.Democrat. VOL. X. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTYV N. C, THU11SDAY, MARCH, 3, 1898. NO. 10. r WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Carrtipondent. How m:uh longer 0 ingress can stand the strain whhh has been imposed upon u by the action, oi rather non-action of the administration upon the destruction of the battleship Mamaand the kill ing of 250 of itn men, in Ha vana harbor, without an ex plosion, is problematical. Mr. McKinley has, disappointed mmv of his supporters, and nothing but the unwritten law under which C ingress has always supported the President in all questions of policy affecting a foreign na tion has prevented, an' out break before this. Inasmuch as there are probably not 50 men in Congress who do not believe that the Maine was blown up intentionally, it is difficult to understand .why Mr. McKinley and the Secretary of the Navy should so persistently asseit their belief that the awful calamity was the result of an accident on board the Maine. The naval attache of the Spanish lection, has publicly an nourced the same belief, and added that the accident was the result of carelessness and lax discipline. Ye gods! and this meddlesome fool has not been sent after D e Lome. It could have been under stood if Mr. McKinley and his Secretary of the Navy hud Knid that th iv hail no opinion to offer in advance or the finding of the naval court of inquiry, which has been a pin tinted - to investigate the awful affair, but why they should take a position that is a reflection upon Captain Sigsbee and the other brave officers ot the Maine, is only explainable upon the theory that they are afraid of offend ing Spain, and that in the event of the failure to find di rect and conclusive evidence that the Maine was blown up by Spanish treachery, Capt Sigsbee is to bemaden scape goat. It was the genera! opinion in Congress that Mr. McKinley should have order ed the entire United States flee;, now off the coast of Florida, to Havana harbor to remain during the mvesti gntion, but so tar, not even a single warship has been or dered there-Secretary Long sftva that one will be. It is not surprising that the Span lards should think and say that we are afraid to send another warshiprto Havana up to tnis Time, ir. mcjvih ley has only done one thing that has met the unqualified approval of Congress, and the indications point to his haying done that under 20m . pulsion. That was to refuse to grant the request of the Spanish authorities at lla vana, to have a Spanish ver accompany every Ameri can diver who made nn ex animation of the hull of the Maine. Just who is entitled to credit for his having done that has not yet been asier tained, but it is certain thut somebody is, as Secretary Long had stated before the official request reached Wash ingtOn, but after It W a . a. I made, that it would begrant ed. Congress doesn't wish ie Aorld to know that it dif ere with the President; hence h'isso far done nothing nrther than to appropriate 1200,000 to be used in en v- ing as much of theMaineand ir.r equipment as possible, ut the stiuin is terrible. and tisstillon. There is a difference of opin ion as to whether Senator Mason chose just the right time to make that red hot ueech of his. and also to the urood taste of some of his re. arks, which were certainly not such as would be likely to increase our prestige broad.'but tlietruthfullness f the following is fully ap parent: "Why should the dministration now hesitat he President hesitated be- cause of autonomy. Why should he not act when th minister has confessed that : : !... , i II. IB UUl ICIII, UUtaililUUIllltl shnmY Autonomy, by the . . . II confession or the Spanish Minister is a fraud a dlu- sion, and u snare-a common confident game of a common thief, confessed out of his own mouth." No one could mbtthe contempt felt by Mr. Mason for Spanish diplo mats Hnd Spanish diplomacy fterhesaid; "I would not sit down at the same table with a Spaniard unless I had an ironclad wall between his stiletto and my architecture. There is nothing in Snanish Hir.lnmi.ev for n hundred ears which proves them any thing but common scoun drels." Nothing yet seriously pio posed in th line of paternal ism goes futher than a joint resolution offered by Repre sentative Lovering.of