TiiaWalaogaOopsra!, Published Every Thursday. Bimia Hard Up for Cash. All hough the talk of vvur kVtween Jupnn mid HiiHsin is pooh HiHH7il;Srht;Mj tulists f'rhwJf'ounf riPH, it is noticed t hut both powi-H 'lire arettiiiij ri ly foi u con flict as fast. ih pntibe, ;nwl Russia a trying to borrow money in every market. She j. Haiti to have obtained mc $14,000,000 in this countrv for some railroad bonds and Beek to obtain more by saying ehe has pnr c hosed und will purchase a vast quantity of railway and other material from us. The more we lend her the more she 'will buy from ok. No doubt, but there is a ques tiori how long Rupaiarancon tinneto pay, Unfriendly wit ica assert that the money lenders of Europe who know her conditions best have pos i lively refused to lend her more. For the current year the dficit is estimated at ?4(), 000,000. Last yeai it was 58,000.000. Yet the current appropriation for military p u r p o s e s is $25,000,000 more than last year, and the famine continues ovei a wide area. Baltimore Sun. Newton Enterprise: .Ala bama ta now taking her turn nt electing a United States, Senator by a vote of the peo pie belonging to the majori ty party, Senator Morgan and Gov. Johnston are going over the state abusing one another and dividing the Democrats into two hostile factions, Ben Tillman is the originator of this great im provement in democratic po icy. Mississippi has just had ataste of this boon, and Georgia, too, has beenTil manized. There are those in North Carolina who claim that the sum total of human happiness cannot be reached until we follow suit. The pros pect is that we will catch up with th6 procession next sum mor. The Tennensee Coal, Iron Railroad Company has made a contract for the ex pott of 12,000 tons of pig iron to Mi Inn, Italy, at current domes tic prices. The deliveries will extend over December, Janu ary and .February This is the first export - shipment made by the company in six or seyen months, as the ex port movement ceased when the price reached $12 to $13. It was then believed abroad that the advance had been too great and a decline must follow, but instead there has been a still further advance. It fa believed in iron circles that this shipment foreshad ows the revival of the export demand, for foreign stocks have been steadily decreas ing. Bristol Courier. Willie bad swallwed a penny, And' his mother wasin a state of much alarm. ''Helen," she called to her sister in the next room, "send for a doctor; Willie has swallowed a pen nyl" The terrified and frigh tened boy looked up implor ingly. 'No mamma," he in terpose, "send for the min ister' "The minister?" usk ed his mother, in credulously. "Did you say the rainisti r?" "Yes; because papa nays our minister ran get money Out of anvbodv " Envelopes weie first, asod in ism; V -.". . .vvf a - Cord'klly luylted. Sheriff .Wan run, of Navfl j on.i.y, ay,H jh( Phoeyix, Ariz1, iiepiibUcanv has1 sent, out fifr.v invitations lor an ex eeution to take place at Ilol brook, of which the f'.iHowirtg is a copy: . :'M i Yon are hereby cord fa 1 1 invitedtoat tend thi haninir ol one 'Geo: Smiley, murderer. His soul is to he nwunir into 'eternity on' Dec. 8, 1 890, at 2 oV)ock'p.' m., sharp. Latest improved methods in the ait of scientif ic. strangulation will he em ployed and everything possi ble will be done to make the surroundings cheerful and the execution a success," They are kicking up n big row bemuse Admiral Dewey deeded hisjhouse to his wife;1 and she in turn deeded " it t; Dewey 'n son. The hero worshippers made big fools of themselves ' in the first place, in going wild over the Admiral. In the next place af ter giving him the house, ' it was hi to do as he pleased with it. It;ia allin thefamily any a wy,. so what's the use of kicking up sueh a muss a bont it.. Did the y tie a string to it in order to pull it back when desired? One time in Dewey's 'life h made .'a mistake in accepting .the gift, We venture to say he rtgretsitnow. Durham Sun. The Water Impure at the Normal. A Italeigh dispatch of the 30th ult, says: Dr. Richard H. Lewis, secretary of thu State board of health, r.ceived to-night a tel egram from Dr. Anderson, one of the bacteriologists of ths board, stating that the water tn the wells at the Teague hoiiHe, a rented dormitory, and at that ofithe central well.lwhich; was