The Democ. atic convent ion iof the .'Ust sMiuoiial 1ih til t, composed of the conn IV of Unike, Caldwell, Me Do well,' Mitchell mid Yarn-ey, tnetnt Hurnville '.last- Wed tiPKiliiy hikI nominated W. It). Ahemthy, 'of Burke, and L. H. Smith, ;f Y.iiKvy, for the Stdte Senate. Why let all your and friends think you must be twenty years you are? Yet It's Impossible to look young with the color of. 70 years in the : hair. It's sad to see young. persons look prematurely old in this way. Sad be cause it's all unneces sary; for gray hair may always be re stored For over half a cen tury this has been the standard hair prepara tion. It is an elegant dressing; stops fall ing of the hair; makes the hair grow; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. 11 .00 a bettle. AU dnirefat. " I have been using Ayer'i Hair Vigor for over 20 Tears and I can heartily recommend it-to the jiublio ai the neet hair tonio in existenoe." Mr. O. I Axdekson, April 84, Ui89 Ector, Tex. It yon do not obtain all the benefit So. expected from the Vior, writ Doctor about it. Addraat, . , . Da. I. 0. ATEB, ' lowel , Hat. OABTOIIIA. Jean tht Kind You Han Always BaugM r2Br 14 V. Vr W Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what von eat. Itartlflclally digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the eihausted digestive cr gang. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in- AtanMvrflllpvpq ami nprmnnpnt,lvr.iir Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence,' Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIckHeadache,Gastralgia,Crampft,anci all other results of imperfectdlgestion. erpared by E. C DeWltt ACo Chicago. Coffey Bros, Phillips & Sou. PROFESSIONAL. W. B. COUNCILL, Jit. Attorney at La a Boone, N. C. E F. LOVlLL. J. C. FLETCUEK. LOViLl & FLETCHER. A T7 OLINh YS AT LA V, BOONE, N. C. . Special attention givon to the colletion ofckuws.&Z Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N, C NoKnile; No Burning Out. -Highest references and endors tnents of prominent pereous suc cessfully treated in Va., Tenn. and N. C. Remember that there is no time too boon to pet rid ol a cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination , free, letters answered promptly, and olfaction guaranteed. :.'v l i older than to its JIB. P. STAN'S TIEWS. "Instead ol regarding the recent assault upon constitu tional government, the over throw of American principles, as a matter of destiny, vre may rather consider it aathe last 'plague, :the slaying of the first-born, which mill end the bondage of the Ameri can people and bring deliver ance from the Pharaohs who are enthroning Mammon and debasing mankind." This is William J. Bryan's summing up of the situation in Arnericnu politics. It is the conclusion of an nrticle entitled "The Issue in the Presideh tin Ca m pa ign." In the June number of "the North American Review the candidate for the democratic nomination for President out lines his plan of campaign, which lie indicutes Will be made on the issues of bimet nlism, anti-trusts and anti imperialism, t bis being the order in which he considers the question. He says "The issue presented in the campaign of 1900 is the is sue between plutocracy and democracy. All the questions under discussion will, in their last analysis, disclose the conflict between the dollar and the man a', conflict as old as the human race, and one which will continue as long as the human race en dures.'' That the Nobraskan has not wavered in his allegiance to the cause of silver is. un mistakably shown in his re peated classing of the money question at the head of the list, says be: 'If a man opposes the gold standard, trusts nnd imper ialismall three thechances are 100 to 1 that he is in fa vor of arbitration, the in come tax and tire election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people and is opposed to government by injunction and the black list. "If a man favors the gold standard, the trusts and im perialism-all t hree-thechanc- es are equally great that he regards the demand for arbi tration as an impertinence, favors government by in junction nnd the black list, considers the income tax as a "discouragement to thrift" and will oppose the election of senators by the people as soon as he learns it will les sen the influence of corpora tion in the senate. "If the Republican plat form was honest in 1890. bi uietalism was desirable' at that time, because 13,500, 000 voters supported candi dates pledged to bimetalism. differing only as to the means of secuting it. It is needless to discuss the ratio, since there is no division of senti ment among those who are actually trying to secure bi metallism! There is a posi tive, earnest and active force behind any other ratio of 1(5 to 1; there is. no positive, earnest, or active force be hind any other ratio." This is the way Mr. Bryan views the trust question : "Instead of shutting a mo nopoly out of one state and leaving it forty-four states to do business fu weshouldshut it up in t lie state of its origin and, take, the other forty -bur away from-it. This can be done by an. act of Congress making it necessary for a cor poration organized in . aiiy state to take out license from the federal government before doing business outside of the state, the license not to interfere, however, with regulations imposed by other states." ' "On the question of expan sion Mr Bryan declares: "If