8 i f V . - n ,v ;Ti!3i'StSugaD3!i9Crat. Published Every Thursday Climbed Mont Blanc. Bouton Transcript. It "was ft double trf'Hi with . which the members of the. Ap jialachinn Mountain club were .rejroM. in Huntington Hall, when Charles F. Camp bell, of-' London; -addressed them upon "How the Mind Became Self-supporting.-' Mr. Campbell ia a utudent at th MussachusettH; Institute . of Teclinofogy, and ia the boh of DrvFrnncis 'J. Campbell. the blind American who was born in a loir' cabin in Ten L neee, was for ten years an instructor in the Perkins In stitntion, South Bostou, but ' went to England and found ed in London the Royal Nor mal college und academy of music, the foremost schoo for the blind in the world. When this school was es tablished not one percent, of the graduates of the English schools for the blind were a ble to earn their own living. Now the young men and wo men who have taken the course in Dr. Campbell's in stitution are able to ear u good salaries, especially in music, which is the profes sion adopted bj 0 per cent, of them. The first student who entered the school at its .beginning, is now organist, with a large salary in one of the churches in Eaton. lne lecturer said tnat a properly educated blind man or woman may, and usually does, pass about their daily avocations or walk in the streets without in any way showing that they are with out sight. The pupils of his father's school give light op eras and indulge in man y kinds of outdoor athletics so that on-loukers doubt their blindness. An interesting part of the lecture wos a vivid discrip tion of Dr. Campbell's numer ous vocation trios to Swit - Zprland, during which he has ascended some of the tr o s t difficult of the Alps, includ " ing Mt. Iilarc, which has not as yet been climbed by an other blintl man. Dr. Long, says the States ville Landmark, has decided to resign his position as State smallpox inspector, to which he was appointed some months ago. ;Tho duties of the place call him away from home frequently taking much "time from his, private prac- lice, ana are in other wavs quite a hardship. It is for this reason that he has deci ded to resign. The Land mark adds that Dr. Longhas filled the position faithfully and ac ceptably. Its duties were diffl cult and responsible but he has been equal to every emer gency.v His resignation will be a distinct loss to the gen ral public in this capacity. My income has been be tween $25,000 and $35,000 a year for the past fifteen years. I will make an oath to-night that I am not worth $20,000 to my name. I try to do good with my money j-zoes'uoa restrain a man from making money? No. He does not. tfut he restrains youjnjthe way you spend it. Sam jo ei.. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bough ; Bears the ;; fagnatnroof Mental Telepathy, News and Observer., Thm) are inanv who be lieve in what isknown as men tal telepeth.v and who declare that they can send or receive messages or impressions from fiiends thousands of miles a way, and that it is so dis tinct that it cannot be at tributed to'any coincidenee!. Recently Dr. Lafferty, editor of the Richmond Christian Advocate, lost a much-loved son. In the lust issue of his paper Dr. Lafferty tells of the premonition or tnentul tele pathy that came to him in the itntant of hisson'sdeath. We quote: "The Sabbath came-a per feet day. The air was vernal. The sun slftme brightly in sof tened and mellow radiance. On returning from worship I eauiUcred from my confer ence homo by. a little, park, pausing for full draughts of the rich tonic of a cloudless atmosphere. It seemed the bridal of t he earth and sky- so pure and so calm was the empyrean. "I joined the Bishop at din rierut (Jovernor Jackson's. While at the table there came a quick, strange shock to the brain, dimmming my sight for some seconds. I gazd steadfastly across the tattle at. Bishop Galloway to test my eyes and recover m y poise by fixing attention. .There was impression of an impending evil. I canvassed the whole field of possible harm. It wasatthatmoment the spirit left the broken body of my son at Crozet by the Blue Ridge in Virginia. As, the terrifjing sensation was passing away the tele gram was announced and I rose froin the meal to read the appalling tidings at the door. I hastened to my home in Virginia." Wlss Little B07. A lad of seven winters recently commit ted an offense against the parent's rule and was called to account. The little fellow prevar cated about it. 