Watauga Democrat. Thursday, Oct. 13 1898. Democratic Nominees. TOR JUDGES OF SCPERIOE COURT. First DistrictGeorge H. Rrown- Jr, of Beaufort. 4 Second DistricJt-IIenry, R. Bryan, of Craven..- - Fifth District Thomas J. JShaw, of Guilford. Sixth District-Oliver H.AI Jen, of Lenoir. Seventh District Thomas A. McNeill, of Kobeson. v Eleventh District - W. A. Hoke, of Lincoln. For Solicitor, 10th Diet, J. F. Spainhour, of Burke. For Congress. 8th Dist., Ed ward F.TovilI. LEGISLATIVE 7ICKE1. For Senate, 30th District, William C. Fields. For House William B.Coun rill. Jr. WATAUGA COUNTY TICKET, ' For Sheriff, J. 13. Clarke, For C. S. 0. John Bingham. For Trens. D. F. Baird. For Register of Deeds, J. M. Moretz. For Coroner, W. D. Cook. For Surveyor, J. C. Greer. I1 '-'For County Commissioners W. CUoffey, W.C. L. tluleh er and John Green. f TOWNSHIP TICKET. For Magistrates in Boone Township, J. W. Holsclaw, A.. W. Beach and J. S. Wink ler. For Const. Jas. Hodges. -"After Th OwuGallBi Fellow." "People have, been calling -the Popnlistsanarct.ists, and v.- ,. j?ay ing that al) we . aro after jJs the fellow yith money. ft$ov$ jhat'd not true, a'jpd the this weelc 1s ,a!proof jpf Jt.: We've been after the one alTu3 fellow, the fellow with a'steer or a few acres of land, ' ior more tax. and we've cot fit.; We. gpt.betwesrii pne and f two million dollars". .' And to . . . - . . r r Kt he valuation of Ins properly p00o,00,ceitwhie fia no case baa thSelkivv wtfb v . ' - doesn't look like we ate an archists, does it? Auditor Ayer in 1897." " The above is a declaration of Auditor Ayer after the tax assessment had been sent him Iron? the different coun ties. A Board of Equaliza tion was appointed and this Board raised the assessment as it suited them. In Wat auga county ?attle was rais ed 25 per cent; horses and mules 20 per cent; sheep 25 per cent, and hogs 15 per cent. Yes, we "one gallus fel lows" had to pay this addb tional tax over what w e swoiv was a fair price for our stock. This Board of Eoual- t ization says by their acts that we, Watauga people, swore falsely in giving in our tt:xes. Ttie railroads a li d bonds of the rich only paid 10 cents extra. They come nearer swearing true as to the value than we. The ex travagance of this Radical legislature exceeded the old regular tax of the Democrats so. much that they raised over a million dollars more to meet the demands as a basis of taxation. These fel lows were great refornrers end ask the sroOd nennlewhn have been outraged to vote again for them that they ma v rofnim enmo morn Thai ifAVR flrft nnmhPrpfi! the rwn. pie will turn them our of of- lira tn mmuln nnf hiiv onrl y " - ; - r - fnppvpr nmrfi. Republican Argument in this Cam pnl&n. "Don't vote the Democrat ic ticket, you poor men, for these Democrats will disfran chise you and the "nigger." Don't vote for the Demo crats for they will repeal our glorious election law that the Pops "and Reps established where all can vote and have his vote Counted. : 7 ' "That' the ; hue nnd cry about negroes holding office in the eastern counties are a 1 1 democratic lies. That the Democrats are the negro party. and not the Republi can. That the negroes vote the Democratic ticket and not the Republican ticket;. "That Auditor Ayer had to have the tuxes of the several counties raised so as to meet the expenses of the State government. That the two last legislatures were reform ones and it took more taxes to run them owing to the in creased number of office hold ers and The incrense of salar i"8 in order that the needed reforms and retrenchments should be carried out. 'That we thought it the right thing to tax the "one gallus fellows" on their bulls and cows higher in propor tion than the bond holders and rich fellows for these "one gallus fellows" make the most complaint. We did this to show that we were not partial also." We ,m a y haye forgotten seme of the prominent teat nres of the Republican argu ment to convince the people that they are the right sort of stuff to vote for. H e have not intentionally left out anything, but if we have we will produce it hereafter. Bull calves and mica in the west , are , the most catchy things. . They are .not saying a word about i cent cotton nor 60 cent