Tha Watauga Dsmgcrat. Thursday. Dt. 7,1899. Eiitewlax the Post office kt lioone, N. C, us second clnss mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Os.rearl.....rtM..j 1.09. Six Months .50. J'hree months... .25. ai a ... . 1 , 1 Advertising rates furnished on application. LOCAL NEWS. Christmas coming. A full supply of fireworks at Moretz & Farthing's. V. L. Bryan is east of the llidare on business this week. M. B. Blackburn is put tinpj a new roof on his hotel building. Cpt. E. F. Lovill is off to Ash comity this week on lgfi! business. Roister May made a fly ing trip to his home at Tra cj last Friday. The demand for country produce was nevtr. greater than at present. They are coming. What? A beautiful line of Chrismus goods to Blackburn. Atty. Fletcher has return ed Irom Caldwell, where he was culled on legal business A full line of new clothing now ready for inspection At Newland and Watson's. We will pay you 4 cents per pound for all your nice dried fruit. L. It. ('lark & Co. . Kev. Mr. Stanford con tinues to improve in fact we learn that he is almost well. We are sorry to learn that old friend Holden Moo dy has had anotherstroke of paralysis. -L. It. Clark & Co. have some mighty nice dress goods and will take pleasure in show jug them to you. J.C.Ray returned from Raleigh a few days since and has been quite sick ever since but is now slightly improved. W. C. Coffey butchered a 470 pound hog a fw days a go, which is the heaviest one yet killed in this section. Now on hand for the hoi iday trade at Newland and Watson's: All kinds of car dies, orauge8, etc., and a ful line of fire works. -T.C. Mc Bride and W. R Moody left on Monday for the southern market with a nice nrove of .horses am muled fur Coffey Bro's. Rftv. E. F. Jones will fil his regular appointments at the Baptist church in Boone on next Sunday at 11, a. m. and at night. J If vou wish to spend your holiday money judiciously do not fail to bring it to my store, as I will be able to give you close figures on all hol iday goods. M. B. Blackburn. Meswrs John F. Hard in and T. F. Coffey left on Fri day of last week for Virgin ia, where they went to buy horses and mules for the mar ket. A full variety of Christ mas goods, candies, fruits, toys, notions etc. You can procure presents of us suita ble for any one by tomorrow night. Moretz & Farthing. -Would it not be nice for Boone to have a Christmas tree, if for no other reason than to furnish a small ray pf the ennHhine u happiness, o some of the little ones near here who will be unable to get Miivthing lor the hol- aavs? Consider Ihe matter and let us deride at onire. Our attention has been ailed to the fact that t h e wpid "issued" appeal sin the aption of th county exhib it, when it should be "audit ed." The errors will creep in. The work on the school house in now oeing pusueu with a vim, und if th weath er continues good it will be readv for use by the time the holidays are over. Parties who are due me will please be prepared to' make settlement with my cul ector, who will call on you soon, as I am compelled to collect some means. T. C. Blackburn, M. D. All parties due us who do not settle thpir accounts by Jan. 1, will be visited by our collector. Please come out and settle and save us this expense ana trouoi. new T land and Watson. Remember brethren, that there is a regularcommunica tian of Wutauga Lodge, No. 273, A. F. & A. M., on Satur day, the 16tb inst., at 1, p, in., as there is work to do in the third degree. Let all the members be present. Joe B. Clark, W. M. All persons indebted to the estate oi the late Dr. L C. Reeves, are hereby notified to come forward nt once and settle same -as we must col lect all outstanding claims as soon as posssible. Please heed this notice. JohnH. Councill. -The heaviest rains of the season fell on Monday and Monday night, and were ac companied by an unusually heavy east wind. The little brooks in town were convert ed into roaringcataracts and fences, etc. were swept away by the rushing waters, But Tuesday dawned bright and clear. Jack Mast says the an nouncement that he was re cently married in Globe to Miss Mollie Glenn, was a huge joke, but that he could have stood it better had we not married him to the wrong lady. From the tenor of Jack's conversation, we take it for granted that it is not his fault that the report of his marriage is not true, but to another one of the fair sex. All of the mail routes to and from Boone have been a 11. X t warned to men oui oi rue State, and at figures eonsid erably below what has been paid for the same services du ring the past four years. If oqr people will only stop for a minute and count the cost. inese star route speculators will have to perform the ser rice themselves, and we are of the opinion that by the time the first year is o u t they will be more than wil ling to pay to get them off of their hands. "Seeing is believing." You can see what Hoods Sarsaparilla has done for others, and must believe it will do the same for you. I. W. TODD. GEO. P. PELL TODD & PELL f ATJORNETS AT LAW, JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice regularly in the courts of Watauga. Headquar teis at Coffey's Hotel during court. 