fta.WaUaga Democrat A D 4M3it VTio la.nily newspaper divU 1 to the interest ol (,oun y State ano Nation. Published trwy Thursday at Boone, Wa tanga County. N . ' " Da Beinf Harried. There ore very few ocean ioiis in life that cnll for hnr- ry. Perhaps no om mnn confront" in hid whole career more than two or three emer gencies that nail for instant action. It requires thp gen iu8 of insight and courage to deal with those But in the tust majority of instances we make a fatal mistake Vihvn we suffer the ardency of others, oranapporentcris- is, to lend ue into a conrse of action that tins not been ron e i d e r e d. It is wonderful what a capacity things that we consider urgent have for "keeping,'' if one is only nelf contnined and patient e nongh to iet them "keep." One of the 2mo8t successful business men we have tver known was famou? for his re fusal to give immediate de risions upon important qnes tiong. He said to those who rrged him that he had "to sleep over" things before he made np his mind. That did not mean that he took them home to worry about them, nut, that pe let them lie in his mird and germinate before he would decide just what he would do. At least, he gained the advantage of looking tit the mntter from several different points of view. And the point of view frequently changes the whole aspect of a situation. The men who'are in such a'drive' and hurry that they mnst make up their minds "right away" turn up with unusual frequeney'rn the bankruptcy courts. There is nothing lost by following thej sound maxim. "If you don't know what to 'do, do nothing". The Watchman. . Poor Spain is ir. a bad con dition. Notwithstanding the praises showered upon her by the Catholic press of this country, she is the last and pitiful representative among prominent countries that stood by the pope. What is the matter with Spain? The government is a failure at home and in its colonies. Mar rowneRs, religions bigotry, ab solutism and illiteracy have cursed the people. When oth er countries wee undergoit g the new birth of reformation in ffovcrnnsent aud religion, the pope was god -and king to poor Spnin, and now the end is inevitable. TheGubans nre gaining ground daily. Victory is not fully assured, but it draws nigher.-Central Baptist. Lincoln Journal: One by one the pretty traditionscon nected with historic person ages are exploded. We have all learned atschool that Eth el Allen commanded the Brit ish at Ticonderogn to surren der "in tbe name of the Great Jehovahand the Continental Congress." Late researches have brought to light the factthat what Ethel Allen real ly did say to the British com manderon that memorable occasion ivas: "Come oat of that, you d d olJ rat." - NOTICE. I aio now located in Boone at the D. B. Dougherty powt of fice building, prepared to repair your watched, clocks, jewelry etc. on short notice. Twenty years ex perience. Work jniarautted. Much in Little laaamAlallv true of llnnd'i Pills, fa DO medl cine tnt eontainaa to great sunt! power ia so small ipse. Ttey an a waeit bmmuw efcest, always ready,' al ways faetent, alwajrs saw tsfaetorys prevent a eotf or fever, euro all liver IDs, Pills tick headacbe, Jaundloe, onsUpaUoa, tie. Be. tfceeniy Pills to take with Hood's SsnwurUla. CASTORIA for Infanta and Children. Heiice of Laid bale. I will sell on the fiist Mon day in September (the 6th.) 1897 at the court house door in .None, Watauga county. N. ft, the following tiacrs of land for taxes. The costs of said sales are added to the taxes in each case. Win'. H. Calloway, Sh'ff. Aug. 3rd. 1807. Boone Township. Lanier Elizabeth, 150 acres for the years 189596. tax and cost f 3.77. Ha igler Julius. 