The Watauga Democrat , Enteitfl in the Post office fit Hoods, N. C, as second dfiss mail mutter; " - SUBSCRIPTION RITES: ' Oat year. ........... 1 .00. Six Months.... .50. Three irionths.....; .25. A d vert'mns rates furnished on application. LOCAL NEWS. Cold weather. Jasper Sunders is very ill with fever. Ladies capes very cheap at Holselaw's. Dr. J. M. Hodges is con fined at his home at Poplar Grove with typhoid fever. A nice line of hats a n d caps for boys and men just Id at Holaclaw's. Say, friend, when you are in town Monday, drop in and pay us that dollar, The ladies will find a nice line of hats, Golf and oilier late styles, at L. R. Clark & Co's. Rev. A, L. Stanford will preach at the school house at Deerfield on next Sunday, at 3, p. m. Dr. J. B. Council!, of Sal isbury, arrived in Boone on Tuesday night. Ha was wired for on account of the illness of his father. That wood you promised us is co mini.' in very slowly, Remember we will uotneed it aiter we are frozen. Justin, a beautiful line ol ladies' hats, capes, etc. See tucin. iney areueauues, uno .... . t the prices are right. H. T Newland & Uo. A. Lloyd Hendren, who is well known by many of out people, died at Huntingcreek .". tt'SINms n.inr, tp j fucp rl ' V B tf linen iuuuiji u ivh u j u since. The brandy distillery of C. R. Norris, of Meat Camp. was destroyed by fire Mon -'day night. We have no par ticulars. Next Monday the county commissioners will be in ses sion; a cattleman.s club is to be organized on that day and a 'number of valuable tructB of land are tobeold. Just received at Will W Holselaw'a a nice line of la dies' felt hats, trimmed and untrimraf d sailors also straw sailors at 20c. and up to $2 each. Mr. 3m. Brawley, lorm erly oLMooresville, but lat terly of one of the Western States, spent a few days in town, leaving on Tuesday morning. Why don't you hush dat cryin roun here wid dem cole bans? Go over dar to Clarke & Co., an do like me, buy you some gloves'! Him got al kinds, and sells urn plum low. Git some fur de ladies, too. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Ram- bo, of Mountain Citj , Tenn., after spending 6ome days here, left for their home yes terday. Mr. Rainbo gave our office a very pleasant cal while in town, Last week Dr. Hogshead pi Banner Elk, relieved Win. Tiiplett, of Elk township o a severe caucer of the eye. The Dr. says the case was a very intricate one but he has great hopes of his recovery. -Thanks to W. fl. Penley, of Skagjt, Washington, for u MAirtUf (IMfht A.lUAItn( lilt) Cl T e.irage to the DemocuAt. It would bsbighlj gratifyintr to us if tun nv of our other friends n th Western States would do likewise. Ouragedand much lov- ed physician, Dr. W. B. Coun cill, has been very ill for sev eral days but today (Wednes lay) it is hoped that hiscon dition is somewhat improv ed, and all trust that re ong he may be up agai. Through the effo ire of a committee of our ladies, the Methodist church has a large ell in its steple, which, by he way, is one of thi finest oned bells in town. You can always depend on the. ladies when there is money to raise. A friend' of Meat Camp, is responsible for the following: "If a coon did chase Martin Warren, of Mabel, 20 years ). he has the finest field of corn 1 have seen in years. It contains 12 acres and 1 am of the opinion that it will make 500 bushels." -Next Sunday at 11 a.m., there will be Missionary Ral ly services conducted at the Methodist church. There will be appropriate sougs, recita tions, etc., rendered by the children, and the day promis f8 to be a very enjoyable one. Let all those who can attend the service and help along the missionary work. -There will be a public de bate at roscoe on Friday, Nor. 10. Query; Resolved that man has done more to elevate humanity than wo man. The affirmative will be represented by H. C. Ingram, P. E. Herman, J . M. Cala way; the negative by N. L. Harri son, L. F. Woodieand 0. G. Andrews. All aie cordially in vited to attend. Another one 6 the old landmarks of Watauga has quit the haunts of men and passed the bourne from whence no traveler ever re turns. Mr. Nathan Horton passed peacefully away on Wednesday night of last week after a painful illness of two weeks. For 70 years ho has sojourned in this woild, and was always fount on theside of right, whether as a soldier or a citizen, he performed his part well. Quiet, unobtrusive the world knew but little of him, but when death met him it found hun ready, willing and almost anxious to go. It would be well if we could all be to ready when death meets us. In another column is an article of .interest written by Mr. J. C. Horton, touching the Cattle Quarantine law. It gives much light on I h e subject and shows clearly the