',:V-'; v'-.,v. ;-."v.' ' r: t ''.:.'' "'''.''.,'..'.'"".'.-'...:. The AVataiika Democrat. Published Every Thursday, . North Carolina Hlr to the Stewart Mi'llon. A (iirensboro ('orrfujiond- ent to th Chmlotte Observ !pr nays: The Hijih Point En trprise tell n most renin rk- ablentor.v iibout the heiiH to the A. T. Stewart millionn, which it snyn in authentiea ted. It seems that many ypars Htsi there lived in Randolph nullity four brothers by the name of Edwards, who mar ried four sisters, Hamilton, ttlso of Randolph. All of them went into bnsincHa in N. Y moving there-r-and were very iacressful. Only oneehildwas born into the household, a daughter. The property ol nil four of the brothers went to the c;irl at their death. Thisam girl in raid to have become the wife of A. T. Stew art. the merchant king. Mr. aiid Mrs. Stewart were childless, all thepropeity fall in to the wife, at Stewart V death. Mrs. Stewart died last winter and the heirs were ad vertised for. It is now claim ed that the lawful heirs live in Randolph county, two or three of them; one man by the name of Brewer nnd an other narred Harris, who aie closely rrelated totheoiijrj nal families that went to New York years ago. The matter wan brought to .the attention of the heirs through a merchant at Jack eon Hill, N. C. who was in New York buying goods. He saw the advertisement for the heirs and knew them. H secured a lawyer, looked in to the matter und came home and revealed it to the heirs. Thev have employed three other attorneys. The parties interested say that their law yers have reported $i;i,00O, 000 already inhan land that the entire estate is worth f 04,000.000. Thy Enterprise is informed that one of the beirs lives at Cedar Falls, an other nt New Salem and a third near Randnlm.in. died by British Soldiers in Africa. Capt. 0. 0. Dennisnnis well fcnown all over Africa as com mander of the forces that cap t u red the famous Tebid flnli he. Under date of No y4fh, '97, fiom Vrjbargy4iuafi aland, he writes: "bVforestnr ting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholern and Diarrhoea Remedy which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had it given to my men find In every case it proved most beneficial.' For sale by deal ere. Salisbury Index: Miss Pol lie Zaird was a maiden lady of 76 years. She was known to many of our citizens, hav ing peddled strawberries, greens, milk and such like for many years. On the night of Oct. 27th she died. It was thought by many that she was in destitute circumstan ces. Since her death her house hold effects bring to light the astonishing fact that t b e . pupposed pauper had simply stowed away in a tin coffee pot, rusty with age, $2,500. "We learn in connection with this discovery that shortly after the civil war sbeexchan sred a bundle of greenbacks . for gold. To this she had stea dily added the proceeds from her industry and frugality. ' Geo. Noland, Rockland, Ohio, ays: "My wife had piles lorty years. Pe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve co ted her. It is the best ;.Ualve In America." It heals every thins and cures all fkin diseases. -:'.;.:;?:' uoffey'Broa; Phillip son, '.rN ' ':;:.'-: .. , . V InPabilo. , -There ate few bettfr places in which to study the good and bad points of mankind than a public conveynnce. I always resent it when I see a young and healthy girl sit while an aged man or woman etnnds, and have a thrill of delight when I ee a woman with a biihy in her aims en ter mid half n dozen men rise to give her a sat.. And to the honor of mankind be it said thatjthis kh the rule, not the exception, among men of all classes t ho day laborer as wel'Jns the thoroughbred gentleman does honor to motherhood. A few weeks ago a small boy of three years of age was in a horse car with his mother. As there were many seats to spa re the little fellow was allowed to kneel on the end seat in the, forward part of the car, where, through the front win now, heeonll watch the dri ver anil horses. Suddenly his view was cut off by a man who jumped upon the front platform stood witn n i s broad back to the window Perhaps the intensity of the intensity of the child's gaze upon the objectionable back made the man turn. Glanc- inir in, he saw'the eager face close to the glaRs. He was a plain man, but as he stepped