Watauga Democrat. Rcbert C. Rivers, Editor and Pkopuietoii. .;.jHUR8DAY,Oet;i9,1899. D.JnridBey, son of the Turkish Grand Vizier, was as fcassihated at Constantinople recently. Rev. J. W. Frank, pastor of the Methodist church at . Winston, has been appointed missionary to Japan, and will accept, Ah exchange says that on nn average every man, wo man and child consumes 1 bout three busheU of apples per year. . President Kilgo states that the number of students now at Trinity exceeds 200, and that the enrollment for the year will be 250. Aguinaldo said in a recent proclamation that the Filipi nos should pray that the democratic party should wlu in the next presidential elec tion in the United States. 4 The Manufacturers Record says that E. F. Timmons and W. B. Couneill of Boone, will develop CDpper mines at Elk Knob. The former is from Milwaukee, Wis. President MuKinley has ap proved the sentence ot Capt. 0. M. carter to imprisonment for five years at hard labor and the payment of $5,000 and dismissal from the ser vice. He has paid the fine and is now in prison on Govern ors. .Island, New York. . - , , T.he. Americans seem to be doing, some ; good in Cuba. The death rate was lower for the past summer than for many years. This is due to sanitary measures adopted by the Americans. At first, the uubans objected to such measures; but' happily now they see the good of it. Col. Julian S. Carr has in structed Rev. C. M. Pickins, President of Davenport Fe male College, to select some worthy young lady of Cald well county, and give her a complete course av his ex pense. This .is truly casting bread upon the waters in one of the many right ways. The recent traveler who re ported a late snow storm in the mountains must have been buffering with jim-jams. We have had plenty of frosts followed by many warm days but as yet we have had no j t - snow, neitner naye we pros pects oi any ior many aays to come. The North Carolina Mor mon Conference has just clos ed a session at Goldsboro. Fifty elders and 200 laymen were in attendance. It is in- 4 deed something fearful to state that there arc now 800 members in the conference. were 150. Mh8 Julia Grant, grand " daughter of Gen. (J. S. Grant, was married recently to a Russian Count by the name .or opera mzicy ot Newport, ,R. 1. There were two ceremo nies, one according to tli e Greek, church, and the other an Episeopalean -service. TO fcsnSb Thi Kind Yob Han Alvny Beqjt Bgaatan - BrooVslde Letter. - Editor Dumocrnt. The meanest and most con temptihle thing lately is the attempt of the war howlers of the administration to styg matize as traitors all those who do not join in with them in their mad and unholy dem onstrations andjor the mur dering of the belpless and in offensive people of the Philip pine Islands. .. - Some of these blood-thirsty vampires will lean back upon their "dewelnws" and roll their eyes to heaven in holy horror at the want of patriotistain lliose who op pose their hellish work, - And if a beastly negro in the South is summarilv dealt with for a crime too norrible to men tion, these jatne God and mortality men .will make the land to ring with their lamen tatious, and yet all those who oppose the murder of the poor Filipino women and children, the burning and looting of their homes, the outraging their women and the devastation of theircoun try, are held up by those pa triotic (?) ones as being trai tors to their country and as being wanting in loyalty to our flag and soldieis. "Teddy" Roosevelt in his opening speech of the Ohio campaign referred to all those who oppose this war as "try ing to trail our Jflng in t h e dust." Oh, ye gods! How is it possible for our flag to be disgraced now? If taking our flag that has always been looked upon as representing a people who believe in Gov. by consent; who believe that "all just governments derive their power, from the consent of the governed;" if taking that flag and sending it half around the globe to find an inoffersive and helpless peo ple that we can subjugate and destroy for conquest for the suke of their land and property if that doeB not disgrace lhe-flng, then degra dation of the flag Is impossi ble. And yet these9ame war howlers, not content