danger we are in if the laws are not rigidly enforced. We hope to see a large crowd of our citizens present next Mon day at the organization of a Cattleman's Club. The cat tle trade In our county is of considerable importance to our people, but if stringent steps are not taken for the protection of our cattle from contagious disease, we will sooq find that we arequaran tined against the markets of the north, and will be forced to sell our cattle on the southern market. j. w. TODD. GEO. P. PELL. TODD & PELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice regulaily in the courts of Watauga. Ileadquar- tets at Cofiey'a Hotel during jcoutt. . . . .: 5-4-99. Tulle Crucw Items. The small boys think it is great sport to go 'possum hunting, and we think they have been very successful, as six boys and fonr dogs suc ceeded in catching two 'pos sums m as many nights. The Rev. Mr. Letford and family arrived in the Valley last Thursday, and Mr. Led ford will immediately take charge of the school and sur lounding mission work. Mr. W. E. Shipley has been quite ill, but is thought to be slightly improved at this wri ting. The Rev. Mr. Raper deliv ered an excellent sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday evening, which was ninh enjoyed by all present. A7iss Lolia McCoy has gone to the "Land of the Sky" where she wiP enter school. Taylor & Maet claim to have handled 10.000 pounds of dried fruit this year. Pret to good, that, isn't it? A surprise dinner was giv en Mrs. W. H. Mast in honor of her birthday at her home last week, a few friend and relatives being present. Mr. K. Al. Mcloy raised a turnip on bis place this year that weighs six pounds. Who in Watauga can beat that? Let us hear from you. Mr. Jas. Moore, of Globe, passed through en route to Sugar Grove last week. Won der if he's over cattle buying too? The little ion of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Taylor is quite ill. A rally day service will be held in the Methodist church next Sundny. The regular program will not be carried out, but will consist of song service, and, perhaps, a few recitations, which will be fol lowed by a collection to which we hope all will contribute liberally. We Two. A CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend to the peo pie of Boone and vicinity and especially to his physician and pastor, my heart felt thanks for the kindness, help and sympathy extended to myself and family durinc: the illness, and since the death of my husband, Nathan Hor ton. I cannot express the gratitude I feel for the noble and generous attention that was shown, us in this bereave ment, and sincerely trust that heaven's richest blessings mayattend these kind friends, Mrs. Juliet G. Houton:. Six Frightful Failures. Six terrible lailures of six diflor out doctors nearly sent, Wro. II. Mullen, ot Lockland, Or., to an (.arly grave. All eniri he had a fa tal lung troubk'andthathemuet Soon die. lie was urged to t r y Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption. After taking five bot tles he was entirely cured. It is positively guaranteed to cure all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs, including cougliB, colds, la grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, croup, whoop mr couirh. 50c. and Si. 00. Trial bottles free at Mack burn's. The smnll pox is raging in some parts of Texas. Brave Explorers. Like Stauley and Livingstone, found it harder to overcome ma larial fever and acuo, fcfid ty phoid disease germs than savage cannibals, but thousands have found that Electric liiftersisa wonderful cure for all malarial diseases. If you have chills with fever, aches in back of neek and head, and tired, worn out feeling a trial will convince you of their merit. . W. A. fleill, of Webb, 111., writes, "Mv children suffered for more than a year with chills and fever; then two bottles of Llec trie Bitters cured them." Only 50 cents. 1 ry them. Guaranteed Sold by Blackburn. WATAUGA ACADEMY. BS3TFOR YOUNG WOMEN AND YOUNG MEN."! D. D. DOUGHERTY, A. B., B. B. DOUGHERTY, B. S.. Ph. B., Principai-s. 93 FALL TERM OPEN8 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5tb, lri99"a Three courses offered: Common School Course: Academic Course; Two years' Collegiate Course. Instructions will be given in Music, Art and business. Special attention will be given to public School teachers. Students thoroughly drill ed in Debate and Declamation. Board $6 per month. Splen did opportunities for students to board themselves. S"TUITION FROM $1. TO 3. PER MONTH."! For othei information write to, or call on the Principals, at Boone N. C. LISTEN. I am not going to tell you something about the war with Spain, for it is over, but the war with my competitors is still going on and I am still furnishing all my customers with the best bargains out. