Watauga Democrat Thursday, Mar. 8, 1898. Mutters at Havana, Cuba, seem to be' much the same since the battleship Main was blown up. The court o investigation now going on does hot allow any state ments to be published until the investigation is through. But the atest news we huve is to the4 effect that the Navy Department has abandoned all efforts to raise the ship Maint? but will leave it in the water. This declaration would indicate that the court of enquiry has found beyond doubt that the Maine was blown up by the treacherous Spaniards and that Spain will be required to pay the loss of the ship and its crew. The activity going on in our Navy would cause any one to believe that the United States means business andnodoubt our Navy mil assemble in front of Ouba or somewhere and demand fiom Spain res titution for the loss of the Maine and crew, and if the demand is not complied with the Dogs of War will be turn ed loose. There are exciting minors in the air. Wo hope to get further information before we go to preKS. It is probable that Hnvana haa been abandoned hyonr Navy by this time and that our squadron will make an im mediate tidvance. Ourcoast defenses are being strength ened at all points and every thing is being done to meet any immergeacy that may come. The White Man and the White Metal is the shibboleth of the North Carolina demo cracy in the coming cam paign. There will be no de parture frcm this. Fair warning is given that the people will have it that way. No triggering will be nllow ed bat a straight fight will be made. He that be against the "white man and the white metal" though he be a gold bug, populist or republican will be crushed to rise no more. The Republican party cannot meet this issue A par ty composed of 120.000 ne groes and only 30,000 white nr en lannot control long at a time 180,000 white voters. These fellows like Senator Pritchard who pose as a sil ver advocate and votes with Mark Hanna will be retired. The Populist party, or so many of them as voted for Pritchard, will align themsel ves with the Republicans, but most all the true advocates of silver and better govern ment of the State will quit the sinking concern and unite with the friends of good gov ernment and tho white metal. Th9 old State in now suffer ing and will continue to suf fer so long as the present in competent crowd continues in office. We sincerely trust that the people of North Car olina will rise up and hurl irom power this ridiculous set. If Spain should fight us she will probably send her fleet against Galveston, New Orleans, Mobile, Charleston, Wilmington or Norfolk. Re cently these cities have been fortified. Heavy guns have been placed at these exposed points and the Spaniards will receive a warm welcome. . Hood's Pills are the only pills to take wun tiooa m Bareapa rilla. Cure all liver ills. We have no additional news from Havana as we go to press The Naval court of enquiry has hot made jts report, but outside reports are to the efftct that the Maine was blown up by a torpedo. No doubt this will be the decission of the fourt when the report is made. Spain will have to answer for this inurderJU8 act, either by paying an indemnity to the United States or having their fleets blown out of the sens and the capture of the Island of Cuba by o:ir navy. The President and Congress are going slow in the matter as everything will be done to prevent war as long as t h e honor of the United States can be maintained. Dut all that can be said by us now in regard to the result is pure ly speculative, as no one Knows what the result will be. The Maine has been abandon ed and no further attempt will be made to raise the vessel. Our latest information is that the .Maine was blown up by outside agencies and not by the ship's own magazine. If this news is correct our readers will readily under stand the feeling among the American people. Revenge will be the outcry. Already there are thousands of volun teers offering to enlist. The fighting strength of America is put down at 10 millions. War is terrible we know from sad experience, but we feel the old war spirit circulating in our bones right now, but we