Watauga. Democrat Published Every Thursday. Why Ko:l , "John Smith" writes to the ItillMgn wcnu twin uuwri:r, ami uftrr citing thf fact that ffirln hav been admitted to til) the privilege of the Uni versitj and the Agricultural nml Merlin nicnl College at I 1 1. J I A. I. iiHieimi, ueruiiiKia tu Kiiun il by?the same token m en "hall not be admited to all depiiriini nts of theStateNor ihhI tnd Industrial College, With all the riifhts und privi 1k pertaining thereto. Mr. Hmith'H uoint appears well lHkri. The Landmark's sym path j is with the girls but if th poor, down-trodden sis- inn IIV7 l w in; nuuiiviru v thp male colleges on all fours . i . i . i win tnt lr uromers we areun utile at the present to see why the brothers should not be admitted to all the privilege of the female institutions. iStatesville Landmark. Dr. T. A. Crawford, of Hock Hill, told a News reporter of a singular incident that oc curred in Rook Hill q few days ago. An eight year old bovcaueht hold of a. live wire that had been blown by a storm. His feet were touching the damp ground And the circuit was comple ted through his body," He was thrown flat. Several per sons were standing near, and neeing his predicament, tried to help hira. Every one who touched him was thrown to the ground with a severe shock of electricity. At last ihe boy's father got an axe undent the wire, breaking the circuit. The child was badly burned on the back of Its neck and was almost dead. An electrician who worked on the line stated that more than a thousand voltt of elec tiicitf passed through the hojVlody, and he cannot sug how he eseaned ilive. Charlotte News. Superintendent Mebanehas written to the Superintend ent of Public instructions in Pennsylvania to recommend nome good graduate from the Indian school in that State to take n position a inong the Croatau Indians in Hobeson county. Theinstruc tion of the Croatans have thus received has not been satisfactory. If the superin tendent wishes an Indian tea cher, he possibly might have found one among the Chero- kees of bur State. The Cher 4)kees have had an excellent school in Jackson county for a numbar of years, and some of tho8eeducated there ought to fill the reauirementsof the uerintendent.-Kaleigh Moi ning Post. Dreyfus was condemned on two ground: First, he was a Jew, and second, France de mands a victim. The "exten Dating circumstances" lounr by the judges are probably these: Fitst, hecould not help .r, being born a Jew, and sec ond, be has declared that he ' would not attempt to make any one suffer for the wrongs he has eodured.-MempisScim iter. For wounds, barns, scalds, ' sores, skin diseases and all irrita ting eruptions, nothing so sooth ing and healing as De Witt's witch haeJ salve. Mrs.. .Emma Holies Enirlewood Nursery, Chicago, 11 says of it: "When all else fails in l.Vftllmr nnr haliioa ft will cnra. Fros, iThillifwjindson. LC. A PRAYER. Oh Thou whom name is . Love, who nver turuwl away from the cry of Thy noedy children, give ear to m.v prayt-r this morning. Make this a day of blessing to and make me a blessing to other. Keep all evil oway from me. Preserve me from outward transgression and from secret sin. Help me to control my tem jht. May I eheck the first rising of anger and sullenness. If I meet with un kindness and ill treat merit, giv me thatchaiity which sufferetb long and eudureth all things. Make me kind and gentle toward all, lovingthose wholove me not. Let me live this day as il it were to be my last. Oh, my God, show me the path that Thou wouldst have me to follow. May I lake no step that is not ordered by Thee, and go nowhere xcept thou Lord go with m. A- men. Ashton Oxenden. Chatham Record: All Amer ans are condemning the un ust persecution of Captain Dreyfus by the French gov ernment, and we honst that no such travesty on justice could occur in this country. And yet a greater travesty has occurred in this couii- ry. and the victim was an in nocent woman! We refer to the judicial raur der ol Mrs. Surrat, at Wash ington in 1865. Yes, that un brtunate lady was hanged by the United States govern. ment, merely to appease a demand for somebody's blood, after a farce of a trial, that was as disgraceful as the trial of Dreyfus. "Mamma, if I had a hat be bro 1 had this one, it s all right to say that's the hat 1 had, isn't it?" 