.1 ' V 1 W: 'i : 3 r;3crat. V Eutmed at the Pofit pfBre at tiovue, .V. t.t unsecoud class mail mutter, , i s " iUnsCRiPTIOIf RATE8N flit vmiir ' . . ' i 1 Mi Jhrm mobfn?.'.... . An vertMng rites farnished 'y:ii:rafci6'fli...'':'r Nineteen hundred it ti one. ; 7 ' TV Legislutureconvenes , . NVr Year'' resolutions . nr tin in order. The' weather, continues .' unusually warm for thin sea- . ' son" " .The County Commission ers will bo in session next .. Monday. -James Greene and Miss Delia Austiu were married (Id ring the holidays. v-A happy and prosprous new year to each and every one of onr readers. ; VH. Greene has sold his farm iimr town and moved to Sullivan county, Tenn. IJut one vacant house in or around the village now and tbey are still in demand. - Mwh Minnie Farthing was at home from Manner's Elk. Usf week. She. returned oa .Monday. Mr. I.' L. Councill spent Thursday night of last week with fais mother, Mrs. Dr. ' Council!, in Boone. . Mr. Andy Teague and ; . MisH Addie Hodges were, we are informed, married some days ago. No particulars., v Glad to learn that friend Roby Long reached his des ' tirmtion in Montana and is weir pleased with thecountry and bis work. ' ' Ttuhks to some of oar friends 'r a Jarfe pile of wood for the Democrat office while we -wti-e off taking Cnr&trnas. -HCapt. E. F. Lovill spent " the holidays with his son, Atty. W. R. Lovill, at Suth erland. He returned Satur day; IFe are told that between thirty and forty new pupils have entered school here so far this. week. The school is assuming mammoth propor tions. Messrs. John' F. Hardin And Stuart Coffey left for the Southern market last week with a large drove of hordes I and mules. Capt. Coffey left ttnff&k to join them.- The ringipg of the bells ' at the death of the old rear . and century in Boone on Moo day night by some of the schoolboys caused quite a riffle in some of our homes, thinking it war a fire alarm. Maggie Horton, of Vilas, spent some days at the Blackburn House last week.: She gave our office a most pleasant call before re luming home on Monday morning. -Don't fail to read ad. of Qove Creek Academy in thi issue. The school is doing a noble work, is located in one of the .best sections of the county is conducted by men of energy and learning and . richly deserves the patron age of those : who desire an iducation at a nominal cost. -MeHsrs.. VVm.': and I Heler Bradley passed through last Friday enronte for the mHtr ke with a niee lot of mudea. Many itocialfl, . dancts, Chrihtmas trees,' etc.; have added nilrtb to theyrholidny feMivit'eM in Boone and sor- rounilint." .' ' ' : ', .: -t -y . . ' , - Mr. -J. R)-. Qagaman ha rented Hiui is now iw-cupy- ing l he property of the 'Mrs. Miiry Citiinrill heira. They are here for the purpose of, putronizing onr svhool. MissEinma Winkler, who left hern some time since' for a visit to her sister at Wino na, Wash., writes that she reached her destination safe Iv and that she is enjoying her stay very much. Sorry to learn that Ca pt. Coffey's team ran away with him going down the moun tain on Sunday, threw him from his buggfand he bare ly escaped serious injm ies. One of his knees was quite painfully hurt in bis fall from the buggy. Glad that friend Harri son Penlev has decided to lo cate in our town. He has rented the J. F. Spainhour property, and will occupy it until he can buy property that suits him. Hope he may buy in or near the vil lage. Mrs. 7a8. P. Taylor, who has been with her mother in town through the holidays, returned to her home at Blow ing Rock yesterday, ker lit tle son, David, was quite ill while here, but was very much improved when they left. Judge W. B. Councill re turned -home from Mitchell court on Saturday before Christmas and will remain with bia family until the last of this week. His next court will convene in Morgantoh on Monday the 5th inst., wbicb is a special term. We are told that the Christmas tree in Boone was just splendid, hi fart, some who ought to be judges, say it was one .of the prettiest they have ever seen. Boone rarely ever fails when it un dertakes a thing. v