'Yon should not tell a storv, pon, na id the loud papa, ijeorge Washington would not tell a lie, und when he eonlcssed to his pa- m that lie had done wrong his papa forgave hirn'and did not punish him," That's all right for George,'' said the youngster, "but they aiu't making no papas now like he had." The often Jer wub let off with a repremand. Ex. Newton Enterprise: There seems to be a considerable stir among the stockholders atid officers of the Narrow Gauge Railroad. The new company seeking a line from Cranberry to Wilmington would like to have the road from Lenoir to Lincolnton and change it into a broad gauge. But the stockholders insist on selling the w hole line from Chester up or uot sell any of it. Michigan is said to produce more than one-half of all the oil ol nppermint spearmint and ten sey uwd in the entire world. rxecutor's Notice. Having qualified an executor of W. 0. L. lluIcher.deceaHed, no tice in hereby given to all pernors indebted to said Hulcher to come forward and make immediate net tlement, and nil persona having claims against said estate are no tified to present them to me lor payment within twelve months Ironi the date of thin notice or the -same will be plead ia liar o their recovery. This June 1st, N. M. Doumx, Executor and Whtokey PaWh rurerf t liome mill out rnln Dwk'rf pur tlcuUr scat f BE E nPUM r. w v i$ . v. iz-ili"; !-n Ni;tii sl. Tonighi . . t If your liver in-out of order, ennstu," Biliousness, Sick Headache, lleari Irara, or Coufetiputiun, take a doso C f&s3'& ' Pills'. On retiring, and tomorrow your di ges(ivo organs will be regulated niul you will be bright, active and ready for any kind of work. This ha, betn toe experience of othero; it will be yours. HOOD'S FILLS r;: sold by all medicine dealers. 23 uta. The President Smoked too Much. VVu8hiiijton UiBiifttcli. "' Aside from mental worry over Cuba and Porto Rico, they have brought to t h e President physical ills. lie is just now suffering from execs sive smoking. It was for this reason that he visited the Virginia Hot Springs in the lopethat the racy mountain air ajid hot baths mitflit re store his run-down system to his former health. He has i-h turned much improved. Ilaid ly had our soldiers set foot on the island than army offi cers and other government officials began sending the President presents of cigars. They came by the thousand and many of them came too, without paying any import duties, lhese cigars were much larger and stronger than the President had been accustomed to smoke. Then, too, he smoked more than usual. It was not long before he began to feel the effects without knowing what pro duced it. His physician final ly discovered the cause of his weak and unnerved condi tion. The President has now curtailed his smoking to half a dozen cigars a day. It is well known that Presi dent Grant contracted can cer of the tongue, from which he eventually died, from ex cessive smoking of cigars. OASTOIIIA. Bw the 11)8 Kind Vou Have Always Bought J W. Bryan, Walch-maker and Jeweler, I have pHrmancntlv located at Boone, N. C. where 1 will conduct the jewelry business in all its branches. Fine Work a Specialty. Watches that have been spoiled by incompetent work men will be properly adjust ed and all defects corrected and fully warranted. Jewelry, sewing machines and clocks of all kinds care fully repaired. New parts to any machine. Careful atten tion given to all work sentin by mall. tCharses teasonable foi first class work. Itocm No. 3, in Rryan Ho tel building. Itj26iECTFULLY, J. W. BRYAN. Boone, N. C. Apr. 6, '99. 1 he Morning Post. ltALEIUH.N.C . The only popular-priced morn ing newspaper in North Carolina, The finest telegraphic and gen ervii news service. , Special correspondents in a I parts of the State eiving a com plete nynopbiH ot btate news. PCH8CRIPTION price: . One month $ A0 To months 75 Three months 1.00 One year 4.00 STRICTLY IX ADVANCE. No pajier continued beyond the time pad for. Si nd in your subscription. m iM)l(F.S8 THE MORNING POST, ' . ItAI KIC-H, N. 0 The Famons Copper Mine In Rowan riiailotte (Hwi'i ver. Mr. S.'E. Linton, while in Niiisiairyevenir tm,H ago. .visited the fnmoiiKUniouCnp per mine fh'i is tiding work ed bv the Newmans. He came back enthusiastic over