VOL'. XII. -A Card of (Tlijnk .', - I wish to say that t feel un der; lasting- obligations fr what Chamberlain's cough remedy has do.iip ..for our fam fly. VVe ha vf used it in so many rases of "coughs,', lung troubles 'a n d whooping : rough, and it law nlwayn giv n the most perfect Hntifac tion. wifep greatly indebted to i he uinnulacturers of this remedy and wish them to plaint nwpt our heartv thanks.-Uespeetfu'.ly, Mns S. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sain by all dealers. Now the,y are proposing Dewey for th v'ce presidency. At this r.ite he may be ' able to get u pluep on soti:f ticket for register ol deeds or some such good place. AHheville Citizen. Look In your mirror today. Take a last look at your eray hair. It sure ly may be the last jf you want it so; you needn'tkeep your eray heir a week longer than you wish. There's no guesswork about this; it's sure every time. lo re-j s to r c color to gray hair use After using it for two or three weeks notice how much younger you ap pear, ten years younger at least. ; r. Ayer's Hair Vigor also cures dandruff, prevents falling of the hair, makes hair grow, and is a splen did hair dressing. It cannot help but do these things, for it's a hair-food, when the hair is well fed, it cannot help but grow. v It makes the scalp healthy and this cures the disease that causes dandruff. , If.OOabottl. AUdmggUU " Mt hsir wu eomlnar out hull v. bat Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the miioir ana dm made my na think and mnch darker than before. I think there U nothing like it for natr very the hntr." Cora n. Lrx, April 25,1898. Yarrow, I. T. k. " VtrHm tbm Dootmr. If yon do not obtain an the bentfltf you liealre from the us ot the Vigor, Writ the doctor abont it. Andrew, D. 1, 0. AIEB, Lowoll, Mm. Dyspepsia Cure - Digests what yon cat. Itartlflclally digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in Sick Headache,Qa8traIgia,Cramp8,ana ,1)11 other results of Imperfectdigestlon. "repared by E. C. D Witt Co., Chlcago- .'..... to I'ROVESSJONAl. r,:..UOUNCILL,Jn.. ATTOIiNEY AT LiAjV. Boone, N. C. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. -N. C Ao Knife; No Burning Out. ' Highest references and endors ments of prominent persons suc cessfully treated ,in Va.,, Tenn. ami N. C. Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid of a cancerous growthno matter hotf small. Examination free, .letters answered promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. ; mm VMS m&mp stantiy relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, y : The Ameaded Amendment. : OilOWitlri till text Of the , liUUN E WATAUGA COUNTY, .N. important nieariareyou. : will this State by reason; of his be called to vote oh in Aug failure to possess the educa ust as passed by the lVgisla- tional qualification herein pre ture Juue 13, 1000. .1 h General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That chanter 218, Public Laws of 1899, en wv.w an ah tu auirijn uit- Constitution of North Caroli na" be amended so as tn make said- act read asfol- j lows Thnt Article VJ of the Con- stifutionof North Carolina be, and the same w hereby ah rogated, and in lieu "thereof shall be submitnted the fol lowing nrturle of said Consti tution as an entire and indi visu-ble plan of suffrnge. . AUTICLE VI. SirFFRAQE AND EUFIBILITY t OFFICE- QUALIFirATION OF AN ELECTOR. ; Section 1. Every male per son born in the United States and every male person who haw been naturalised, twenty one years of age and possess ing thequaliflcations set out in this article, shall be entit led to vote at any election by the people in the State, except as herein otherwise provided. Sec. 2. He shall liaveresid ed in the State of North Car oliiio for'two years, . in the county six months, and in the precinct, ward or other election disci ict in which he offers to vote four months next preceding the election: Pro vided, that removal from on precinct, wa;d or other election distiict, to another in the same county, shall not operate to deprive any per son of the right to vote in the precinct, ward or other election district from which he has removed until four months after such removal. No person who has been con victed i r "Who has con fessed his guilt in open court upon indictment of any rrime, the punishment of whiehnow isor may hereafter be im prisonment' in the State pris on, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be restored to citizenship m the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 3. Every person offer ing to vote shall ie at the time a legally registered vo ter as herein prescribed and in the manner hereafter po vided by law, and the Gener al Assembly of North 'Caroli na shall enact general regis tration laws to carry into ef fect the provisions of this ar ticle. ting himnelf for registration .. . . . shall be able to read and wrife any section of the Con stitution i in the English lan- gu.ige, and before hr) shall be entitled to vote beshall have ciiiiucu iu vine uerjimii uuvc paid on or before the first ... . . un y ui amy, vi iiie jrear mi which he proposes tovotehis . m . . I poll tax for thepreviousyea as prescribed by Articles, Section 1, of the Constitu tion, but no male person who was on .an. 1, 1867, or at any time prior thereto, enti tled to vote under; the laws of .'any" States. In the United States wherein he then resid ed,jind no lineal descendant of uhv such person shall be 1 ' . denied the right to register