The Vataoga Democrat, Enteiedaz the Post office at Boone, N. C, as second- class mail matter. 8UB8CBIPTJON RATES: Oneyear. SJ.O0. Six Months... .50. Three months Advertising rates turnished on application. LiOCAL NEWS. Note the change in Joe C. Moore's ad. What has become of our Blowing Rock correspondent this week? The heavy rains for the past few days have much re tarded corn planting. Bartlett Bryan, who has been at school in Marion for some time has returned. We were indeed glad to see Esq. John Elrod in town this week, after quite a seri ous illness. 1. N. Corpening & Co., of Banner Elk, will pay vou the highest nnrket priceforyour wool and sheep Mr. J. M. Moretz is now engaged a part of the time in Hinging nursery songs. It ii a boy. J, Wiley'Shook, General Deputy Collector from Ashe ville, spent Tuesday night at the Blackburn House. Richard M. Greene is off to Catawba county this week wber he goes to trude terri tory for hut wheat giader. The Second Quarterly Mo ting for (bin cirruit will j held nt Bmwn's Chapel on Friday.' Saturday and Sun Uy M-it. IM you fifth to buy n hf iUt nd mjrin good tin t st a gmit wirnh'v? if mt. fifTvfnd with Vnwuft Un . S York. S notice. r.TT H. I forbid any 1 M J lril n n d Atn T PtKt It iano g$ J I. II.m:t. imi.w UJnmi J is Urr td I I iMi'4 r4 ,, . s m f p'MJ t- t.n $ i I 1lft,4' r to h- P 4 I ' SIMMS i , 4-. tt l t r vT.- Im f- ' ( i' r4 4" i . uU , - I. ; -.1 : if -J- 4h ill ;. - !t-t - I- t-. ... )' Councill of Jefferson, while be ing driven by a little brother of Mr. Councill's near his fa ther's at Vilas, ran away, and the ankle of one broken. which is'quite a considerable loss to the owners. The prospects for pn a bundant fruit crop in t h e mountains were never more flattering at this season than at present. The apple and cherry bloom is simply im mense, and if frost holds off for a few days longer, the crop is safe. Mrs. Naomi Horton and two little daughters, of Le noir, spent Tuesday night in town. Mrs. Horton left yes terday morning for Blowing Rock, where she has accept ed the position of housekeep er in the Blowing Rock Ho tel for the summer. Hope the good lady may be well pleas ed with her new work. II. A. Davis, this county, is in Columbia, S. C, this week attending a reunion of the old Confederate soldiers in that city. Mr. Davis is a loyal Southerner, and dis tance or time never interferes when an opportunity pre sents itself for him to spend a few days with the boys who wore the gray. The newly elected officers for the town were sworn in on last Monday, and at the first meeting M. B. Black burn was appointed street su pervisor and Willett Miller Marshal. The board had an other meeting last night and drafted bylaws tor the gov ernment of the town that will be published and posted next week. We ore asked to say to all who have st jck running at large within the corporate limits of the town of Boone that they must be removed by next Monday, the 15th inst., or they wl be taken up, em pounded, and cost collected mit of the owner for name. Thin taw, with nil other a dptl h.v the new board of nMTnicn, wi'l w rigidly en frrv. lion, u. l unney leu Borx on Inst Sunday mor- - t It' . !... rotnf.t andititf the fact ;tt Hf i ritfht in the hot tt r.f th munW trial now ive surdnined a loss that we rwt,tf n m rqr emirt . It in cannot replace, and in our ap (M,.mihtUc in to Iprvrintion of him as a Mas wr " h fflithfurjtcr Milium and as a citizen. tJin bonrv d That each on? of our mem a witr . in ttojL'r wear th mual badge of Vtt ? j p- r.tftxT.' ftcjmmimiiia lor .10 day). ., t . t jf.Mc, i t loM.'ritrtMt her iMncrrenv month v 4w w,t , feif 1m M J..-.. ... 1... J , 1 . I .t(l .., 4 . 'v--.'.! . 