'.'V'"-' :. 'I', o v'C 4 ,',,; 9 a A Tkn VaIam. Ill lug uaiUMiCiHU, :tat. Entered nt thPostofflceat Boone, N. C, as second-claws pail matter. v ' " ' Local news; V- "' .' ri i -L'-'" r"'- '' ' !VVarra Weather. ' iv A fine snpp'y of school v books Just ; in at Coffey tiro's. Read notice of mortgage and execution sales in this issue. ' .' ' The mills ore. grinding slowly owing to the low wa iter.' '- ..'' . ' -Three fellows a w now in jail,' one for fighting and two for house burning. - Col. Dave Watson at Gap Greek is very low and not ex pected to recover. -The corn crop is doing nicely, the w e ither has been fthd remains perfect to ripen the crop. Boone has been a very qu'et pleasant, agreeable plaw thip summer, as is us ually the case. Hagaman Bio's., arecon templating moving theirsaw plant to Flat Ton on the lands of Win. Elrod. Mr. R: L. Idoore, of Stn tesville, the scientific optic ian, who. has been in our town this week, left for Len pir yesterday. . . ' W are indeed pleased to . state that Mrs. R. F. Hagan ' who lias been so near death's door for several weeks, is surely but slowly improving We are pained to learn of the death of Mrs. Jones, .wife: of Edraond Jones, at Lenoir. We have no partic ulurft of her death. What are we going to do about the reunion of old con- feds?, dept." Todd, of Ashe, responds in last Democrat Let us hear from others in - our adjacent counties. . The funeral of Mr. Wiley Church and wife will be preach ed at South Fork church on the second Sunday inSeptem ber uy Rov. Win. Wilcoxen u-t 11 j o'clock, a. m. Hon. A. Leazer, who has been stopping at Coffey s ho tel for some time, lejt for his home on Monday last. Miss .'Carrie, his daughter, will re main longer with us. --On the first Sunday in September at 11, o'clock, a. ; in.. Rev. A. J. Buirus. o f Jefferson circuit will preach a sermon on baptism in Blackburn Chapel at Todd, NC. On last Saturday Dr. T. C. Blackburn was appointed Post-master at Boone to sue ceed R. C. Rivers. One by one the heads of the Demo cratic officials fall from the Republican guillotine ;".. Remember these facts; more for your money, less " trouble to use and each pack age colors all fibers. Putnam Fadeless Dyes sold at. 10c per package by J. A. Ed mis- ten, Blowing Rock. Our enterprising saw mil man. S. N. Bingham, of Pine Run, haB sold his mill to the Messrs Green on Flat l op. Mr. Bingham contemplates buying another engine and saw. 'We saw many of our old acquaintances at the asso nation , several from Tennes see. We were proud to mee them again. Some of them look old to us and thej were of our boyhood days too. v- R'e desire that all mem bers of Bald Mountain Lodge No! 176 L O; 0;F;, be pres ent at the next meeting , of the Lodge on Saturday the 11th day of Sept. Impor tant, business t o transact. W. C. L. Hulcheit Sec. B. B. Dougherty w ho has been at Butler. Tenn.. for some time visited home this wtek. . He has gone back to lolly Spring College where . . lie will . remain during the present session as teacher of Latin and mathematics. Important business to ransact at the next meeting of Elk Lodge No. 873 A. F. & A. M., on the 4th Satur day in September. It is nec; essary that all the members be present. W. C. L. Hul cher, Sec. Sorry to chronicle the death of Bynum Anderson whL'h oceured oh last Friday night at his home near Cook's Gap. Mr. Anderson died with ever. He leaves a wife and several small children which makes the condition snd in deed. Wo sympathize with the bereaved. From the StatesvilleMas cot we learn that onTuesday of last week, Mr. J. G.Mable, of Hartland, N. C, purchas ed goods of the Wallace Bro s Co., to the amornt of f 500 and paid the bill in gold dust and nuggets. The 'Mascot saVs it looked like a section ofKlondyke. The gold was taken near the Baker mines in Caldwell county. -Nothing new this week about the electric railroad except. the John's River meet of tha filtho Tlllfl lliPPtinir was enthusiastic and the cit . . a . HI izens along the river win cive substantial aid to the hnildinir of the road. We sincerely trust that the pro ject will succeed niid that we will soon have the road. Our town and vicinity are becoming interested in the protracted meeting now going on in the new Method 1st church. The meeting will continue this week. We hope or good results in our vicin ty, and that the meeting Uvill be a success. Our peo- le need nwakenincr from heir, lethargy and careless ways. A Bluntville, Tenn., cor