Hnd vntenf nr fiWf on in scribed, provided he ' shall ha ve registered in accordance with the terms of this section The General Assembly Hhall provide for the registration 0f ai persons entitled to vote without the educational qnal neations hen in Drescribed MnH uhnll nnniriufmvi Mn.n. her i: ions. nrnviHfl fnr fh0 Imnkinimfn rmnnonf 0rd of such registmtion ami a II persons so registered shall fo ever thereafter have the right to vote in all elections by the people in this State unless disqualified under sec tion 2 of this article, provid ed -Hitch person shall have paid his poll tax as above required. Sec. 5. That this amend ment to the constitution is presented and adopted as one indivisible plan for the regulation of the suffrage with the intent andr purpose to so connect the different parts and to make them so dependent upon ewh other that the whole shall stand or fall together. Sec. 6. All elections, by the people shall be by ballot and all ehctions ho the Gen eral Assembly shall be viva voce. Sec. 7. Every voter i n North Carolina except as in this article disqualified sh,all be eligible to office, but before entering upon the duties of the office he shall take und subHcribe the following oath: 'I,....'.:. , do sol- emnlj swear (or affirm) that 1 will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States and Consti tution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge my du ties of my office at ...S j help nie, God." Sec. 8. The following class es of persons shall be disqual ified for office: First, of nil persons who shall deny the being of Almifjhty God. Sec ond, all persons who shall have been convicted or con fessed their .guilt on indict ment pending una whether, sentenced or hot or under judgment suspended of any treason or felony or oi any other crime for which the pun ishment may be imprison ment in the penitentiary since becoming citizens of the Unit ed States, or of corruption and malpractice in office, un less such person Hhall -be re ....,i 4..,. i. I. n ,.r:i! stored to the rights of citizen shipjna manner presciibed hytovv Se 9. That this amend- inent of the Constitution H,m11 K int0 tffePt on the fii.nt' 1.i'..r Ti,l 1 ono it n first day of July, 1902, if a . . " ' " majonty oi voiescasc as rne naff ffanarol cAant srt aVwilt V next genera election shall be cast in favor of the suffrage amendment. Sec. 2. This amendment shall be submitt-H at the next general election to the qualified voters of the State in the same manner and un der the same rules and regu lations as is provided in the law' regulating general elec tions in this State and in C.; TIItJllSDAY, JUNK 28, 1000. force May 1, 'lW9, and at said election those persons desiring to vote for such a mendmeht shall cast a writ ten or printed ballot with the words, "For Suffrage Amend menf there6n; and those with a contrary opinion shall cast a written or printed bal lot with the words "Against the Amendment thereon. , Sec. 3, The said election shall be held and the votes returned, compared, counted and canvassed and the result announced under the same rules and regulations as are in force for returning, com" paring, countingand canvass ing the votes for the mem beg of the General Assembly May 1, 1899, and ir a major ity of the votes east are in favor of the said amendment it jhall be the duty of the Governor of the State to cer tify said amendment under the seal of the State to the Secretary of State, who shall enroll the said amendment so certified among the perm anent records ot his office. Sec. 4 This act shall be in force from and after its rati fication. Ratified the 21st day of February, A. D. 1899. C. A. REYNOLDS, Prenlduntof the Senate. H. O. CONNOR, Bpeuker of the Bouse of Representative. Another Confederate Gone. One by one the old Confederate-soldiers drop out of line. On May the 29, 1900. Joseph Cornell while operat ing a saw mill near his heme was thrown upon the saw and was so mangled that he died in twenty-eight hours uf tei wards. He was born about they.ear 1812, and was married tolle beccaHarman about they.ear 1865, from which union there were sevn children, a 1 1 of whom sin vive him. He was baptized into the fellowship of the church at Antioch ahont the year '06. By an unfortunate misnnder standing between him a a d others, he was excluded from the fellowship ot the church and he never again applied to be restored. He often re ferred to it, but said he was excluded unjustly and could therefore make no acknowl edgment, and the wfiteris confidently of the op nion that his exclusion wis un just. Whatever his mistakes may have neen we will throw oyer them the mantleof char ity, and we are pleased t o state that from hisfamily we learn that during the last months hp was with tberahis life was all thej could desire, and he gave the satisfactory evidence that he was restor ed to divine favor and was ready and willing to go. To the bereaved ones wc would My thatthey huveour heartfelt sympathy in this dispensation of Providence and may the Lord help them so to live that they may meet their loved ones in hea ven. Remember children, how suddenly your father was ta ken away, and this should warn you that yxu may be taken at any hour. "In the midst or life weare in death." Prepare, oh! children, pre pare for that solemn hour. G. V Trivetie, Tbe Confederate Bennton. Editor Demociat: ' It would proye abortive were we to attempt to give a detailed description cf the of fiicial program of the receut