50 arres for yeai 1895, tax and cost 4.30. Harrison d. p. 25 acres for year 1896, tax and cost 3.91. Bald Mt. Township, eav Thos. sr., 346 acres for year 1896, tax ardcost6.5l. bIiip Ridge Township, cowlesc. J. 840 acres for years 1895-96. tax and cost 14.53. storries.s. 25 acres for year 1896, tax and ?ost 4.11. Kelly A. o. 20 acres for year 1896, tax and cost 3.94. coffey J. c. 140 acres for year 1896, ta x a ad cost 4.18. Blowing Rock Township. Lanier Estate one town lot for year 1896, tax and cost 2.92. Banner H. t. one town lot for vear 1896 tax and cost 1.72. sbafner J. f. Dr. one town lot for years 1895--'96, tax and cost 5.97. Elk Township. . cowles c. J. 1947 acres for fortheyeirs 1895 '96 bnl. tax and cost 29.51. cowles & calloway 100 acrei for years 1895 '96, bal.due by cowles tax md cost 2.01. cye creek Township. Dougherty I. k a. m. 400 a-res or year 1896 tax and cost 8.55, Lee and Miller 100 ncrestor years 189596 tax and cost 3 77. Musgrnve e. i. 125 acres for year 1896, tax and cost 3.40. Holsclaw b. L's. heirs 25 acres lor the year 1895 tax and cost 3.93. Laurel creek Township. Doughprty e. h. 100 acres for the yea re 1895-96 bal. tax and cofet 3.27. Miller e. M. 100 acres for the year 1.896 tax and cost 2.45. Miller e. b. 25 acres for the jear 1896 tax and cost 1.54. KlippenburgH. A. 100 acres for the year 1895 tax and cost 2.04. union Mining co. 100 acres for the year 1895-6, tax and cost 8.7L. presnell j. h. jr 100 acres for the year 1896 tax and coat 3 92. worley s. p. 187 acres for the year 1896 tax and cost 6.20. chase h. s. 200 acres for the year 1895 bal. tax and cost 1.83. Meat campTOwnship. cowles c. J. 445 acres for the years 1895 '96, tax and cost 8.31. Calloway's heirs 600 acres for the year 1896 tax and cost 4.00. McBride s. s. 8 acres for the years 189596, tax and cost 1.79. winebnrger d. v. 450 acres for the year 1896, 'tax and cost 7.35. stanberry w. e. 40 acres for tho year 1896 tax and cost According to the Lutheran Almmac and Year Book, the total membership of the Lu theran Chnrch in the United States in 1897 embraced 1,428,693 communicants, a gainst 949,000 in 1887 a gain of just about half a mi' lion in the last decade. To Wham It Mar Cei tern. I have been in the drug business for twelyeyearond auring that timf, nave sold nenrlj all the cough medi cines manufactured; and from my personal knowledge of such remedies. I say that Chamberlain's congh remedy givw better satinfaction than any other on the market.-W. M. Terry, Elkton, Ky. Sold by M. B. Blackburn. Notice 1 wish to sell uneof ray farms on New River. A. J. Critcher. NOTICE. All lemons indebted to Ebin Baird. late of Watausa countv. N. C, will please. comb forward and make immediate Hettlement. And all persons haying claims against. the estate ot said d'e'd. will present the same to tue with in twelve months from date or this notice will be plead in bar ol this recovery. This Aug. 10th. 1897, - P. F. Raird. Ad'm. of Ebin Baird. d'e'd REAL ESTATE SALE. Bv virtue of a power ot sale contained in a mortgage deed ex ecuted by Nellie pritchard to j. n. Clarke and H. c. Martin, compos ing the firm of H. c. Martin & co., on Jim. 14, 1892, and registered in the Register's office of wataum county, n. c, and assigned by h. c. Martin & co. to Harper, Barn- hard & co. in book c , page 558. v:e will on Monday the tJth day of sept.. 1897, lietween the hours of 10. a. in., and 2, p. no., at the court house door in Boone. to Sft inty a debt, of $60.00, interest and costM, sell at public auction to the higbest bidder for cash n tract of land lying in the county ot wa tauga and known and designated as follows:. Adjoining tbe lands of m. l. Moore, w. d. Clarke. John ox endine and others, being a part ot the Robt. oreen "ftidg Field ' and known as the 'littlecove field tract', granted to wm. coffey inn uury 2ft. 1842 and deeded by said Coffey to nobt. Green January 26 1 847, ad includes all of said tract not deeded by nobt. oreen to L. story, containing 24 acres more or less. This July 29, 1897. Harper, Bernhardt & Co, Assignees of H. C. Martin & Co. A CUSTOMER OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT! DON'TFAIL fo ask your neighbor who has visited our store whether we give tliA most goods for the least