respondent of the Bristol Courier has t his to say of our worthy county-man, Rev. i. W; Osborne, who will in the near future move to that lace. "Mr. Osborn is a i Methodist and a democrat and an intelligent and well informed gentleman, and Suilivan county may well be nroud of such accessions to her citizenship." -W. R. Smith's College, Lexington, Ky.,is where hun drens of clerks, farmer boys and others have invested 90 for tuition and board for nn education and are How get ting f 1,000 and over a year. Read ad. and keep this no tice for reference. Remember in order that your letters may reach this college to ad dress only W. R. Smith, Lex ington, Ky. Deputy- Collector J. C. Hnrtnn has been ordered to Newton by Collector Harkins to teke charge" ot tne btn Di vision, and Deputy Collector Williams, of Newton, will take charge Of the 5th with headquarters at Boone. AVe are indeed sorry to give Mr. Horton up, but as he will get an increase in his salary, it will be best for him. We hope Mr. Williams will prove effic ient as our Mr. Horton, who is not only a good officer, butoneofour best citizens. Mr. Horton will lea veat once for hiB new field.' - . Hi Sheriff r. JlitebcU coubIt Blilf Shot and Monro Garland W; B. Councill, :Atty., just from Bnkersville court gives ns the f xciting news of the shootinir a fl a i r. Sheriff Pritchard? with two of .his deputies,.went to arrest Mon roe Garland who was indict ed for fchodting at different persons and who had fled the county but had returne J an1 was ' in hiding among friends. The sheriff learning of his whereabouts proceed ed to attempt to arrest him. Sheriff Pritshard concealed himselt behind a stump in a meadow, Garland came a lo'ng, Sheriff haltec him with his pistol presented. Garland wheeled facing the sheriff with pistol, both firing simultaneously and botbwere shot. The sheriff received the ball from Garlands pistol inst below the collar bone ranging upward and out at the shoulder blade, paralizing the right arnf and causing him to drop his pistol. He reached for the pistol with his left hand and shot three more balls into Garland's body. Garland retreating through some draw bars nearby, keeping up the tire on the sheriff. At the draw bars the sheriff gave him an other shot which felled him to the ground, and he died immediately. Sheriff Pritch nrd is dangerously wounded, but it is hoped that he will recover. Sheriff Pritchard is a brave fellow and is a terror to evil doers. Garland was a desperado and an out-law. Winston Sentinel: Do you think that your private busi ness would prosper if it was managed in the same -, way ihnt the Stated haziness it managed, jmd has been man aged, under Kepumican ad ministration? - We. think not, Theu recognize the im portant fact that the princi ples of common sense and business judgement should he applied to tne srata s ai- airs as wen as to priyaie u- airsniio resolve that you will do your level best to pre vent mal-3d ministration in North Carolina in the future. Aim relation of individuals make the State and the inter cstsofthe whole should be carefully guarded as well as the interests oi the single parts of the aggregation. Was Very Nervous Had Smothering 8pelln and Could Not Sleep Doctor Called It Neuralgia and indigestion. "I bad pains In my bead, neck and ahonldori and -It through my body but tbey wcro moat aevere in my left aide. The doctor called It neuralgia and in digestion. I wai confined to my bed for elitht mouths. . I was very nettonS, bad mothering spoils and could not sleep. I read ot cures by Hood's Barsaparilla and ol case similar to mine. My husband procured bottle, and I began taking it. After taking one bottle I felt better, was able to rest and my appetite improved. I continued until my nervousness was cured and I was much bettor In every way. My husband baa also Deea Dene- flted by Hood's Barsaparilla." MxT & Stone, Spainville, Virginia. HOOd'S Spa8rma Is the Best-In fact the -o True Blood Parlflor. Sold by all druggists. $1. six for lis. ii .sstfsBBCass. NDY CATHARTIC MsJlsWs ovrnm.o'nK .isjr- ALL cuntcoiisTimii 1BS0LUTELT GUARIITKED ttTi - MM -" - T II. .ll.l.ll.IU stmiTMi, vaa.i r niw lors. in. If. Arc you coming to Towa? Do yon expect to bu any goods while here? If so I assurs you that I can make it to your advantage to give me a call. HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTHERS CI1IES WHERE 1 HAYti 1AK.FN 2E AUVfiNlAGt OF A LARGE CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, AND CLOTHING, WHICH WILL BE SOLD ST1UCTLY FOB UASH AT WHOLESALEPRICES Having made my profit in BUYIN . Thanking you for past favors. I am Very Respectfully, MB. BLACKBURN April 21. Hmt Missed a Meal. 