Married on Saturday, the 22nd. ult., at the . home of the bride's mother, two miles west of Boone, Dr. A. J, Toppings, of Blowing Rock, to Miss Mattie Wike. They left at once for Blowing Rock, where they wil make their future home. The Dr. is well known to many of our people, and Miss Mattie is a lady much liked by all who know her. The Democrat extends congratulations. . The spring term of Ashe county Academy opened on the 2nd inst. The success of the past term has surpassed the expectations of All. Do ring the spring our efforts shall be to make ourselves de serving still greater success. Our enrollment for the past term has been 128. Friends, this should b raised to at least 175. Help us, and thro' the kindness of Providence, w"e will help you. L. Af. Farthing, Prin. " Indl ration. TtmMa and UllfMuacM anicfr ly yield to tbt cleansing and parlfyiat; qnalitic contaiacd la Johaatoa'a Saisaparilu, Quat aotuca," DON'T TRAVEL Until you bare seen, or write nie in regard to tickets' I will give you lowest rates and best accommodations. S. J. PRAWLEY. Pass. Agt. . MooREernxe. N. C. -We are now beginning ro4 -Soap ,on of the; f e w send out bills to our delin- things that fchu!d lie ban- quents, and will continue for some time. ; We t nift those who receive thejn will; give the matter their prompt at tention as we need and tan 'c have what is due us to me:t our oKligaiionMiid do hot want to be furred. to pnt the flaims in the hinds of an of flWr for collection, which we will do if these statements are not honored. This , is only a matter of business, nothing more. The roads are bad for New Yeai.. ' . v ' . . Christmas this year has been an enjoyuble one for ev ery body. Mr. W. H. Maet. han lieen brought home from Blowing Rock and we hope he will soon recover. Several of the Mowing Kock bojs Spent Xmas in the valley. Mr. C. LK Taylor is having his grist mill repaired. He will soon he prepared to coin mence grinding again. Messrs. Joe and Claude Moore, of Globe; spent Xmas among the Valle people. Prof Dobbin had a very enjoyable entertainment and Christmas tree Monday night. Miss Nannie Smith is visit ing her sister, Mrs. C D. Tay lor. Miss Addie Mast who has been attending school at Le noir is visiting at Mr. D. F. Mart's. vPiof. Frnncum is running a very good school at tbc Academy. Miss Lelia McKoy,whohas been in school at Skyland, is spending her vacation at borne. . Tennyson. How Are Tour Kerres. If they are weak and you feel nervous and easily "flustrated," can t sleep, ani rise in the room ing unretresbed, your blood is poor. Strong nerves depend up on rich, nourishing blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the nerves strong by enricbing and vitalizing tbe bloood. It mvea sweet, refresbinc deep and com pietely cures nervous troubles Begin taking it today. : Nausea, indigestion are cured by Hood's Fills. About the only thing an ger improvss is the arch of a cat s back. Wow is tbe time wben croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung dis eases. It will prevent consump tion. Moretz and Farthing. John son and Buchanan. "The marriage tie is woman's bow ideal." the De Witts Little Early Itinera are dainty little pills, butneverfail to cleanse the liver, remove obetruc tions and invigorate the system. Moretz and Farthing. Johnson and Buchanan. Hew Store at Taeg htsriile. A. A. Holsclaw, of Vaughts ville, Tenn., opened on Dec. 20th, the doors of his large store building and display to the public a large and well se lected stock o f general merchandise, which will be sold cheaper than ever good staple goods were sold In East Tennessee. He is buy ing flour, etc. in car lots and can save dealeis good money on flour. So if you want 100 lbs. or 10,000 lbs., he can furnish it. He also wantsall yonr chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, eggs, butter, and in fact all kinds of good pro duce for which be will pay you goods or cash and give you the top of the market. -JobuMon't 8arMparill amr falls; fc KotxJ tbc te for 30 gmrt JkU," died with gloves off." Catarrh Is t dlseaM of the mucous membrano or Inner lining of the nose, throat, lungs, : stomach, bowels and other organs. It is caused by a cold or suc cession of colds Irritating the delicate surfaces, and Js promoted by scrofulous taints In the blood. , . ' It Is especially dangerous In persons having a predisposition to consumption, In these and all other J catarrhal cases, Hoods Sarsaparilla so thor oughly renovates the blood and re stores strength that It permanently cures. In fact, because of the character of the disease, and peculiar merit of the remedy. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only common sens treatment for catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. No substitute for Hood's acts like Hood's be sure to get Hood's. imUJAIYS. BARGAINS. "LEND ME YOUR EARS!" Then use your good Judg ment. I am headquarters for bargains, and aim to keep the lurgest and best stock of goods in the count .that must be sold if low prices will sell them. I have a large stock of Plaids, Domestic, Outings, Flannel, Wntet proof Flanel. nice woo) drea crouds at a BARGAIN PRICE: in fact 1 will opll nil rnv conHa vprv cheap considering the FINE QUALITIES. You will find soft shoes tor tendet feet. Jack Frost will catch you if you don't take care; creep into one of those warm suits and underwear and he can't find you there. Rich goods at poor prices Come and see. Fine shoes at 75c. a footf 1.50 per pair. I baye too many goods they must go at some price, (Jatch a bargain with the all mighty dollar, firing your cash and prod me where you can get the most for it. I will not be undersold, will pay pou every cent your produce is worth and treat you white every time, aud I appreciate your valuable trade. So come to the store that never disappoints and get comfort at any price. I will gladly show you goods, and will be glad to see you. YOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, WILL W. HOLSCLAW. Vilas, N. t, Nov. 15. STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE OF NORTH CAROLINA Offers to young women thor ough literary, classical, scientific and industrial education and special pedagogical training. Annual expenses $92 to $132, for non-reeidents $152. ' Faculty of 30 members. More than 400 regular students. Has matric ulated about 2,000 students, re presenting every county in the State except one. Practice and Observation School of about 250 pupils. To secure boari in dormi tories, all free, tuition applica tions sbould b9 made before A.ug, 1st. Correspondence invited from those desiriug competent trained teacners. For catalogue and other infor mation address until Aug. loth PROF. J. Y. JOYNER, Dean of College CUAS. D. McIVER, Pbesident. BTIPATIOn nMMl a tfc kvwali, aot tflag bl M nova tfewa opt br aln hot wtlr la)otlMM. Chronla oaitlpaitoi for aaraa TMrt aUaad na la talitarrlblaaoodtUoai dariof that Uu 1 did rr arrttaiac I kaafd of bat mw foaad any ralltf s nab WMBif oaM aatil Ibacaa atin CA8CAE1T8. I bow feara (root oaa 10 tbra ptiami a dar, aad If I ww rtok I woald glTt UOMK for aaek bmtmmiI U ItaaaaaraUat" ITUllLBOn. Mi KaaMU Ik, Dtxnii, HUfe. Sooa, Mrrar UoaM. fUuul lataete. roteat, Taew Aoed. e ohM. Weaken, or ttripa, fettle. NaT OUKI CONSTIPATION. BBnameaaBaa atBBalBi ianaa aVaVtaaaM. tTaai WaaaV M W Wt'f waWwmWf feW4JwSSl VllfnNB BfWW IRa) fWP CSN CANDY ft Vy CATMAftTIC a Pm I' It the duty ofavery man dollar for goods, to look up the ARTICLE and will seU H for store is now crowded with a y. :Geawal Uae of And It is onr intention to dispose of them at lost as low i firice as possible. Onr stock of Dry Goods, SShoes, Hard ware, Gr(Heries, Notions, etc., is always fall and complete, and we will make it to yonr interest to give ns jour trde; ; if Good Goods and Low Prices Hatch this space from week show you how to save money , "A DOLLAR SAVED 18 ' Cordially thanking vou for for a continuation of the same , Very Truly, 8 23 1900. , AVATAUGA ACADEMY. l9"rOR YOUNO WOMEN AND YOUNG MEN." . D. D. DOUGHERTY, A. B., B. B. DOUGHERTY, B. 8.. Ph. B., Prinqpaia IS" FALL TERM OPENS AUUU8T 6th 1900" Three courses offered: Common School Course: Academid . Course; Two years' Collegiate (burse. Instructions will be given in Music, Art and business. Special attention will bt given to public School teachers. Students thoroughly drill ed in Debate and Declamation. Board $6 per month. Splen did opportunities tor students WTUITION FROM $1. TO f 3. PER MONTHTCl For othei information write to, or call on the Principals, at Boone N. C. Lieut. Gov. C. A. Reynolds is to succeed Col. Laybrook as post master at Winston- Salem, the latter being forc ed to resign on account of protracted ill health. "Toa ever can tell what a woataa will do ext." "Icaa." 