money. THE TRUTH is what hurts our competitors. We don't carry "Cheap John" goods, but standard goods at Cheap John's prices. Uur increasing trade amid tbe hard times too well proves the merit of our business methods. COME RIGHT ALONG and be convinced. We have the store for the people and of the people. Horetzfc Farthing, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Vail e Crucis Seminary. male and FEMALE Thin school offers to tbe people of Watnuga and onrronnding counties superior advantage. Expennes far below those ol ctb er schools of similar grade. W" Tuition f 1.00 to f 3i00 per month. Board 5.00 to 6.00 perutonth. Summer term opens June 8th. 1697. ' - A full corpe of experienced tea chers. A first class Music Depart ment. For further information ap ply to Ksv. W. L. NICHOLSON, Pkin., S ANbbkPrepirafom for As similating feTotfotf Reffula ting the Stauos ttdftweU of PronKstHgwHon.Chrful nes and Rest .Con tains ndthtr Opwm.Morpblne norSnefal. Not Nab c otic. Accrfect Remedy for Cons Hm- tioh, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Wonns,iConvulsions.revensh' ness and Los 3 or SLEEP. TacSiniW Signature of NEW "YORK. tXACT COPT Of WRAPPER, There nre men poor and in want to-da.v because of op pr8aion and in justice and robbery and wrong. Strong institution, which is hut an other term for a combina tion of strong men have set themselves to freeze out or starve out those who are do ing a small but honest busi ness in their line. Ilev. A.B. Melnrum, Presbyterian, St. Paul. T Car Oeaatlaatloa lrr. Take Caaeareta Candr Calhartla 10c or!Se. K C 0. 0. fall to euro, drugvlata refund monoy. Trinity College. -o Btxt Seaslen Open September 8. Three full courses of Study. Large number of electives. Two full chairs in English. Women admitted to all classes. $101,000 added to the endowment during che present year. Only male lit erary college in North Carolina that is located in a city. The best business course offer ed in thv state. Send tor album and catalogue Adddivss JNO.C.KILGO, burham, N. 0. STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRI AL SCHOOL. Gbeensboro, N. C Offers tbe young women of the State thorough professional, lit erary, classical, seient hi - an d industiial education. Annual ex penses 90 to $130. Faculty of 25 members. More Ihnn 400 reg ular studenia, rracticeschool of 126 pupils for teachers. More than '.200 matriculates repre senting every county in 1 he state except three. Correspondence in vited from those desiring compe tent trained teachers, To secure hoard in dormitories all free-tuition must be made before Aug ust let. For catalogue aud in formation, address. Pees. Charles D. McIver. ,-HotUng else like it" The most refreshing and pleasant Soap for the skin It lasts twice at long as others. A trial win cmnriacr you M Hi ft .men, tt ui j w. m.w m Mfr. l FRENCH MILLED TOSLCT SOAP3 and nummacf. Lanca:tef, Peon. ESTAB' 'ini3, !. rW Cutaneous I .Soap. j IkwANmOTic ran tni 0 Imut mocmySBath I Sk d EBlCE.25t o SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE of IS OK THE WRAPPER OF EVERY v BOTIXE OF Outoria !i put ap U ear-tin bottln etly. It li lot mU la balk. Doa't alio aayoat to tall raaytuag alM os tno pm tr proada uat it 'Jait aa rood" aid " will aarwtr mrjyua. poaa." WBcathatyoa jot 0-A-8-T-0-1-I-1. aaytUag tlM oa tht plot tr praau uat it Tkalu. km alrutmi OTtiy ti;pw. rx THE UNIVERSITY. 47 Teachers, 413 Students Summer School 1 56-Total, 549. Hoard $8 a month. Three brief courses. 