wheat. We bear that Linney and Pritcbard will come around and we will then kuow more about mat ters' An Enterprising: Druggist. There ore lew men more wide awake and enterprising than M li. Blackburn who spares no pains to secure the best of everything iu hia line fur bis many custom ers, lio now hna the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Dis covery lor conBumptiou, coughs, and colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing Buch a ruror all over the conntrv by its many startling cures. It abwo- lutely cures asthma, bronchitis, lioarsenesH and all affections of the thront, chest and lungs, Call at above store nnd get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and 81.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. The Indian outbreak i n Minessota is-causing active duty of the United States sol diers, and severe fights have sistent Ccmdis A cough which seems to fun : on in spite of all the rimci'itt whicl you have applied certainly nef? energetic &nd sensible treatmen For twenty-five years that stasc' ard preparation of cod-Uver oil, SOOTT'S EMULSION has proved its effectiveness in cur ing the trying; affections of th throat and lungs, and this is Un reason whyt the cod-iiver oil, par tally digested, strengthens an;: vitalizes the whole sys tem the hypophosphitc act as a tonic to tb mind and nerves, and thr plycerire soothes anr heals the irritation. Car you think of Any combi nation sq effective as this? Witt Voo ff SCOTTS BmuWoiv Sw DM tht Joe nj i.oo, lf dnifght ' SCOTT BOWSE, Ownitu. MfW York. Pat occurred with the Pillager In dians Several white men have been killed by the In dians ana 30 of the Indians have been slain by the troops. The trouble is still going on a rid reinforcements are being sent to.belp put down the. up rising of the Indians. Of course.it will be a shot .time before the " ludians are oyer powered but ieports say that they are well armed and fight like demons. Newspaper reports on Sen ator PritchardV canvass in the eastern part of the State say that bull calves and mica in the .western part of the State are making the people rich. So our eastern broth ers are informed about our great prosperity here in the mountains under the McKin ley wave of prosperity. We admit that our condition is better than theirs in the east whero there are negro officeholders and 4 cent cot ton 25 corn and GO cent w heat. We do not have any mica to specula to upon lift just think o f our lousey calves that Gudger described which were worth only two dollars under Cleveland rd!e but now are worth $15 to $20 apiece. Don't thismake your heads swim, yon eastern men, with 4 centcotton and niggers" too numerous to count? Quit vour cotton nd "nigger." Come up west and raise bull calves and mica. 3et rich at once. The Mark Hannn crowd have become greatly alarm ed over the Congrensional election in many or t h e States. Hanna says it will require f 2,000,000 to elect a majority in Congress on the 8th of November, and he has made ah argent call on his henchmen to plank up t he boodle. The 8th and 9lh dists., in North Carolina is in peril. Linney and Pear son will be beaten if money is not put up at once. They have sent money to the 9th to nid Pearson; It will come to this Dist., .if the Insurg ents hold out. . The Radicals are macb alarmed in North Carolina. Our sister State Georgia has hd its October election for Governor and State officers. The Popu lists and Repulicans fuaed against the Democrats and the fight was hot hut the Democrats were victorious electing the Governor and State officers with a major ity of about 70,000. All the. Southern States will go back to the Democratic column, by largd majorities. Hence the alarm of "maikies." New York will go Democrat ic by n huge majority. Pen nsylvania is in the balance and will no doubt elect an anti-Quay ticket. ' How it Hurts ! Rheumatism, with its sharp twinges, achea and pains. Do you know the caune? Acid in the blood has accumulated iu your joints. The cur is found in Hood's Snrsapaiilla which neu tralizes tins acid. Thousands write that they have been com- K'etely cured of rheumatism by ood's Sarsaparilla. flood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache, bilioueneaa, indiges tion, rnce 25 cents. The news from Gov. Tay lor, of Tenn., is more hope ful. He was thought to be better a few days ago. Hope he may recover from his ex treme illness. , : Lite insurance is a good thing but health insurance, ty( keeping tne biooa pure witn Hood s Sar tjoparilla, le etill better. ASHE IN I.MB. I A .) I'f l n sp'-iif' of the 0th. ti? thp News ana Observ er, ny: ' The Democrats were nnter rified here. .veKtrdny, when, notwithstanding a downpour1 of i nin, the court house ' was pnrKen zo us rumour-.