Enter!. tit the Pott office t Boone; -r2V. -frl second class ttia.il matter. V,l. : ' 8UB8CinPTION RATES On .rear...;.,........v...J J.fW. Six MonthgX.:;x:; Uti.S0. I ... ' V. . , , . v . --r r - i y . I i LOCAL NEWSr V. -J 11 fry, of FlutTop, is quite ill; ; , j Stork Law?: 5 . (T4Mr. C. I) T iylor.of Valle (li'iiiMH, was in ton Tuesday. Mri J. C. Jlo'rton, w i f e lind habe wera in town Toes day. : . Attorney Coffey has been in Wilkes since Friday of fast week., ; : , Miss Alice Moody, of Cove Creek entered school hrc yesterday. ' '" ' '.'. ; -Daniel Boone Dougherty is off an a trip to -Tennessee this week. ' 'Go to W. L. Holshouser for frtiliz.rs. S card else where. J . . .. - -Read AtJininistrator's no tice of sale of land io another column. ' Another cold wave, hea il. tim tureflwithnnow struck n mii Tuenday night; ; . ()et your sheep,, cattle mi l hts on your own dirt. We have a stock-law, you know. ' Little Alma, daushter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moretz, has been quite unwell, but is .now much better. Mrsr.I. C. Fletcher has re turned from a visit ot two weeks to her winter, Mrs. Dr. Morphew, of Marion. Dr. Hogshead, of Banner ElK, paused through ou Sat urday on his way to Flat Top to see Miss Titia Dau- ner, a cancer patient. Thanks to friend J. A. Moretz for calling on Monday ami settling his accouc wun the Democrat in full, jjet the good work go on. " Mr. Hill Farthing, son of W. H. Farthing, and a s of Mr. I. S. Wat8on, of Stony Fork, entered school at Wat auga Academy on Monday. We are sorry to .hear of the very critical illness of Mrs'. D. CrDogger, of Vilas. She nns been . sinking lor some aajs uau uer ueuiu is u u w hourly expected. " II mo ' 1 11H rvA f'niinnill fltitfi children li-ft on Tuesday mor Ding -for Greensboro, where ilinu mill fnl'A knn f4 lurj rr ill vaKc yuaiu iu" uv remainder of the winter and early spring months.. Mr. Andrew Cornish, of Blowing Rock, is we are told, in a very critical condition from blood poison, and at last reports his recovery was thought to be doubtful. IJIorl tr tmta thofflPt fhflt the small pox ou Beaver Dams Is now under complete control. The patients are al rupjuijr rpuuvriuig. nuu ' na nniea' rpnnrt'firl for twn weeks past. i From a private l tter that hanoened to icret as tar vis Blowing Rock, vwe learn that the bill providing for a ' Annlf l.nf 9rm Vln f nliryd nnn Pli'ti ian tui t utouu uuu " other counties. - has - passed both Houses of the Legisla Jure. -Mr. ttafer Bradley killed a tWoypnr oldhoR someduys ; since that weighed 045 ttw. I The hojt proilao-d 12galloriH of lard. This easily puts ;Mi. Bradley in tW lead for the season in tin way of a heavy -Tin in-Up n t W a t angu ; 'Ai'H'deiii.v tomorrow' rnuUr, in Ihouorof Washington's birth im,v, pro in i o iw yry -n ill r. w- ii; imi, iiinini),i:ii ...... ........... ..i.i ....... Hidera ble prejm ru t ions for the event.' v'Tr ,:. ,;. '' - ' -Mi8' Julia" Curtice, ; of Wilkes'ioro., who. has .been suffering for some mori'tliH fiom cancer, died at her home on Friday -morninjr;1 of ant week; there beiqg onh a little more than thre weeks differ ence in hers and her father's death. '; , . . . 1 To try to run a paper, in a mountain; section with' the mails practically cut oh. is indeed an arduous undertak ing. Possibly they are de- ayed on account of good roans, for. t her were never better at this season, nor the mail facilities wore. , Attorney Geo. P. Pell, of Jefferson, has been employed by a party of capitalists to show them through Watau ga. Ahe and Alleghany conn ies in the near futafe.andhe wants nll.the: information he can eet concerning valuable timber, mineral, etc. If jou have any, write him, and he may assist yon in selling it. Since last Friday we have been fortunate enough. to re ceive two daily pn pets of the same date, lor which ive nie thankful. If the post mas ter at Lenoir and other offi ces on the line whould shove the mails abng and let us re ?eiyethem regularly we would ever bear them in grateful re membra nee. Why can't you do this, boys?. We are indeed sorrj t learn