used by all the students of the State Normal and Industrial Col lege, recently afflicted with a Herious outbreak of typhoid fes ver, is bad. This' full v explains the epidemic and is a cinse that can be promptly and completely removed, so that this most use ful and popular institution can be reopened with safety on the date to which it was suspended, January 2, 1900, There are only three' men in t be Senate today who were there twenty-three years ago when Senator Teller; was ad mitted at the first Senator from the new State of Nevada Cockercll, of Missouri; Al lison, of Iowa; and Jones, of Nevada. He is one of the first men in America. His firut step toward leaving the Repubican party was when he characterized the Force bill us "in 0 M ; iniquitous measured that ever crossed the threshold of the Senate." News aud Observer. Rome ot the most consecrated men in the ministry are army chaplains, but the court martial of one in California for public drunkenness brings one the fact that a number of them drinks. Recently a North Carolina preach er was tried and convicted of untruthfulness : and worse. 'Im mediately he put off for Wash ington and made application for appointment as army chup lain. He didn't get it, but his application ' showed "that he thought a man unworthy to preach to citizens was good en ough to preach to soldiers-Ex." A Ycknhoma disoatch via San Francisco says that the bubonic plngne has made its entrance into Japan, five un doubted cases having been re ported nt Kobe, three alrea dy hnviim proved fatal. The hrnt air, pmnp was made ' ittirejE jnili laxatives, and white gentle., are reliable '''and' efheient They Botsod s Lives " ' ' ' Cure' Sklc Headache,", B?l iousness, Sbiirv! Stomach, ; .."and1 Constipation."' 'Sold 1 1 everywhere, 256. iei box. , Pf8pftredbyaLIIool&Co.,Lowell,Slas. Mi Iroti ore of the" finest qiial itv has been found in John son Co. N. C. and it is' claim ed that the supply is inex haustible. Furnaces are to be built soon yrhieh swill jndd to the wealth of-the county Yon never know what form of blond poinon will follow conHtipa tioii; keep'tlie liver clean bv us ing DeWittV Little Early ItiserB and. yon will avoid trouble. They hie fainojH little pilln for connti pation and bowel and liver trou bles rofiVy urns, rliillipf a boh. 1 leeelvedK letter. Trorn a lad, asking me to get him to fiad him an easv berth. To this I replied: ' You cannot b an editor; do not try the the law; do not think of the ministry; let alone all ships, shops, nnd merchandise; lib Inr politics; don't practice Lmedicinc; be not a larmer nor a mechanic; neither be a soldier nor a sailor. Do not work. Don't study. Don't think. None of thpse are ea sv. ij my son 1 You; have come into a hard world. 1 know, of only one easy place ill it, and that is the grave." Henry Ward Beecher. The first matches weretnadc at Furemhiirg in 1477. ,! The .first newspaper adverts? ment appears in 1652. ' The University Of N. G. Widest patronage and full est equipment in its histoi v, Faculty, 38f 8trJdahtV,4$; 3 Academic Courses'; 3 Elect ive Courses; 3 Professional Schools, in Law, in Medicine and in PhnrtMacy. New Hujld- mttr, itdiri ti wi un, oir liu III Libraries, Laboratory, etc. Advanced. Classes open to women. Tuition $60. a year; Hoard $8. a month. Ample opportunity for self h e I p . L t I I I 1 T .acnoinrsnipa ana i-ionns lor the needy.: Free tuition tor leachers. Summer School foi Teachers; 24 instructors, 147 sludents. Total enrollment 644. For catalogue, address, President 'Alderman. Chapel Hill, N. C 1 -K0T1CE.: ' By virtue of the. authority given in a' mortgage deed ex ecuted by W. B. Carlton to M. J. liradyoa the 27thiday of Dec. , 1898; and , recorded in the Register's office of VVa tauga countv'in the State ot North Carolina in book ",F. page 460; to which reference is made for' boundaries, the undersigned will at the court house door in Boone in Wa tauga. county in siid state, on Saturday, the 23rd day of Dec, 1899,, at 12 o'clock. M, sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder that va uable real estate described in said mortgage deed; known as the Brady house and lot. situated at Blowing Kock in said county of Watauga con taining 140 rods more or less. -This is. very tiesii able hotel property, located on a beautiful sire in the town of Blowing Rock, the most . no.