'Certainly, my boy." "And if that hat once had a hole in it. and I had it mended, I could say it had a hole in it. couldn't I? Yes, theie would be nothintr incor rect in that," "Then, it'd be good English to say that the hat I bad bad had bad a hole in it, wouldn't it?"-Mother- hood. The War Department is spending at the rate of f 200, 000,000 a year while the mon ey appropriated by Congress is only $84,000,000 a year At this rate the money inten ded to last until July next year, will be gone by the 1st. of November next, or on month before the meeting of Congresss and two mouth before the body can act on nnv appropriation. N e w York Times. Commercial Appeal: The Ky campaign has has had anoth er firebrand thrown into one of its powder magazines. The Hon. W. J. Bryan has advis ed the Hon. Bill Gobel to re pudiate the regular local democratic ticker in Louis vif.e because it is the Courier Journal ticket. Thisamounts to advising Goebel to turn his back upon his friends and throw himself upon the necks of his enemies. DeWitt'slittle Early Risers per manently cure chronic constipa tion, biliousness, nervousness and worn-out feeling, cleanse ana reg nlatethe whole system, small pleasant, never cmue-or sicken "famous little pil's ' cofley Bros. Phillips and sou, l. c. Beeves. Trinity College. Forty fifth year opens Wedues day. September the 6th. Largest endowment of any College in North Carolina. CompletestGym nasium in the State. Board$6.50 to f 10.00 per month. LoanSchol arships for worthy young men Young women admitted to all classes. Send for catalogue to PRESIDENT Kl LOO, l ; PCRUAM, N.C. Tka Ceasing cfDcty bring joy or pain. It'a for the mother to decide. With good health and a strong womanly organism, motherhood but adds to a woman's attractirenesa. VJino a takeaaway all terrors by strengthening the vital organs. It fits a mother for baby's coming. By revitalizing the nerve centres it has brought chubby, crowing youngsters to thousands of weak women who feared they were barren. It purifies, heals, regulates and strengthens, and is good for aU women at all times. Mo druggist would be without It. 1 1 co For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, " The Ladies' Advisory Department, " The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Term. HK8. LOUISA H ALB, of Jefferson, Cka-m;ii-"Winn I lint took Win ol Cardul wo had been married thnt years, but could not hsre any children. Nine month later I kad a One (lri baby." New York Journal: Many a man thinks he is being driv en. to drink, when as a mat ter of fact he has got the-bit in his teeth and is running a way. The pain of a burn or scald is almost instantly relieved by applying Chamberlain s Pain 2aim. It also heals the injured parts more quickly than any other treatment, and without the burn is very severe it will not leave a scar. For sale by druggists. Bucklen'i Antra Sa've. The liest salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chap ped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required.lt is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaetion or money reiunded. 25 cents per box. J; or sale by tiois- claw and by lilickburn. Remember We want your young chickens and eggs. OUR price w the right price. TH ERE is no guess work here. FULL measure to please. WE aim at your satisfaction. SENSIBLE. Look at them. MARRY your feet to our shoes. QUICK to sell and slow to wear. We have a nice line for both Ladies and Gentlemen. The PRICES ARE RIGHT. Ladies, you don't want to buy your dress until y o u come and see what we have in that line. We also carry a nice line o -GLASS WARE. Such as flowered, colored and plain lamps, jelly glasses, fruit jars and sich. ONE FACT is better than a TON of talk. We furnish the goods, you do the rest. Yours truly. L. R. CLARKE & CO. Norris, July 5, '99. 1 he Morning Post liALEIGH.N.C The only popular-priced morn ing newspaper in North Carolina, The finest telegraphic and geu- eral news service. Special correspondents in a I parts of the State civing a com plete synopsis ot state news. SUB&CBIPTION PRICE: Onelmonth f 10 To months : 75 Three months 1 0 One year 4. 