The Vatacga DcGcrati - EnteiM a t the Poft oiQ'-e jit Jioohe, ;V, ussecopd class mail matter.; ? BUnBCBIPTION rates:-. : r .vK..'.V. 7.00. .Six AlonthaUaql'. i Ml JhtfH months...'.... v .5, AdvertUwg rates furnished Tliu t.dollnr, please . Kei iii if Tonr at ock a nd . hii w cost and trou ble. . SI li f front ' jiiiti ; J'ljf 8lny ' -an'l UViln'hilay MOiuings. r $1 Ht HolllAW H. ? r if - Will Wpolselaw has a . new ad in this issue.'1 See if. : , -.v. .... t. -Good sheep shears at 50 tl cts. per pair atHolschiw's -Capt.JC. F. Uyill is off . t Elk Park on legal uai- Iiess. " vi:'-! , v -. Glad to see Mr: Jr BHor ; ton, of North ,WiikeaUob, in this week. prof. Franenm opened school at Riverstone on last ' l.....l...r ;- ' ' " . i:A crate of. western bacon . jot in. It goes at 11 cents. WiinV. Holsclaw. , " .. Yon can .get Oliver chill .and Fanner's Friend "plow points 'a iid plow! complete at Holcclaw's. - r ; He are sorry indeed, to hear of the exceedingly deli cate health of tbtf littlednugh trof friend John I 'Must, of ' Vila. 1 . ". 8. L. Jenkins represent- ,0 ing the Hague McCorkle Dr.r ' Goods Co.of GreeiiMhoro, was in town Monday and Tues , i I H. C. Miller, the progres ' . - ' i i it .si ve. mersnani oi iun, wib jou of a 'Batch of Bargains he has tor yon in anot her col O umh. Look it up. D. C. Dugswr, of, Vilas, tells" us that his wife who lias In en so near deal li's door loi months, is now so rtineh im proved that she is aide to be up much of the time. . V -Judge W. B. Councill ar- "rived on Tuesday evening, be ing called home from Dur ham on account of the illness of his tather-in law. Captain . Coffey. I Will call on you within . the next few days and if yon have any wool to -sell or ex 'change for Patterson goods, 1 be sure and hold it until my wagons come. VV4 D. Norris. Mr. Stuard Coffey is con fined to his room with mea sels. He contracted the dis ease at Blowing Bo;k some jJjwt sitice, a nd we look forn contagion in this vicinity. The State boa rd bf Med ical Eiaroiner8 is in session in Durham to da. NVonder how many oi the physicians from Watanga-are on hand? But possibly they hayeall.ob tained license, ere this. ' - Friend Frank A Clinayd, of Hickory, a typical Iife In b u ranee a cent, spent Sunday at the Coffey HoteU He rcpre sentj a good: company -and certainly talk it np to the nueen's taste." . 0 The new; town officials ' took the oath of office on Tuesday, and have decided to make some nicestreet and Humiher. yiiev ;.iiri much 4ieed ed and we think the r l h t men are at the helm of town affairs t o i ve t lieia 1 6 iis, iook: oat hut Newla hd A VVatwuiH 4iew ad in o a r nxt ihpu.' Th copy arrived i I t he i4HT too la to ' for -4n ert ion -1 1 j ; week .1 T h ji r stork U la fie n nd they ii i e ffeHnji '.T '-ft ii at low HgllieHr ' On bHt Snrulay Mr. R F. Briga"h tnk hii wife h( has itwn i-iit i-ill v ill !Uciig.:';t.' in,e"of ;her' fa l her, Mr H i I $ 'llojles on Brushy rVrkTSI8t.i!i remains Very weak, but it is thoiiftht posM ble the thaoge ui a y help her-;; 4The editor of a paper in a neighboring county passed fhrongh tvt n this week on ah jiutoiiiohile 'or, at least, that is twhat- tlie. luiys say" W e f; Keen carriages almost horseleH,' but never saw one enthely to in the inbuirtains. Sorrj ivv lailed to see it. t - Mr. Dock Mist, of Cove Creek, who? had the misfor. ttine to face:rate his hand so badly with a smalt piece of dynamite a few days since that amputation at the was necewsary, is we are told. improving nicely. The loss of his hand is a great misfor tune, but it seems providen tial that he escaped with his life.;- .',;:;: The municipal election at Blowing Rock was held on Monday of last week instead of Tuesday, as is required by the new election taw. Wheth er or not this affects the valid ity of the elect ion..we are not informed, but we are decided Iv Of the opinion that it will. Dr. C. J. Panier was eleeted Mayor, and J. P. Taylor, W L. Holshonser and Leason Hartley were .elected town commissioners. ; Aunt yiolet Hodges, host ess of the Connly Home, was in town" Monday iiid flniined a collation of about flG for t he pn rpose- f bu y i ng J i s. Andrews, a helpless iiimate d tbe hoiui aii invalid's r ol I i n g eh a lr . M i s. H d ges . good woinnn that she is, con .i vnt t he idea herself - and has been' working on the ivd lertion for several months. The chair will