Watauga" Demo-rat. 'A Democratic family newsmipei davot! to the iuteresl U Coun ty State ana Nation. Published every Thursday at Hoone, Wa tauga County." N . C. An Editor's Prayer. Almighty and kind hither who from the throne lookest down on the government of men and delinquent auhscri beis, most humb'y do we be aeech thee to draw near unto them and whisper n few things into their ears that the statutes forbid lis to pub Jish. Thou knowest (tin- ma ny wants, but the subscrib ers knoweth them not a n A Keldom step in to enquire. Let it be known to them that there are large patrhes on the homestead of our pants, and there is an aching void in the front of our backs and that we hunger and thirst and he nsketh us not to sup with him. Thou knoweat, Lord, that our print, pnper and ink cost money, but the subscriber knoweth it not, and cnreth n darned sight loss. Thou knoweth that we are cold and that the subscri her bringeth not tlie wood he promised, and we areshiv ering and shaking while he ronsteth his shins before the ted hot sfove of his mother in law. Tell him all these thine-fl, I,ordj and if he then bringeth fW succor banish him to the lower regions to dwell among the calamity howlers and thine shall be the prtdse through our news paper career. Amen. Ex. It is statea that there are not less than 1400 islands in the Philippine group. With proper management each one of these little islands could be made the domain of a gov eminent bureau officer, to be charged with the duty of looking after the physicul and moral welfare of the na tives. The Dutch in Suma tra nnd in other East Indian colonies have had much suc cess in dealing with the abo rigines; but it reed hardly be suggested that the late Freed men's Bureau would afford a basis of operations in t h e Philippines upon which there could belittle improvement. News and Observer: The Democrats of the Ninth dis trict have acted wisely in nominating Hon. William Tecumsch Crawford for Con gress in the Ninth district. He has served two terms in Congress with conspicuous ability. He is an able cam paigner; has the confidence of every man, woman and child in the district; is a man of clean and upright life; and is in every respect a fit man to lead the Democratic forces to victory. Keep your eyes o n Mr. Crawford 1 Can we eyer be too thank ful to G rover Cleveland nnd John G. Carlisle for filling up the Federal Treasury before they quitted office? Dingley nns ianea us. Mis revenue measure does not bring in ad ditional cash. The war expen ditures is cutting down the available cash on hand There is only about one hun tired millons of the Cleveland surplus left. Meantime the Senate debates and dowdies and dobitate whilst the wai goes on tfnd the bills payable accumulate.Philadelphia Hec To Car Constipation Forever. I Tke Oiscaret Candy Culbartie. 10c or 250. II G- C fall to cure, druiucifrta refund nione. The unanimous- renomina rion o f Hon. (ieorg 11. , Bi own as jndre of t he First , . .. ' (llstlM't IS a prop'-l tllblltetO one. of the ablest judges in' the State. Hr has been on j t fie bench niiice lfrWJ, a per iod of nearly tf n years, and has held court in every coun ty in the State. Wherever he has gone, he has by his ability and fairness shown his fitness for the high posi tion. His distiicf and State honor themselves in honor ing .ludge Blown. Newsund Observer. fl Horace (J reel r, thirty yenrs ago had published hi one issue o his paper half tin '-scare heads" nud alleged facts concerning the Maine explosion (piippnsinr it to haveoccurred then) that the 'ye low journals' are daily publishl iag now, the whole?ountry would have been aroused to anas, and tl.e war with Spain would not on ly have bten inevitable, but a ne c'sfity, to "preserve the peace." To the credit of the American eop1e, Ihj it said, they knew a truth telling press then and" fol lowed it, as they know a lying press now and francisco Star. ignoie it. San The problem which Sampson and Schley have been trying to solve is how to catch a swiftlv moving fleet with slower moving' hVets. The problem is compliant e 1 on the one side by the new s sity ot maintaining the Cuban blockade, and