS AND FOUMERCUSTOMERS And Trade' Generally. We are pleaspd to announce to you that we have opened up a nice line cf GENERAL MERCHANDISE at our old stand, and here are a few ot our cash prices: Standard Sheeting 6 oz. q cts " Plaidn, 6 " White Extra C. Sngar 18 lb 1.00 Granulated ,; 16 "1.00 Arbuckles roosted Coffee 0 " 1.00 Good green " 7 1.00 We have a good stock of fitroes of ull kinds also' Leather. HARDWARE such as: Nails, House and-Mule Shoes, Axes, Mattocks, Hoes, Harrow teete Iron stands . & LASTS. We will offer no inducements to anyone to bay on a credit. We buy and pell strictly on a pa down system and will not l omtlersold by any one. tall and see us. Verv Resp't. IV. F. Shecrwood & Co., Ainautha, N. C. THE VIRGINIA FIRE AND f.4 Paid in lossea in last ten years, raid in losses last yeat over.i...........i....i;.......aou,uuu,uu. , tin tea on unexposed f rattle roof. 2ents per du.v, or 75cents per month, or $9,00 per year.-forf 1,000 iujurance payable in easy installments. r; The names of a few of our County policy holders: v Dr. L c Rfevs, ano f Hardin, n f vanuov, win Holsi-law, j b jolinsoii, i). FBaiid, s n Bingham J c Horton, coffey Bros, j pcouncill, B F Baird, w b council), capt e f Lovill and J a Edmisten. LEE F MILLER, Agt. J F HARDIN, Local Agt. Elizauethton, Tenn. Boone, N. C. ; OH! LADIES! Make your breath Sweet by using KEY&CO'S. SCOTCH SNUFF. ASK TOUR DEALER FOR IT, PLEASE,' 60 YIARS RXPERIENCI. TRADI MANKtt DK8I0NS, hunt COPYRIGHTS C Anrone Mndlnff a sketch and dneerlDtlon mu quickljaaoertAln, free, whether an lnrentlon It probably patentable. Communication! itrlctly cootldBDtlal. Oldest aeenc; for.'Mjurlng patent In America. We bar a Washington office. Patent taken through Huno Co. recelrt yeelal notice In tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, lament olrctiUtlon of anr soienurc inurnai, wees if, term. n.uu a year) 1.60 six months. Specimen copies and ILkxV svua. u ra-iaiiTB aent tree. Aaoreu MUNN 4 CO., Ml Broadway, New Terk. Hew Tear's Greet ing to my Friends! The old year of 1896 was full of hope and promise bur the poor old creature could not live long enough to 6ee those hopes realized, -so she turned over the job to this bran new youngstpr, 1897, with the hope that he would push things lively, and faith I he is doinj; that very thing! Wh the little rascal is shov- inir new eooda into my o'our faster than I can put them on the shelves, and then be fore I can look around the little fellow is gone and I can hear him out in the .middle of the street singing out "Oh Yes! J. B. Clarke has now and always keeps GROCERIES AND. NOTIONS. . Such an Coffee, SUGAR, Cheese, CltACKEftS, Cakes, Canned-Beef, Potted-Ham, Salmons. " Sardines, Butternuts, English walnuts, soft shell ed almonds, peanuts, raisins, figs, canned fiuits, shoe dress ing, inks, plain and fancy can dU's, fancy airJ laundry Soap?!, Tobaoco, Snuff, Cigars, Cigarettes, . Matches, Horse and Cattle Powders, and many other articles ktoo tedious to mention. - N. B. ify goods are marked at rash prices, and will not un der any circumutancos, be sold on time. . .Very Respectfully, J. B, CLARKE, Jan 14th 1897. 1 rJ lAKIrct INdUKAiiU over..;.... 2,000,00000..;, farm houses,' with shingle most prouiiuent Watauga. b j council, jr, Mrs r l councill. councill, Taylor & co, w n Norn's, J csbulll, l w Farthing, WA8TED-AN IDEA55SS5KS thing to patent? Protect jrooricloasi they may brine you wealth. Write JOHN WTCDOKI& BUitN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Wajhiugtoa. ttC, for their $100 prUeoirw? A Walking, Advertisement. ..In February. 1802. 1 had six hemorrhages from thelung8,and lor some months wa? undrr the care of two doctors, and finally went 'o Denver, but returned without any benefit to my health, I tuen read oi vour treatment. and sent for some, from which 1 Y felt great relief, and have con tinued using tt steadily up to the present time, with good results." 'I am certain your treatment has been the meuns of restoring my neaitn. i nave added fifteen pounds to ni weight and am still gaining, have a good ap-0 petite and sleep well. In fact. I can conscientiously say I am a walking advertisement for your treatment." J. Fallon, 154 South Grand St Chicago, 111 If you will know more of thia treatment, and rend the testi mony of many others, who have been cured by the Compounds Oxygen Treatment, not only oi consumption, but ot various oth er diseases, send for book of twe hundred pages, sent free. Or call and see us, w e treat patients at the Office as ell as at home. Drs, State & Palen 1S29 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. Please mention this paper. Vour Face Will ba wraathad with a most engaging mM, after you Invsst In ' MMglctto CQUIPFkO WITH ITS NKW . PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, Th most complete and useful devices m dded to any lewlng machine. ,i The WHITE is Durably and Handsomely Ballt, Cf Floe Finish and Porfeot Adjustment SewaAU. Sewabla Article!, And will ten tad pleaM 70a up to the full fault of your expectations. AcrrvB Dkaleu Wanted In tmocci fled territory. Liberal terms. Addreia, whitc ccwmfl iHPuiuc pn n 11 urn. obiiing GMunjiib vvrr'r- OLCVELAMD, 0f o M ;rA