doubtless be a great pleasure tOhi nffli''- ted art.l and almost . helplps? eonny i-hnrge, nil bf which' is to be rredited to aunt Violet. We are sorry .fo lea in that some citizens of this county are openly violating t h e stock law and setting at defl ance thfe same by turning their stock ujion thecominon range. This, of course, is.notb ijng to us, hut any la w, in our opinion, that is enacted by the legislature, should be wil lingly. obeyed by all Jaw ub' ding; artd patriotic citizens. And aside from that, t h ere is a penalty of $2.00 a hea ) . . . . athxed for all stock Ioudi running at large, and farther a man is liabt! to inlictnien or such a violation, and we earnestly hope they will heie after nvoirt any such trouble. On Wednesday of I a s t week Henry Baj?an, son of Mr. Calvin Jlagan, of Meat Camp, V t: . There seem to he a f e w Boers alive yet. J . Hood's Sqrsaparilla Jlas won incces tar beyond tbo cffocl of adrerttxing only. - , The Ann hold it has won ana retains upon the hearta of the people could never have been Grained br even the nost lavish expenditure of monoy. Tiie true ecrot or the popularity or Hood's Sarsaparilla a exp1a(. rd entirely and only, by ll nnapproacliablo Merit. . meca upon a prescription wnico enred people considered incurable, which accomplished wonders astonish ing to the medical profession, Hood s Sarsaparilla Includes the concentrated values of the bust-known vegetable remedies Mtrli as sarsnparijla, yellow dock, pipsis- scwa, nra ursi, inauuraKe anu uancie- lion, united by an original and pcouuar combination, proportion and process, giving to ' ' Hood s Sarsaparilla curative power peculiar to itself. . Its cures of mild and extreme cases of scrofula, eczema, psoriasis, and every kind of humors, as well as of ca tarrh and rheumatism prove it to be the best blood purifier over produced Its cures of dvsDcpsIa, biliousness, nervousness, loss of appetite aud that tired feelinz. make Hood's Sarsaparilla bevond nnestlon the trreatest stomach tonic, nerve-builder and strength reotnrer the world hug ever known. It will cure you or any one in your family or any ot these trouoies Yon can relv unon Hood's Sarsaparilla as a thoroughly good medicine. Buy a bottlo and begin to tako it today I1Y DEAR Sill: ... DO YOU BUY GOODS? If so. lei's have a little t hat about it, nnd see if we are not able to convince yon that it is to yonr interest to trail ill) us. In the first place we will sell yon "MOB E. Goods for the LEAST money than any firm in the county. Secondly, we have no 'leaders' but every article on our dVioIvam ia rrotbpft At hnronin nrii-es. nnd we simolv asset t hat we can ana will save you money on every purcnasr. Unng us your pronuce. ami we win hkb h ui uc inmitoo- market price, .; ..; i-':.::' No more goods sold on time, but the almighty dollar in hand will surelv brine you bargains in onr stoie. , A nice line ot dry goods., jjioreus, snoes, etc. . ei:., ai- wavs in hand, tome ami see us. 55 1901. j MOiiLiz & lAimmu. t LAND SALE. Ry virtue of a power con--tained in a mortgagedeed ex eruted to David Mooie by while off bearing lumber from 30OK .x', at page 28, in the U circular saw, Avaa iu buiub inumic renorus m ine cuuui.i . .r ,iT- . .i i : ,j way thrown on the saw ana oi wuiauga, uieuiMjeiiK will hell for cash to the high nis ouuy uiuBi uuimui.v iuiii- . . f u,- gieu. vae naiiu wub biujubi . . ,,nfinp N r on Mon ruined, a deep cut several day the3rdduy of JunelOOl, inches .long was made in one between the hours of 10. a. of hfc thighs, bjs lip and tore in., and 2. p. m., the follow- head was badly cut, and ma ng uesmoea rem eu, ..v- . . nnAl3 ing on the waters of Ueddie s ny other lesa iserions wounds F,;rk ()f Ment Camp creek, be were inflicted on his person. Kjninj, on n walnut on t h e , '. in .. .i.i r.... .... , . ,i i j urs. inac.Kwurii' mm iiuurni iHnK of sain creeK ano ruu were summoned at once, who ning north with the mean- amputated hand, sewed up a part of h i s ders of said creek 102 poles up the remain- whl? "k:i?S?5?:S . ; . , . . t corner, rnence non a weoi ing wounds, and they think, 38pnjesto H dogwood, thence tion. that he ma v recover. chestnut., thence norm J Mr. Claude Y. Miller.ofthe Wilkesboro Marble Works, will be in Watauga, Ashe and Alleghany counties after the 18th int., and will be pre- :ared to ell all who wish to respect their dead