- ten summer resort in North Carolina. Also one other lot containing three fourths of an acre adjoining the' hotel lot of King & Gruy, situated in said town of Blowing Kock. Also all the household a n d kitchen furniture contained in the building at Blowing Hock, known as the Brady house, consifltingof bedroom suits, parlor furniture, piano and other valuable ..articles. This Nov. 14. 1899.. , , "r ; ' il. J; Brady, 'Mortgagee. The it iuip has come for white people of the State tq ih i-i their power. VC". I aye, b 1.1 djli keiing tofi long w;tlv the prostitutes, who, a 1 h, tfilking a r ( ) u n (I in les i in ei ) er tn rnen. The people arp supreme, 'and when men, elected t o tfie Kn preii e court, bet'eh' by 'negri'i ' '11 l ' ir..'';' 'w ! u a ' 11 h use, ineir, , oujchh , ,10 maliciously defeat the, will of I he people there is no mV sure too radical. 1 ' Let the I gislature' impo'aeh the h'st jnft rnal.. usurper.'; THpu ,'aiH.I not until then may we hope for - repesensative gvern- ment. New River Herald. ,As a ?qre or -rheumatism Chainbrlaip's Pain ,Balro is gaming a wide . repntajtion. 1). li. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troutderl ; with that. ailment since 1862. In speaking of it, he says: ' VI never found my thing that would relieve me until I used (Hiaud)erain's Pain Bairn, lr acts like magic with me. M font was swollen ami paining me vety much, but one yvuni application of Pain Ba'ui rei lieved me. r or sale by i'al ers. CASTORIA . ; lor Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Haie Always Bought Bears the Blgnatnro of A Woman ,;, ; Only Knows what offering from falling of the womb, whites, painful or Trrefjular mentei, or any disease of the distinctly feminine organs is. A man may sympa thize or pity but he can not know the gonlea she goes through the terrible suffering, so patiently borne, which robs her of beauty, hope and happi ness. Yet this suffering really is needless., , l McELREE'S Wiae el M Will banish it ' This medicine cures all " female diseases' quick ly and permanently. It does away with' humiliating physical exami nations. The treatment may be taken at home. There is not con tinual expense, and trouble. The enfferer is cured and stays cured. Wine of Carduiis becoming the leading remedy for all troubles of this class. It costs but $i from any druggist. '' . For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, the ''Ladies Advisory Department," The .Chattanooga. Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. MRS. O.J. WEST, Nashville, Tenn., writes 1 "This wonderful medlcineought to be In every bouse where there are girls and women." " . Trinity College, Forty fifth vear opens WedneH (Jay. beptetuber the;ttli. karest endowment, of. any College in North Carolina. Completed Qyrn naHiiimm the State. HoardfG.oO to 110.00 jiermonth. LoanSchol ar.shipH for Worthy young men young women admitted to all classes. Seud for catalogue to FRESIDENTIKILGO, . Durham, N, C. liie rmng Post lJALEIGH.N. C j .'f he only populnr-priced morn ing newspaper in North Carolina. The finest telegraphic and geu erul news service. '! SiH-cial-'corfespondents in all parts of the State giving a com plete synopsis ot btate news. i One'month ;:.:;.:.L,i:l:.$ 1 40, Two monthH.... 5, Three months...... 1 0, One year...;.'..,. '.. 4. 0. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No paper continued beyond the time pad for. ; " ; . Send in your subscription. Andrews THE MORNING POST, ! ' . - ' PiALKIOH. Nv C. I--- 1 1 ""'f iTiiilii.iiiii.i'inijiniTn.Miiiiilili mm : AVcfictaulcPrcparationfor As similating tigTocdand&guta iKssandIkst.Contalns ndtner qpium.Morpbini corlfinerfll NotNahcotiO. fmrli. SmJ' JlXJmnm JtUtlhSJlf AnofectRemedv forConsfloa- rion. Sour Stonuich.Diairhoea, Worms jLonyuistons.reverisa ness end Loss OF SLEEB SSIBSMMPMHBMasM yttSimile Sigiiaturr of 7TEW "YORK. Nasal Catarrh-What Is II? A purely local affection, a germ that exists in parasites. There is no disease of which more haveun dertaken the treatment , a n d ol whie.Ii less have understood the first principles of care. ' Inhalers have been used, medicine have been, taken internally and applir ed externally, but no relief h a h been experienced by the' catarrh Buffijrer, W hy? because theprima ry cause ot the disorder has nev. er been