.Democrat VOL. X. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THUBSDAY, AUGUST, 4. 1898. NO. 33. o A feuiple of R6aablicaa Bait. Charlotte Obsef ver. With surpassing impudence the Republican State conven O tion arregattd t- Republi-caniem-and Republicanism leavened with fermenting rot tenness of Populism at that -the exclusive ability to gov ern North Carolina decently. In view of this statement, it ' may not be amiss to cast an 0 eye upon one-just one-phase of Republican rule in North Carolina, thcimmaculatepen itentiury management. To . mentidn it calls up visions of guards asleep at the posts of duty, of convicts' escapes be ing openly winked at, of John R. Smith's convict strawber- ?ry festivals, of the horrible scandals that penitentiary physicians have become in volved in and all that dark history which we would like so much to forget. But this is not all. The financial management of the peniten tiary is being kept secret. I. Republicanism is the only means of governing North Carolina decently, why sup press the report of the peni tentiary management? There appears to be "something rotten in the State of Den- q mark" here. The News and Observer publishes a little in cident of a meeting of the Denitentiary board that is interesting. It says: I "Sometime after that date when the Inw requires the rendering of the annual re import from the penitentiary authorities, Mr. Claudius Dockery, chairman o f the Denitentiary board, wrote feomethii.-g and presented it to the board as the report. After he had read it, there Was a profound silence. No body seemed to know any thing ubout it. Some mem ber of the board asked, "What shall rve do with it?" Another member remarked, I am not going to do any thing with it. I don't under stand it and I am not goinir to do anything with a report $f I do not understand." Thereupon another mem berof the board moved to recommit i t t o Dockery, which was done, and the so- called leport has never been seen since. It i s rumored that Dockoiy said ho gave it to Smith, and it is likewise rumored that Smith 'said at one time that he carried it to Goldsboro, and at another time that he left it in thoi Treasurer's office. The question is, in the lan g u a g e of Tom Watson, v "Where is it at?" The Greensboro Telegram, com tnenting on this disgrace ful state of affairs, takes the most charitable view possi ble. It says: The last report made by the State prison authorities was the one made in Decem ber, 1896,byHon.A.Leazar, who was RUDerintendent of that institution. That re port showed the penitentiary as not only self-sustaining, but with a neat balance in the treasury. This was ac complished under the-Demo craticrule. The superintend en t was not ashamed t make this report. Now, un dtr Rep.-Pop. rule, how is it? The Governor his swapped off John R. Smith and allow ed him to go without making a report, when the law plain- ly requires a yearly report to oe maae ano sworn to oy sue superintendent. Well, it makes little differ-L ence. or the time being the fenough t0 seal the doom of necouia not anoni io con law requiring a report to be tnat pnrt in North CaroH. nect himself with the Repub uiaaesnouia Derepeaieu. u would be a pity to require John R. to perjure himself, wnicn, in an piooaoiiuy, oe would have to do in order to make a report nt lor decent and respectable people t o reau. we nearenouga scan- dais and disgraces about the grotesque than the declara present administration with- tion of Temporary Chaii man out requiring the officers to Blackburn that it had been make the in out and swear. to tnem. Amici us noi wun a a t. a m . . I sworn report from the peni- tentiaryl Well, there is something in the idea. A published report would doubtless be such a disgrace, that it would be a lot upon the fair name of the State, wuch is already blotted enongh. GEN. SHATTER'S ARM. Washington, July 25.-Ru mors of various kinds have been in circulation as to dis position of Gen. Shafter's ar mv. but the Wai Department - t I iouasyetinthematter.Asuf uas uui cuuirj u diiv ujuuiub hcient force is to be kept at Santiago to maintain the po sition the United Slates has taken and to preserve order, While there is yellow fever in fectionin the army no at tempt will be maoe to onng .... i the troops to the United Sta- . s. tes. The War uepartmen it may be stated, is now i i- .a i. uenumg every euornuwa-ure for General Shatter s army an amnle sunnlv of nntri- tious food and also will see , , T fhaf tha snMiaPu hnvo i rpst, and careful attention SO thev may cet in the very best con- ThmH na ennia a now maklnfr a careful exam- inntionof the armv with a view of advising the Depart- Richmond Pearson, theCon ment as to the best methods greBsraan from the ninth dis- of restoring thesick to health and preventing any further inmuH .F rl iuanoo It. ia nrtt holipved nt the Denartment that anv Iarce number of troops will bo necessary at Knntiflim niter the Snanish nriannra hnvft hepn denort- r- " - - -1 ed. Raleigh Post: Commission er John R. Smith and chair man of the executive commit - gnum - inienl. tee Julius t'aesur L yiitiu.. . iu okuvu, - tursi Jj ineui, K'v" -pmnary poer.u e.umujr as many ferti izer inspectors UB lljr UialiCCUilicvwnn.jr at $75 per month each "and expenses," is