anything known t the marble trade, touibst ones, tablets', . monu ments, etc., and all who have work, at his shop will please send and get it, so he can erect it while, here. (Jet prices rom any yard you wish, but holo your orders u n t i.l you see him. At the stockholder's meet ing of .the Caldwell & Watau ga Turnpike.Co. on Wednes day of last week, the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: T. H. Tay lor. President: J. B. Clarke, Secretary and Treasure: B.J. Green, H. C. Martin and. Dr. J. Parlier, Directors. A dividend of $4 was declared on each share of $20, against I&.50 last. year. This, to be sure is a good investment, aod only a few years since the stock was considered almost woit bless. ' Quite a number of the old boys who wore the grey met at the court house on last Saturday , and transacted the routine business of the cam p. Officers for the ensuing yeur were elected and the follow inir delegates were named to attend the National Reunion. of Confederate Veterans that will be held at Memphis, the last of t his month: Capt. E. P. Lovill. H. A. Davis, A. J. Moretz, E. J. Norris and Dr. J. M. Hogshead. Many old war iokes were exchanged and those present seemed to enjoy the, occasion hugely. A Pew Words About Bargains I It I the dntv of evei v man when he goes to expend a T T " . dollar for gooils, to look up the man who has the BEST ABTlCLEand will sell it for tho LEAST MONEY. Uur store is now crowded with a General Line of Merchandise, And it is our intention to dispose of them at just as low a mice as possible. Our stock of Dry Goods, Shoes. Hard ware, Groceries, Notions, etc.", is always full nnd complete, ard we will make it to your interest to give us jour mae, if Good Goods nnd Low Prices are what yon want. Watch this space from week to week and see if wedon t show you how to save money on your purchases. "A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAK MADE Cordially thanking you for past patronage and asking for a continuation of the same we are, Very Truly. 8-231900. T. J. COFEEY fc JiltO If the Kaiser doesn't look out J. Piernont Morgan will buy South America before he gets a chance to conquer it. Executor's Notice. 17. vine miHlified as executor ol the last win and testament ol Ja cob V. Fry. deceased, all persons having claims affuinat said estate are herby notified to present the same to the unuersinei amy an tlienticated within twelve nios. from the date hereof or this no tice will be pled in bar of their recovery. May z, iui. W illiam Elkod, J. Aveky Fky, Executors. EDMUND JONES, LAWYER -LEN()1R,N.C IVj77 Practice Ree'ularh in the Courts of Watauga, . 10-25 1 y. c. H. WEBB. C. Y. MILL1CK . m. ji I Wfnl. n I , U1H I wnu I w f wvt. -taptam I nomas j. uh- i . (lianna qa nnlps fef was taken serionsly ill to a ' chestnut oak, thence a nr. week with heart trouble, annth 1H4 notes to a stake. and at thistime, Wednesda r, thence east 163 poles to the his conditicn is considered beginning, vnmumm most critical, but still there pOM ,e8S- Lma is a spark of hope that he E L joore, Richard Moore, may. recover. All oi, nis cuu- Aim s. of David Moored c d, dren, his two sons-in law, all Lawrence Vakefield, Atty. his brothers, and all his sis ters, save two,' with niinier-Ujorlh (Hroina WatainraCo. ous other rflatives are hre in the Supeiior Court, he- watching and hoping for a fore the Clerk. change for the better, which Warin A- Hal ten Alice we all trust may come Ti e "m family physician, Dr.Parher, A 0 k srah Foard of Blowing Rock, stays with j0dv and Geo. Teague, Rho the Captain most olthetfme, ,1a Greer. Nelia Colvard, Ma- and Dr. A. F. Houck, of Le- tilda McLean, Lnas. aioooy, imir ramp over Mondav eve- J,ia Hetcher and Monroe noir, came oer Monday eve Hnmlpt heir8 Ht Iaw of Cn8 nmg and gave his best treat w. Hatten. deceased ment to the suffering man, against but stiM there is no change Marion Moodv, Jane Rimer, for the better. This entire Thos. Porffitt and wife, Dor community is wrapped in fas ProfBtt, E. C. Moody, E . J izabetb. Louisa and Elvira deepgoora over Hatten.PHt 0lik ond wife, bwiuh inn nuuciroo tw.jumvu. k viral arKe. vm. uavisana '" ' I .. m' i ..I. 1 s I wiie. Bi zanein jav s.ueorice AniaVttare. Hayes and wife. Nancy You have been .told to "hitch HH.Vf. 