unearthed- the first prin ciple of the discomfort had never presented itself to those who trea ted, rather maltreated it. The misguided stiffi-rcr had never been cognizant ot the' lact that the fiords, a filthy, pellucid matter. and the parasites (minute, ani mals which exist in and eat the organs of smell) inns- be remov ed before a. cure can be effected. I would state in addition that all who are trying so-calle 3 cures for Nasal Catarrh, such as inhala tions, "i patent medicines sniffed trom the palm ot the hand into the nostrils, Turkish Sulphur, Russian, galvanic, or cold water baths, are paving the way to deafness (by cansingthe closure of the Ensthachian tubes) sore throat, 'asthma, consumption and death. 1. cure Catarrh by means of the Extirpator. The The only way ot; destroying the parasite. The operation lasting only 30 minutes and compara tively wjthout pain. Then the patien t is tree froni the germ that produces catarrh, and the heal ing begins rnpidly, ; and the cure is sure. I also cure Cancer, I . Te move ciincer without knife. The operation does not confine pa tient.to bed. I can remove acau cerons breast in from 12 to 1G days. All v ork done under aposi five guarantee. 1 If I fail to cure cither of the . above diseases, I will cheerfnlly refund the money. Examinations Iree and all letters ot enquiry promptly answered. Dr. C.'yV. Phipi's, , Specialist in Catarrh, Cancer and Tumor. Shull's Mills, N, C."; t SILVER THE ISSUE IM 1!Wft I - - t 4 Money the Prlclar IostnuieaL ClilHafloii and Projrwi Han Kept Step Wiia Momj Supply la All kgu. The Money Question dlscnssed la the light of experience and history. Jll I VI IIUIkUV II UUUUUllLIIS , The teadlnj Bimetallic Paper e( America. ' C. 8. Senator W. IL 6TSWART, Editor. . k correct aeconnt of the doings of 0 Congress given eacn week. A family paper for ibe home and fire, side. AH the important happenings of the week, condensed. In news columns.' A large circulation a every State and Territory.'-. i i SnbeertptUn Frle, 91 Tt Tea. I fiend for sample; agents wanted, PaMIshed weekly by the Silver Knight Publishing Co., WASnlACTUN, D. C j 1 nr 1 1 ifl ' For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have : Always Bought Bears Signati You Have Always Bought. ths einTue eoaiMtiT, Mtw roea etrr. Commercial Appeal: Sena- tor tsate nas announcea nnv intention of making a Bpeeh in vTUHUiugu;ii auiiiBu vxr mi 1 is . pansion. ineaear old gentle man is honect and , courage ous, hat he Will nqt succeed in destroying the (act that we have already expanded. Kerosene was first used, for lighting purposes in 1826, The first copper coin was coin ..,1 . KT IJ 1COT t) . i. nnugis, eniior uemo reat" Lancaster, N. H. says: One Minute Cough Cure, is the best remedy for croup 1 ever used. Ifl mediately relieves and cures asth' ma. rolds. cronn. nnenmonia. r 7 g , bronchitis, grippe, aud. throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption, cofley Dros. Phillips & son. SXPSXISIMK. V CO?YIQKTO OA, Anjone tendhif a sietrb and description suy qDlrk!racertsla, free, wt jlb!r u laremMoa la ptbbAbly Hitenttble. Communication strictly eoaflilenti!. Ol'ieet kiu'i foriwewlns- setwM Id Aiserica. W bare a vrartlnston efint. PateaU ukeu thruacu Uma h Co. rMlr fecial notloe tn ta scientific mmm, beaatlfallr IDnstnted, laneil elmlaaloai et anr teiejitl So journrtl, weeki y, tam. UUO tw I ILUtU uonthb Kperioiaa eoslM ut ktXMD Book om iATUfTs atat rree. AiOittt . . KUNH A ca, 961 Ereaiwey, New T$rlb Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-1 nt business eeoducttdlof sjeoiaaTt Ftis. OunOmciiaorroaiT u, PTtTOrricr audvecanKcure pauattat leas bavs laaa Uom remote from Watbinf tea. ( tioa. We advise, it patcntahla er not. k eft curse. imrMCDotduetiUBattataMcerM. ' A Pamphlet, " Uow to Obtaia PataaB," witk cost el xuas m tke U. S. and feraiga eeaatnst scat free. Address, C.A.8KOW&COJ m vrr, r" t mm r wrntii, c.vHjmMVVsi, is. w MWWVwwMrVVwwVVV4WVVVWtri I We BUILD tiem to YOUR order L SOUDAN, NILE and BICYCLES and TANDERTS PYRAMID TWjr run better ani Lut longer! and are very attractive. Sendfor our ACCURATELY Illustrated Catalogue It abowi yw all de tail! aatOseesses J STYLE, Jtj COLOR and FINISH. Mason & Mason Company, Nc.5a7V.Midon?t Chicago, a (Pinwinl Aijfv The Kind mm

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