with the degree that the flag has been trailed in the dust by the acts above stated, they have actually raised it over theSu tu Islands, thus making it the emblem of. slavery, polyga my and piracy. Again we say, ye gods, can our flag be disgraced now? We prefer to be disloyal if one must endorse what is go ing on now to be loval. H.A. D. Senator Hanna paid for his suite of rooms m a London hotel 175 guineas a week, which is equal to about nine hunqred and twenty-five dol Jars. is robbed of. its terrors by the fact that the best med ical authorities state that it is a curable disease t and one of the happy thine; about it is, that its victims rarely ever lose hope. You know there are ell torts o? secret nostrums advertised to cure consumption. Some make tbsurd claims. We only say that if taken in time and the laws cf health are properly observed, SGOTT'S EMUEJSWS8 will heal the inflammation cf the throat and lung and nourish and strengthen the body so that it can throw off the disease. .4 We have thousands of testi monials where people claim they have been permanently cured of this malady. ; Jnc. nt 'i.no, all drurhti. SCOTT 4 BOWNE, ;iitmii, J.tw Vork., . d Sip! ' Some Kuap-Shots By Phantom. Editor Democrat: 'The hole country is being severely "financed" by t h e gold standard, the tariff and the trusts: The people are in a swing, with the "flnaciers" hold of one end and the trusts and combines of the other. McKinloy's Philippine policy is chock full ' of blowholes, and Mark Hanna has come home to find several panels of his Ohio fence down. Ken tucky will go democratic ol course; she is built that way. It is fitting that McKinley should select the man of peace Sampson, to webome the Na vy's fighting man, Dewey. And you say that John L. Councill is no longer a demo crat. Well, that only proves that he belongg to that class who keep rooms to rent in theupier story. What the people, and especially the re publican politicians, would like to know, is what to ex pect next. We will never be any better off until our cur rency is on a bimetallic ba sis. What does Bro. "Civis" think of that? This whole ad ministration is showing some very unmistakable symp toms of hollowhorn. Phantom. Banner Elk, Oct. 16. Result of Gtia's Campaign la th Phil ipplue. Pasig Captured three times and abandoned twice. Guadalupe Captured four times and abandoned three times. Mariqnina Captured s i x times and abandoned ,s i x times. Canita Captured once and abandoned twice. Antipolo Captured once and abandoned. Morong-Captured twice and abandoned tffice. Santa Cruz Captured once and abandoned. Pagsanjan captured once and abandoned. Longon captured once and abaudoned. Pnete captured once and abandoned. Nova li'hes captured twice and ubandoned twice. San Mateo captured once ond abandoned. San Jose captured once and abandoned. Norzagaay captured once and abandoned. Augot captured once and abandoned. Bacolar captured twice and abandoned once. Mncabebe The only town friendly to the Arrericnns, ta ken and deserted and allow ed to be burned by the na tives. Quingua Taken twice and abandoned twice. Guagua Taken once and abandoned.-Chicago Record. Wesley James, colored, of charlotte, certainly has a hie tory. He has been married nine times. He is 75 years of age andhisoldestchildren, twins, are 55 years oldand his youngest, twins, are 12 mouth old. He is the father of 55 children, many of whom he has not seen for years. Admiral Dewey has arcept-l ed the proposed home tender ed him by the American peo Die. He will make his home in Washington. He express ed the desire that the home be in readiness for nim as soon as possible as "he want ed to go in and hang up his hat." DROPSY CITtn with vegetable jttBuaiaa. uaTeonmi many thousand enmm oalledhoiMleMa. In t lay at leant iwo-thlrrHtnf all rrmptoroi reraor wraor - en. TMtimomai ana xen treatment tree. DR. 1. 