on the other by the necessity of getting coal to keep the projieHers of the Span ish cruisers moving. Probubh in the long run the question of cohl supply will Se the determin ing factor. When the Spaniards can no longer run away they must tight or surrender. Grander Age: The people will not know what real freedom isun til they elect every officer by a di rect vote, nn'il bv ballot they uc cent or reject the laws offered them to live under, until by im perative mandate they can dis charge any uusutifactory official. ,U the present day the United States has no such thing as "a government of, lor and by the people." A party that is not un- mistukablv in lavor of the initia tive, referendum and imperative mandate is a party not worth voting for. The graphic story of Admiral Pewev's defiance of a menace of force from the German Consul at Manila, as narrated in recent ca blegrams, furnishes a key to the character of the man. Hluif, whether personal or internation al, could have no effect whatever upon the commanderoftheAmer ican squadron at Manila. Not all the war ships of the Gentian navy could have convoyed a merchant vessel through Dewey's blockading fleet without first sinking everv cralt under his command. The Winston correspondent of the Chariot,' e Observer says: Con sul Kobert Jenkins, of Pa t r a s, Greece, writes to bis parents in Salem that many of the Greeks in his consular district want to come to America as volunteers Consul Jenkins says: "These stol wart, sun burnt fellows from the mountains, dressed in their'na tive picturesque costumes, come to my office frequently and want to be sent across at once, C. O D." Richmond, Va., May 241 Spec ials to the Dispatch from South Boston, Danville, Va., Reidsville and Greensboro, N. C, avd other points on the Southern railway tell the story of a a oyation to General Lee on his journey to Tampa. Crowds thronged the depots flags and flowers were greatly in evidence and the great est enthusiasm was manifested OASTOXIXA. Beintb yflln Kind Yoii Haw Alwajfj fifaiich in Little isssiwiaiiy true ot Hood's rm,ior num.,. cine evt r contained bo great curative powor I so small spuce. They are a whole medicln. food's cbost, nlways ready, ul- n-tv a ways efficient always sat- Lf B I I j Isfactnry; prevent n told If 1 I S or fever, mire all llvi-r 'lis, lick iefiilnelic. Jaundice. cntlatlon, etc. SM. Tlicou , I', lis to !;;ko Willi llniHl'.i S.irs: parilla. Inti ior: Immediately after the Manila it was reported that th pMiie was prostrated by the war. and that he had wished that ho had died before the tiagedy came to his knowledge. Yet he h a d kept his health for three years while the Cubans were suffering the ugonies of starvation, expos ure and cruelty. We may be par doned for wondering whether the old gentleman has less reverence for Saint Peter than for salt kj ter. Cuee Tried, Always Us d. If we sell one bottle of Chamberlain's cough remedy we seldom failtosell thesain person more, when itisngain needed Jndeed.it has become the family medicine of tins town, for coughs and colds, and we recommend it because of its established merits Jos. E. Hakned, Prop. Oakland Pharmacy, Oakland, Md. SoldV M. B. Blackburn. Now tl.a William Jennings Bry an is to organize a Nebraska reg irnent and lead it to battle as its Colonel, the gold-bug organs are wishing him unbounded success, expecting probably that, tearless lender as he is. he stands a good show of uettinff killed. Anvthing to beat free silver, you know. Morganton Herald. A llaleigh (N.C) special (May 22) sas: t'ol.Benehan Cameron, . of Raleigh, who presented ' General Fitz Le with the magnificent stallion Choctaw, today icceived a telegram from General Lee asking him to ship the horse tolampn tomorrow. Choc taw is a chestnut, the finest in North Carolina, is 9 year old and gentle. Interior: We are not engaged in a war of conquest. We do not care to keep the Philippines, ex- cept as a, guarantee of Cuban in lep( tulence. As a book publish er might say, Admiral Dewey sim ply rushed out an advance edi tionofCuba Libre" in Manila covers, the bindiri" is only tempo rary. Itncklen's Anuta Sa've. I he best salve in the