'ln . - i Snuday School Lwtitnte. In behalf of a committee on arrangements, uppointed by the Watauga County Bap tist Sunday School Conven tion at its recent session, we announce that Rev. B. W, Spillman, of Raleigh, will con duct a Sunday School Insti tute at Cove Creek Baptist church on Tuesday and Wed nsday, the 6th and 7th days of June, 1896; and we are in structed by the pastor and members of that church, and many of the good citizens of that commuuity, to extend a cordial invitation to all in terested in Sunday School work to attend on this occa sion and we guarantee that visitors will ne pleasantly en tertained and well cared for. We earnestly urge Superin tendents, teachers and all Sunday School workers to take advantage of this op portunity of instruction and discussion of beet ways and methods of S. S. work. While Mr. Spillman ie doing this work under management of the Baptist State Mission Board, all Sunday School workers a re invited to attend with us, trusting that they maj be encouraged and stim ulated by his interesting lec tures and illustrations of practical methods of doing the most effective work, to advance the Sunday School cause. J. C. Horton, E. J. Norms, for Com. Resolutions of Bepect. At a call communication of Elk Lodge, No. 373, A. F. & A. M., on April 13, '99, to at tend the burial of Bro. W. C. L. Hulcher,. and in recogni tion of his being one of our most energetic and efficient Masons and devotedly at tached to the principles of the Order, do hereby enact the following resolutions: Whereas, The endless cycle of time has removed Brother Hulcher from mortal exist nnce to an untimely grave there to meet the doom of mankind, and whereas, Bro. Hulcher has faithfully filled ii 1 1 1 lie i m po r t a n t o ffices of t he Lodge, being Secietary at the tim) of hid death. Be it resolved, That in the leath of Bro. Hulcher we ttmiiwl, That F.Ik Idge U uvwjniilownndor to ! Br. Hul(hr. That a cop of i(m ;ri,ut ioti to Hnt to ' - " " " - 111. etwM to ollih iind Hti ' i ! t t. lrffi vrtl If V i" t W. --s Iwsms 'i . .,,4fc k4Ji j .-....... v-.- -P Vi ,, , f H- . i-h,.,,,, LISTEN, I am not going to tell you something about the war with Spuin, for it is over, but the war with my competitors is still going on and I am still furnishing all my .customers with the best bargains out. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. IN this line I am fully abreast with the times, as I keep everything usually kept in a first-class store and will supply my cus tomers with nothing but the BEST GOODS at "CHEAP GOODS" prices. Very truly yours, Jan. 12. Tie State Normal and Industrial College. Offers the vouner women of the ary, classical, scientific, industrial education. Annual expenses 90 to 130. Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students. Han matriculated about 1,500 students, representing everv county in the State except two. Practice and Observation School of about 200 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all tree-tuition appli cations must be made belore August 1. Correspondence invited from teachers. For catalogue and other information, address PRESIDENT MclVER, Greensboro, N. C. Why not get the Masons to settle the Masons to settle the matter? " AFilipinocame up to me," writes home o Kansas volunteer, 'and made himself known as a Mason. He invited me to attend San Geronimo Lodge No. 18. You run across Masons in all countries aud among all nationalities. That is one of its virtues. Aguinnldo is a Mason, I understand." Ex. " Only the First Step is Difficult." The first step in Spring should be to cleanse Nature's house from Winter's accumu lations. Hood's Sarsaparilta does this work easily. It is America's Greatest Spring Medicine. It purifies the blood, as millons of people say. It makes the weak strong, as nervoua men and women gladly testify. It cures all blood c leases, as thousands of cured voluntarily write. It is just the medicine for you, ns you will gladly say ftr you have given it a fair trial. Bad BlOOd-" Although past 70 years of age I am thoroughly well. It was three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla that made me so after spending over $80 In medical attendance. My trouble was a raw sore on my