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. IN this line I am fully abreast with -the times, as I keep everything usually kept in a first-class store and will supply my cus tomers with nothing but the BEST GOODS; . at "CHEAP GOODS" prices. Very truly yours, Jan. 12. Many persons perished du ring the recent blizzard in Minnesota. Made Young Araln. "Que ol Dr. King's New Life Pills each night lor two weeks has put me in my 'teeus' again," writes D. II. Turner ot Dempsoy town, Pa. They are the host in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Never grijie. Only 25c at Blackburn'B. OABTOniA. fietn tha yf ltw Kind You Haw Alwajw BongtU Blgutut Stop a Minute, Another Store on Cove Creek. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS! Everything new and prices richt. We carry a general line of meichandise and want and will appreciate your trade. SVe will pay you the highest market price for your Grain, chickeus, Eggs, But ter, Irish Potatoes, Dried Fruit and other produce. Give us a trial, and we will do you good. JJSTStore near the residence of W. R. Moody. Youhs Truly. I, B, Clarke and Co. Sugar Grove, Oct. 18. N0TI0E NOTICE. Our motto for '99 IS THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY IN HAND. O We shall endeavor toshow our trade a larger Btock of goods than ever before,' and sell for a smaller profit, if pos eible, and shall ask for the Pay Down, It is the best for all parties. Don't forget us when in Boone, for we will save you money EVERY TIME. We Don't Compete, but are Pelow Competition. Yours truly Morets & Farthing Boone, N. C, Jan, 4, '90. JI. B. BLACKBURN, Without making any form al announcement. Admiral Dewey wishes it fully under stood that he will not be a candidate lor the presiden tial nomination, Editor Sees Wonden. Editor . V. Barray, of Lax- mgton, Tenn., in exploring Mam motn uave, contracted a severe case of piles. His quick cure thro' using liuoklen b Arnica Salve con vmced him it is an another world wonder. Cures piles, injuries, infla mation, and all bodily eruptions, Only 25c at Blackburn's. Announcement, New Store, New Goods. EVERYTHING BRAN-NEW. we are now opening a most beautiful line of general merchandise at Blowing Rock, in fact, we flatter ourselves that when our stock is all in, that it will he second to none ever opened in our town. The stock will be com plete in every line, and we are prepared to sell you goods (not at cost, for we can't afford that) at a very low figure. YOUR PATRONAGE IS WHAT WE WANT The prices, styles and qua! ity of goods will suit you then what else can you ask? Our stock consists of Dry Goods and Groceries in great variety, A 6tock offoot-wearthatis hard to duplicate in the coun ty. Hats in endless varieties andetiles. Uur line ot ladies dress gooc's is real nice aud you need anything of this kind you can find it in our store. Bacon, Flour, Lard, Rice Canned goods, etc.alwayson hand. Our stock of hardware both heavy and shelf, is complete In fact, you can find almost anything you need at our store.. Be sure and give us a call when at the"Rock", and let us show you our goods 3kd give you prices. This be- tng done, we are sure to sel you. Good country produce ta ken in exchange for goods. SCall on us at BUCHANNAN'S old STAND, Very truly. .Watausa Hotel Co, Blowing.Rock, 7eb. 23. X XXX XX XX xxxx XXX DON'T DESPAIR! Go to Friends lor Advice; t To Women for Comfort; To Strangers forCharity,biit FOR BARGAINS GO to I. N. CORPENING&CO." Here Are a few Prices NOT Promises: Good Green Coffee, 10 eta. Arbuckle's 2 for 25. Light Brown sugar 6 eta. Granulated Sugar 1 eta. Our grocery line consists of Choice, Fresh Goods in :'i both Fancy and Hea vy Grades, and all .AT. Rock Bottom Prices! IN HARDWARE, uenuine Axes ,5Uc. LnRtR and atflnrift .30 Fanner's Mixed wire nails 2 Claw HamrLere 10c, each. 10 qt Tin Bucket 15c. Best grade Lubricating Oil 25 cents per gal. Cylinder Oil 50c. We Simply Knock Down and Drag out Competition. PRY GOODS,WA7S.AND N0110X8. Every box and shtlf filled withnew and stylish goods and Each articltia la beled with' bar-, gain. Ginghams 4 cts. Plaids 5 cts. Shawls atjeost 1 1 1 Shoes, Shoes Shoes. NEW AND EXCELLENT: Come right along and bay your winter foot-wear. Thick and heavy atthin.split-leath er prices. JULGEMEN1 Is a most rare and precious gem. ww use a:lihleoeii and invest your CASH with us. SoTAIl kinds of produce ta ken in exchange for onr net cash goods. Soliciting a liberal future patronage, and thanking you in advance for same, we are. Very Truly, . N. CORPEN1NG&CO Banner Elk, N. C, Dec. 10. ooooooooooooo o

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