word for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chap tei Hands, chilblains, corns niu all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required.lt is guaranteed to give perleet sat istaction or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by Hols :iaw and ity in ickuurn. Yesterday wasQueen Victoria's birtlrJay. The event Was celebra ted from end to end of the earth but no single notice ot the an hi versa ry occasion win ue more widely herulded as a "ign of theJ times" than the prayer made tor Her Majesty by the chaplain at the opening of t he session of the United states Senate. Lx. O Dewey was the morning Upon the first ol May: And Dewey was the Admiral Donn in Manila bay. And Dewey were the tt 'gent'se yes TI.a, .1.. .. I) it i x inj-TC ui Ufi Ul ivuyui uiue. And Dewey feel discouraged? I Dew not think he Dew. Ironquill, in Topka Capital lhe people of the U. S in u s i conieiiT, inemseives while the President diploma ically deals with the Cuban question. In the mean time the Cuban patriots, whose only crime is love of liberty win continue to starve to death. Silver Knight Watch man. Doa't TuWco Spit ud Kmult Your Lire Inn. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlo. lull of life, nenre and vhjor, tulie No-To Bac, the wondor worltor, that niake? weak mca trong. All druggists, soo or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. AdUrem Storting Ueniedy Ca, Chicago or New York. Mill iim.H.i.iiln. i .... ii .l.i li Ml rrra MeCetablc Preparation for As similating tteToodandRegula ting theStDmachs andDoweb of PromotesT)iestion,Checrful nessandRestContains neither S)ium.Morphine norttineral. OT NARCOTIC. flmpimSmJ' AU.Smnm AimSud HbmSud- Attcrfeet Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stonttch.Diarrhoca, Worms ,Convulsions,revensn nessandLossOF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER? CO I (late City Journal: While a great many people will stand. up and assert that the news tapers are made up of lies, yet these very fellows are as nnxiou- to borrow a paper and read it as the dahchick is tf) catch a minnow. The truth is, there isnoniorepovv erful or popular influence on earth to day than the press; no moie over-worked or un derpaid class than the news paper people, and none who seek more diligently nnd ex- pensiyely to get the truth. During the summer of '91, Mr. Chns. 1 Johnson, n whII known attorney of Louisville Ky., Inid a very severe at tack of summer complaint, Quite n mi in ol different remedies wt re tried, but hill ed to afford iinv relief. A friend who knew what wns needed procured him bottle of Chanibei Iain's colic, chol era and (lmnliofn remetiy, which fpiickly cured hi:n and lie thii.lvs, saved his life. He says that there litis not. been a day since that time that he has not had this remedy in his household, lie speaks of it in the highest praise a n d takes much pleasure in rec ommending it whenever an opportunity is offered. For sale by M. 15. Ulabkburn. Chattanooga. Times: Scnor Moret, excitedly, in a speech to the corte, on Monday, ask ed: ''Where is our navy?" Ad miral Sampson would like to know, senor. He has been looking for your navy, aim it appears to, so lar, have Miocessfully eluded him. He can't see it w i th the most powerful glass. Perhaps Se nor Moretand Admiral Samp son should hire a detective to find where Valamel's fleet is 'at' since they both are in terested in having it "locat ed." Chamberlain's Pain Ualm has no equal as a household liniment. It is the best rem pdy known for rheumatism, lame back, neuralgia; while tor sprains, cuts, bruises burns, scalds and sore thron it is invaluable. Wertz & Pike, merchants, Fernandina Fla., write: "Everyone who buys u bottle of Chamber lain's remedies, come bnck nnd ways it is the best medi cine he has ever used." 25 and 50 cents per bottle at M. H. Dlackburn s store. No-To-Hae for f ifty Cento. Guaranteed tobacco takUt cure, muk-es weak mea auoug, blood pure. 60c, 1. All urugyibta For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. P b AST THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW VOK CITV. to Nature, Tim experiments of modern phy