that the little son of Mrs. Dr. Rentes, at Blowing Rock, is dangerously ill. The little fellow has a spinal af fection, and his condition is thought to be quite ci iiiral. Dr. Houck, of Lenoir, and Dr. Parliet, the resident phy sician, are attending tho lit tle sufferer and we still hope to hear of his recovery. Mr, Alex Perry, of Burke, was in town last Thursday. He is in the county taking right-of-way for the Trans- Appilachian Railway that is now being surveyed from Lin colnton to the coal fields in Virginia. A very satisfactory survey has been made across the Blue Ridge, by way olCof fey 'a Gap, and the corps is at work near Valle Oncis now. Mr. Perry speaks very.mcou ragirigly of the enterprise, and says beyond question the road will be built as soon as the work can be done. ; 0i next Saturday at 1, p. m., there will be a public debate at Cove Creek Aead emyton the following qus tion:,:Resolved, That the press has done more to shape. the' thought of, the world than oratory." Messrs Roy M. Brown, Hoy Taylor and David P. CounsWj or H'atan ga Academy ilfm meak on the affirmative, apd Messrs Ror Moretz, Thos. Smith and Patrick Wilson, of Cove Creek Academy, onthe ne ativfe. The speakers are all intelliirent. well informed young men, and the argu mentswill be highly enter taining, and much informa tbn can be gathered by bear ing them. ' ; Sugar Grow Locals. , Dk J; B. Phillips, of Sugar Grove, seems to be iiuprov- rii.g some. Thv Dr. is very badly Vinssd in his territory of pract itv. He is a noble, ener(nw larted man. I Mr.' 4. R PhilUpsh-isa very htindsoiiM' Htiik of goods. Jome and Ke liim and you will ket good bargains. He is 'doing a good thing in the mercantile business; is a good salesman and a pleas ant merchant., Mr. and Mrs. J. CHarmnn a-f "ff on a trip to Elk Park to visit relatives and friends. , -Mr. (J. W. Harman. board ed the train at Butler, Tenn , on his way to Sr. Louis. Mo , Wednesday. Feb, 14th. Prof. P. E. Herman is teach ing in our community at the Phillips. School House. We are having a fine school. Hh is a tine, instructor, very en ergetic and a high toned gen tleman. rue patrous a re veri' much impressed with his mode of teaching. - SUBSCUIBER. A Correction. Jbditor Democrat, I notice an error in the ar ticle published for me lust week in regard to cattle quar antine mattters that is so material to a correct under standing of existing regula tions that I beg to be ullow ed to make correction.- As published, the article states that after "July 1st no cat tie may be shipped from any point South of the qunran-j tine line to the North," when 1 intended to say that no shipping jwross the lina from South to North is allowed af ter January 1st of this year. The same date also applies to the modifications referred to; therefore driving across Catawba river into Caldwell and certain portions of Burke ana McDowell, across Yad kin rivrinto Wilkes county, and into Surry is absolutely prohibited, "and cattle driven from the territory named, across the line into the moim tain counties must be in spected on and after Janu ary 1st, 1901, and until oth erwise ordered by the UnitKi States Secrptarj of Agricul ture. Further along in the artic le I intended to say that cat tie would be inspected and when found healthy, permits to drive would be granted in stead of "quarantined" as printed. J. C. Horton. Hor ton.N. C, Feb. 18, 1901 A Warning- To feel tired after exertion is one thing, to feel tired before is another. Don't say the latter is lazi nesfl it isn't, but it's a eigu that the system lacks vitality, is run ning down, and needs the tonic effect of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It's a warning, too and suf ferers should begin taking Hood's at once. Buy a bottle today. " It is quite true that we hive the power but Cjiba has the logic of the sitif.ftion a fact that the "party-; of great moral ideas" is likely to hare forced upon itsat tention sooner or later. Don'fe think lees of your system than you do of your bouse. Give it a Y.iorough cleaning, too. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla. . icid Phosphate and Fertillirr, I have just received a large lot of .Acid Phosphate and Fertilizer, and will be able to fill all orders this season. , f Respectfully, W. L. Holshousku. Blowing Rock, N. C, 2,-21. Gatarm Is a disease of the mucous membrane or Inner lining of the nose, throat, lungs," stomach," bowels " and" other organs. ' It is caused by a cold or suc cession of colds irritating the delicate surfaces, and Is promoted by scrofulous taints In the blood. tt Is especially dangerous In persons having a predisposition to consumption. In these and ' all other-' catarrhal cases, Hood s barsapariua so trior oughly renovates the blood and re stores strength that It permanently cures. In fact, because of the character of the disease, and peculiar merit of the remedy. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the only common sense. treatment for catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cureand keeps the prom ise. , No substitute for Hood's acts like Hood's be sure to get Hood's. . Thiee years ago theUnited States army was 30,000 men; today it is 100,000, showing an increase of about 25.000 a jear. How lance will it be in another th-ee years? CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought ' Bears the PigMtart The appalling thought has occurred to the allied Gov ernment that the loot in China must soon give out. What on earth are they to do then? blood purifier known. Use it. and keep your blood pure; Quart Bottle." Tohmton'ft KArmanarills kth mnat nnwrftit Senator Chandler , wants Connives to make it a contin uous performance instead of merely an extra session. Heaven prestrve us from this. ' MBoth mT wire and myMir nTe neon aalnc CASCARETS and the? are the beat medlolne we have erer had In the houae. Laat week my wife waa frantle with headache (or two day a. ahe tried somoof yourCASCAKETS, and ther rellevod the pain In her head almost Immediately. We bothreeommrmlCaaeareta." UHAB. BTBDBroilU, Pitteburf Safe A Depoalt Ca, Plttburg, Pa, Pleaaant, Palauble, Potent. Taste flood. Do flood, Never Bleken. Weaken, or Gripe, 100, tto. Wo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... atwh l4 tmmrutr, CklMf KMlrMl, ttm Xh. SIT M.Tfl.Rlt1 Bo'4 n1 (?aranteed bf all drag- I U'DA W Ula to CVMS Tobaooo Uablt. FOKSALE. Iam offering for sale 33 acres of good land lying on the waters ofLoveCreek near Amantha, on which there is a nine-room dwelling, good barn, wood t-hed and other buillings. A nice situation. I also have a one-half interest in a steam saw mill artd plain er that lain offering for sale. For prices, terms of sale, etc. write or call on me at Aman tha, N. C. W. L Henson. a s x -l s ta- e O o 53 a 3 2 h- Hi w H a a w o r w w CD I ! u O 55 w a IS-!, -c a d-. -1 n a B (0 0B i f E L. t a era z a C x 3 5 H: o a ' I I GO H 73 SyV candy II CATHARTIC It is the. duty of every roan dollar for goods, to look up the DTirr r 1 ...:u .ii 1 i. store is now crowded with a And it is our intention to dispose of them at just as low a '': prie as possible. Our stock of Dry Goods, Shoes,v Hard--ware, GrocerieSjoijcMis. etr , is always full and pomplete, ard we will make it to your interest to give 08 jour trade if Good G(Mds and Low Prices are what you want. ' Match this'space from week to weeB and see If we don't show pou how to save money "A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE." . , . Cordially thanking you for pus t patronage and asking for a continuation of the same we are, ' '.'