to the other side of the phtform the kindly smile that lighted the man's face made it lovely. "Mama," cried the delight ed baby, "that gentleman moved so I could seethe hor ses! I'm sure he must have a little boy of his own." In public and in private the world over it is the unselfish "fellow teeling" that makes us wondrouskind. Harper's Bazar. Lagripne, with its alter effects, annually destroys thousands of people. It may be quicklv cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces hump mute results in coughs, coins, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat ami lung troubles. It will prevent contain pti'.m. Coffey Bros. Phillips & Son. Monroe Enquirer: A gentle man living a few miles north of Monroe lost his hearinurs, so far as the reckoning of time is concerned, last week and did a hard day's plow ing seeding wheat last Sun day. He started his plow by daylight and quit the field a little Bbefore dark in ord that he might shave and get ready for Sundav as he thought it a desecration o the Sabbath toshaveon that day. As he was shaving n neighbor came up and inform ed him that it wasSunday in stead of Saturday. It was a hard matter to convince the man who had lost a day in his reckoning that he was wrong as to the day of the week. Meridian, Miss., Dispatch 0. C, King, of this city, coin missioner irom tne state o Mississippi to the Paris expo sition in 1900, as has arran gel tnere lor what promises to be a geat novelty in the way of an exhibit from this State. He has made arrangement with a patty-who has secur ed at the right season 300, 000 selected , full grown cot ton bolls which wifl be sold as the Paris exposition bv original cottontield darkeys ae souvenier s of the Amen con cot ton exhibit. These wil be the first cotton bolls ever s! i iped abroad. They will be eagei iy souirnt Hirer rv ieo i i . pit who have used quanti ties of America n cotton, but who hav-iiHver seen it in itslThis Nov. 14, 1899. natural form. 1 M. J. Bhady, Mortgaj Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that your llref In out of order. Ttw best medicine .to rouse the liver and cure all these Ills, is found in Hos3p& Pills 25 cent. Sold by all medicine dealen. Hanna says there are no rust 8. Go into the market to buy hardware, build yon a house, buy paper on which to print a paper, go to mar ket to sell your tobacco, buy a new carpet take any turn yon may nnd you must pay a trihute to trusts. They be pet you on every hand, pro tected nndeneouraged by the McKmlev administration. Nws and Observer. Dr. W. VVilnon. Palv 'Hill. N. Y , snvs: ''1 1 e irtilv recommend One Minute Cough Ciue." It gave my wife immediate rebel in suffo cating asthma." Pleasant to take: never fails to quickly cure all cougns. eoltls, throat and ung troubles Coffey bios. Phillips & son. President McKinley is plan ning to pstnblish a civil ad ministration in Pubn by Jin nary 1 nest. Gen. Brooke, the present military govern or, will bp recalled, and Gen. Leonard Wood will be ap pointed civil governor of the island. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th Signature of Th3 University Of N. G. Widest patronage and full est equipment in its history, Faculty, 38; Students, 495; 3 Academic Courses; 3 Elect ive bourses; d Professional ScIiooIh, in Law, in Medicine and in Pharmacy. New Build ings, Water Works, Splendid Libraries, Laboratory, etc. Advanced Classes open to women. Tuition $60. a year; Board $M. a month. Ample opportunity for stdf-n e I p . Scholarships and Loans for the needy. Free tuition tor Teachers. SmnriierSchool for Teachers; 24 instructors, 147 students. Total enrollment G44. For catalogu ', address, PniifIDENT ALDEUMA.N, Chapel Hill, N. C. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority uiven in a mortgage deed ex ecuted by W. B. Carlton to M. J. Brady on the 27th day of Dec, 1898, and recorded in the Registers office of Wa tauga county in the State ol North Carolina in book 'F.' page 460, to which reference is made for boundaries, the undersigned will at the court house door in Boone in Wa tauga county in s lid state, on Saturday, the 16th daj of Dec, 1899., at 12 o'clock M, sell for cash atpublicauction to the highest bidder that val uable real estate described in said mortgage deed, known as the Brady house and lot, situated at Blowing Bock in said county of Watauga con taining 140 rods more or less. This is very desirable hotel property, located on a beautiful site in the town of Blowing Hock, the most no ted summer resort in North Carolina. Also one other lot containing three fourths of an acre adjoining the hotel lot of King & Gray, situated in said town of Blowing Bock. Also nil the household and kitchen furniture contained in the building at Blowing Rock, known as the Brady house, consistingof bedroom suits, parlor furniture, piano and other valuable articles. a gee. . PniiJislKT tot Even. ' j "TV publisher of a country news ira per, after persittps, dunning, forced a dend'nr to pay up. and the deadt t in revenge ndoier the) h-ck: ! "This check is to be paid on the agreement that thisj man's paper is to tie sent to me iiq more in this world." The editor endorsed the check as follows: 'I cheerfully accept anv condition to get my mom y from this, dead beut. I will not send him my paper nu. more in this world; and real ize that should I attempt to send it to him in the next i' would burn up before it could reach hiin.--Ex. J. D. Bridges, editor "Demo crat" Lancaster, X. H. .ays: One Minute Cough Cure is the beat remedy for croup 1 ever used. Im mediately relieves and cures anth ma, coIiIh, croup, pneimioi.ia, bronchitis, gripjte, and throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption, cofley Bros. Phillips & son. Charlotte News: A friend from Ohio tells the News that Mayor Jones, of Toledo, in his campaign for Governor made the following conclu sive andexhaustivespeechon the Philippine question: "We paid $20,000,000 for t h e fight, went 13,000 miles to get it, and up to date have got licked." That's the mat ter in a tint shell. Look la Your Mirror Do you m tpsfkling yM, haklthr, tinted kln, wtmt cxpraMion and grace ful form i T bet attraction! ara tha raanlt of good haalth. If thar art abacnt. there ia nearly alwaya aome diiorder of the dia tlnctly feminine organ preaent. Healthy menitraal organa mean health and beauty areryvhare. , Wiao of Ganlui mates women beautiful and healthy. It strike at the root of all their trouble. There ia no menstrual dis order, ache or pain which it will not cure. It ia for the budding girl, the busy wife and the matron approaching the change of life. At every trying crisis ia a woman's life it brings health, strength and happiness. It costs Ji.oo of medicine dealers. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, " The Ladies' Advisory Department,' The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Term. UBS. BOZSNA LEWIS, of OcTHrtHle, Texaa, aayat "I wa troubled at monthly Interval with terrible pal a In my had ana back, but bare been entirely lelieredby Wlae of CarduLf Trinity College. Forty fifth year opens Wednes day. September thcOth. Largest endowment of any College in North ('arolina. CompletestGvm nasiutii in the State. Bonrdfti.50 to 10.00 per month. LosnSehol arships for worthy young men Young women admitted to all clandt'8. S(;nd lor catalogue to 1'UESIDENT KILGO, Durham, N. C."' 11)3 Morning Post liALEIGH.N.C. The only popular-priced morn ing newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen eral news service. Special correspondents in a 1 1 parts of the Sfato eiving a com plete synopsis of State news. fiuncRiPTiox price: One'month To months... to, 5, 0, 0. Three months 1 OnH year 4. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No paper continued beyond the time paid for. & nd in your subs cription. AnDRESS THE MORNING P0ST Raleigh. N. C. BIB The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, r and has -jyj-Tp), sonal fCGfiXn& Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex ' pertinents that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment' What is CASTORIA Oastorla is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops' and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA : ALWAYS Bears the - W The Kind You Hare Always Bought! In Use For Over 30 Years. THI eCMTHUa OOMMNT, TT u Nasal Catarrh-What Is It? A purely locul affection, a germ that exists in parasites. There is no disease of which more haveuu dertaken the treatment, a n d ot whicli less have understood the first principles of cure. Inhalers have been used, medicines have been taken