will not be in the way of the young men who are anx ioUH, we judge, to go forward in defense of our country. Will Spain agree to pay five or six millions of dollars for the ship Maine and crew ruth er than to be blown "from Kingdom come" is the ques tion now. Governor Russell and Bob Hancock arenot harmonious like they "used to was." Rus sell deposed Bob. as Presi dent o f the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad f jr immoral conduct. Then Bob writes an open letter like De Lome and I. Wiley Shook and tells things on Daniel In his letter he charges Dan iel with trving to get him (Bob) to assault Josephus Daniels of the 'News and Ob server , and unless ne aid a a make an aesault heconld not hold the presidency of said road. In answer to this Daniel says Bob is a liar. Now there is a talk that Dan should be impeached as Gov ei nor; only a talk. Just as Good as dcotrs and we sen mucn cheaper." is a statement sometimes nude by the druggist when dcotrs Emulsion Is called tor. This shows that the druggist themselves regard OcoWg Emulcion of Cod-Lhrer Oil with Hypophos- phites of lime and Soda as the standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the "standard" because be knows it has been oi untold benefit, should not for one instant think of taklne the risk o! using some untried prepa ration. The substitution of something: said to be "Just as good" for a stand ard preparation twenty- tire years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. Ba aura you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Sea tut Um mail and flu ara on to wrapper pa and fc-oo, all drojjIiU. SCOTT A BOWXf , Coeai, Kaw York. - The murder of the negro J postmaster at Lake Citr. S. C, a short time ago Ik a monr brutal affair, to say t h kast; The nvgro, BMker.was appointed postmaster by 'President Mi-Kinley against the protest of the white "peo ple of all parties Notwith standing the act of white men coolly shooting down the helpless negro, because he was postmaster is shock ing to think of. At thesnme time injuring two of his chil dren and killing his baby. It is hoped that this outrage ous murder will beinventignt ed and. the guilty parties brought to justice. The an thoiities have not yet found out who committed the hell ish deed. The railroads are ready to transport troops t o Key West t:nd stragetic pointson the const of Florida or Mobile at a few hours notice. If Spain wants war she will be accommodated to -her full satisfaction. It is very prob able that the President has sent Spain an ultimatum in regard to the war in tuba, o either declare the Cubans ree or sell them the Island or 1100,000,000. If Spain will do eitl er there need not eany war. Evidently the sland is already lost t o Spain. Rev. Dr. Weston has recent y discovered fnrtherevidenc- at , ,t a a t V esoi r. iNey lining aiarsnai Ney whose hiwtory he has re cently written. In the li- rary oi Davidson College, N. ft, Marshnl NVy's picture nis recently been discovered n a book which was read by i S. Ney in 1841 a few months before he died. Dr. Wenton thinks this picture establishes the fact that r. S. Ney, the old school teach- er, is no otner tnan isapo- eaa's great Marshal. If President Cleveland had recognized Cuba there would not have been any trouble. President McKinley U being censured severely for his tardiness and hesitaner in this matter. Now t h worst has come and it must be faced by our government. It is now most certain that Cuba will get her independ- auce. Ia Xemoriam. John O. South was born Dec. 14th, 1865, and died of typhoid fever Dec. 20th. 1897, after an illness of only about two weeks. He was a consistent member of the M E. Church a t Sutherland Chapel, N. C, and a man pos sessed of noble traits of char acter, and who stood high in nia neignoornooo. lie was loved and honored by all who knew him, and had, by his constant efforts, worked him self up to a point in this lite where he had begun to ac cumulate some means as trader, but alas I the sum mens came, and he had to answer the ' roll eill," the fi nal end of all men. May the good Lord keep a watch over the bereuved widow and two little