'TvDhohl teverWt me with a bad Btomach trouble. The med- icinel tried iid not relieve me uutil I began taking Hood s Par saparilla. This medicine relieyed my stomach trouble ana i am now able to work everv da v and have not missed a meal since tak in Hood's Sarsapari'la." Hood Pills are the best after dinner pills; assist digestion, cure headache. 2d cents. Silver bullion goes down lower and lower. Gold by the ton is reported coming in from the'Klondyke mines and from other places. We will .soon be over run with irold, hud it hot better be legislated against at once? Some of us poor tellows may get some of it, if it lays a- round looe. Poor in e n ought not to have gold it is too precious a nd only belongs to the rich. There Ii Nothing: So Hoed. Than, in nnMiino- hint, nn trnnd as Dr. King's New Discovery for nntiBiimntion rontrhs and colds r---.-- --71 to demand t and do not permit the dealer to sell you some sub stitute. He will not claim there is an vthinc better, hut in order to ra&ke more profit he may claim soraetning else to De jupi as good. You want Dr King's New Discovery because you kno .v it to be safe ' and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded, ror coughs, coias, pnnn.nnt,ion and for all affec tions of throat, chest and lungs, there is nothing so good asis it. bottle free at Holsclaw's and Blackburn's. Regular size 50 cents and f 1.00. . . rii harmoniously witlj nOOa 8 fills Hood's Harsupamn. PROCEEDINGS Of the First 'Annual Meet ing Watauga and Mitihell Krnneh of the Farmer 8 Mu tual Fire Association held in Boone Aug. 7. 1597. All of the old officers were unanimously elected, which were as fol'ows: W. H. Cal laway, Pres., W. L. Bryan. Treas. Supervisors. Andrew J. Critcher, Jeremiah Harri- Ron, W. 'J. rluicner. Li. n. Mast. H. H. Farth new. 11. Hardin.J.M.Shull.L. D. Low and A. J. Moretx. Thefollowingadvisorycom tr.irrpp wns hih minted to look into and adiust the losses of J. P. Couu'ill and A. J.Payne and report their action to the President. Tne Association miolvpd to abide bv the ac tion of the board and wore re nuested to meet in Boone on Aug. y, and begin tlieir mves tigations. L. I). Lowe nm. A. J. W'itcber, J. M. bnull, L P. Wntson. There havinir been no as sesament madelast vear there was nothing: to pay by the stock holder and conseauent m . m ly no report trom tne ireas- ni er. rne following repor from the (Jeneral Managei wn then read and i doDted "To the President and mem hers of the H'atauira and Mitchell Brarch of the barm Gearing $300.00. Burrs und Rocks 150.00. Work putting in ma chinery 200.00. Onesmutter 75.00. Two bolting cloths 50.00. Two pair scales 20.00. 1795.00. 1 think the above is a cash price on the fixture, what they could be replaced with new material. J. E. Greene, mill right and member of the As- sni-ifttinn. MHohinerv and fixture, see he above sta'.ementfyo.uu Mill house oUU.UU. Grqin in mill 2Y.00. Oihpr aoDaratus 50 00, " ii Snpt. John Russell Young has decided to introduce into the new Congressional Li brary at Washington a de partment for the blind. The library already contams a large number of olumes in blind letter and it is Mr. Young?8 intention to make a complete collection of raised- letter books. A reading room will be set aside for this department which will be the first of its kind In the counti. v. Landmark. To Car Coatlpa,tloa rsrvr. TtCscreU Cmd? Cuttasrtle. hxs orC UC.CC, Ull W cure, drugglMi refanU money. pm' Mutual: 1 have the hon or to submit the following re port since the organization 12 raonthsago. 315 members from the verv best class of cit izens ha vejoined, subscribing stock totheamountof4$310,- 100, thus making a strong and vigorous association. There haB been added to the Htnk since the Councill III 1 1 los $30,534, which shows that the interestand strength of t he nweociation is increas inc ranidlv. instead of the (ontrarya was predicted by the opponents ot ttus pian o insurance aft r the first loss The loss of J. P. Councill oc enrred on the nittht of Apri 26th, and the following is the adjustment of uipt.Ui itcher the supervisor, ana also my self: To the President and mem hers 6f the Farmers' Mutua Watautra and Mitche Rrnnch: We have made an investi- o-Mtinn