Mass., providing for an amendment to the Constitution, author izing Congress to regulate heHoursofhihorin all the states. The House Judiciary Committee has actually been giving hearings on that reso- lltion. A delegation of cot ton mill men from the South nown that It WOUkl be appeared before the Commit- die in the Lord. Yea, sayeth Free silver can take care ot it fn nmw, nint thp the Spirit that they may self. But it it cannot, we just resolution, but they could have saved monev bv stav nae saved money by ing iu uoiuu. wemnjr comi- to-that sort OI thing in time, . m . m . but hot yet. Onlf 12democrats andone populist voted for the Banfc- ruptcy bill which passed the House by a vote of 159 to 124 The bill passed is a sub otitnta fnr th Nelson hill r.HSeri-hvthSennrft at the extra session, and it provides t ' ,O Ul " L"U U" a j voiuniury oanKiupicy. Old uncle Louis Harris, who lived near the Roaring Gap Hotel died lastThursday eve ning about 3 o clock, aged 104 year. i f 1 1 it i i t 1 1 1 1 1. tji iiini . i i. u: ' -. nklfiiir uiu olid mm ciiri able man was an obiect of in- terest to the visitors of the . .. - . Hotel, mid manvhundredsof people called to see the oici man and be with him: all spoke feelingly of the aged Iran's gentle ways. He is at that the Zola-Drejfus Ester rest, and why should nnv hnzv trial in France will not mourn that ne is treed irom the nurdens of this life and .a m cone to his reward. Elkin Times. Tt Cora Constipation forever. 8 U C. C.C.U.llocur,iiru.UrefuuU money. . . . u r.. .i.- i tib. a.mm emorj or ra. uiu nm Matilda Norm wife of Da- vid Norns whose maiden name was Promt, was born in the year 181? being a lit- tie more than 73 yeais old. phe died the 16th inst. 1898. She was converted In early nd joined the Methodist church at Hopewell, ana has lived a consistent christian hfefor perhaps more than 40 years. Although she had been a great sufferer for a number of years, sh seemed to be resigned to the will of the Lord. It has been the i ...... i writers privilege to live a dose neighbor to her for the ,,,8t eight years, and to have visited her often during her hours of suffering, and to have held religious ser vices with her. uiten at Mich times; have I heard hershout the praise cf God. She was always so patK-nt, and in possession oi sucn strong faith in Christ, that it was a i . ... . ... i heneiiiffinn to others tn visit - i 117 I ....II... I ....... i, ,,i,mft tn "I't and most matuie christian in my knowl Nk. I S'.V, ste1, No' ".. A long, steadr progress, m the christian life gave her at ,aHt 11 P(M'f"ct ta th' Per" 't hope and perfect love. Her sunvrmgs at, rue iasr, were intense, and she told her friends that .'"The time of her departure had come," and rhfit nlie whs hnnnv '.w n Sav- iors love. She then gave di rections concerning her bur- irtI "d ut'fit ('ill,",.v an'1 qaietl.V. When her struggle with Death wis ending and her weeping friends were mourning nieir loss 01 a . I ! christian w:te and mother the lines of pain seemed to m m M.itlJ. T t. 1 disappear, and a beautiful is better than any kind of a re smile lit up the dying face, publican and every man's vote 'She passed away as if going into a sweet sleep. ''Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep, rom which none ever wake to WPPi- we tuny oeiieve mar ttt 0 I I II It A "ri ""'"J "rc","K"r c Kit.. Itnn iM.inif f iMiifit f":i nHr departure, tl loss is her gain. "I that then- heard a voice mm neuven saying, Blessed are the dead, which Heaven rest from the r labors an their work8 f()1,ow thtm' ,. ,omintible " ... kinn n iiru iwir rtii lrifinrriiri " '," ., im8 morf a 8 .ia" """"" ' then shall be brought to pass tne 8a.y)n tnac 18 W I l"en swauoweu up n victor." O death, vvbre is th.v sting. 