the Filippino is tdbeun der our domination he must be either citizen or subject. If he is to be a citizen it must be with a view to participat ing ultimately in ourgovern merit and in the ranking of our la ws. If the Filippino is to be a subject our fcrm of government must be entirely changed. A republic can have no subjects. Amendment Constitutional. One hundred and seventy members of the North Caro lina bar, after having exam ined and considered the pro visions of the proposed a mendment to the constitu tioti submitted by the Legis lature of 1899 to the people for ratification, give itasohr opinion that the eaid amend ment is not in conflict either with the State or Federal Constitu tion., We further give it as our opinion that the 4th and 5th sections of said amendment are so connected in subject matter, each so clearly arid dependent and conditioned upon each other that both must stand or fall together, and'that it is too clear to ad mit ot a doubt that the 4th section cannot' stand if the 5th section should be declar ed unconstitutional. It is clear this amendment, if ratified, will not disfran chise, either now or hereafter, any person who was himself entitled to vote at any time prior to 1870, either in this State or any State in .the United States in which he the,! resided, provided h e registers once before 1908 and does not thereafter be come disqualified by crime. The signers are the very best lawyers in North Curo lina, and among them nre such men as tiie following" Judge Shepherd, Judge Bur well, C. M. Stedmari, Lee S. Overman, ohn S. Hender son, Theo. F. Kluttz, A. M. Waddell, B. F. Long. M. II. Justice, C. W. Tillett and Ham C. Jones. Would not Suffer So Again for Flfljr Times Its Worth. I awoke la6t night with se vere pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. 1 went to Miller & McCurdy's drug store nnd they recom mended hamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea rem edy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the.fin est thing I ever used forstom ach trouble. I shall not be without it in my house here after, for I should not care to endure 'the sufferings -of last niaht again for fifty times its price.G. II. Wilson, Liv er y m a n, Burgettstown, Washington o. Pa This remedy is by dealers. Abraham Mlddleton at Had, Head quarters. Greensboro Telegram; ; Republican StateOhair man Holton hns engaged a distin guished assistant in thecatn paign against white suprem acy in the person of Abe R. Middletpn, colored, one of the most beloyed and influ ential Republicans in North Carolina. He arrived Sat urday evening and entered on his duties at Republican hendquarters this morning. Abe wields a power of in fluence in the party of which lie is one of the leaders, and down in the third congres sional district, where he re sides, he is looked upon as a sort of demigod. So com plete is his domination of the Republican party in that section that it has been as serted that he carried the district in hi vest pocket. Often, in times of dire dis tress, white' skinned Republi cans have turned to theebbn hued demigod in the third district, nnd Abe has never failed to stretch forth the hand of brotherhood and render such assistance as was in his power. Of course he was rewarded for his self sacrifice and party fealty. In addition to occupying a high sent in the councils of the juirty, he has been given of fices of remuneration. When the fusion element captured the legislature of 1895 he was made assistant door keeper of the house of repre sentutives, and iu a right lordl manner-did he guard the way of ingress and egress to and from the lower house of the general assemoly. It is a matter of history how, on one occasion when the fu sionists were exceedingly anx ious to rush some legislation through, Abe nttempted to arrest two Democratic mem bers of the body to prevent a quorum being broken. He would have laid violent hands on the Democrats and forred them to remain in the hall of the house. When thesnme crowd went back to Raleigh in 1897 to legislate Abe serv ices were remembered and he was again made assistant doorkeeper of the house of representatives, i In addition to these hon ors, Abe was for a while a member of the Republican state executive committee at large, being displayed only at the lute state convention of that party. It was prob ably to provide for a more general distribution of hon o-s that he was left off the state committee and given an important position with Chairman Holton at head quarters. It is not stated what part of the campaign work Abe will direct, though it is prob able that to him will be in trusted the work of writing and sending out literature to prove that there has never been neyro domination in North Caiolina, and that there is now no danger -of such a condition. When Abe is at home his poBtofflce a .'dress is Kenuns ville, Duplin county, N.C. At present his. friends are ad dressing him in careoIRepub liean Headquarter. ; (jrecus ijoro.'N. C. ' : ' " ; A Fuiion 01BceHolfr Comet Out - From Amon; Them. . kewandObwrwr. Recently the Nes arid Qb- server has had the pleasure of announcing the acquisi tion of many leading Repub licans and Populists to the ranks of the advocates of White Supremacy, but to none has it more gladly ex tended the right hand of fel lowship thatl it now does to Mr. Jno. F. Newsom, the present clerk o f Hertford county Superior Court. Mr. Newsom