ankle." Mas. Louisa Mason, Court Street. Lowell, Mass. Running Sore- After worrying four months 1 nave my children Hood's Sarsa parllla and It enred them of running sores. Hood's Pills cured me of dyspepsia and constipation." Mas. Rati K. Thomas, 31 Governor 8t., Annapolis, Md. Consumptive Cough -"Five years asro 1 had a consumptive congb which re duced me to a skeleton. Was advised to lake Hood's Sarsaparllla which I did and rvevrered normal health. I have been well w since." MtTitPA BaiDotWATia, Cor. Petri and Chestnut 8ts, Jeflersonvllle, Ind. 3fccdliSa JtmHi HI rararw lite. IM aaa Jrmatla aM abw" wiUi j Smr frill. Everybody .Look! New Store at Horns. mn; ami ski; i s. !;;r m a ram. m:i: huw yu YOtm DOLLAR Nitltm ou run it fiord to sr Hot Km if tou bur lb OUJtAf.l tfiAt If- -i vBft lint tLitiff i .IJVJil lllfMswwV At'stf tJ it UtH-4!!s Totj 't r. lb sure und give uh a w. j.,,, j,,, irrtll whrn tit thr,,liock, and J,.d kit vou pricps. Thin be- Ir,''," 'l''linardotH. rrt. stirs, In a ll w tt t i V . A. 7. : I .1.1 I lljfU AM SI. B. BLACIiBUM, State thorough professional, liter those desiring competent trained NOTICE. FOR SALE! The two fac tories at Boone and Monte zuma, 45 yards long by 15 wide, including one acre o land each. Also boilers and engines of 30 horse power having been used only one year at a saw mill, Will be sold at a sacrifice. Parties desiring to purchase will cor respond with, and send their bids to our New York office WiH sell together or seperate V ASS AS BKOK, Produce Exchange, Annex Room A-23. New York, N. Y Announcement New Store, New Goods. EVERYTHING BRAN-NEW We are now opening a most beautiful line of genera merchandise at Blowing Rock, in fact, we flatter ourselves that when our stock is all in, that it wil De second to none ever opened in our town. The stocK will be com plete in every line, and we are prepared to sell you goods (not at cost, for we can't afford thai) at a very low figure. YOUR PATRONAGE IS WHAT WE WANT The prices, styles and qual ity of goods will suit you then what else can you ask? Our stock consists of Dry (roods and Groceries in great variety, A stock offoot-wearthatis hard to duplicate in the coun tv. Hats in endless varieties and Htjles. Our line of ladies dress troops is real nice and if vou need anything of this kindjouctn find it in our store. Bacou, Flour, Lard, Rice, (untied goodts etc. always on hand. Our itock of hardware both hrnvy and phelf, is complete. In tart, vou ran find almost iMnjrtniRj; vu ned at our '""l rfot? produce ta- 4W all n n st ll IIINWNS old STAND. 'I Irvlt. Witausi Hotel Co. JUSltJl flvr4 tb i3. a ? p f f ? ? DON'T DESPAIR! Go to Friends for Advice; To Women for Comfort; To Strangers for Charity, but FOR BARGAINS GO to I. N. CORPENING & CO. Here Are a few Prices NOl Promises: Good Green Coffee, 10 cts. Arbuckle's 2 for 25. Light Brown sugar 6 cts. Granulated Sugar 1 cts. Our grocery liuej consists of Choice, Fresh Gooda in ; both Fancy and Hea vy Grades, and all .AT. Rock Bottom Prices; IN HARDWARE, We Simply Knock Down and Drag out Competition. Genuine Axes ,50c. Lasts and stands .30. Farmer's Mixed wire nails 2 Claw Hammers 10c. each. lOqtTin Bucket 15c. Best grade Lubricating Oil 25 centd per gal. Cylinder Oil 50c. PRY GOODS, HA1S AND NOllONS. Every box and shelf filled witlfnew and stylish goods, and Each article is la - beled with a bar gain. Gingham8 4cts. Plairta X nta Shawls at cost 1 ! ! Shoes, Shoes. Shoes. NEW AND EXCELLENT: Come right along and buy your winter foot-wear. Thick and heavy atthin.split-leath er prices. JULGEMEN2 Is a most rare and precious gem. AO IK USE A L111LEOE11 and invest your CASH with us. All kinds of produce ta ken in exchange for our net cash goods. Soliciting a liberal future pntronage.nnd thnnkingyou n advance for same, we are. Very Truly, .N. CORPLN1SG & CO Banner Elk, N. C, Dec. 10. i i i i H i , I'll , tt. J 'Mt tftt. oooooooooooooo r

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