rat. Enteiffjni the Po&t ofiire At tloone, .V. C.t as second class mail matter, 5 SUBSCRIPTION BATE8: Oneresir.....m.-.,....9:1.O0. Six Months. .SO. Three months.-.1.. ' -.25. Ad rertiaing rates furnished on application. LOCAL NEWS. . The weather to day is in di"ative of frost;. Atty. T. B. . Fitilej. of Wilkesboro, was in town this week. Attorney W. B. Conneill is in New Yoi k this week on legal busiues. Court is in session at Jef ferson this week. Capt. Lv- ill is the only one of our bar who is in attendance. Uev. J. J. L. Sherwood passed through town yester day on his way to the Cald well Association, that will be held near Lenoir. . Mr. Ingram, the etfhient teacher at Shull's Mills', has been on a visit to his home in Tavlorsyille for the past few days. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Violet Gragg, formerly of this county, died suddenly at her home in. the State of Washington quite recently. Court grou nd out its last grist on last Saturday eve ning, the principal part of the business on both dockets hav ing been disposed of. Mr. David Wagner, of Valle Urucis. has gone to the Globe, where he will spend the winter with his daughter Mrs. Billy Moore. David P. Couneill, of Vi las, who has been at home for several days on the sick list, returod to town Tues day and re entered school. Capt. E. F. Lovill and Thomas Bingham will deliv er speeches at the laying of the corner stone of . the new church at Hopewell on next Monday. Don't fail to read the card of John L. Councifl in this iswue. Ponder it well and see if you can decide what is the cause of his instantane ous conversion, While the roads are good we would be glad for those who have promised us wood on subscription to bring it along. The mornings are now cool enough for fire. We hud two communica- .tions from Valle Crucis this week, but as they contained virtually the same news, we had to omit one of them. Let us hear from you again, kind friends. Mr. D. Robinson, of New 'York, who has been in town a few days, left for his home this morning. His machinery is sold to Mr. Zinn, and we may look to hear of work be ing begun at the Elk Knob copper mines in the n3ar fu ture. "He That Any Good Would WIu" Should be provided with good . health, and everyone who would . have good health should remem- . ber that pure, rich blood is the first requisite. Hood'B Sarsapa- I1IIO UJ 1T'U )UUU U1UIU uuu : trnnA honlr.h hna holnart mntiv a man to success, besides giving sUirthtind conrage to thous- nd8 01 women wno, uetore ta- riiir if nAnul n ." r cir tin orut. am good in life to win. Hood's Tills are gentle, yet ef The Watauga Dercoc fective. : Happening at Talle Ci ucia. Mrs. C. L. Jenkins and Miss Bessie Mondecai, both of Hal eujh, left Valle Cruris for Blowing Rock, where they will spend some time. The Iter. Mr. Barnwell, of Florence, 8. ft, held service at the Methodist church last Sunday. His sermon was enjoyed by all who h e a r i hi in. A party of ladies from Blow ing Rock nd parties from other pointscamedown for the service. The visitors enjoyed the kind hospitality of the Vallo' people. Mr. Finley Richards of Ban ner Elk, passed through on Monday en route to Greens boro. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hols i law", of Vilas, spent Sunday with un. Mr. 'Dick' Horton, of Vilas also spent Sunday in the 'Valle.' Miss Mabel Alexander, of Blowing Bock, was the guest of Mrs. W. H. Mast last week. Mr. Clark of Blowing Rock, was down last week. Mr. Roby Shull, of Shull's Mills, was baptized and re ceived into the Methodist church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Mnst, of " Sugar Grove, came over Sunday to visit their sister, Mrs. J. M. Shull. Weareglad to note that Mrs. Shull is re covering from a recent ill ness. The Kev. Barnwell and his friend, Mr. Bronson, of S. C, have spent some time in the 'Valle.' They are taking a tour through on their wheels to enjoy the beautiful scene ry. Miss Birdie Moore of Globe, is visiting Miss Lula Baird. X. Y. Z. Bsmarkable Rescue' Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plain- field, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold which set tied on her lungs, ehe was treat ed for a month by her family ph.v eician but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim 01 consumption and no medicine could cure her. Her druggist sug gested l)r. King's New Diecorery (or consumption: sne Dougnt a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose She continued its uee and after taking nix bottles, found hersell sound and well, now does her own housework, and is as well as 6he ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at