. ' ' Very Truly. '-v.,. ' 8-231900. T. J. COFFEY & BKQ3 w atauga'aoademy. JKaTFOR YOUNG WOMEN D. D. DOUGHERTY, i B. B. DOUGHERTY, K5"FALL TERM OPENS Thre courses offered: Common School Course; Academic Courwe; Two years collegia te course, instructions will be , given in Music, Art and business. Special attention will be given to public School teachers. Students thoroughly drill ed in Debate and Declamation. Board $ (J per month. Splen did opportunities for students to board themselves. J"TUITI0N FROM $1. TO f 3. PER4 MONTH." For othei information write to, or call on the Principals, at Boone N. C. At any rate, the shipping bill has taken up so much time that the Sampson- Schley dispute had to be al lowed to go over. " Indigestion, dvaoeixiia and bllionraeaa Quick ly yield to the eleanaing and purifying qualitiea contained la Johnatoa'a Bareapariua, Quart Bottles." EDMUND JONES, ' LAW YJER -LENOIR, N. C- Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watauga, 10-25 ly. BARGAINS NOW. In order tu close out sever al lines of goods we are offer ing special bargains in differ ent lines in stock. They are going at slaughter prices and it will be to your interest to come to our store nnd inves tigate them before making puichaseselsewhere. Remem ber there aro barguins here FOR YOU. Our General Line Is full and complete in ev ery department, and the pri ces are almost below compe tition. Ladies' Dress Goods, ladies' underwear, hats, ties, gloves, etc., always in stock, at low prices, the extra qual ity of the goods considered. Genu's Furnishings, In this line we easily lead in the county. Anything you wont, gentlemen, tor jour wardrobe can befounM inour stock, in the latest styles nnd finish. Wt keep constantly on hand a very handsome stork of Ready-Made Clothing' that rivals all competion in price, make, style and finish. If you need anything in this line give us a call. We only mentiou a few ar ticles, but. can furnish you al most anything kou want, as our stock is large and new goods aie arriving almost daily. WtJood country produce taken at the highest mar ket price in exchange for goods. Tnanking you for past fa vors, and soliciting a contin uation of the same, we are, Yours -Very Trnlj, jleuland & Watson. Blowing Rock, Jan. 22. ins! when he goes to f expend a', man who has the BEST ' t I'njTunmpv. nv , C,:. . !; . , on .V911P purchases. AND YoUNO MEN." A. B., B. S., Ph. B., Principai, 1 AUGUST 6th 1900"! Hot Prices for Cold : WEATHKR GOODS. -0 I have a few winter snifs in men's underwear and over shirts that will go low for cash. Don't wait to put on tomorrow what you ought to put on to-day, but buy a nice suit now. They must bt sold. A nice, new line of la dies dress goods just in. The ' best lot ol men's women and children's shoes in the coun ty. Ten bags coffee just in will ho Rnlrl nt. WHOLESALE or ItETAlI Ladies1 sailer hats; a big lot of men's hats from GOcto $2.75. Jeans, outings, ala munce, cheviotts, domestics, duck, bed ticking, Shirting, . flannels, etc, always on hand. Full line of shelf hardware. Wagon tire, bolts, etc. on hand. Nfvprnva ..11 HnriN tn anil' PVorvhnHv' nn nwxivsiu i uii uroviiu... tiori. In fat what I haye not got, I will order for you on short notice. I will pay you good prices for produce, and want all your stuff. So belp me and I will help you. Thanking my friends and customers for past patron age, and wishing for them a happy and prosperous New Yeai, I am YOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, WTLL W. HOLSOLAW. Vilas, N. C, Jan. 23. NOTICE. North Carolina. Watauga County. W. 11. Rower et al vs. acob 1 'otter et al. Pursuant to an order ol t h e jf 1 1 term 01 1 tie superior tours 01 urauga counrv lor me year mill) iiu.iiMi1 in flip nliMVH tlitlhlPil " action, 1 win neii lor chbii ur pui lie outcry at the court house door iu Hoonec u April 1, 1901, tx tueeu 10 o'clock u. in., aud 4 o'clock t). in the followine: de t Ml II t .L eHbed n'al es'ate. to wit: TwO tracts ol land l.ving aud hejiig'on . . , . 1 . . t . i r ip wiitpi-m 01 t. e iorrn r orK 01 "New Uiver. Watana cpnntv,. N. C. Kii Ht trnct adjoiiimg the lands of Eno-h Potter, Sr.. John Main, j on 11 MHih. r.. anu Auruui rui -a a ft i A .rA. or lews. Thorcond tract, adjoin ing the lands of John J. L. Church Enoch Totter. Sr., T. H Sut.her land and Thomas Davenport be inir the land that Enoch Potter, Jr.WT' H Sutherland an 01 uoin ju-ciB lyiuic i a norm Fork HoWDKkip. Said sale will . i - a!..J.. . A. U oemaneco samhiv juukviuimii uu tatneain tne noove ncnon ana nwnrHuil In f!nnti DiM-kft' Krwilr "D" page 103 and 104 ol the CU'rksa offics. This Feb. : 1 2h : - ' ! . K '(iWK..', ! " Uiuiiilst!oiKrt- Bar&