54-99. COUNTY EXHIBIT. (continued from first page.) jerry cook road snp 3 15, w J tori road sud. 3 29., .w h uarbin road sup 2 .15, T A warren road sup 415, c o Borises load sup 315, J D. coffey road sup 4 15. c c Ad ams road sup 2 Jo, John na if nn furnishing on pub. road 2 85, c P Benson road sup 4 15. Thos wheeler road sup 10 15, J w Miller keeping coun ty prisoners o 15, w v Looka bii road sup 2 15, R L Moietz roan sup 3 15, John penley road sup 4 15, John Eggars road sup 4 15. Lee ounltney road sup 4 15,Ascarson pub lishing road law for watau ga county 4 15, w p Trivett road sup 1 65, smith profit roadup2 15. tc Norris rd guff 7 15, T J palmer for bnri al expenses of America Mill saps3 15, T f cook for hold- ingTbroners inquest over tne bodv of Mar.v Y.unca iu id, c c church road sup 4 15, w b councill M D tor ex Cordelia Lvons a lunatic 2 45. b F wilcox gran juror 4 10, j H Noma 3 90 A J welborn H H Green ' T c coffey ' 4 40 4 70 3 5 3 55 c w Moody ' F M Thomaw 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 2 80 80 s A Banner Abe waton 1 r l Bingham ' Allen perry ' j T Hampton w s Farthing ' it t oreer ' j c sherrill 1 10 70 90 60 10 10 50 50 10 15 T m cannon j f Reece trav. j h Nirris 4 jc Brown w H Brown ' j c Jones ' d H Mant 4 c c church L L Taylor ' w R Miller ' w w Bla?kburn j w Hayes 1 Henry Grogan j o Greer 4 c M critcher 4 2 50 2 90 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 90 20 70 10 90 90 75 55 25 w t Vandyke sum registers & mdaeH 3 75. s r church road sup 215, J R Grider rd sup 3 1P,gw Phillips roadifcup 315, Roby Green roaf sup 3 15, w H calaway snu lor sum jurors and assessors etc 44 65. G w Bobbins vs coney & Yates 2 15, L w Farthing state vs coffey and Yates 1 60 Roby Green state vs A wine bargei 1 35, J e Norris state vs a winebarger 1 oU, B B Brown state vs A winebarger 60. E G Greer state vs ja cob wagnar 2 25, Thos oreer . . i r state vs jacoo wagner 2 zo Eebecah DnnneJ state vs ja cob wagner 1 85, T m swift state vs Jacob wagner 1 85, Lawson stout state vs Frank stout and swift 2 80. Thos ward state vs Rilay Phillips l 80. j y Love state vs Riley Phillips 1 85,J J F Towmend state vs Rilrv Phillips 1 95. j o potter state vs jack ward 4 85, Jonas winebarger state vs Jack ward 4 Jso, J R camp bell state vs jack ward .3o, zoseph Phillips state vs Rufus nedsoe'JSJS. m B BiacKDurn pi esc whole and half fees 34 19. j h Bingham esc 12 30 jonatip winebarger d s whole and half fees 2 65. m N Har shaw sol whole and half fees 4 65. L d Teaster d b whole and half fees .70, wHcaia ay shff whole and half fees 1 40. e f potter d b whole and half fees .45. w iflEller D s whole and half fees30, E R Egers d s whole and half tees .80, July 1899. T H Taylor rd sup 4 15, M m Trivett road sup 4 Id, Riley Hodges Keep ing county poor, 33 81, a church Grand juror 5 50, j w Miller keeping co jail 24,65. T j coffey ft Bro repairingcour house tense 15 95. w E Dag ger travis juror 2 70, w watson assesing taxes 4 65 r L wt-lborntax assessor and list taker, 465, wl Bryan ser as finance com 4 15, Thos Yates road sup 4 15, M oliver road eup 4 15. Joseph phipps road inror 1 bo, g w rod bins road juror 1 65, wm Elrod list tax for '99 9 65 J J MB8t 4 4 915 1145 4 4 65 4 7 65 M h Norris w H weeden w F winkler j r Trivett wm Eller e J Baurer 4 7 65 472 90 4 7 65 TV AT AUG A ACADEMY. l"FOR YOUNG WOMEN AND YOUNG MEN."t D. D. DOUGHERTY, A. B., B. B. DOUGHERTY, B. 8., Ph. B., Principals. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1699"1 Three courses offered: Common School Course; Academic Course: Two years' Collegiate given in Music, Art and business. Special attention will be given to public School teachers. Students thoroughly drill ed in Debate and Declamation. Board $6 per month. Splen did opportunities for students INTUITION FROM f 1. TO f 3. PER MONTH."! For othei information write to, or call on the Principals, at Boone N. C. LISTEN. I am not going to tell you something about the war with Spain, for it is over, but the war with my competitors is still going on and I am still furnishing all my customers with the best bargains out. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. IN this line I am fully abreast with the time8tas I keep everything usually kept in a first-class store and will supply my cus tomers with nothing but the BEST GOODS! at "CHEAP GOODS" prices. Very truly yours, Jan. 12. p c Younce VT75 9 90 9 90 jasshull . 4 j p wilson J H Profit 4 7 65 7 65 615 8 45 7 80 9 85 9 75 7 65 9 80 7 65 12 65 7 65 8 65 6 15 B smith 4 n s Hampton4 w Hayes jl Norris smith Ford 4 L a oreeue 4 John Reece 4 g w Robbins winebarger' j c Horton j L Glenn 4 L w MCGuire 4 m g church (continued next week) Announcement New Store, New Goods. EVERYTHING BRAN-NEW. We are now opening a most beautiful line of general merchandise at Blowing Rock, in fact, we flatter ourselves that when our stock is all in, that it will be second to mme ever opened in our town. The stock will be com plete in every line, and we are prepared to sell you goods (not at cost, for we can't afford that) at a very low figure. YOUR PATRONAGE IS WHAT WE WANT The prices, styles and qual itv of goods will suit you then what else can you ask? Our stock consists of Dry Goods and Groceries in great variety, A stock offoot-wearthatis hard to duplicate in the coun ty. Hats in endless varieties and stales. Our line of ladies dress goods is real nice and if you need anything of this kind you can find it in our store. Bacon, Flour, Lard, Rice, Canned goods, etc.alwayson hand. Our stock of hardware both heavy and shelf, is complete. In fact, you can find almost anything you need at our store.. Be sure and give us a call when at the'Rock", and let us show you our goods and give you prices. This be ing done, we are sure to sell you. Good country produce ta ken in exchange for goods. Call on us at BUCEIANNAN'S old STAND. Very truly, Watauga Hotel Co. Course Instructions will be to board themselves. II. D. BLACKBURN, Anaesthesia was first discored in 1844. "k Hert m Stirdr Oak." But what about the blood which the heart must pump at. the rate ol 70 times a minute? If the heart is to be sturdy and the nerves strong this blood must be rich and pure. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes sturdy hearts because it makes good blood. It gives to men and women strength confidence courage and eudurance Hood's Pills are nonirritating and the onlv cathartic to take with Hoods Sarsaparilla. Stop a Minute. Another Store on Cove Creek. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS Everything new and pi ices right. We carry a general line of meichnndise and want and will appreciate your trade. WWe will pay you the highest market price for your Grain, chickens, Eggs, But ter. Irish Potatoes, Dried Fruit and other produce. Give us a trial, and we wil do you good. WStore near the residence of W. R. Moody. Yours Truly. L,E, Clarke and Co Sugar Grove, Oct. 18. NOTICE NOTICE. Our motto for '99 -IS- THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY IN HAND. 0 We shall endeavor to show our, trade a larger stock o goods than ever before,? and sell for a smaller profit, if pos pible, and shall ask for the Pay Down, It is the best for all parties Don t forget us wnen in Boone, for we will save you money EVERY TIME. We Don t Compete, but are Below Competition. Yours truly Moretz & Farthing Boone, N. C, Jan..4, '99. X XXX XXX XX XX XXX X , .' . ;, ., ? ...,.'.: i w DON'T DESPAIR! Go to Friends for Advice; To Women for Comfort,' . To Strangers for Charity, but FOR BARGAINS GO to I. N.COKPENINGicO. Here Are a few) Prices S07 Promises: Good Green Coffee, 10 cts. Arbuckle's 2 for 25. Light Brown sugar 6 cts.' Granulated Sugar 1 cts.' Our grocery Hue consists of Choice, Fresh Goods in f both Fancy and Hea vy Grades, and all .AT. Rock Bottom Prices! IN HARDWARE, Genuine Axes ,50c. Lasts and stands .30. Farmer's Mixed wire nails 2 Claw Hammers 10c. each. 10 qt Tin Bucket 15c. Best grade .Lubricating Oil 25 cents per gal. Cylinder Oil 50c. WeiSimply Knock Down, and jPrag out Competition. PRY GOODS,UlA7S AND NOllOXS. Every box and shelf filled and Each article is la beled with' bar gain. Ginghams 4 cts. Plaids 5 cts. Shawls at cost tit Shoes, Shoes Shoes, NEW AND EXCELLENT: Come right along and buy your winter foot-wear. Thick and heavy at thin.split-leath er prices. JVLGEMEm, Is a most rare and precious gem. WW USE A LlllLEOEll and invest your CASH with us. All kinds of produce ta ken in exchange for our net cash goods. Soliciting a liberal future patronage, and thanking you in advance for same, we are, Verv Trulv. I.K.CORPEN1NG&CO Banner Elk, N. C, Dec. 10. OOOOOOOOOOOQOO

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