- i iih countv convention met and h e tirket nominated i s strong throughout? Speech es were mnde by Capt. J. VV. Todd and George P. Pell, Iq. and enthiiHiasm ran high. The convention wns called to order by Dr. B. E. Reeves, and George P. Pell was chos en permanent chairman. The ti-ket was nominated as fol lows: For the House, Dr. B. E Reeves; Hheriff, P. Cr. Mc Neill; clerk, Sidney Eller; treasurer, Millard Kirby; cor oner, J. II. Gentry; surveyor, W. (J. Jones; county com- nmmnneiK; W, A. M'ller, M, M. Blevins, und Elihu Gray- bwil. Anhehas been Republican of late years but her best pi 1- iticians think the-Democrats will win !iis year. Fields will carry the county for the State Senate beyond all doubt, and Reeves for the House and McNeill for sheriff will be almost certaiu to win. You never saw Democrats as unterritied in all your life. The campaign in Pennsyl vania is waxing hot. The is sue in that old State is Quay ism. The democrats have nominated Mr. Jenks as their candidate for Governor. Dem ocrats and Republicans with John Wonanfaker in the lead are making things hot f o r Quay and his met hods. Quay has a republican majority of about 200,000 and it will take rt :big change to over cbme ir" . l- .V" CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Han Atop Brcght Bears the Signature of FOR SAU-The Lin villa Im provement Co. hasafine22-horse power boiler engine naw nail, m first cluss order for sale cheap.. for further -information parties can apply to me. Thomas F. Pakkeh, LinvilleN.C DENTISTRY. Iam now located at Banner Elk tor the pract ice of Dentistry. and will appreciute the patron age of the people. I will go to any point in the county vhere the amount of work will justify me. RD. JENNINGS. NOTICE. Letters Teatamentarv in the estate of Charles Carter. M. 0,. formerly of Blowing Rock, Wat auga county, Worth Carolina, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all perbons in dented to said estate are. requea ted to make payment, and those having claims to present s a m e without delay to wakken Car TEitand Mary Carter, Execu tors. 4023, Ogdon St., Thilade! hia. lVnn., or to their nttornev. Johki'h Kenworthy, 920, Wal nut r., i'hiladelplna, Penn. Notlte of Seizure. Notice is hereby given that ou the 20th day of Sept.. 1898 near Sweetwater, N. c. the following personal property was seized for violation of internal Revemw Laws of the united states, to wit: One buggy and harness and about 10 gallons ot corn and rye whiskey in kegs and about four bushels of meal. Any iterson clai ming said property h hereby no- cined tojBpp'ar beiore the under signed at his office in Abbeville, n c, or j. l. Hayes, d. c, Boone, n c, within 30 days from date here of aud mnke claim and cive boud in manner and form prescribed in section 5400, Revised utatutes, otherwise the said pronertv will be declared forfeited to the united states. This Sept. 22, 1898. . HrB.-HABKlNH.' lrx T ' " ' JvvCol.JInt.Kev. S Dist. per J, L. Hayes, U. C. FUBUG SPEAKiNG and TAX-GATHERfKg. I will attend at the following times and places for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the year 1898. to wit: -SlmwneehrtW, at Rainier Elk, Oct. 17, 1898. HeM li Mountain, Trivett's stoie Laurel l.'ret k, voting iilnce,.... Heaver Dam. Itethel ( Inirch,.. (Tove Creek,' Month of North ForK North Fork. ThomaH' School House,;..........." Meat Camp, Elk Knob Academy,...;..............4' Bald Mountain, Elk X Honda Stony Fork,' Stonv Point,..'