of the loss bv fire o J. P. Councill, member of the Association, and so tar as we uro able to learn, his loss isa neifectlv straight one and nnrelv accidental andresoec fully submit the following adjustment for ratification and payment, Total $1,172.00. A. J. Critcher Supervisor. .Ierbe F. Hoskins General Manager. VilaR. N. C. June 19, This is to certify that I am satis fied with the adjustment made by the Farmers' Mu- ual of my loss at 1,1 iz.uu nnd have confidence in its beimr Daid. I regret very iniirh not (mlv the I08S to mvsplf but to rav fellow mem bers who have it to pay. But T wpnr. into it with them in J. P. UOUNCILL. On .lnlv the 6th 1 received n letter fronr Mr. Councill da ted June the 24th. asking for this ndnistment to bfe recon .... sidered. 1 a t once came to w a tauca and he gave us the lol lowing- certificate: This is to certity that i nav re qufstedtheotticersoitnc rarm pva' Xfntnnl to rt-onen the adjust ment of my loss and to refer it to the annual Meeting on Aug. . i am willine to abide by their do cision in this matter. J. P. Councill. So that the matter is now plac ed before the association for re adjustment and v iHi this report lor your cwismeru uuu. hkic has been one other loss in Stony Fork township, that of A. L. Payne, but of such a nature tnat the supervisors and myself hive concluded for the present to let it set for future developments. We expect to be able to show that the building was uooccnpied at the time of loss and for this and otb?r reasons, is thought th As sociation is not liable, and it lia ble, not for more than $100. as it ran lie rebuilt for that. And 1 respenctfully recommend that in all cases where controversies are liable to occur as in these t wo ca has the Association rebuild, as it can be done cheeply now; as this would be the reinstatement of a fallen member and neighbor and avoid any quibbling he cardi nal principle of this plan of insu rancc.As.von know, no assess ment tor the year has been made and not a dollar of expense to the Association, but the, full a mount oi these two losses can be paid by the members who were stock- lolders at the time loss at a cost to them of one-half less than the old lin companies, be sides not having to pay trom to 5 years m advance. The Aftiociation can now pay an averagelossof $1,000 a year, which is not likely to occur, at a cost of ,i on tne $1,000, including premiums, which are only pain once. A saving tor ten years to the insured of $41.66 on the one thousand and for the whole membership of $30,000. If any one thinks though that the dues for the pqvment of losseH will not be collected let him at once be undeceived, for by recent decisions one cannot homestead against them. Or if any one tbinkt any sharp practices are go ing to be allowed to be run upon the association let him be undeceived, for every mem ber is interested and a party to the contract and becomes his own detective in case of suspected fraud. And if a n y one fears he will be re-assess ed to pav same loss let him also be undeceived lor the poi icy contract expressly stipu lates that" 'all losses are paid only by a pro rata assess ment and the policy holders so signed and not as stand ing each other s security." Note Judge Spier Wbitafcer's opinion. m . m Oft. Although the legislature has placed the Farmers' Mu tual on n level with the Mas ons, Odd Fellows and other be neyolcnt institutions; still it is in every respect a l?gal ins titution, possessing the l ight to sue and to be sued. Co operative societies like this are just what its organizer, officers and members make of them. I did not come a mong you 12 months ago as an orimr.izer of this Branrh just for the original 50 cents on t ho islOO and leave you the bag to hold (it the first clash of arms or fire. I per form many arduous duties for which 1 receive no pay or thanks, but plenty of harsh criticism. But I believe in tfie old Geometrical proposi tion. "The shortest distance between tmo points is o. straight line" and I shall hew to it, let the chips fall where tbey may. And as evidence o f my entire unselfishness and desire for the people of Watauga and Mitchell coun ties to become educated to this pi an of insurance and the Association t o grow stronger and stonger as the years roll on, I herewith tm 'dera one-fourth interest in the premiums for the next year, to pay contigent fx penses and Dalane o pay JESSE F.BOeK!K&

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