W a 8 in Raleigh in 1897 as a Fusion member of the Senute, and was one of the etrougest and most in fiuential Populist members of that body. Two years ago he was elected clerk , of Hertford county by Fusion votes. Now he announces that he will affiliate with the Demo cratic party in the approach ing campaign. For this change, Mr. Newsom gives good reasons such reasons as must appeal strongly to every honest Populist or Re publican in the State. He writes as follows: Editor News and Observer: I take this method of an nouncing my intention to af filiate with the Democratic party in the approaching campaign. I do so, because the principles advocated by the Populist and Democratic parties are virtually the same, and the more speedy way of accomplishing the aim's and purposes of each party is to recognize their oneness bury ail differences, and unite their forces. I do o for the further reason that so long ns radieal questions overshadow all others, polit ical issues of lmportancecan not be pleasant!, nnd satis factorily determined. Bdieying that the adop tion of the constitutional amendment will eliminate the race question and create a better feeling between, the races encourage the invest ment of capital and promote peace ami prosperity in our beloved State, I shall vote for it, also for all the nomi nees of the Democratic party With the light before me this seems the proper course for all thinking and patriotic citizens who heretofore affil iated with the Populist par ty to pursue, and in so doing I see no cause for regret or need for apology, as ourprirr ciples are the same. I Respectfully, JNO. F. NEWSOM. Winston, N. C, Junel,1900. To Mr. Newsom and such as he the Democratic party extends a cordial welcome. Let us have done with cant and trickery. The issue is clearly drawn. It is the race issue. It is White Supremacy or Negro Rule. What the country wants is 8 decision of this question once and for all. How can any white roan hesitate in making a choice? If Mr. Newsom's in making a choice? If Mr. Newsom'H example is not followed by many an honest Populist we shall be much deceived. . fienti The Kind Yoa Hava JUwgys Bocgfg 'A Surprise to Mr. Jefferson Daris. Sectional feeling I n this blessed land of burs ninat In deed have passed oway forey er when bueh' an Incident as that which recently occurred in the city of New York could be chronicled as a fact At the dinner of the Sons of tbi American Revolution, which was attended by over 400 representative men and wo men, a remarkable demon stration occurred. While thd orchestra was plaj irtg one ot our national hymns, 'Dlxie,,, a grayhaired lady, in wid ow's weeds, entered. The diners at once arose as did all the' spectators on the floor and in the gallery ; to way their handkerchiefs in an en thnsiastic greeting to a veri erable but sprightly womanj whose gentle face smiled down upon them amid. its' tears. The lady was Mrs. Jefferson Davis, und before1 the evening had passed every prominent guest had visited her box to pay Ins or her re spectstothe widow of the1 former Confederate Presi dent. It was a generous, spontaneous, heartfelt greet ing. If any one, 20 years ago, had said that sUch on incident was possible1 in ihe1 great Northern metropolis he would hnve been thought crazy. Truly we are a united people, with one country and one flag, and long may it wave. Leslie's Weekly; Littleton News Reporter1 says it now seems positive" that Judge Ewart will not be judge of the Western District of North Carolina. The sen ate pigeonholed its report and the president will not re appoint him. This case has occupied more time in com mittee and in the senate than any case eeer before the sen ate or its committees, and the public will rejoice that it has been forever buried in the files of the judiciary commit tee. South Carolina meets a claim made by the Federal government' for $250,000 for stores seized by Gov. Pickens at the opening of the civil war wuh a counter claim of double the amount for Rup plies and transportation go ing back to revolutionary times. ftious&tida Hare Kidney TroaMe and Don't Know it. How To TlnA Out. Fill a bottle or common lass with you? water and let It stand twnty-four hours; a sedlmeat or Mt tling Indloatet a unhealthy cons tlon of the kid neys; If It stains your linen It ie evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire te pass It or pain la the back is also Convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der sre out of order. Wiat to So. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, tke great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain it the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability ' to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following us of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ,' necessity of being compelled to ge efta during the day, sod to" get up many times during the night.' Tbe mild and the extra ordinary effect ol ; S warn p Root Is sooa realized. It stands the highest for tte won derful cures of the most distressing cases.! If you need a medicine you should nave the! best. Sold by druggists In 50c and$U alxes. You may have a. sample bottle of this) wonderful discovery - f?"" and a book that tells T"J more about it, both sent j absolutely free by mall, i '- address Dr. Kilmer 8t itnmors' Co., Binchamton. N.Y. When wr '- -; tien resdingthis rMiwi.rf?rt f..-. ;