0 STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. " No paper continued beyond the time paid for; Send in your subscription. - Address - ' ' " 1-a THE MORNING POST, "Wimit gold they found, and if not, what was is the question that is jrerplex mg a party of young iren of thisi-ity, says the Wilming ton Messenger. The story da tea back to Mondav after noon, and the scene is No-' hies cut, ubout a mile down the' Onslow railroad, which tract of land has been much ly talked about and spaded by treasure seekers. The af ternuon of the day mention ed two young men were out strolling and when near No ble's cutcanre upon two white men digging a hole. The men stopped upon seeing that they were observed and tried to screen their actions. The young men passed on, ! but on Tuesday night organ ized a party of about ban n dozen and went back to the scene, iney aiscovereu, a deep hole dug in the giound and its shape at the bottom looked as though a cbpsthad been taken from it. This fill ed them with wonderment and their thoughts rvertwl at once to the oft told tales of a treasure buried in this ocality. E. E. Turner, Compton, Nfo., was cured of piles by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over wentv remedies, rhvsicians and surgeons endorse it. coffey Bros., Phillips son, L. c. Reeves. Nasal Catarrh-What Is It? A purely local affection, a germ that exists in parasites. There is no disease of which more haveun dertaken the treatment, a n d ol whiea less have understood the first principles of cure. Inhalers have been used, medicines haye been taken internally and appli ed externally, but no relief has been experienced by the catarrh sufferer. Why? because the prima ry cause of the disorder has nev er been unearthed- the first pnn ciple of the discomfort had never presenteo itself to those who trea ted, rather maltreated it. The misguided sufferer had never been cognizant ol the tact that the sords, a filthy, pellucid matter, and the parasites (minute am mala which exist in and eat the orcans of smell) inus be remov ed tefore a cure can be effected. I wonld state in addition that all who are trying so-called cures for Nasal Catarrh, such ns inhala tions. patent medicines sniffed trout the palm ot the hand into the nostrils, Turkish sulphur, Russian, galvanic, or cold water baths, are paving the way to deafness (bv causing the closure of the Lnsthachian tubes) sore throat, asthma, consumption and death. 1 cure Catarrh by means of the Extirpator. The The only way of destroying the parasite. The operation lasting only 30 minutes and compara tive! without pain. Then the patient is tree iromthegermthat produces catarrh, and the heal ...... . . ... ing logins rapidly, and the cure is sure. I also cure uancer. I te- move cancer without knife. The operation does not confine pa tient to bed. I can remove acan cerous breast in from 12 to 16 days. All v ork done under aposi tive guarantee. If I fail to cure either of the above diseases, I will cheerfully relund the money. Lxammations tree and all letters ol enquiry promptly answered. Dr. 0. W. Phipps, Specialist in Catarrh, Cancer and. Tumor. Shull's Mills, N. C. SILVER THE ISSUE III 1900. Money the Pricing lostnuneot . MaM CtilDzaOon tnd Progress Han Kept Step With Momj Supply In All Aps. The Money Question diaenned In the light of experience and history. 1 1 Yer Knight-Wat chman , The leading Bimetallic Paper of America, V. ft. Senator W. M. STEWART, Editor. A correct accoont of the doings of Congress gtren each week. A family paper for the borne and fire side. All the 1 m portent happenings of the week, condensed, In newi columns. A large circulation In every State and Territory. , SnbeerlBtloa Price, 91 Per Tear. Bend for sample agent wonted,- t i: PublUhed weekly by the J Silver. Knight Fabllihlnr Co., ,W.8BlMOTOW,.r. c- a ,1I'IHIIM1 .1.11, nil, IWIni.UI.H;.l..'"Wl!'!hll'A trftiTmnai.fmi XVtSetablePrcparalioafbr As similating deToodflndReuta' ting theStomachs aiidJBoweb of Promotes'Didcslion.Clicctful- ness andRcstCoatalns neither Opnim.Morptune nor Mineral. 1ot Narcotic. ; Htimf-4- Anrrfpcf Remedy for Constipa- tioh. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, WornTdjoonvulstons.reverisn' ness and LOSS Of SLUR YuSiinW Sifnaturcof NEW YORK. tXACT CO FT OT WRAPVEB FOR SiLEl The nronertv situated in the town of Boone. N. C. own ed bj Vassas Bros., and for merly operated as a pipe tac- tory. There is one 30 horse power boiler and engine, as good as new; also ft large building suitable for manu facturing purposes. All will be sold together, or boiler, engine and fixtures separate from the house to suit the purchaser. Same will be sold on easy terms to suit any de sirous of purchasing the prop erty. For further informa tion, call on or address Lovill & Fletcher, Atty's for Vassas Bro s. The University Of H. G. Widest patronage and full est equipment in its history, Faculty, 38; Students, 495; 3 Academic Courses; 3 Elect ive Courses; 3 Professional Schools, in Law, in Medicine and in Pharmacy. New Build ings, Water Works, Splendid Libraries, Laboratory, etc. Advanced Classes opeu- to women. Tuition $60. a year; Board $8. n month. Ample opportunity for self-h e I p . Scholarships and Loons for the needy. Free tuition tor Teai-hers. Summer School for Teachers; 24 instructors, 147 students. Total enrollment 644. For cntalgn, address, President Alderman, Chapel Hill, N. C. NOTICE. Under and by virtufl ofade cree of the Superior Court of Wntauga county, N.C., made Junelbe 12th, '99, 1 will pro ceed to sell at thecourt house door in Boone in taid coun ty on Monday the 2nd day of Oct., "99 between thehourn of 12, M and 3, p. m., a cer tain tract of land of which Pinkney Underwood diedseiz ed. in Rluellidcetownshipad joining the lands of J. C. Un- derwood, U. .H, naming and others, and ifounded as fol lows: Beginning on a maple on the bank of the creek, run ning east to a chestnut tree at the road near the meeting house, thfn'eouth-west with t he meanders of the road to ford of Bhid creek, then up the meanders of said crerkto the beginning containing six acres more or less. Said land will be sold for partition be tween the hen a of Pinkney Underwood, deceased. Tei ms of sale one-half cash, and the other in six months with ap proved security. 1 his land was sold on the 7th day of Aug.. but sale was set aside in pursuance of la rv, the bid having been raised to the mount of ten ppr cent bf G. L. Story. Ang. 24. '99. U J. CoTTHELtf. Com'r.c ! il For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears" Signati The Kind You Have Always Bought. tmi ntun nuMin, wf omr. Out of every nest full of Fail ure's eggs which old experi ence sets, the game hen Ef fort hatches a few of the Mar ketable chickens of Success. -Sel. 'Best on the market for coughs and colds and all bronchial trou bles; for croup it has no equal,' writes Hery R. Whitfordolbouth Caan, Con., ot One Minute cough cure, cofey Bros. Phillips son, L. c. Beeves. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The Intense itching and amarting, Inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain'! Eye and Skin Ointment. Many yery bad caees have been permanently enred by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 eta. per box. I)r. Cadjr's Condition Powders, are jnst what a horse need when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifnge. They aro not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 89 centa per package. O VIA IXPEMIENCf. Tunl inm. nl' ' COPYR1CMTS An. Anrona tending iketch tnd daccrlptlon mar -qoloklr woarUin, free, whvtlier an InrenUoa is probnblr patentable. rommnriWttana trleUy confidential, oirieai arenoy foraccurlnc patenta In Amorlca. We have a Wanhlngtnn otnee. Patenu taken through Huon C. reeelre peelal notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ' beautifully Itlnrr rated, lnnreat etrcnlatloa of anr ctentlnc Journal, Tf cokiy, tnii U.UI a reart I1.J0 iix months. Hpurtinea coiiea and UAJia BOOK on Patints tent free. Addrau MUNN A CO., 301 Brondre". New V -t- Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent buiineia conducted for MootNATt Fire, i Our Orrtcc la oppositc. U, 8. PaTtHVOrrier sndweconaecura patent in ZcM tune Uoa Uoat nnot. friMB Waahinrtoo. i Send model, drawing or photo with deierlB-f Hon. VTe adTue, if patentable or not, free off charge. Uur lee not one till patent suurea. a rv How to Obtain Patents." witr coat of same In the V. S. and foreign ceaatrics; sent free. Address, Opp. Patcnt Ornex, Wasminoton D.C. j Ve BUILD tfcem to YOUR order SOUDAN, BICYCLES net NILE and PYRAMID - TANDEMS They nm better and Ltst bncjcr tnd w very aitradhre. Scadfor our ACCURATELY Cluatnitnl QUlogue. It &ow rottoll tarn u to e see wMSTYLE, Jjt COLOR 9 .. and FINISH. Mason & Mawri Compter, No. 537 V. Madlioa St, . Chkaeo, QL n y .1 ii r i.jjuj( 1 "RAiwGa.-N. C.