1. GEIEH'S 80M, Boa K. Atlaata, tta. Talle CruvU Items. -Mr.'Moses H, Cone passed through the valley en route to Banner Elk last week Misses Mot dnecia and Hill came riown.from the Rock to visit Mrs. C. D. Taylor Sun nay. ' v i: Misses Nelia and Essie Mast Messrs Hayes and Claude Mast have gone to Globe and Colletaville on a few day's visit. . Mr. N. G. Norris, who has been " in Kentucky for some time, passed through hereon his way home last week. Miss Emma Ingle and Mr. Joe Stuart, of Blowing Rock, were the guests of Mrs. W. II. Mast last Sunday. A number of the Valley peo pie attended thesnle at Blow ing Rock last week, and Mr. 0. D. Taylor purchased a nice surrey and Mr. T. fl. Taylor a buggy. Master Clarence Weeden vis ited Artbor.Ma8t Sunday. An error occurred in the Valle Crucis news last weeek, viz: The nice home being built by J." M. Shull, etc.. should have read the new barn be ing built, etc. The public school opened again on last Monday. We Two. Tama Items The public school at this place is moving on nicely with a large attendance. There was a debating soci ety organized at said school house (Rocky Point) recent ly with about fourteen mem bers. Mr. Theodore Moretz made a business trip to Wilkes boro last week. Rev. Mr. Jones, of Jeffer son, a Presbyterian minister, will lecture here on Saturday night before the fifth Sun day and preach on the follow ing Sunday. Mr. John Hopkins is pre paring to put down a steam saw mill near this place. Mr. Jacob Hopkins, of Gap Creek, left recently for Rich mond. Va., where he will at tend medical lectures, G. B. Goodman. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Rind Yoq Ha? b Always Bought Bears the Signature of MIraflfcr4 thetortarM of the 4mb4 with protrudlug pile brought on by oonitlpa Hon with wbloh I id afflicted for twenty yean. I ran Mroi your CASCARETS In the town of Newell, la., and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man. " a B. Kbits, Mil Jones St., Blonx Oily, It. F!eMant, Palatable. Potent, Tatte Good. Do OoodjMever Bloken. Weaken, or Gripe. Uo.KO.Ka. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... atwUH Umymjy CMnf, ntw.l, gwr t. KM M.Tft.nUft Bold and guaranteed by alldrag " I U'BAU gltte to ifllJs Xobaooo Habit. NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Snpenor Court of Watauga county North Carolina, made on Sept. 21,1899,1 will, a. commissioner appointed by said court, on Monday, th? 0th day of November, 1899, proceed to sell at the court house door in the town of "Roone, N. C thirty-one a- cres 01 land belonging to Bet sy Jane Martin, a lunatic: ly ing on the waters of North Fork of New Riyer in said county, and adjoining the lands of John H. South. H. C. South. J. M. South and C. J. Main. Terms of sale one- third caRh on day of sale.ba nnce in equal installments of one and two years. Title re served until all purchase mon tv in njiin This pn. '2f. '99. , UlV1,rI1 n-i f, Pw. ,.X 1 vunn lx. uuvi u, uuon a yvui. LOVIt-L & JXETCHEW, Att' IPD1LIIS 7r5rT CANDY I I Ljr CATHARTIC What Cove creek Academy Offers. , v HDNKST instnu tiori that makes for chnracter, by "com petent touchers.' ; '.... .",; v..;:;: HOARD at $5.00 and f6t0 per month. Living expenses'.-. Moral and religious influence of the community. v:' ' . NO THOUGHTFUL parent will pla e his child in sci;ooi where the influence of the people is nol for good. .... FALL TERM 1JEGINS AUST 14.' ; ; SH0BERR0GURS, Pbincipil... THE N0R7H CAROL lb A COLLEGE . . : . . - - .. , of - : AGRJCULlUREAM)ME(JJAM(ARlt. Terhi opens Wednesday, September Ctb. Gives an extraordinary course of instruction at nn extra ordinary low cost to the student. It not only educates but piepures its students to become intelligent directors of ngrienltureal and mechanical enter prises. There are complete special and short courses in the various Agricultural, industrial, Mechanical, Textile and Civic Anns. , , h J Students will be allowed tri stand th entrance examina tions at the county seats of the counties in which they' re side, thus saving the expense of a trip to Raleigh. ... For further information, catalogue, etc apply to PRESIDENT GEORGE T. WINSTON, 1 West Raleigh N. C. T: e State Normal and Industrial College." OfleTR to young women thorough literarv, classical, ncientiflc, and industrial education and special pedagogic training. Annual Expenses f 90 to f 130; for non-residents ol the State f 150. Facul ty ot 30 members. More than 400 regular Btudents. Has matricnla ted about 1 .700 students, representing every county in the