the mine. "1 lliere in it," said he. "I was disposed t'nloubt many of the extravagant re ports I saw concerning thin mine, but ! am l-onvincd that the half has never be. ti t )ld. I saw u piece of h o 1 i l copier (not ore) taken oivt '.d the mine which was four feet long, two feet wide and two inches thick. The pay-roll at theminefor the month of April was $20, COO. There is an expert at the mine from the Calumet aud-HtcIa mine, inMichigai . the la rii est -copper mine in the world, who says that flin Caluinef and Hecla mine is a 'baby' compared with the Un ion mine. The. company is to build a binoltitiir works which will cost $125,000. -WANTED 1 ! Reliable man for Manager o Hranch office I wHi to. open in t his vicinity. If your record in() K. here is a good opening. KinH. ly mention this paper when wri ting. A.T. MOURTS, Cineinnatti, 0. j III jslrated catalogue 4 cts. post- Nasal Gatarrh-Wttat Is II? A purely local affection. a germ that exists in parasites. There is no disease of winch more haveun dertakeu the treatment, a 11 d bl which less hayo understood the rst principles of cure. Inhalers I lave beMi used, medicines have seen taken internally and appli ed externally, hut no relief has been t'Xiterienoed by the catanh sufferer. Whv? because t lie prima ry cause of the disorder has nev er been unearthed- the first prin ciple of the discomfort had never prsentea ltsult to those who trea ted, rather maltreated it. The misguided sufferer had nf ver been oguizant ot the tact that the sords, a filthy, pellucid matter, and the parasites (minute uni mals which exist in and eat the organs of smell) irius- be rpmov- ed before a c ore can .be effVe ted. I would state in addition that all whv) are 1 rying so-called cures for Nasal Catarrh, such as inhala tions, patent medicines sniffed iroin the palm of the hand into the nostrils, Turkish Sulphur, Russian, galvanic, or cold water baths, are paving the way to cleatnefis (hy causing the closure ot the l'jiisthncluan tuoes) sore throat, asthma, consumption and death.. 1 cure Catarrh by means of the Extirpator. The The only way of destroying the parasite. The operation lasting only dO minutes Janu compara tiveh without pain. I hen the patient. is tree iromthegermthat produces catarrh, ana the heal ing begins rapidly, and the cure is sure. 1 also cure Cancer. 1 re move cancer without knife. The operation does? not confine pa tient to oed. 1 can remove acan cerous breast in from 12 to 10 days. All vork done under aposi tive guarantee. II 1 fail to cure either of the above, diseases, I will cheerfully refand the money. Lxa jiination8 free and all letters ot enquiry promptly answered. Dr. U. W. i'mpps, (Specialist in Catarrh, Cancer and Tumor. Shall's Mills, N.O. SILVER THE ISSUE IN 1900. J Money the Priclnj Instrument Civilization and Progress Hare Kept Step Wiih Money Supplj in All AgBS. The Monr Question dlscuMed In the light of experience and history. The Leading Bimetallic Paper of America. V. 8. Senator W. M. STEWART, Editor. A cajrect account of the doing of Congress giren each week. A family paper (or the home and fire aide. All the important happenings of the Week, condensed, lu newacolumna. A large circulation In every State and Territory. Sabaerlptlon Price, Si Per Tear. Send for sample; agent wanted. t ruDiisnea weeciy oy tne S Silver Knight Publishing Co., , W ABHINOTON, D. C a Tho Kind You Ilave Always In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of " ' 0 ' -nnA has boon made under his per-' LzLjC (?ytL'A , sonal supervision since Its infancy.' tacyyt j-ectcAtK juiov no on to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex perlments that trifle with and endanger the health of . Infants , and Children Experience against Experiment. I What is CASTORIA - Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops V ' and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It , contains -neither Qpiuni, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. 