V The Watauga Democrat. Entered nt the Postofflceat Boone, N. C, as second-class nail matter. Aiciiiuiiiuci , riido, v u a. r ' the registration books will be closed at noon on next Saturday and unless, y our name is recorded therein you will be deprived of your vote p in the November election. We have an article for pub ! -t! t-.. 117 I Tl iieauuu iroin v . ,. UHrmari, one of our leading Populists, endorsing the Mr. John Bing ham for Clerk. It will ap pear next week, with some other matters thatarecrowd j& ed out of this issue. Johnson and Profltt, o f Shull's Mills, have a new ad. in this issue, and your atten tion is called to it. They are Iivp u'iHp.mvnkp iriprvhunf-M B . J m m ' m v mm mm m mm m J m nudaro offering you some rare bargains. Give them a 0 cull. A strong republican told us last week that if he knew that the Fusion Legislature had turned over some of the largest cities and towns of the State, to thegovernment of negroes he never would vote for the party again. The speech delivered a t Meat Camp on Tuesday by Hon. W. H. Bower was strong and convincing, and will have its effect in the com . . . ing election, it was to ine point and was much enjoyed p by the large crowd present. The case of Simon Gragg, ofCald well, who is charged with the murder of young Vy Moore and Bowman, has been moved to Boone for trial. He was convicted at Lenoir, but took an appeal n to the Supreme Court, and A new trial was granted, ' Some articles of interest came in for publication and they either had to be left out or tne paper issued without local matter, and for the mm lime Hiut'u ius paper urns 1jeen in existence, it goes out minus any local work. Ex cuse us, this time, and we will try to give you a full share next week.- The Democrat has treated the Republican county candi dates kindlv and reservedlv MUM HUB UWl BillU Hll Ull&IUU . i u ... ..:.i "word against them. We hold them all as personal 1 II Am niencs, Dut nevertneiesstney are doing all in their power to throw odium upon the own papers say of Democrats and then shut up. Untempered language and too much "hot stuff"' should not be used, among our selves. Think of the white people in the eastern coun ties, whut they have to bear ves think of the women and children down there when G this race war gets up. If Mr. Spencer Blackburn would pjst have some consideration he would not make light of tne negro question. The report has been set afloat, through error, that Sheriff Calaway has been V arpersed by Judge Coble to the amount of $300.00. We - knc.w the charges t o b e wholely false, and are glad to make this statement. The sheriff has a clip from the Charlotte Observer, wherein the statement is made, but . . .. J UH IIIIWI III Ut VUt , iliv ua n ta i it fr t n ltd that tho a sheriff referred to lives in an UUJWIUIUH UUUlll V. mm. . 1 m na mrm. ATmm 4V The best wa to avoid sickness is to keep yourself healthy by ' takintr Hood's Sarsaparilla. the .. great blood purifier. A Word to the Populists of Watauga! Editor Democrat'. I want to sav a word in be half of our worthy friend, Hon. E. F. Lovill, who has so honestly and faithfully represented the people in this county incur State Legishf ture. He is a man of ability and of a high moral charac ter. He needs no words praise at my hands. His faithful service in the interest of his constituents speaks louder and stronger than I could in his behalf. I take the liberty to say to my Populist friends that every true Populist in this Congressional District ought to do everything in his power to help elect Mr. Lovill to our United States Congress. We need jnst such men. We must elect him to Congress by a large majority to show that we appreciate his earnest effort a? the ser vant of the people. There is no truer or more honest man in North Carolina than Mr. Lovill. H e has certainly won the esteem, confidence and respect of every one by his faithful devotion to the people's cause. How- about Mr. Linney? My Populist friend, can you deposit your ballot in favor of Mr. Lin ney? This is a question that I ask yon as a Populist. I will take the responsibility to tell yon why. About the time the alliance was organized Mr, Linney made a speech in Boone. He cursed and vili fied thb alliance in the most vicious terms. I appeal to your honesty of purpose, can you vote for such a man? Mr. Lovill isafreesilverman. He believes inrestoringsilver back to its monetary king dom. Mr. Linney belongs to the gold and monopoly par ty- W. A. Harman. the Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no ase suffering from 4tfioslfi1 molo4tr it vrvt mill onlvsrettberurht remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out or order, have no appetite, no life or am bition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure re lief. They act directly on your liver, stomach and kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at M. B. Blackburn's, only 50c. per bot tle. How about the county debt? Why don't our Repub lican friends tell us how it is? Don't they know? A Narrow Escape.. Thankful words written b Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough Bet in and finally terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying, I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones a- bove. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy wo man.' Trial bottles tree at M, B. Blackburn's. Regular size 50 cents and f 1.00. Guaranteed or, 2 price refunded. It is now urgued by the re publicans that the Mecklen burg road law is all right, bat the Supervisors have managed it badly. Yea Shoild Kiow What Hood's Sareaparilla has fiower to do tor those who have mpure and impoverished blood. It makes the blood rich and pure, and cures scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia catarrh, rheumatism, nervousness. If you are troubled with any ailment caused or pro moted by impure blood, take Hood's Harsaparilla at once. IVhat do the taxpayers think of the Equalization Board at Raleigh raising our taxes on horses, mules, hogs and sheep to about 20 per cent, higher than we valued tb?m uudir oath? "Do yon want to continue this crowd in office? If so, vote for W. H. Farthing and McKnight, They both will stand squarely on the radical legislation, no odds what the consequences may be. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficienteasy to take, easy to operate. The Editor of this paper does not approve or in any way endorse the sentiments written by "Phantom" i n last week's issue of the Demo crat. As to the Republicans of this country being 'tories,' etc., cannot be maintained, as we people of the moun tains are prouJ of our ances tral stock who were, many of them, the heroes of King's mountain, and we are all of the same stock, only differing in political sentiment. The lines are plainly dnwn in mis Mate. v nite man's government or negro rule in the eastern counties. How will you vote, whita men? Y Hon. The speech of the Hort Bower at Meat Camp was prophetic so far as the danger oi a race war in this State. While Mr. Bower was making these remarks, an armed squad of negroes of about 80 men were organiz ing at a town by the name of Ashepole in this State to burn said town and kill the white people. The white men 60on armed themselves and guard ed the town. While the white men were guarding the town, the negroes shoe and wound ed four of them. We have no further news only that in tense excitement prevails not only in North Carolina but throughout the country. A fearful time is on us. Think of it white people of the West The cam paigu being made by Solicitor Spainhour i n this district is very satisfac tory indeed, and he is gain ing ground daily. We have no truer democrat on our ticket than he, and the sore- ness against him in our ranks is being rapidly healed. It is the duty of every democrat, populist and free silver repub lican to give him their hear ty support, and thereby de feat Moses Harshaw. who has no anathemas too bitter to heap upon the heads of those who oppose him. All reading people have no ticed that many of the North ern men who have settled in North Carolina, or who are doing business in our State, and who are republi cans, have written letters and had them published urg ing the voters of the State to support the Democratic tick et and save the State from negro rule. Yet the republi can orators say there are no negroes in office except by ap pointment of the Democratic f .Art Sol t 4 t vst The meeting on Tuesday at Elk knob Academy was well attended and much speaking was on haud. Council!, Black burn, Bower and Linney made long speeches. Spain hour made a short speech. The insurgent Republicans of Forsyth county have nom inated a county and legisla tive ticket. JOHNSON & PROFIT SUCCESSORS TO J.C.SHULL, Shull's Mills, N. C. We have recently purchas ed the entire stock of General Merchandise of J. C. Shull.at Shull's Mills, N. C. and have added to the stock $1,000.00 Worth of goods, and simp ly defy competition as topri ces. In fact, we propose to close thetn out at cost, and when we say cost, we mean lo Sell At Cost. This is no humbug or clap trap published for the sole purpose of drawing yon to our store, and then send you away disappointed, but on ly ask you to examine some of our prices. Here are a few: Good Green Coffee 10c. Arbuckle's Coffee 2 for 25c. AAA Sheeting 5c. Standard Prints 5c. Best Plaids 5c. Brown Sugar 6c. Granulated Sugar 7c. Best Carolina Rice 7c Com: One, Come All, as our Stock Must be Reduced, Our pi ices are far below what you can get the same grade of goods at any other store in the county, then why not come to see us and ghe us your trade? OUR STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc. ts full and complete, and we insist that you examine the goods, if you want anything in our line, for if good goods and low prices are what yoa want, we