.- ; '; lb VOL. IX. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 16, 1897 NO. 52 TTTTT (Ob 5 . WASHINGTON LETTER. From our EegnUar Correspondent, Democrats and populists are not behind the republi cans in joining in the general sympathy extended to Mr, McKinley because of the great sorrow which hascome upon through he dying ag onies of his mother. Forth time, the strong opposition to the recommendations of his annual message is held in obeynnee. and the criticism to which to which the mes sage is open is unspoken. In the presence of the angel of Death, as it were, nnj dis play of partisanship would be unseeminly. The opening of ihe session of Congre ss whs, owing to the circumstances, quieter than usual, although the crowds wen there as usual. There were numerous empty seats in both House and Sen ate, although theattendance was, on the whole, about up to the average of opening days. Senator Daniel was warm ly congratulated by his col leagues on Hs unanimous re notuination by the democrat ie canons of the Virginia leg ' ialature. Because it fcappens that all of the outspoken opponents of the annexation of Hawaii in the Senate are democrats it has been stated that par ty lines are to be strictly drown in the discussion of the treaty, and that a demo cratic caucus is likely to be held for the purpose ofdeel; r i n g against, annexation. There is no disposition on the part of those democratic Senators who opposing the ratification of the treaty, to make it a party question, al though they will do all they can to defeat the treaty. This ought, to be apparent to all when Senator Morgan, o f Ala., a democrat of the, rock ribbed kind, is one of the fore most advocates of the ratifi cation of the treaty. While the advocates of annexation are just as confident as ever that it will be accomplished, not a few ot them express doubts of the ratification of the treaty, and believe that . it will have to be done by joint action of Congress. .Representative Allen, o f Miss., who enjoj s the reputa tion of being the wittiest man in the House says: "Down in Mississippi, we have not, as yet, been deluged with prosperity. The advance a gent is tarrying along time on 'lis way to our section. Tupelo (Mr. Allen's town) is waiting for him and will give him a brass brand reception. Our people, however, or not suffering for the necessities of life. We live modestly and contentedly, and are long on bog and hominy, however short we may be on 'filthy - lucre. We do not go much on clipping coupons, but as the poet well tfnyti "We are the people." Senator McLanrin, of S.C., ie opposed to the Postal Sav ings Bank scheme, unless ma terial changes are made, be cause he thinks it would im pose hardships on owners of real estate," especially farm lands. He says that the Na tional Banks having nolegal right to make loans on real estate, the private and sav ings banks are the principal source from which such loans are necessarily obtain ed, and that the" operation of the Postal Savinfts Banks would drive all the idle mon ey into the United States Treasury and the National Banks, leaving n o place where land owners could bor row money. If the scheme be amended so that the mon ey deposited in the Postal Savings Bank can be loaned to land owners. Senator Mc Laurin will gladly support It is a real pleasure to tie able to give this administra tion credit for so commend able action a the official ac tion of the Post Office De partment, closing the maih to all newspapeis that print advertisements offeringchan ces in any disguised lottery sheme, such as missing letter word, guessing. etc. These swindles have been shown up almost is often as the green good business; but so long as they could advertise they could always find new vic tims. Although it is perfectly clear, chat, a 'arge majority of the House are just as strongly in tavor of adopt ing the Morgan resolution for the recognition of the belligerency of the Cubans, which was adopted by the Senate at the extra session, as they were at the extra session, it is equally clear that they will not do it. Czar Reed and his lieutenants a grw with. the McKinley pol icy of waiting and will not give the House opportunity to vote upon the Morgan or any other Cuban resolution. Thus, the countrr is shown how mistaken it has been in supposing that, under our government, the majority rules, in either or both bran ches of Congress. The ma jority rules all right, when al lowed to vote, but voting is onlvdone'n the House by Cz ir Reed's permission, and in the Senate voting is only done when the minority con sents. The fight against Mr. Mc Kenna has probablv already caused Mr. McKinley to re gret having promised to nom inatohim to .heUnited States Supreme Court. It's grow mg quite hot, and the end is not yet. Hon. C. li. Watson spent Sun day at his mother's home near Kernersville. He carried with him as he thought, an old coat and vest which h had . promised to "Old Bill Dally," who lives in the neighborhood. "Old Bill" came tor the coat in the afternoon and when he had put it on Mr. Wat. son remarked that it was a bet ter coat than he was wearing himself. When he returned home yesterday morning he had occas ion to don his best suit but when he went to get it great was his dismay to find that he had through mistake carried that identical coat to "Old Bill." He had only recently