.........: 27, Elk, Hamby's Store,.....: " 28, Blue Bidge, Ilarston's store " 29, Blowing Ilock, BiowinK Rock, ..........Nov. 3, IVatana, Shull's Mills, Boone, Court House, W1LV.1AM II. CALAWAY. Sheriff Watauga Co. 8N. B. The candidates will be on hand. Everybody come out. R, K. HARRIS & SON, ' MarbloSeaks NOTHING BUT THE AND SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Before buving; anything in terest nnd give ns a call. Estimates furnished on applica tion for any work desired. Call or write. 4-28. Soa't forget That MORETZ & FARTniNG Are-still in business at. the OLD ST A N D, Alio ureyei uoih iu sui irir their many customers at how low p;oods can be solo. We have increased our stock in ALL DEPARTMENTS, Atd can accommodate you better than ever before Don't be satisfied until you have examined our goodii and prices. Wo will savs you money every time. : - - . . t : It is easy for our competi tors to say they "won't be Undersold; will sell as cheap" etc. That Spells Nothing. Too many customers have been deceived by puch gossip. .' Conie to men who don't know high'priees and never did, would not Bell high if we cojld. v , Yours truly, Hor$t2& Farthing Sale, Sale Sale , NOT AT AUCTION, BUT AT AUCTION PRICES. For instance, listen at some of my prices: Good leather horse collars at 50 rts., three packages roll ed cots 25 ctd. Three one pint tin caps for oc Two gallon bucket 15c. Three gallon bucket 20 cts. etc., etc. Here is a red l ot lot. See it: One quire good note pa per, 25 envelopes, lend pencil with rubber, pen stock nnd 2 points , all for 10 cents. - We carry a general line of standaid patent medicines. Our line of general merch andise is full and complete, and we are anxinun for your trade. Your attention is call ed to the fact that we carry a full and complete line of READY MADE CLOTHING, No, we can not sell you any goods on time, but will buy all your good produce, uLrt save you money on what you buy from ns. ,8ST Wheat; rye, corn, bees wax, wool, feathers, chickens, eggs, etc., wanted. Give us your trade. , Veky truly, ;. .r; . ... J. B. PUILUfS & .SOX . 18, 19, 20, s 21 22, 25, 26, it i . 4, " 5, (HICKORY, N.C ) BEST MATERIAL USED, our line consult your own in Totter, Salt-Hhoum and Eczema. . The intense itching nnd smarting, inci dent to these diseases, isinatantly allayed by apDlying Chamberlain 'i Eye '-and . Skin Ointment. Many very bod cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles And a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic soro eyes. 25 eta. per box. Dr. Cndy'3 Condition Towders, are just Yrhnt a horsa needs when in bad -condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vevtuifngo. They aro not food but medicine and the best in use tP put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 Cento per package. Type-WiiiinR Teiograuii 7dZ,wTLBUR R. SMITH, LEXINGTON, KY., For circnlsr of his tamoas snd naponalbl COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY. UNIVERSITY Awar4e4-XMlil at World's KxpoalUaa. Bfn to thonnndi of trdulet In pptitlo.' CM T Pall Btulaas CearM. iDCludiu Tl lion, Booki and Board la fmlly, aboal IM. i 8bwttTypWri,indTelgTphy,8j)ftcialtii. "tJTha KontnrVir Unlremlty Diploma, nndr Ml, rdod (railimtw. Liltrary Course free. If dmirxi. No ffimtlM. Kntamow. ermdakteaaocoowfal. . I onler to hart vour IrtUn wet ut, tuldrtu only, W1LBUB R.SMITH.UXINGTON.IIV. '5 I am still at the old stand ready to serve vouto some unusual good bargains in' DRY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Etc. I will sell you standard Do mestic by the bolt at 5 cts. per yard; goodjeansnt 15 cts. and up to 50, and other goods at correspond ingly low prices. Ill PDnorniro iii unuucnico l have a full and complete line, and my prfces on cof fees are hard to duplicate. Hardware. In this department I am full up. on both shelf and hea vy goods. Nails, scythes and snaths, etc., etc. at low prices. I also carry a full line of glasa ware, tin ware, etc. Come to me and I will do you right, ffi Wanted. chickens, eggs beeswax, feathers, corn rye, etc.. Very truly, W. F. SHERWOOD.. July 28, 1898. !'iar4.. BO YEAS Experience. fcic.iV TAOB MARKS, Anyone fenrtln tkeb-b and dcacrlrtlon mar qu lolf wertain, tnu, .hrtber an luVantlon Is onuuotitlil. Oltl'MtamncrforMcurtiiciMtvntM "b.Iv Wk bar Warbliwlon offlna. WSJStSZ Munn A Co. . 8CIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, BOO OK I'ATBXTl ttttorW-Mi . MUNN A CO., SSI Bmdwnv, Kn, Yi.