a glorious thing for the boys. Rally round the flag, and hasten to the headquarters, all ye who hungered for pie and mourn ed because ye have found it not. The millennium dawns at last. All whom Collector Duncan and Marshal Dock ervond tho Governor have not as yet provided lor.iet v i.i them come forward, uaii on or write at oncetoCol. Julius Caesar-fce is the "Big lugin" oi the pie-distributing pair. O o B-uitW iam., i Tin Kiad Yn Hm Alwan Boarht THE REPUBLICAN HI ATE COXYM- Charlotte Observer A statement or the person net and a rcnort of the nro ceedin?8 of tne Republican state convention, held Wed LmHm if ranH hv vrv vot jn lne State, ought to be na he convention was P ' nftHP(i a,nnRt Mf.l,,sivelv 0fnfiirroe8 ano whit office- t,,,.,, umi ua onh nf it orator8 aU( the effrontery of its nintform were sufficient to Lurn uny ordinary stomach. Tbere could be nothing more 8QOWn that Reoublicans a , lone are com Detent, to trovern orth Carolina, rnless it be the absurd declaration of Permanent Chairman Lin- ney whose weakness is hy perbole that President lie Kinley is the equal of Wash ingtan, Jefferson and Mon roe. The train of scandal, incompetency and extra va gance which began at the be ginning of the present admin iBtration and Las followed it down to this day, is the an ewer to Blackburn, ard the fact that tne convention en- J I I L ! .-..Sri, 4-1-1 A I iiuiDcu ib viiuviiw w v perfect hopelessness of tM nepuoncan party oi worm Carolina. It is bad enough to have made such a record as it has since Russell took I . . . - .1 office; it is infamous to boast om, oucu a ooast is prooi oi a moral perversion ior i r 11 1 r . "4! n wmcn mere is no cure. resolutions: we nereu.y I im tnnnrl fho orlminiut rf inn w.u..rc. ..v.. oi uih oiateuecauae, uiuj, the finances have been wisely, , ... . . . economically a n a nonesuy administered: second, the laws have been amy, miriy I. m ! t and impartially administer- I - rut J l f i ... .... ea.' 1 Dis wnsreao o '.ore the convention, and was pre sumably, written by Mr. trict-a man well born, well reareu, wen euuraw. """ W UBB UP OUl.im.IUUB ll a i c been good. If he could bring himself to father such n sen tence as that, it is hardly to be wondered at that he got endorsement for it from the gang 01 sieepy neKroe8 . i . , .uj wnue omce-uo.ueia ueiu.e 4-n mi. .1 i. ..i .J i. mm. limit ue tuuiu uhhk himBelf to it shows what Re- Pub,?An,8m w,,l;i?forT 0 .whdm Btf?8th,n 18 h , j hfce ecle(Ji We endorse the Dingley tariff billf8aysthis platform fn made necessary by . OTnpniitrPH incident to the war -when all the world know6 that the Dingley tariff bill wa& framed and enacted into law neiore there was any war or any prospect o f war. Nothing could be more uncandid than this, nor anything more un worthy than a phrasefollow m-in ti'h irh ia Bnncrht'. tft ...,.... ,. - - ;" . in vp ii ta miiiiiiiiihi in I lull mill ' Huul,lBU ija,KJ " " c elory tor the euccess of the war thus far. But, as men do not gather grapes of thorns, nor figs' of thistles, neither do thej get candor and strnight-for- ward dealing, any more than good government from South ern Republicanism. Away with itl A man might believe in every tenet of the Republican party, and yet if he were well regulated an1 meant well by his people lKUU lmi iy Qaon account of the con- Menceless association into wuiuu u wuum uu..B mm. Batter Not CommualcaUTe. News and Observer. Senator Butler came u p from his home at Elliott yes terday afternoon and began operations very shortly af ter his arrival. The amiable and pions Mr. Stowd waiting for the train to take him out and when the Senator laid the Congressman by the arm for a minute's conversation there was one of those sharp contrasts l n which recent North Carolina politics has so abounded. The Congress man is as soon and guileless as any little lamb; the Sena tor is not as open and guile less as any little lamb. The Senator repaired to the office of his newspaper and turned in a batch of warm stuff for that lamp to fh f t nnf1 hpn wptir tn make rt tour 0f the Capitol in tow of Dr. Thomson, and incidentally to advise as to the lay of the land. Mr. Butler was seen later . j . hotel The pointbiank txiA t ft.' U KIVI T w w nnpHn wnR nnt to him. ii , n0 vou favor fusion with I V the Republican party in this - , . . , , . I .. .. ... . enouirh. but the Senator is not good at answering qnes tions He replied: "1 prefer not to answer that now; have virtually answered it in an editorial in the Caucasian which appears tomorrow." The Senator also preferred not to giye the nature of his answer in the Caucasian. He could not undertake to say either whether there would be L ion between P opulistsand Republicans in the counties and Congressional districts crenerallv. How should he know? He really could not tell whnt "the people" would do. They managed t h e i own affairs. In some places he Baidj Democrats and Pop u" .. t . t . A I " " to the Judges to be elected this fall Mr. Butler wasequa ly in the dark. He Iv fiay that gene, could on Bay that generally , the Populists favored a nonpar tisan Judiciary. He decla ed that thev were willing to vote for fearless, able and impartial men like Judge Hoke regardless of party As to the recent talk of the Wegtern Union Telegraph