sessions of the United Confed era te Veteran's Association held in Louisville,' Ky., May 30th, June 3rd. It is sufficient to say the meeting was a grand success in every particular, saving the weather. Rain prohibit ed much ot the exercises ap pearing on time. The bom bardment of fort Donaldson was put off from Thursday evening till Saturday night. So also the fire-works and parade was postt oied and only appeared Saturday and Saturday night; all these ex ercises were brilliant affairs. But to know anything of the enjoyment of these reun ions one must be present, no pen can describe it. To the people of Kentucky and especially to Col. Rurnet H. Young and James A Shuttleworth are the old sol diers of North Carolina in debted for much of their en joympnt. To the two gentle men above named and to Col. Uarr of our own State is due the fact that North Carolina had, and maintain ed the grandest headquarters of any State represented in the reunion. To them is due the honorable position North Carolina occupied, both in the Reunion Hall, and in the parade, being a-varded first place in both. - The Reunion Hall, or Audi torium was the largest struct ure we have yet seen built for Reunion purposes, holding 10,000 chairs. The number of old soldiers attending was said to be in excess of any former Reun ion. The entertainment wa all one could wish. Col. lien net H. Young ana James A. Shuttleworth were the hosts ot the "Tar heels" nnn right royally did thpy the honors. Our incident asillustraiing the feeling of the Blue and the Gray, may not be amiss. When the good wishes and fraternal greetings of the;G A. R. was presented from aen. Daniel Sengles. and a proposition was madeforac ceptunee and reciprocation of the sa me. Some one arose for remarks, and proceeded to inveigh against the recep tion. As soon as the old vets caught the trend of his dirt course 'they howled him down. Thousands at once crying, "putjTiiin out, kick him out," nor did they cense their noisy demonstrations so long as he remained on theijtdnd. One other incident we would relate. When the daughter and granddaugh ter of president Davis was presented to the convention, Gen. Gordon after introduc ing them turned and kissed the granddaughter, amid th shouts of the old soldiers to "pass it round." The ladies of Louisville seemed untiring in their en deavors to entertain jind n muse theold soldiers. Each evening they gave music and amateure theatricals at our headquarters, much to the delieht of all. But realizing that, any thing I might say only is tame in view of tbe facts, I'll quit. 'i,A,P, NO. 23. the Amendment Hot a Party Keatmrv WiliohTimeai It seems to us that the con sideration of the Amendment is far above the average po litical question. In fact, it appeals to the interests of all, regardless of politics. 1 There fore it should not be termed as a Democratic measure, but the people's measure a measure framed by the best men of all political parties. We mean this: if all the white men of North Carolina, irres pective of party, could have assembled in a great conven tion, and ftubmitted onr uf frage amendment to the peo ple for ratification, it would not have improved the a mendment, or the object of of the amendmeent, but it might have removed the un reasonable objection that it is a Democratic measure. With a great muny men in the State this object ion is uot counted, especially in the east where the ngro and his baneful effects is in evidence everywhere; but in the westi among some Republicans who are not so familiar with the conditions of the east, they do oppose it. But eyen som of these are departing from party lines in order to rid the east and their own party ti-om this negro incu bus, By the time it. comes to a vote all white men in North Caroli na will find that the n doption of the amendment appeals directly to the best and most intelligent citizen ship, and will regard it not as a party measure, but a measure that vitally affects thp oest interests of all our. people and the entire State. It is claimed that; Roberts found a city empty of Boer Sol diery when lie entered Pretoria; that the burghers had been pre paring for that event for some time, and that there is method in their pre&ent system of coaduc ting the war. It is declared that the Boers have preserved their guns and are amply prepared for another year of as vigorous figh ting as they have practiced for t he past eight moitths, and that it is their determination to wear Great Britain out and compel a sel tlement which shall leave the republics as independent as they were at the beginning of the hos tilities. Ex. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. 1 - ' Kidney trouble preys upon the mind. dl courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneeriuiness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order' or diseased. -v Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too ottan. If tha urine scalds the flesh or if. whan th Aiu reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment ef these important orrans. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is soli by druggists. In fifty- cent ana one dollar sixes. You may have a sample bottle by mall Iran, aim nimntiW tail ing all about it, including many of -the thousands tif tmtlmnnlst Uttnr raMthmrl from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer tt Co.. Blnghamton. N. M sure anj mention this paper. i rry

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