had it made, too, at quite a cost. Winston Seutinel. Kdnoat Your Howell Willi Otscarrta. Candy f'aiMartie, rur constipation forever. :Oo, itfo. II C C. C. fail, drugx Uu refund money. A letter front Banner Elk. Editor Democrat. In passing a group of little girls the other day , on9 of them told me that her mates told hei there was no Santa Claus, and said: "Please tell me truth. Is there a Santa Cluas? Tell it in the Demo crat, and they will belieye it." B'hy, bless your little uoul; of course there is a Santa Clans. Votir little friends are wrong. They have been af; fected iy the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think nothing can be which is not com prehensible to their little minds. Yes, my Ijttle girl, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly a s love and generosity and de votion exist, and you know that they abound, and give to your life its highest beau ty and joy. Ho drear; would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no little girls. There would be no childlike faith tben, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this exis tence. Not belieye in Santa Clauid You might as well not believe in fairies! No body sees him, but that is no proof there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing o n the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive as im agine all th wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. Santa Claus! Thank God, he lives. You remember what an army-sized flourish ws make by the Republican press last tall over what they were pleas ed tos'all the "death of De mocracy and Br.vanism. Some days ago I clipped a little piece from a Texas pa per which shows up the other side of the picture. It. runs this way: 'When Will Democracy pie." When the lion eats grass like the ox And the flshworm swallows the whale; When the robin? knit woolen socks And the hare is outrun by the snail; When serpents walk upright like man, And doodle bugs travel like frogs; When grasshoppers feed like hens, And feathers are growing on boss, Whem Thomas cats swim in the air, And elephants roost on trees, When insect in summer are rare, And snuff never makes people sneeze, When fish creep over dry land, And mules on bicycles ride. Wheu foxes lay eggs in the sand, And women in dress take no prid?, When Dutchmen no longer drink bcr, And girls get to preaching on time, Whou billy goats butt irom the rear, And treason's no loncrrir a crime, When humming birds bray like . an ass, Andlimberger smells like coloerne When plowshares are made out of glass, and the heart of true Texans a stone, 1 When ideas grow in Populists heals, And wool on the hvdraulic ram, Then the Democratic party will be dead, And the country won't be worth a dn ! Phantom. The Hon. Romalns Z. Linnejr. A figure equally as picturesque on the Republican side of the chamber in that of Romulus Z. Linney, of North Carolina. He is an old time country lawyer, fresh from the mountains, and he car ries the breezes of the mountains with him. ne looks like a Virgin ian of the time of Patrick Henry. With roman features, ruddy face and lone.curling.iron gray locks, he personifies intellectual ability and physical vigor. Aroused in debate he reminds you of Judge Baldwin's delineations of old fash ioned lawyers in the "Fluph Times i n Alabama." Quaint, incisive, discursive, apt, antique, unique, and persistently origi nal, he tears the House up by the rrtots whenever he addressee it. It resembles a circus in a town off the railroad. Warming with his argument, the mountaibeer Congressman is battled i n prespiration. H i shirt collar wilts, and his wrist bands melt. In his gesticulations he swabs his face with his pocket handkerchief, addingeniphasiH to his arrrnment by the very swab bing. His words well to his li,is seemingly unbidden and are ut tered with rapidity an! precis ion. Tlice are thunderstorms and vivid flashes of lightning in his spppfhos, but solt tropical ukies and goldensunsets follow thein. Anon the atmosphere is itidiscent with sarcasm. He throws pictures upon the clouds, pictures that, reonll the pencil ot Hogarth, Finnally, he winds up with a terse and masterly sum luing up, topping it off with a quotation from either Shake speare or the Bible, gathers up his paper, and resumes his gat. Then the spell is broken. Mem bers flo k about him in congrat ulation, and the House regains its composure. Judge Linney (anybody who is not a colonel or a general is a judge in the House) is 5G years old. He was a private in the Confederate army, and was so badly wounded at Chancellors- villo that he was discharged from theservice. His prepartory school for Congress was three terms in the Legislature of North Caroli na. Fortunately, o r unfortu nately, for him he is a member of the committee on elections and of no other important commit tee. All his speeches have been delivered o n election contests. They are in line with his law practice, He analyzes the evi dence and addresses the" House as he would address a North Car olinajury. . In this session, how ever, he may have occassion to display his ability in another field- one in which reverberations from his speeches may be heard throughout the land. Amos J. Cumniings, in Charlotte Observ er. The Republican party rtnnds for governmental u surpation, for the violation of home rule, for a gradual strengthening of the stakes of the federal government. It shows Ps abuses in North Carolina in many places e ven in this city, where for years local self government has been destroyed. The strange thing is the people remain passive under acts that would have precipitat ed war the first quarter of cmt'iry after government was established.