can suit you. . Very truly, JOHNSON & PROF F1TT Shull's Mills, Oct. 25. Tie State Normal and Industrial College. Offers tho youne women of the State thorough professional. liteN ary, classical, scientific, industrial educatiou. Annual expenses f 90 to $130. Faculty of 30 members. More than400 regular students. Has matriculated about 1.500 students, representing everv county in tho State except two. Fraction and Observation School of about 200 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all tree-tuition appli cations must be made belore August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address PRESIDENT MclVER, OREENsnono, N. C. A Dollar's Worth You Want? 0- IF YOU HAVE A DOLLAtt TO SPEND. REMEMBER that I am still at my old stand prepared to save you money on any purchase made. This is no idle tale, but a positive fact, and if you evidence, bring along the "ALL MI3HT DOLLAR" and test its purchasing power in Do You Need Clothing? I can fit yoii up in a suit of money than any man iu town. etc., at about cost. -s. Groceries? I carry the best line in town. etc., always on hand. The best variety of canned goods to be found in the county, and REMLMBLR, your trade save money on anything to be giving it to me. Apr. 19. NUMH CAROLINA COL LEGE OB AGRJCUL1 URE AND MECHAN IC ARlfo. Will re open September 1, 1898, with imDroved eauiDmeuts in ev ery department. Twenty three ex Krienced specialists in acuity, ill course in Agriculture, Sci ence, Civil, Mechanical and Elec trical hngineenng. hxpensesvery moderate, v or cata logue address Pues. A.. Q. IiOLL.DAi, Raleigh, N. U, Taylor & Mast "Friends and Customers we send this to you, With many thanks and good wishes too; And will endeavor to give you more For your money's worth thanev er before. BARGAINS The trading public is for ever casting about 1 n pursuit of bargains in merchandise, and some find them, while others fail. We take this meth od of informing our cus tomers and friends that we are now better than ever before prepared to offer you extra bargains in General Merchandise. When we make an asser .tion in these columns we intend to do just what we say. We do uot say one thing and do another. We have a nice, new stock of goods, and are selling them" at popular prices. Uur stock consists of a general line of goods, and, as we buy our goods just right, we are prepared to sell them at lo figures. We want to buy all your good PRODUCE, Such as Com, Rye, Oats. Bacon, etc. and will pn you the highest market price for same. IS-Let us 6ay in conclu sion that we cannot sell on time. Our goods are marked ut pay down prices, and we cannot sell them on time. Thankiug our friends f o r past favors and soliciting a continuation of their patron age, we are Resp. TAYLOR & MAST. ValleCrucis. 2-17-98 OABTOniA. Bwn'tu j Ttil Kind You Haw Alwajt BosM want me to furnish farther ray store and be surprised. clothes (good ones) for less Heavy winter overcoats, Sugar, coffee, rice, oatmeal, at starvation prices. is what I want, and you can found in a Goneral line by Yours truly, SI. B. DLACIiSVRN, Trinity Gollege Offers lull course in English Lan guage andhterature, Ancient and Modern Languages, History and Sociology, Mathematics, Philoso by, lJible. Law and Commerce I'omen admitted to all courses ot study. The laigest endowed in stitution of learning in theStatc Uoard from Sti.GO to Si 0.00 per month. Tuition $50 a year. Next session opens September 8, 1 ovo, v or catalogue address JOHNC. K1LGO, Durham, N. C. War Cannons Thunder AND Low Prices Talk. Friends, let me give you a few dots on my stock of merchandise that may bo of interest to you. READY MADE CLOTHING. "The best stock in the coun ty," is claimed by many, but this is no idle talk. I HAVE IT, and at prices that will move them. For instance, I can fit you out in a neat suit from $3.00 up. DRY GOODS. I have a fancy stock, and can sell them at prices that are hard to duplicate. I will sell you best Fruit of the Loom domestic at 5 cts per yard; best cotton plaids at 5 cts per yard, and anything in this line at corresponding ly low prices. LADIES' HATS. A very handsomo line on hand, and at catchy pri ces. Trimmed ones at 50 cts. and up, and untrim med ones at prices almost too low to mention. A very handsomee and . complete line of gent's fur nishmg goods of nearly all styles and prices. SHOES. My stock in this line is de cidedly ON TOP. I ran fit you in anything from the "plowman's, brogue" to a shoe fine enough for the most fastidious. How do I sell them? At prices to 6uit you. HARDWARE. A full line consisting of f)lows, 6hoveIs. hoes pitch orks, etc., also a full line of shelf hardware, at pri ces that will suit you. A large lot of nails on hand. HATS. A beautiful stock on hand and can fit any head. It you need any thingin this line, call on me. lMy store is the plaie to buy cheap goods. Z. B. BUCHANAN,

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