boys, David and Orover that they may grow np in the fear and admonition our Heavenly Father. A Friend. The big Monitor Terror left the Navy yards at Norfolk on the 24th and steamed to Old Point aud is waiting or ders. This ship has 1 1) name Terror. . Kdsrmta Tonr Howala Milk lunrtU, Canily CittliHrtl)-, cum eonMlpaiion foraver 10u,26c. Ir C O. C. (ail, drucKiswxrf und mo DC. It there is a war North Car olinrt can furnish 245.000. men and it can h abundant-1 ly prove., that there is light In thetnr-lieela.""',' . -rrr . It certainly look like it, but there is really no trick about it. An r body cmi try it who Iihh lame buck and w-nk kidney, miliaria or nervous troubles. We mean lie can cure liimsell rijrht a uv by taking Electric Hitters. Tlii medicine tones up the whole fty-sh in, acts as a stimulant to tie liver and kidneys, is it blood purihVr'nnd nerve tonic. It cures const ipal ion, heailache, fainting spells. sleetilessueKS and mclan- cli'tly It is pnrelv vegetable, a mild' laxative, and restores the frvsteni to its mi turn I vigor. Try tflectrio Hitters and lie convinced tbnt thev are a intrude worker. Kvery bottle sr.MrantVd. Only 50c. a bott e at M :H. HTckburn. Assistant ant District At torney. ('ovinutou, we judge, believes in civil sei vie as he is still holding do.vn hi j l against Hbtr'kbu-rn. i7NI SALE. North Carolina, tVatnngaooun fry. Under and by virtue of a power of Nile contained in a cer tain mortgage executed to me by Oo. W. lOgjreis and wife, A. C. Eggers, rn the "7th day of Nov. 1897 to secure the payment of tho sum ol one hundred and twenty dolhrs (f 120 00 hand default having lieen mude in the payment of suid sum (there be uuryet due and unpaid the sum of fllty two dollars and seventy cents ($52.70) and interest on said amount). I will offer for sale for cash at the court house door in B"one, Wataugacounty, ix. i .. on roe 4tn uay oi April, 808 (the same being th first Monday in said month) letween he hours of 10 o dock a. m.and 4 o'clock p. ni. the following de scried real property to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land ly- ng and being on the waters of Renverdam i mk.. this count v. adjoining the lands of B. c. Phil ins and others and bounded as follows, viz: lieginninc: on chestnut, H. c. Phillips' corner runs about x. 6r w. with h. c. Phillips' line 46 poles to a chest nut, thence N. 21 E. 3 poles to a maple, thence s. 85 w.20 poles to a dogwood thence s. 18" E 15 poles to a stake near top of the rnlge, thence s. Oiiv w. 18 poles to a stake. Henson's cor ner, thence s. a stake near 31 E. 35 poles to the biwch, Hen thence 8. 18 w sou s corner, t poles 1o a stake near the branch in aenson a line, theace 8. 7b G pols to a stake 2 poles north of Johnson's line, thence N. 12 poles to a stake, thence N. 79 E. 30 poles to the betrin mng, and containing 1U acres more or less. Keference w hereby made to Book "T" page 566 etc. where same is recorded, ban; Sand will lie sold to satisfy said debt. A lee simple deei will be made to purchaser. This March 1st 1898. Kanhom Eggeiis, Mortgagee GOOD GOODS. LOW PRICES. o o This is no unwarranted asser tion, nor a piece of bosh Ik era ture circulated to draw trade to our store, but it i? a plain straight cruth we tell when v e say that our prices on Ui nera Merchandise cannot beduplii o ted in 1be county, the quality of goods consider d, then why is it not to your interest togive US Your Patronage?' HEADY MADE CLOTHING? Vhav6a ver handsome line, and they are going a Rook Bottom Prices. DRY GOODS? . A very nice line on hand o beautiful weaves from cali coes to costly dress goods at catchy prices. ilATS? We nave a full stock, and can suit you in styles am prices. CANNED GOODS? Decidedly the largest 1 o and best variety ever offer ed to the people of Watan ca. . A very large lot of choice tobaccos sunns, etc, always on hand. Notions in end less variety. Underwent for both ladies and gents. We want your tkade. . J. B. Phillips & . Son. ISuaar Grove. 247-98. THE VIRGINIA FIRE MID -OflG.lAfZiJO;..;. Pahl irt hwnes in last ten yeiH'8,over............2J)U0.()0000; Paid in losses last yi'ar (iver...........................