M. B Blackburn's. Large bottles f0c and $1.00. The recent fires in Louis ville, Ky., destroyed over 1250,000 worth of property. Attention, Company! In connection with the e.reat Confederate Jubilee to be held at Lenoir, N. C. on Wednes day, Sept. 27th, there will be a reunion of Co. C, 2nd N. C Vol. Inft. in the late Spanish American war. All members of the Company, as well as soldiers ol that war from Cald well and surrounding coun ties, who were members of other commands, are request ed to be in'tLenoiron that day to act as an escort of honor to the veterans. Officers and enlisted men, are requested to come in uniform, wearing campaign hats and leggins when practicable. Fraternally yours, Edmund Jones, Late Captain Co. "C" 2nd N. C. Vol., and Adjutantto John T. Jones, Camp 952, United Confederate Veterans. Good health is worth more than anything else to you, and every bottle of Hood's Sarsapa rilla' contains good health. The Stale of North Caroli- Tna's net debt is now estima- a rife "0 SV A 1 j t Bntberwood Rustlings. The farmers are now busi ly engaged foddering and sow j ing gram. : The corn crop in" this sec tion was very much damag ed by the continued drought. John W. Hodges has bis new store house about cnnv. pitted, and judging from his recent trip to Knoxville, he aims to expand in the mer cantile bnsinness. . L. H. Michael, of Ruther wood. is teaching the public M-hool at Sandy Flat, and a progressive school is predict ed, as Mr. Michael is one of the leading educators in the county. A new school house cite has been located near the o 1 d Pine Run school house, and preparations are being made to erect a new house in the near future. Tax-collector A. B. Cook ran an attachment on a very large raccoon on the Bent branch, near New river, afew nights ago. The enhnntmg melody of the hounds filled his euphonious ear with mu sic of delight. I. W. Gross bought a calf some time ago from George W. SCanter, of Deerfield, for which he paid $20. How does the price strike the calf buy ers? Ask A. B. Cook what caus ed that beautiful sinilefrozen upon his faee. 1 guess he would tell you "It's a boy this time." Subscriber. The Report of the Grai'd Jury. The Grand Jury for Fall term ol Watauga Superior Court made the following re port: We have examined the jail, and recommend that some much needed repairs to the walls, windows, etc. be made at once. The sanitary con dition of the prison is not good on account of an insuf ficiency of water. There is a weak place in one of the cells that should be repaired, in or der that the races may be kept separate. We recommend that blinds to windows of Register's of fice Me replaced, and that desks or shelves be provided for Clerk's and Register's of fices, so as to make more room for books, papers, et?., so -that they may be kept there. The cement around the foundation of thecourthouse should be repaired and the broken window lights replac ed; and thai the court house privey be repaired, cleansed and kept so. We have visited the home of the aged and infirm, nnd found the inmates properly cared for. We find that the former le poits of grand juries have been disregarded. All supervisors of public roads for the county have made their reports for fall terra of Superior Court and report same in fair condition. We find seventeen official reports of justices of the peace for the county. The Clerk hn'made his of ficial report and we have en dorsed it. We advise him to require all guardians to report according to law. Respectfully submitted. John greef, Foreman. J. W. TOD. GEO. P. PELL. . TOOD & PELL, AT'lOILVEl'S A1 LAW, JEFFERSON. N. C. Vill practice regularly in the courts of Watauga. Headquar ters at Coflev's Hotel during WATAUGA ACADEMY, W3"FOR YOUNG WOMEN AND YOUNO MEN."a D. D.-DOUGHERTY, A. B., B. B. DOUGHERTY, B. 8.. Ph. B., Principal. IQPALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 18991 Thre courses offered: Common School Course; Academic Course; Two years' Collegiate Course. Instructions will be given in Music, Art and business. Special attention will be given to public School teachers. Students thoroughly drill ed in Debate and Declamation. Board $6 per month. Splen did opportunities for students toboard themselves., JJfifTUmoN FROM $1. TO 3. PER MONTH."! For othei information write to, or call on the Principals, at Boone N. C. LISTEN. I am not going to tell yousomethingaboutthewar with Spain, for it is over, but the war with my competitors is still going on and I am still furnishing nil my customers with the best bargains out. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. IN this line lam fully abreast with the times, as I keep everything usually kept in a first-class store and will supply my cus tomers with nothing but the BEST GOODS at "CHEAP GOODS" prices. Very truly yours, Jan. 12. OA.STOXIIA! Bmt the A The KM Have Always Bought The followingofficical state ment dated Sept. 16, has been made public. It now ap pears that the health of Drey fus is in an alarming condi tion since the verdict of the court martial. It is almost m possible to keep his wast ed body warm. He shivers all the time. The government, fearing the disgrace'which his death would cause, has ta ken steps to release him. Dreyfus is cheerful, but tears that his good name is ruined. ' 4 Strike For Your Attars and Your Fires, P&triotism is always com mendabte, but in every breast there should be not only the desire to be a good citizen, but to be strong, able bodied and well fitted for the battle of life. To do this, pure blood is absolutely neces sary, and Hood's Sarsapa rilla'is the one specific wnich cleanses the blood thorough ly. It acts equalh well for both sexes and all ages. Humor " When I need a Mood puri fier I take Hood's SarsipurHh. h cured my humor and is excellent as nerve tonic." Josie Eaton, Stafford Springs, Ct. Hood', Wit core lUer the non-Irritating nnd only cthrtic to take with liood'l BtmaparUU. NOTIGE NOTICE. Our motto for '99 IS THE MOST OOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY IN HAND. 0 We shall endeavor to show our trade a larger stock of goods than ever before,' and sell for a smaller profit, if pos eible, and shall auk for the Pay Down, It is the btt for all parties. Don't forget Us when in Boone, for we wiU save you money EVEn TIME. We Don't Compete, but are Below Competition. Yours truly Moret2 & Farthing Boone, N. C.Jan. 4, '00. M. D. BLACKBDM, John F. Rowland, a prom inent Rutherford county re publican, has come out for the Constitutional Amend ment. As you all know, John L. Council! is against it. CASTOR I A For Intanti and Children. The Kind Yob Hare Always Booght Bean the Signature of Announcement, New Store. New Goods. EVERYTHING BRAN-NEW. We are now opening a most beautiful line of general merchandise at Blowing Rock, in fact, we flatter ourselves that when our stock is all in, that it will De second to none ever opened in our town. The stocK will be com plete in every line, and we are prepared to sell you goods (not at cost, for we can't afford that) at a very low figure. YOUR PATRONAGE IS WHAT WE WANT The prices, styles and qual ity of goods will suit you, then what else can you ask? Our stock consists of Dry Goods andGroceriesin great variety, A stock offoot-wearthatis hard to duplicate in the coun ty. Hats in endless varieties and styles. X-V Ml 1 uur line or ladies dress goocs is real nice and i you need anything of this kind ou can find it in our store. Bacon, Flour, Lard, Rice Canned goods, etc. always on hand. Our stock of hard ware both heavy and shelf, is complete In fact, you can find almost anything you heed at our store.. Be sure and give us a call when at the"Rock", and let us show you our goods and give you prices. This be ing done, we are sure to sel you. Good country produce ta ken in exchange for goods. 8"Call on us at BUCH ANNAN'S old STAND Very truly. Watauga Hotel Co, Blowing.Rock, Feb. 23. XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X ill: P DON'T DESPAIR! Go to Friends for AdvicV To Women for Comfort; To Strangers for Charity, bat FOR BARGAINS GO to I. N.CORPENING&CO. Here Are a few Prices NO! Promises: Good Green Coffee, 10 cts. Arbuckle's 2 for 25. Light Brown sugar 6 cts. Granulated Sugar 1 cts. Our grocery Hue consists of Choice, Fresh Goods in 1 both Fancy and Hea vy Grades, and all .AT. Rock Bottom Prices! IN HARDWARE, Genuine Axes ,50c. Lasts and stands .30. Pppmop'fl Mlvarl nripannilaOl Claw Hammers lOo. each. 10 qt Tin Bucket 15c. Best grade Lubricating Oil 25 cents per gal. Cylinder Oil 50c. We Simply Knock Down, and Dra out Competition.' PRY GOODSHAlS.AND WllONS. Every box and shelf filled with;newand stylish goods and Each article is la beled with' bar tain. Ginghams 4 cts. Plaids 5 cts. Shawls at cost 1 1 ! Shoes, Shoes. Shoes. NEW AND EXCELLENT: Come right along and buy your winter foot-wear. Thick and heavy atthin,split-leath er prices. JULGEMEN1 Is a most rare and precious gem. WW USE A LI11LEOE11 and invest your CASH with us. All kinds of produce ta ken in exchange for our net cash goods. Soliciting a liberal future patronage, and thankingyou in advance for same, we are. Very Truly, I.K.CORPEN1NG&CO Banner Elk, N. C, Dec 10. ooooooooooonp a tea at $i,ou,ouu. . court. , ; !