'Well, what 1" "Talk." "That'i It-A woman wilt talk aad tell hef ston'a eanaparllla, aad the proprietor! have to friends of the woaderfal curea made br loha. inanK tnouuna 01 fooa bodic womea in tnta coontry for harinf made Johnatoa's tARSAPAr hi i.i, a (quart bottle.) famona." Stop Your Horse There. IF YOU NEED ANYHING IN OUR LINE, For our store, at this time is beyond question, the best place in the county to buy bargains in any line of MERCHANDI8E Eyery shelf, counter and draw erin.onr large store room is now being filled to their utmost ca pacity with NEW GOODS. . And each and every ar tiele represents a rare bargain for you, for tbey are marked at 'ROCK BOTTOM PRICES" , Our stock of SHOES is the largest by all odds that we have ever handled, and we can fit you up in any style and price from a $1 brogan to a genuine hand-sewed $4 shoe. Beautiful new line of men's HATS that will be sold at 20 percent, below our former prices. Beautiful and attractive line of Dress Goods for the la dies and a splenid line of Rea dy-raade clothing for thegen tlemen. In fact we can fit you up from head to foot to suit your taste and pocket-book. REMEMBER THAT WE DO NOT INTEND TO BE TTNDRSOLD.-wSt WFor your dried fruit we are prepared to pay you 2 to 3 cents per pound, which is the most paid by any firm in the county. HS'Don't fail to bring ns all the wheat, rye, corn, bnckt wbi at you have to spare, as win pa j iiic uiKiirvi uinv !lt U ' i. ket prices. BINGHAM BUS.. Amantha, Sept. 27. Bargains! when he goes to f expend n man who has the BEST 4 he LEAST MONEY, Our: Hertedise,' - : are what you want. to week and see if we don't on your purchases. A DOLLAR MADE." past patronage and asking 1 we are, T. J. COFFEY & BRO. ' , to Doaro tnetnseives. Trinity College. Oilers undergraduate and grad uate courses Lanre number of elect! ves. . Eight scientific labora tories, equipped with modern and aduanced apparatus. Large ad ditions to library: complete gym na8ium. Expenses low. Fifty scholarships to be awarded. Flf ty thousand dollars spent In im provements the past year. Bead for catalogue. - PRESIDES KILGO. DURHAM, R. 61 in Wlltoa 6h 5SOl Bred by 8. W. Andenon, Aib7, W, Vw. He U reglitered In the American Herd Book Mat ti a good blood an thereto In the Hereford too lly. Hit lire and dan) wai Imported (from Haft land. Those having good rowi ihooid bread them to thli boll. Tennita.OO. Cathdoww. Oatt Injured. VALU CkDOU BTOCI OtA TalleCroemf.Oi A Word, Ploaso, Friends, did you know that it will not pay yon to forget that we are always in the lead for f Low Prices. Our motto always is under buy, under sell, cash down. iVe have been forced In some instances to advance our prices to meet tariff tolls monopoles and trusts, but do so reluctantly and shall guard your interests to t b e est of our ability. WE ARE NOW SHOWING A nice line of goods. Fall stork of shoes just coming in. Prh:eB right. Nice line of READY MADE CLOTHING Drj Goods, Notion Htapiv. Drngs, iind Groceries ALWAYS ON HAND . Be sure and rome this way mid get 100 cents worth for a dollar. All good country prod we taken in exchange for goods. v Very ti uly, Moretz & Farthing, June 21, 1900. 'a Klaudl al t nmimml WarU'a 1 " w" ia nauiy, ww w mnuut,jm.wmnmMauwi,vwiunm, VTba Eealaeky DatMrattr JMntoan. aaaar nL warM tradaalML Lttmrj OHn. fna, if imtrtC i (.iMiUMk Bataraew. Bra4ne ii ii i i.f U iffS) wSr to AMt leVeVl VdMtfS) SfcSlfSVsSS MbAtf WILBUR R. 8MITH. f xlnyten. Ky. lad aa KM aWank ia aaMaaat M rmr2Z!m OXmw&. .- I Si :.J