'onn. Va,tr your wagon to a Btar"-tfiat Na and Neine uumgarner, ias. r . fnnA trill aciaief vnn Thot'a nil HHtren. Win. Guvn. Charles. right. There are times, however, Wm. F., Manle and Dorcas when you snouia assiHC iNflcure, Hatten, Aivis league, wm. and the spring is one of these ftm andGrantMoody, heirs Umee. 'r at law of Charles W. Hatten, Nature is now undertaking to MopnopH cleanse your system if you take Xhe defendants above named wwwu wwuioij.iiiw ' . Will ICIIVC 1 1 I II. C Vila t pi king will be successful, and your Dg entitled as above has beeti complexion bright and clear. nnmmftriced in theSuDerior Court m m m of Watauga county to sell lands A third term would he bad for portion between the heirs at i u t law of Charles Hatten. deceased. cuuugii, oi couiBe, uui u. , Alld the .delHndant8 win further b ueiwmi uiiB.auu juai & tnfr none tnat tnev are reauirta uanna - . to appear heloret he tlei k ol ine Bnerior tourt or w ntauga couu f .naf. urinfop I wna pnnfinorl f n ! in Tttrno N C nn frtnilnv ray bed with a verv bad cold on tha 10th dav of June. 190 1. and the lungs. .Nothing gave me re- answer or demur to the com the onrt BARGAINS NOW. In order to close out sever al lines of goods we are offer ing special bargains in differ ent lines in stock. They are going at slaughter prices and it will be to your interest to come to ourstoreand inves tigate them before making puichases elsewhere. Remem ber there are bargains here FOR YOU. Our General Line Is fall and complete in ev ery department, and the pn ces are almost below compet ition. Ladies Dress Goods adies' underwear, hats. ties. gloves, etc., always in stock, at low prices, the extra qual ity of the goods considered. Genl's Furnishings, In this line we easily lead n the ounty. Anything you want, gentlemen, for your wardrobe can befound inonr stockjn the la test styles and finish. vVe keep constantly on hand d very nanason.e stock of Wilkesboro Marble Works Webb&Miler,?rop. Granite and Marble Monuments, and everything in the cemel ry line done in the best of style at the lowest prices "SatisfactionGuaranteed", lief. Finally my wile bought a hot plaint in said proceeding or tie of one MinuteCoughCurethat plaintiff will apply to the c blood claaaaer, flcth boUder effected a speedy cure. 1 cannot Upr the reliel demanded in Baid nnpnk ton hichlr nf thnt znfi- ornnrilflint. Am il 1001. ' I lunf fr ' ' XI n ' I V PnnaA I Inmr CI Diumnti ' i o I. i " . I icii. t inruj oil. a. hviiov i aua.i ii. uinuua . o. L. D. JfjiOWE, At tprpey,. PiiEA.sE Look Read and Puo fit Thereby. This is a time when most goods are high, but my pric es are not. Come and examineforyour self. I ke?p in'stock Sugar, Flour, Rice, Coffee, Spices, Extracts, Cigars, Tobaccost etc Also a nice line of toilet soaps, laces, etc. Highest mar ket prices paid for country produce. Remember I am locator, ot the old post office building. Call vhen in town. Yours for trad., (Mrs.) R. M.GREEN Ready-Made Clothing that rivals all competion in price, make, style and finish. If you need anything in this litie give us a call. VVe only mention a few ar ticles, but can lurnish you nl most anything con want,, as our stock is large and n e w goods aie arriving almost daily. 86TGood country produce taken t the highest market price in exchange for goods. Tnankingyou for past fa vors, and soliciting a contin uation of the sa me, we ore, Yours VeryJuljT, Hand & Watson. Blowing Rock, Jan. 22. ..." NOTICE. As Adm'r of the last will and lest. uncut of nuirlenllat ten. riesenseil, 1 will on tin first Monday m June, iiUOl, nt the court bonne in Boone, between the hours of 12. M, nnd 3. p. ni. oT that day, pro ceed to sell t'o the highest bid rier the f.lloving tract of land lying on t he east side of Bubby Blossom Flat on the wiiteis of Den nie' Creek, east prong of the Yadkin River.' Beginnings t Lenoir's line and hick.iry on the waters of Y'idkiii river, running north 104 poles io a chest nut oak, thence east 98 poles to a stake, 1 hence smith 114 poll's to n sttike. llvnce west 98 ooles to the I ei inui t:r. ton- tainimf 70 acres more or less. This land was sold on A pi il the 3ri, hut the prire p a i d having been raised 10 per.-" i-uiit n i p nnt is heithv order pd. . Tei'ins of sale one t bird eash. balance in six moir. in'. I Iiih mm ii, jwoi. i .1. COTTHELL. Adni''1 v Ctiin t'Klit'ii iiln unt:i vu. E F. Lovill, Atty. ; -; " jideTvalk improvements . this

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