0 grave, where is thy victory." May thelord lit .!iL iL..I 1 ea fcrnuy wuu u euenm ones, arm u ih innm HumifP"u,,iuw,i'bu,,n ",,w sweet, dnv in Heaver,. .. .. . . . Mr. Norris wisher to express his gratitude to all his friends for their kindness and svm- patiiy during his wife's ill iiesn. ' 1 1 1 . ... I n am . . were conducted by the writer on i . . ... , . . i tne loiiowing aay at noun ai Mt. Pleasant church. p. Cole. U is now beyond doubt l.v ek n a -jring out the truth. The crovernment and the court is determined not to let the truth be known. Kdocate Yonr Howeia witn cnaeareta. i i7find rrntnnriie. cure cnnntinaLion Kirn nr. 1 Uc,25o. UCCCfatUdruKRisUrrfundmoaey. voiwary W illiam H. Danner depart ed this life Deo. 8th, ?97, aged 36 years', 11 months and 8 days. The departed professed faith in Christ in earlv life and joined the Baptistchurch He remained faithful and de voted in thin relation until the daj of his death. He was pious, pencaole and industri- ou, and is greatly missed. He leaves a wife.seven chil- dren, mother, brother and sis ters with many other rela tivesnnd friends to mourn their loss. May Hod bless us . with His grace and comfort us with a hype t'lat we shall ,neet hnn again with oil our loved ones. In closinir this short sketch I would express my most pro found sympathy for the sor rowing ones left behind. May the brothers and sisters meet him ngain m the light of a better worl Lonely the house and sad the i iiuuib Sirwmrm,. Ur nno I.OQ n-rmo uim,vuui v.- u.. "iv uii I p.ut ()h a brighter home than ours I heaven w now ins ovn. J. I). Danner. Shulls Mills, 2 18, '08. iThe Only Isa e. There are two or three Demo cratic newspapers in North Caro ina to whom we would tender a few words of advice. It may not be much in the eyes of those for whom it is intended, but still we think it worth the little trouble it takes to givn it. This advice is to pay more attention to State issues and lean to freesilvor. Nev er mind about the mugwumps. If there are any in North Carol! na thev can take care ot themsel ves. Thev mav Drofess whatever ftllththev nlease so that they vtP with us. which thev will sure lydo. Anvkind of a democrat counts. Dion the mugwump business and let up on free silver and pay more attention to ac tual State interests and less to those which are fanciful. Our first and mightiest effort should be to redeem the State. If North Carolina goes Democratic with the State ticket next fall she can surely be counted upon to sustain the presidential ticket in 1900. a , ' ,,p I 's t0 the ld . dm her honor. We must strike the shackles from her"beauteous iimb8 of steel" (and steal), and we .nust drive out the horde ot vampires who are preying upon her lifc bood we must put good men and true men and honorable men and intelligent men and non P8t men on guard, we must get rid of Russell and Butler and jnnn u smitnana rreac ner nauo I L':..K.- Bm fli mil Honnnnb ..u - -" ing to drive her to the devil and who care nothing for the honor and fame and good repute of the old mother so long us they may fatten on her vitnlsi When this ia done, then we may turn our eyes abroad and see how it fares with our brethren elsewhere, but til it is done we muet have no eyes, no ears, no tongue, n o thought, no care, no desire for anj other issue than the thor ough and complete redemption of the old mother State. Wil inington Review. Everybody Baa Go. Casoarata Candr Cathartic, the moat won. AnrtiA mnrilml diai-oi arT of Uifl HUB. lileas ant mid refrpsliint? to llie tasio. an iroDtlv and iiosltivoly on kiiineya. liver and Ixiwcls, eh ansiucr tlie entire aystPin, dispel colds, enrn heartaolie, fei-nr, habitual (Otiitipniior. and bi'ioiines(. Plpasn buy nml try box ot tl C. C. bxlav: 10. W i-enw. bold and Al!i The Hnoua Body. In the human body there are about two hundred and sixty-three bones. The mus cles are about five hundred in number. The length of the alimentary canal is about thirty-two feet. The amount of blood in an adult uverages thirty pounds, or fully one fifth of the entire weight. The heart is six inchts in length and four inches in diameter, and beats seventy times per minute, 4,200 times per hour, 100,800 times per day, 36, 792.000 times per year, and 2,565.440,000 in three score and ten. and at each beat wo and a half ounces of blood are thrown out of it. one hundred and seventy five ounces per minute, sixty mndred and fifty-six pounds er hour, seven and three- vuarter tons per day. All the bbod in the body Hisses through the heart in three minutes. This little or gan, by its ceaseless industry pumps each day what is equal to lifting one hundred and seventy-two tons one bot high, or one ton one hundred and seventy-two ect high. The lungs willcon- tain about one gallon of air at their average degree of in flation. We breathe on an average twelve hundred tim es nn hour, inhale GOO gal ons of air, or 24,000 per day. The aggregate surface of the air cells of. the lungs exceeds iu,wwv Munre iih-iii-'h i . nrt an area nearly equal to the floor of a room twelve feet square. The average weight of the brain of an adult male .a t 1 j i s three o inas a'ia cigni ounces; of a female t w o pounds and four ounces. The nerves are all connected vith it, directly or by the spinal marrow. These neryes, to gether with their branches and minute ramification, pro bably exceed 10.000,000 in at n bt f.