internally and appli ed externally, but no relief has !)een experienced by the catarrh sufferer. W hy? because the prima ry cause of the disorder has nev er hetm. unearthed- the first prin -iple of the discomfort had never p'reseuteo itself to those who trea ted, rather maltreated it. The misguided sufferer had never been cognizant of the tact that the fcords, a filthy, pellucid matter, and the parasites (minute ani mats which exist in and eat the organs of smell) mus be remov ed before a cure can be effected. I would state in addition that all who arc trying so-called cures for Nasal Catarrh, such as inhala tions, patent medicines sniffed troui the palm of the hand ito the nostrils, Turkish Sulphur, Russian, galvanic, or cold water baths, are paving the way to deafness (by causing the closure of the Eusthachian tubes) sore throat, asthma, consumption and death. 1 cure Catarrh by means of the Extirpator. The The only way of; destroying the parasite. The operation lasting only rfO minutes and compara tivel without pain. Then the patient is tree from the germ that proances catarrh, and the heal ing begins rapidly, and the cure is sure. 1 also cure Cancer. 1 re move cancer without knite. The operation does not confine pa tient to bed. I can remove acan cerous breast in from 12 to 16 days. AlS-vork done under a posi tive guarantee. If I fail to cure either of the above diseases, I will chwfully rclund the money. Examinations free and all letters ol enquiry promptly answered. Dr. 0. W. Phipps, Specialist in Catarrh, Cancer and Tumor. Shull's Mills, N. C. SILVER THE ISSUE IN 1900. Money the Pricing IostrnmenL Clilflnflon and Progrtn Han Kept Step Wilb Uonej Supplj la All Ages. The Money Que loo dltcaaeed In tht light ol experience and hlttory. HfCrMi ' The Leading Blmeullic Paper of America. V. 8. Ben tor W. U. 6TSWAST, Editor. A correct account of tht doings of Congreaa given eaeh week. A family paper for the hone and flr. tide. All the I m portent happening of the week, coodenaed, In new column. A large circulation in every Bute sad Territory, Bnbeerlptien Prioe, l Per Teen. 6cnd for aample; agent wanted. PnblUhed weekly by the Silver Knight FaMlshlng Co., WASHINGTON, D. C 4 It Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of been made under hi per supervision since its infancy. nn nnn in 1 aoaIva vati In thin. Signature of err nn vena err. "Ohio has not indorsed the Administration," says W. J. Bryan, "because the McLean vote und the Jones vote com binpd are considerably larger than the Nash vote. The Re publicans therefore are in a minority in Ohio." That's the tdze of it. OABTOni. Boar the A V Haw Unifl fattf Blgaatoit of Bismarck's Iron Herre Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tre mendous energy are uot found where stomach, liver, kidneys, and bowels are out of order. 11 you want these qualities and the success thev bring; use Dr. King'g New Life Pills. Only 25c at Black burn's. bR5 JO 99 V3A9 EXFEKIKWCI. 1m' enavtinuT m Anyone lemHiif- a ketch anfl deaerlpttoD bm qulcklraiorUln, free, nliutber aa tnreailOB la probably patentable. (V)iiimunlitlor. ttrlctly panudentlaL Olrteat atency fr.riecarlnf patent taD-Vne.ric- We hT Washington ce. Patenu Ukon tbrooli Muaa ft Co. ncelr tpeaial notlae in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, keanWfollT lhmrated, lanre! einmUtloei of an eoteutl He Jtwrnal, week! y. tern t.iXl a yti SlJOnz moitttra. Upmlmon ocul and lLvjia Book, on tAiMsn eent free, Addra MUNN & CO., 301 Brourfwiiy. ow y Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-1 ent bnainei conducted tor MooiRATI FtteV Oun Ornci i OproeiT u, B. Patcht Orricr and we camecure patcutia lew tiu Inaa tasat remote from Waihioctoa. Send modtL drawing or photo with daacrla-f uon. m aavue, u patentable or sot, Irce 01 cbarga, Our ice not due till patent ia aecared, a UMin "How to Obtain Pateata." witln coit same in the U. S. and lorei(si cjoaatri' not iree. Addresa, - , c.A.sriow&coj Op. PTtNT Orriet, WaaMiNOTON. D. C. Wt BUILD them to YOUR order SOUDAN, BKgttES, snd NILE and PYRAMID TANDEMS They ran tetter and last longer And are rery attractive. Send for oar ACCURATELY Shtstrated Catalogue. It sbows you all efe-j tails as to . . J J STYLE, J J COLOR and FINISH. Mason & Mason' Company, No.587V.MadisoaSbf' 'CbkHl. r