$250IU00,(KL ; Rates on unexposed frame farm houses, 'with shingle r.)of. 2ents ier day, or 7oentn per month, or $9,00 per ' t n vm ! :. i a .. ii a. . . year,-H)r ?i,uww inisuiuinv pu.vdOie jn easy insniiimenis. -The names of a few ol otir most prominent Wataugal. County K)licy holders: . Dr. L c Reevs, juo f Hardin, n p vannoy. J c Horton, win mlsi law, roffey bioh, j n Jnhusoii, j v couiu ill, . f oaiKi, n f naim. sNninghain wncouncill, lw Farthing, capt e f loviII LEE F MILLEH, Agt. Eliza iietiiton, Tenx OH ! LADIES ! 1 Make your brealh Sweet by KEY & GO'S- SCOTCH ASK YOUR DEALER - NOTICE. I nm now located in the o 1 d D. B. Doucherty nost offii-e buil ding in !5oone, prepared to re pair wntcr.e8, ckX'kH, etc. 1 make a him cinlty of repairingnll inaken oi Hewing innenini b, ieT. Tne ne- lect be what it may, and guuran- tee the work for live yeniH. I have had nianr rears experience and deliver nil my work under ti guarantee. Retm." .James Newman. NOTK E. All personH indebled to Jesse .1. Day. late .f Watnuga county, N.C. will please come forvrard and make immediate settlement, and all persons hnvinjr elnims nsjoinst the etitate of said deceas ed will prenent. thsameto me within twelve months from the date of this notice or it will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Feb. 4h, 1898. Thos L. Critcher, Ad in. OH, KOI ne do not itronose to move the township line nor shake tne dust irom t he feet of the Chinese, hut we in tend toofferyou bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries. Notions, Clothing, Hardware, and anything else contain ed in' a general line of iner chandise. mp wu. Vr.o-wi IV AT T. T1T7PA TtTlilWMTSt WILL SUIT YOU. We have in stork a fail line ofNailH, Trnce chains. Qaeensware. GlasHware. etc. DONT STOP until you huve reached our tore if you want bargains. We a re at our old stand always ready to serve yon. Good produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market pri'.-es. flKeep an eye onthisspnee from week to week."& Truly Yours, W.F. SHERWOOD & CO. Amantba. N.C. 2 17 OH. o riARS XPIRIENOK. THAOB MARKS DIKGRS, . OOPVRIOHTM An. Anton Mndln nkeleh mil dMcrlntkm but teklj iMntaln, fra whsthCT an Inrrauon ) probnbljr MtwiUMa. rommnnlmttom ttrlotly JonSteotlL OUlam tnocj fnraoartn(pMiit tot.A.'",.rttw,J,T WMblngton office Patanto Uka tbroaxa Miioa Co. Naaira 8CIEHTIFIQ AMERICAN, WJ0 MX month. ttpetiiMa eooi ui ILkMO Book cm l'iium Mot tnAMnm : MUNN A CO., Ml BNMifrar, Haw Twk. M 9 1 lr MARINE MANGE CO. B Jconivill. jr, ,. ' Mrs l cotim ill . conncill, Taylor roA) w p Norris, ;- O- j c KbuIU. and i a Edmisten. " J F.HARDIN. Local Agt Poone, N. C. v 02 SNUFF. FOR IT. PLEA MB READ -o- iudPy a Snnill Ontby I'trksn Suva a Hone, The Farmers' Mutual Fire As sqviation. W atauga ad . Mitchell Vra lieh. , A company of the peopW, for the (teople and by t hH jieople: Jin 8afe hk the nnfewt ind chMi)er than the henp- Ht. J niraiid honorable nil iusfment without lanits. W. H. t 'a la way, Prenideni.'' VV. j. T.rviui 'rrunkiiwn1 Supervisors: A. J. (Jritehrr, Jerremiah Harrison, O W. f. L. Hulcher, X.L.Mast, H. H. Farthing, J.M. Shall. L. D.Lowe, A. J. Moretz, H.A.Davis W. N. Thomas, and J. R. Hodges. For a policy apply to the Local Agent, J B. M i 1 1 er, nrnokside. N. t.. or to the .President, Treanurfr or a onf ol the Supervisors J.F. HOSK1NS, Gen. Man. Don't Forget That MORETZ & FARTHING A HE STILL IN THE LEAD - '-IN- Q LOW PRICES. Ai d are making glad the ma ny pHtror8 Hho daj, rrowd ' . , ..i.T..u.mve never iuKe,i me opportunity to exaudne our goods a fi d prices, please do so, and yon will be convinced that your neighbor has not been jest ing when he said we give the most gootisfor theleustmon py. Our stock of General Merchandise Is increasing daily. New By gains every week. Come often and get your ehare as they Ko. Very Tru'r, Moret:& Partbiag, idanU Boof. Keeping. Easiness, FOR A Situation. PHDMOGRAPMY, Tme-Wriia ele&npbj WILBUR R. SMITH, . LEXINGTON. KY., Far etrenlw of hit Iuhu tmi Mpoulbb C0MUERC1AL COLLEGE OF KY. UHIYERSITr AwawM MettaJ at WavkP liulUn. WTiiallta. lalarnow. OrtdaainiaMMfal. WILBUR R.SMITH.LCXINQTON.fcY. 1 1 loif.w