-ll1irii1dt f H XT j 1 I r , Mil IllllJK 11 OUU T a j n .. a a - ,s.n..ii ' MitnniYiKinnrr hir F',11 - kuumi uuiuumu. . ...h "j the greatest army ever inar- hhnlled 1 The skin is composed of three layers, and varies Irom .... .... rpi.J fill 1111. If It. Liiiv-ninuwi .v atmospheric pressure being about fourteen pounla to the square inch, a person of medium size is subject to a pressure of 40,000 pounds Each square inch of skin con tains 3,500 sweating tubes, or perspiratory pores, each of which may be likened to a little drain-pipe one-fourth of an inch long, making an aggregate length of the en- tire surface of the body of 201,166 reet, or a tile ditch 1 " toitv miles long. Alan is marvelousiy maue. A whale 65 feet long that will vield 65 barrels of oil. it ia thought, and the CUpilirtU 1UI IllUIIjr .VCUia ill I i r .... , North Carolina waters, was killed by a whaling party near Beaufort harbor on the 14th. It is estimated to be worth $1,800. Dos't Tobaeea Bait and kasoke Toar lift Away. To Quit tobaooo easily and forever, be maf nctle. full of life, norre and vigor, take No-To- Ttfu tha wnw1er.wnrkp. that makp Weak men strong, aii druggist, soo or ii. cure guana- BtarMag Remedy Co., Caicago or New York. nrmHMtuuaag HP 1)M demonitrrttd Un tboniaa ' Umu that It U lmo-l InfalllU FOR WOMAN'! KCUIIAH WCAKNWEt. Irrtcnlaritln and deranrcinenU It baa become tha laading raioad lor tbia elaaa of I ravblaa. It aiarta a wonderfully haalinr. atrangth nliif and oothin Influence upon tha manitrnal or am It coree "whltaa" and fall ng or the womb. It atopa fioodlnf ana ralievea auu pressed and palnfnl menstruation. For Change of Life it ia the best meJicina marie. It U benedcial during pregnancy, and helpa to bring children iiit boinea barrea for years. It iuTlgorttes stimu la es. strengthens tha whole sys tem. This great remedy Is offered to all afflicted women . W hy wi I any woman suffer another tnlnnta with certain relief wi.bin reacbf Wine of Cartful only costs 11.00 per bottle at your drug store Far advice. In eases requiring tptial directions, addrmt. givivn tymjitoma, e " l.aniet' Aiivitory Orpartmtnl," The Chatiannoga Afedtctne Co., C'aat tanooga, Tmn. Rs. I. W SMITH, Csmdsn. S C.. eTt: "My wife uicd Wine ol Cardul st hum tor ulllna Of tha omb and II tntirahj cures nsr. "mm mmmAmmmm PROFESSIONAL. W. B. U0UNC1LL, Jr. Attorney at LaV. Boone, N. C W. B. COUNCILL, M. D. Boone, N. C. Resident Physician. Office Knr Sfrppt. iinrth of Post ; o yfflee. E F. Binirliam, H. D., Amantbt, C. Dr. 0. D. Bingham, Amnntha, N. C Bpham & Bingham. Associated Practicing Physi cians. Calls promptly attended L alj hours. 2-17-98. 1 1 E. F. LOVILL. 3. C. FLETCHER, I.OViLL & FLETCHER . ATWUNhYSATLAW, BOONE, N. C. I taWXBa L T V XX X 1 Pfccff Vnnttn 7 oftonriin n f xra it l aymr kJIUlirM witrHti-vu dirc u 1 - ' . . 0 ,t0 the colletion olciaimsr T. C. Blackburn, M. D., Boone, H. C. Dr. T. J. Proffltt, To lie Crndi, 5. C. BlaCkbUTIl & PrOfitt Associated practicing phvBi- nQno jQ-(.'alls promptlv attend ed. o-r,7. WILLIAM B. LOVILL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sutherlands, N. C. Practices in the State and Federal courts. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C. Knfe. No Bnlning 0uU Highest reffereuces andendore- ments of prominent persons suc- cessiuiiy treated in va., leim. and IN. U. Keinember that there iunn timp Tnn nnnv tn orot. rirl ni a cancerous irrowth no matter how small. Examination fre. ZSSrSTT' n- JOHN IT. DYLIU BLACKSMITH aad WEEE1RIGHT (St. Jude, N. C.) I make a specialty of repairing wagonB, hacks, bugiges, etc. Wagons made to order on short notice: Nothing but the best material used and satiK'ac- Ujon guaranteed. A trial it) fdl ask. 0 . it ...k...t.- :

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