State except one. Practice and Observation School ol about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormitoriea, all free-tuition applications should be made before August 1. Correspondence invited from those desiring comepetent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, address ; PRESIDENT MclVER, Obeenbboeo, N. C. The subject of making Washington the Democratic headquarters, instead ol Chi cago, is now agitating the minds of some parties. Some one has suggested that it might be best to have the head-quarters where the figh ting is the thickest, so Chica go would be the best place. A Very Attractive Line OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as Brocades, Worsteds, Organdies, India Linens, Dimities, Batistes, and Ducks in all colors now on display.at our store. Also a beautiful assortment of Simpson's and Indigo blue cailcoes, and percales for shirt waists; the ready-made shirt-waits also in stock. HOSIERY. We flatter ourselves that in this line, as well as in the line of ribbon, silk laces, ladies' hats, beautiful in design, and many other articles for wo men, we are decidedly in the lead. SHOES For all classes and condi tions of men, women and chil dren. Is it a very handsome, hand-sewed ladies shoe of the most stylish makeyouwant? We haVe it. The very best shoe for gentlemen on the market? We have it. In fact, we can fit you up in shoes be you ever so fastidious. We carry a full line of hats, caps and ready-made Clothing. . , " For both men and boys. Gauze underwear for both ladies and gentlemen. The best assortment of shirts in the county. A full and complete stock of Groceries always on hand. Hardware from a Farmer's Friend plow to a cambric needle, apd ev erything going at Bottom PRICES. 7 Spun yarn on hand to ex change for wool. WANTED: All the chickens and eggs we can get and ath er good country produce for which we will pay you the highest prices. When you are in need of anything call on Yours FOR..TKADE, . . H. T N E WLAND &CO. Blowing Rock, June 15, '99. The Lenoir News says that the contrHftt has hepn p'w&n for a new jail in Lenoir. Jt; js to be a commodious hand some structure.Thetontract, price is $9 998.50. Pino Wuroartr Pmit AaUU XllUOUiJ AalUM I have on hand a fine lot of . fruit trees, such as apples, peacb es, pears, prunes, etc. etc. I also have a fine assofmeut of grape vines that are best suited to oar climate. It voucontpmulatebny ing any trees or vines, I can sell theratoyou at about' one half the price you would have to pay at other nurseries, and then you have the satisfaction of knowing what you get. - : All trees delivered at my nur-. series. Trees trom t hree to six feet tall. For further particulars call on or address, W. L. Coffey, Moretz, N. O. WE s GREATEST BARGAINS in Watauga county for SPOT CASH Ever offered will be on pale at my store, (nothing sold onK tinm). Having decided to sell :; strictly for pay down, I will cut prices on all my goods. I will giye some prices at which ; 1 intend to sell fof cash; lean only name a few, but will sell all goods at correspondingly, low prices. For instance, I will sell standard domestic 5c by tbe bolt; alaumnceor cotton checks 4c calico 4.5 - add 6c; jeans 12, lo, 20cand" up; twilled worsted 10c; double width cassimere 15, 20c and up, pins 2c a paper; 1 Ail . A per 3, 4 and 5c per buire; 25 good envelopes fbr 3c; tin- . ware ana nardware very cheap; coffee 10c per lb, and all other groceries very low; , mens straw and wool hatsat rock bottom prices, and in fact I do not mean to be nh- ; dprsnlrl hv nnv nnp fnr inah ; I will sell yon more goods for jour money tnan yon can buy anywhere in the country all, I ask is a trial, so please examine my stock and prices. heiore bnvincr. No trouhle you will find anywhere, all v the new fabrics at extremely , low prices. My stock of pat- ent medicines is full and com. plete, also keep on hand all : kinds of fresh garden seeds, Farmers Friend plows, re-' pairs of all kinds, calf's ton gue and shovel plows, hoes, etc. Cash goes a ong ways ' now, so bring your cash here ' it vrm irnrir hnriroint firv- J A. X. I . U. WILL W.BOLSCLAV. t . .... r

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