-Wilmington Messenger: EtenboOjr Smji So. Cascarcto Candy Calliartlc, the most won derful medicnl dixi-overr of Uie ape, pleas ant and refrtiliini to the taste, art geutly and positively ou kiMieya, liver and tx'-.vcla, cleansing tlie entiro system, disiel colds, core hendnclie, fevrr, tialilttml const (ration ami bl'tousnees. Pim.h buy and trr a box of(!. C. C t.-dnv; in, Xi. .'Ooetits. toltlond ffuaruuteed to euro by all druggists. . VAII'a SHARP StYIXQS. Here are. some of Sam Jones' witty saying, report ed by the Asheville Citizen. He iecturfd there recently: "This is a great old woild, and I'm not going to leaveit oji purpose. Here's one fel low who is not going to kill his fool self. "I've no respect for growl ers, therefore, I don't respect many people. This nation reminds me of a family of spoiled children. "That philosopher has not yet lived who can tell which is the best estate, to be hun gry and having nothing to eat, or to have the colic from eating too much. "I want to give you the worth of your money if you've got any pbice to put it. Some of you dollar fel lows, I expect, paid too much. But if you haven't got room for it you can just sit still and lei it run over. 'There is nothing in this world to which I tip my hat with p'-ofounder respect than a genuine man. The only trouble about it. is. I don't have to tip it often. A man is bigger than a king big ger than a President. If there is a man in politics I don't know it. Take North Caroli na for example. A Boston man once asked me, "Does the negro differ from the white mao in instinct? I told him no, the difference was mostlv the ontstink. ' Some old deacon who swindles jou will say, "I'm obliged to live.' That's a lie he can dieany day he wants to. "Among the girls we need more honey bees and fewer butterflies. I don't object to bangs; 1 think bangs are be coming to women and mules. "When women get to cut ting of the tops of their dress es for the ball room and the bottom of the bikes, I begin to get frightened, "Some say that Sam Jones is vulgar. When they say I'm vulgar, it's like the skunk telling the 'popsum his breath smells bad. "It is a reversal of God's order of things when woman beeomes the leaderiu immod esty." The City Girl In the Country. A girl from to.wn is stay ing w ith country cousins A lio live at a farm. On the night of her arrival she finds, to her mortification, that she i ignorant of all sortsof things connected with farm life which to her countrycou sins are matters o f every day knowledge. She fancies they seem amused at her ig norance. At breakfast the following morning she sees on the ta ble a dish of fine honey, where upon she thinks she has found an opportunity of re trieving her humiliating ex perience of the night before, and of showing her country cousins that she knows some thing of a country life after all. So, looking at the hish of honey, she says, carelessly. "Ah, I see, you keep a bee." Pearson's Weekly. BMnrata Toor Rowels With rusexrets. Cani'.y rntt'iirtlc, cure constipation forever 10c, 85c. If C. 3. C. fall, druggists refund moi;. T Care Coastlpatko Tmnvt. Take Citsvsrets Candr Catbartle. lOe or, If 0 C C fail to curt. drugKirur' fund moner. i'llOFESSJOXAl. W. B. fOUNCILL, Jr. Attorney at Lkt. Boone, N. C W. B. COUNCILL, M. D. Boone, N. C. Resident Physician. Office on King Street north of Post Office. B. F. LOVlLL. J. C. FLETCHER I OViU & FLETCHER A T1 OllNh YS AT LA IF, BOONE, N. C. 80" Special attention aiven iu uw cuumion oiciaims: T. C. Blackburn, M. D., Boone, N. C. Dr. T. J. ProfUt, Tulle Crucl,f. C. Blackburn 8c Profitt AHsociated practicing physi cians. 8Q"Calls prompt! attend ed. 8 5, 97. WILLIAM R. LOVlLL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sutherlands, N. C. Practices in the State and Federal courts. Dr. J, M. HOGSHEAD, Gncer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C. Ao Knite No Burning Oat. Highest reffereuces andendori menrs of prominent persons suc cessfully treated in Va., Tenn. and N. C. Remember that tlier in no time too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination free, letters answered promptly, and satisfaction uaranteoa. JOHN W. JJYElt, BLACKSU1TH and WHEELRIQHT (St. Jude, N. C.) 1 am now well prepared to do your smith and wood work on short notice. I now haye on hand for sale a new two-horse wagon that I wish to sell. Call and exam ine it. Repairing hacks, wag ons, etc. a specialty. Oil. ciowno'vA?-?, .r.v;4Ci.xi.vAi.. 0.'i?PJUCE,3.V(LE3. ,l.7?B(lYS'SCHC5iaC3 ' LADIES "V" W'L'DOUG LAJ OvcrOna iuf?c ecpit wer Ua W.L.lfe-U-s $?&$ Shoes Allcurcho-. . :'.y satisfactory They (five tt-t ;: t ! j.- Vr td- roorr. their equal cufwal mri-.i aoiw. rilsl.- wrs:; i; M'itti tc vr.c-i'fMHi. rii irl-: n mi rm ..HwiptA m m J ri l ' " "! v -it o.'er ovrkts. MADE UPON HONOR, SOLD UPON MERIT. FULL OF BEAUTY, , 'GRACF $ STRENGTH. EVERY TSHESL WARRANTED. Rt poaslbte Daakra tarMatJ to Vv rcipoad with as. MANUFACTURED If '5LLIS CYCLE GOl INDfANAFOUS, INU .J

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