1 It assimilates the Food, regulates the -Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, . The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ; ALWAYS Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. , thk ecNTAiin oommnt, tt muhhav STfitrr ncw vouh errv. Life Insurance. Ad Life Insurance is being talk ed considerably these days, we will say for the lenefit of our readers that the Mutual Life, of New York, is the oldest and stron gest company now doing busi ness in the United States; its in come last year being $rri,O()0.G29.43, Its Assets $277,417.323.30., which makes the same thorough ly reliable for all its contracts. Property and accident policies written on easy terms. Th'.'ir 10, 15 and 20 year poli ties are the best investment we know of, yieldiug better dividends than that of any other company. Mr. W. H. McKI wee represents them in this section. Gwynn& tlorton, of North Wilkesboro, District Agents. Buckleii's Arnica Ha' re. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chap ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required.lt is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by llols claw and by BUckbnrn.' Ann tli ) 1 no Kind You Haw Always Bought Signature of t-'v -f Wnfm i f Mothers! Ttrs discom forts and dangers of cnua-oinacan be almost en-1 tirely avoided. WineofCardulJ rel ieves os- pectant moth ers. It givea tone to the gen italorgans.and puts them ia condition to do thlr work perfectlv. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor ond hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. haa also brought happiness to thousands of horn? lutreu for irear. A few doses of leu brings oy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman honld neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cnscft out of ten. All drujjgisS sell Wine of Cardui. fi.oo per bottle. For adviea In esi rretilrtnc iOr.U dlrsctlons. address, twin? yirptotns, t ths ' Ladles' Advtafiry Depjr.mnl,-' i na ntmanoora mocucins vai., i4iu Booga, Tsna. Mr. tOUlSi HAU, ' or JefTfcrson.Gt., styjl "When I first iiok Win of Cardui W had un p:A.Tid Ihru! years, but ould not hava my rhlldran. Sine , months Uler I hit t line uiri baby." EraMiifiasing fin mm i' 1" , Bought, and -which has been Signature of Lincoln Journnl: Mr. An drew J. Hausp, of thi town ship, lost patience with his j peach trees because lie rouhl seldom get a crop from them. So, some threeor tur 3 ears ngo he cut them down. FrQiri the stumps there sprung, np Koine vigorous Kproutu, and thiH yea i whpn the peaches everywhere else were killed, these young trees are loaded with fruit. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. Ths Intense itching and smarting, Inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Ssln Oiutnumt. Many very lmd cases have been permanently enred by it. It ia equally efficient for itching piles nnd n favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped bauds, chilblains, froBt bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Pr. Oady's Condition Powders, aro jusfc what horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in nso to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 tents per package BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. ': 'ft'..- .i;" DESIGNS. COPYR1CHT3 Act. Anyone ser-fllnft a kptch and dPKcrlntlon mny qiilc klj-nsctirtnlii, froe, whcthr nil Invontton Is prohuMy mtoiitab!e. rriiiniiiniiationa BtrlcUr conndt'iitlit. Olrli-st agency fi rfvcuriiip patent In Amerten. We lute a Wattliiiurton olllc. Paicriin t i!cxn tliruuifh Muuu & Co. recelr pecial noMoe In tli SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfullr lllunrntH, l:uest clronlBtlon ot ;nv doipiitlrto (ciuruKl, wcuki v, temif. W.W a your i f 1.31 six ninutlm. fpr.imn tuples and lJLt.Ni) Book on 1atksts euutirec Ailii jsa MUNN & CO., nrnartn-n- fnr V -V. Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Fat-1 (ent business conducted tor MootKATC Ftc. laud we cansecura patent ia tea tune than lUosc (remote troin Washington. , lOun Orricc isOppositc II. B. ItaTENTOrriet bend model, drawiug or photov, with desenp- We advue, if patentable or not, (rea of I. Our fee not due till patent is secured. cost o( same in the U. S. and foreign conmrie. lent free. Address, ciuduiit " How to UlJtam Patents." w til CA.SEUOW&CO 5 ! f o.-rrMT Orricc, WMIMOTON, D. C. V f lUiU them to YOUR order CJOTTn ATVT BICYQJiS And TANDEIVT3 NILE and PYRAMID Thty run better and last longer and arc very attractive. Send for our ACCURATELY HJilate.i Catalogue. ' It showi you all 6c taili asto. ....... JSJSTYIA jJ COLOR- m . and Finish. v . Mason & Masoa Company ' i Noi5S7V.Midl'onS ChicaoBI. s i.-t ;V'

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