and Pullman Car Companies in denying the jurisdiction o the railroad commission the Senator paused in his wal up and down the room long enough to utter the one word "rot," whiqh he du with em ipnasis I and evident satisfac tion. Then he hurried away to keep an urgent appoint raent. ,b.o: i Tha Kind Ym Haw AN OABTOXIXA. BMitf A Tin Kind Yw Hm Alwjs Bought A Protest and Suggestion. Do wecorreetly understand he Washington Post to pro pose that the name of the Maria Teresa, if she can be rerover-ed and rebuilt, shall be the Maine! The Post says : "All see a certain poetlclus tice in the fact that the Viz- caya and the Oquendo, the two Spanish ships whirl) lay in Havana harbor gloating over the wreck of the Maine, have been utterly destroyed. But the Spanish flagship is lmost certain to be saved, and it is the universal senti ment that she should replace the lost Maine in the United States navy. Although de nominated as a cruiser, the nfanta Marin Terejo. is prac ically a battleship of the sec ond-class." IVe beg to enter a modest protest. The Maria Teresa was a Spanish ship, of for eign make, sent to our shores to make trouble for us. We can properly take her into the navy, but she should be given a name that will forev er mark h?r as, in a way, not of our inner circle, while at theenme tune recalling the victory in which she was won. The name Santiago will do. As for the battleship or cruiser thaj receives the name Maine let her be American rom keel to the top of h r military mast s built o f American stock. Asheville itizen. Threatening: to Take Molt Down. 11 ncUUiO 1.11(1 U U 11 J CD and hot stun still jrrow out of the Republican con ven tion here, when Linney's ap pointee's to office nominated him. We get it reliably that chairman Holton, of the Rep. Ex. Com., said iust after the State convention that Marsh Mott didn t draw in his horns, make sufficient np pologies to Linney and "the powers that be," and give Linney his heartiest support his (Mot t's) name would be taken down and some other name put in its place. Holton says the Linney officeholders held a proper convention and the kickers amount to noth me, und that the state con vention put Linney in a s chairman a s endorsemen of his nomination and the methods used to secure it and also for the purpose humiliating Mott. tie says they are going to teach these obstreperous fellows that they must bow to "the powers that be." 'Holton says they've got Mott in a hole and he'll have to do their bidding or stay in the hole. We shall see what we sha see. Chronicle. A subscriber at Henrietta N. C, writes us a lengthy le ter. closinir with th? follow ing: Me and my wife raised ten children and all is alive and all is married and about 80 grandchildren and I thin that you could afford to give an oia man your pur - fe Right aeain soon and 1 will answer it. I havt something to tell .vou next rime.saysan eiclninge. News and Observer: The political skies brieh ten daily. fhe Republican Stateconvett Ion helping along. Its tna nipulation by office-holders, its applause of White's vic ious speech, and its endorse ment of all the villainies Un der Repiblban rule gave cause for pause to white men of all parties. The truth about the mismanagement of county affairs, the eleva- ion ot the negro over the white man, the growing as surance and impudence of he gro officials are turning the stomachs o f honest white men. One speaker i n the meeting of the Wake county Democratic executive com mittee said he knew Ave white lepubllcans in one township who would vote for white su premacy this year. i Ji.'ui.ui.Mn-m MONTHLY SUFFERINQ. JVmm-U of woman ajta troablad at monthly inter vali with paint in the bead, back, breasts, ehoulaer.,tidet hipi and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dacfferous derangements thst can do corrected. The men atraal function should operate painlessly. mm makea menstruation painless, and regular. It pats the deli cate menstrual organs in condU tion to do their Work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman surfer month after month when Wine of CardnlwlU relieve her. M Costs $1.00 at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle tor advice, io cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Ten a. Mm anm lewis. 4 rOMtHis. Tnas. sets I "lass trssblsS st mtirtMi Insnrslt lit hot btsa Mtttslr Kk to IMs sslnt In ! S. wise t Csiaa.." PROFESSIONAL. W. B. COUNCILL, Jr. Attornfa at LAV. Boone, N. C.V W. B. COUNCILL, M. D. Boone, N. C. Resident Physician Office on King Street north of Post Office. E. F. LOVILIi. J. C FLETCHER. I.OViLL & FLETCHER ATlOUNhYS AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Special attention stivett to the collet ion of claims." WILLIAM It. LOVILL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sutherlands, N. C. Practices in the State and Federal courts. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C. No Knife; No Burning Out. Highest reffereuces audendors ments of prominent persons suc f.. II .. ..-.in .,! it Va Tu.m - la - d N. c. Remember that there is no time too boos to get rid ol a cancerous jrrowth no matter how small. 1-xamination free, letters e.iisweml promptly, aai ititilaetion uarauteea.

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