flicinns und scientists have estab lished the luct that many ot the gerins'iiisense enter the' body by the inhalation ot tiir laden with b n ct er i i or rn i c r o bes . These fjer 1 1 1 s are very small, Lut tluir work is deadly. Still many ot these are comparatively harmless to pers ons in health, but as soon as an organ is diseased it is attacked. The experiments of Koch ind oth ers have shed much light on this iniporunnt subject. Hiitup to the pi (sent time, the culture of bacte ra nppetirsU)havetnet with much greater success than their dest ruction. As ve can do so little to destroy these minute enemies, is not the most sensible course to strengthen ami revitalize the sys ten. so th.1t it may repel and re sist. their destructive influences, and does it not seem very fitting that the revitalizing e ! e in e n t should enter the body through inhalation of oxygen which is at once a revitalizer and germicide. The experience of years nnd the testimony o f thousands show ('oinposnd Oxygen to be the a gent needed. Home Treatment is sent ouTty by express, to b" used at home. Office treatment is administer ed here. Consultation free. Drs. Mey & Palen, 1529 Arcli St. Philadelphia, I'a. Please men I ion this paper. Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat ent business conducted tor MODEHATC FCC3. Our Orriec isOprostTC (I. S. Patent Orrier and we can secure patent in .est time than tkunc remote uom tTasninriuo. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-i iion, no uTi3c, u imicniauia or not, iree 01 barge. Our ice not due till patent i secured. , a p.mbui rr " How to Obtain Patents." with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&C04 Qpp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. VVVVVVVWVVVWVrVVVVVVVVVV P Ve BUILD them to YOUR order SOUDAN, NILE and BICYCLES - and PYRAMID TANDEMS They run better and last longer , and are very attractive. Send for our ACCURATELY Illustrated ri Catalogue. It ihowi you all it- ttO talto a to . style; COLOR 3 and FINISH. Mason & Mason Company, No. 5S7W. Madison St, Chicago, EL At X ti.lf AvAir I w w m$FJ 1898, 1898, ' 18981 Is A Campaign Ytar, and Wp are anxious, if possible, to add " . ONE THOUSAND NEW SUB SCH1BEUS To our list, and to this end we hove decided to give THE 61 LVEll KN1G HT-WATCH- MAN - AND ' Watfivga Democrat One Year for Only f 1.40c. This offer is made inly to new subscribers, but where old ones pay up and oneyeai in advance they will beeHtitled tothe above rates. ' Th Silver Knight-Watch-man is jjiven up to be the " leading bimetallic paper in the United states, and should be in every family. -o f SILVER THE ISSUE IN 1900. 1 1 Money the Pricing Instrument. ! t Civilization and Progress Have Kept Step Willi Money Supplj In All Ages. The Money Question discussed in the 0 light of experience and history. , The Leading Bimetallic Paper of America. U. S. Senator W. M. STEWART, Editor. A correct account of the doings of Congress given each week. A family paper for the home and fire side. All the important happenings of the week, condensed, in news columns. A large circulation in every State and Territory. Subscription Price, 91 Per Tear. Sendforsample; agents wanted. ' Published weekly by the Stiver Knight Publishing Co., 0 wAsmvi(jn, u. w. The DEMOCRAT Is your home pa perj'nives .you all the local happen iiitf of the county ns i'ar as possible, and besideH this, its politics are pure ly Democatic, and it has the boldness to proclaim it on any and all occa sions. Send in your sub wriptions ut once. Sample papers sent for the asking. Don't fail to avail yourself of this oppoitunity, if you wish to keep yourself posted on the affairs of County, State and Nation. Address TIJE DEMOCRAT, Boone, N. C. "Mking else like it:,'l The most refreshing and pleasant Soap for the skin. TM-vAiinunic rod m Toilet Nukserybath It lasts twice as loncj as others. : A trial will convince you of Irs great iincm. tvui pic xne most lasudious. CHARLES F. MILLER. Mir. ot FRENCH MILLKIJ TOILET SO.PS AND PERFUMERY, Lancaster. Peon. ESTALJT 'wHKD, 1849. Ghtakeoijs pi OAP. ffl 111 O v5 0 WJ

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