51 v ull courses, Law and Medic.il Schools and School of Pharmacy.. Graduate courses open to women, r ummer bchool for Teachers, Scholarships and Loans for the fteedy. -Address, President aluerman, Chapel Hill, NrJ. north Carolina College OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS, Will Open September 9th; 1897. Thorough academic. scienti3c and technical couises. Lxpenenc ed specialists in every depart mnt. Expenaea per aaion including Board: For oiinty students $93.00 For all otherstudents 123.00. Appply for catalogue to XI Q. HOLLIDAY, L. I. D. Raleigh, N. C. , , President Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itching andamiirting.inci dent to these diseases, in instantly allayed br applying Chamberlain 'a Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases hare been permanently cured by it. It ia equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronio sore eyes. 25 eta, per box. Dr. CaeYe CoodlUoft Fenders, are just what a horse peed when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a hone in prime condition. Price 29 cents per package. 71 GOOD SADDLEjMj L is the most noticeable and taking' point on a Bicycle. J J Wbeo baying; Insist on setting a BURNS S' SADDLE Take no other. Oct a Burns and GET THE BEST. jsjMj flMMtactarwl by the ' GRAND RAPIDS CTCLB SEAT MPG. CO., Orand Rapids, filch. A Oncta, and Trwte-Marta obuiwd and H Fat rac twDMacoadocira iof MeoiaaTt Fit. ( 0m emu ra tmm u, a. vmnr omet aad w caiKcin faunt m Wat uaawstia laa tuM lui IMacX draw!afr photo, vita Scaalp4 maota Iran Wi ickari. OwleaaotdoalillpaMntiaaKBred. I aMMllf." How la Obtaia Pattata," with iaS WaMM Ik U. S. m4 tt caaMria, W ad riM, M aawniaow ar mm, irea si, aatifaa. Addroa, c.A.cnow&co. 0. PnT Omet, witMrnare. O. C GHST HE WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? A Boston man now in the HVst nnnounces that b will tnke 160,000 stock in the Morganton and Blowing Rock electric railway. It is now stated that the narrow gunge railway to Lenoir will be extended to Blowing Rjck. -Ex. i:o r,;oBE eye-glasses r.llTCHELL'C Eye-Salve A OwUto, Sata, ud Eftotlvt BmMIr tor SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-3ight$dnst, i faifofw . wgtht Sight of tht Old. Cures TiarDron,6ranHtatIon Stye Tenors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lathee, m noBccne erin vaxa kd nxiiinr cret Ato, foiif affifltcloa whtu VMd In othtr MlitdlM, nurh rt I)pra, Ft'rar fere, Tmr, fait KhfLn, Brtt, Pile, or wbarertr lnummilon mlsUi, M trCttm'-VS BA.L.VK IIII'.Jf f t mlvlhNw. Halt t '"" ' V BUILD fhem to YOUR onter SOUDAN, NILE and PYRAMID BKYQ ami TANDEMS They nsn better and last kmgtr and ire venr attractive. Send or ouf ACCURATELY OluitAted Qtalotruc It ahows you afl de tails u to . . i . . STYLE, JUS COLOR B and FINISH. Mason & Mason Company, No. 587 V. Madison St, CUcapvIIL HMMIIMMMMMMMMt Docs This HitYou? The management of the j Equitable Life Assurance J Society m the Department of 9 the Carolinas, wishes to se J f cure a few special Resident J f Agents Those who aW fitted 5 for this work will find this ? A RareOppaitnnity f It is work, however, and those who succeed best in it possess character, mature judgment, act, perseverance, and( the respect of their community. Think this mat - over care fully. There's j unusual opening for somebod) . If it fits you, it will pay you. Fur ther information on request. W. J. Roddey, Manager, Rock Hill, 0 C CURESoooo SUMMER DISEASES The Ideal Remedy for eB diseases of the stomach and bowels, such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Cramps, Loss of Appe tite, etc, is that standard of all medicines. Dr. KINQ'Q TV anrfa af Certinm ataat tfca tart. Mr. L. T. Collier, KoeciuBko, Miss., aaya: "Mybowela weull act from ten to twonty times a day, of a bloody, mncus nature My kidneys vera very badly out of order. I wa treated by tbe best physicians, and vhey suid I could live but a short while. I thru commenced using Royal Germetuer In throe weeks I could eat anything, and do as much work as ever. I con tinued the Germetuer, and can testify that I am entirely curod, and that Oermetaer did the work." . J9K ia as pleasant to take es lemonade, and builds up from the first rfe 3. it cares dis ease by removing tbe cause. oM hy DrmggMm, tnm Dollar. TKE flTUHTA CHEMICAL CO.ffi WrlU far 4Atf Uok, IUaa Iraa. Use GERMETUER MILS and 3.95. VaUefncb;JJ.C.

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