' tfX. 111 e l?ubli;hed Every Thursday ' Salisbury Snu: Two. tra Til ing salesmen who were in Da couaty veHterdnv'tOok oe ' 'ii8u.it to Visit . thefyVine of nn who V peihapH,fone of ite .oldest women . livinjr; in h;Uiiitl States. IV n une ' -iif sthV antiquated Bpeciinen of v'h iiirui iiii ty ht Ailney Cnlbert noli and nhp had attained a niK old ag, even before tin l war. As well as she en n re- member and iiertlingt'illie ' uliH8t knowledge o.L white peo ' pie who ha known her for yearn, her age w 108 years. The old woman haw jnst fin ished cutting her third set of tteeth. ; . It it estimated by Mem pip -rotton factors that ut least 50,000 acres of cotton will hnve to he replanted in that -.diHtriet, The first plantingon jphmtntions in the Delta un pforerted by the leveenre vnl li'gs on account of the over flow and on many farms in fthe highlands seed maturity was killed by rain and cold. 1 The necessity for replanting is wide spread. In north Gt or . 'gia. north Alabama, west kTenne8Kee and in portions of ? Mississippi and Arkansas the i.Hrst planting wasa failure. .Landmark. ' A marriage wusolemnizf d - at Dayton, O ., a few days n- go, says an exchange, which makes a queer tangle in reln tioDships. The contracting parties are John Karch, agfd 59, and Mrs Karch; aged 22. The bride Is thedivorced wile ot the son af the bridegroom. The divorced husband is now -living in Indiana. Mrs. Karch has two children and as she t married her father in-law, the .grandfather of the children i. became their stepfather. Like wise, Mrs. Karrh will be the grandmother by marring of . her own children. Mr. Win. L. Howell, one. of the. lending lawyers of Virgin ja,who hs editor of the Rich -mom I Times, made light of the Ganger of trusts so m e years ngo, has recently made, -n powerful arraignment of .these modern outlaws, of com amerce. When they luiveob--,11 lined control of of all theoe ces8ities of life and all tn.ns t porta Hon, many who now defend theni will rise up to r fight 'them, after the trusts -have them bound hand and and foot It willthen lie too Jute to destroy the trusts ex cept by revolution. News & 1 Observer. i Life's sublime purpose hat ' tnineri nnlv In lnral ' . " wwsj n.n U WIIJa service, for how beautiful and true that conception jf life, one has expressed it,' "Life is neither a pleasure nor a pain ...but a serious business which "it is our duty to carry .thro' . and terminate with honor." Communion and sen ice are the two wings in the believ er'scare with which he will . Wy up and on to God, bring ing his sheaves with him. E S. B olio way. An industry that is paying the people of Western North Carolina handsomely, say f the News and Observer, is that . of gathering and shio ping tan ha vie. In many conn ties it is being erotften out in ' large quantities and sells readily at 15.00 a cord. La's! iritgot up as high as $7. and. Wioiding to th; Srout thr fa liners iienr XI jii r p h y, 'drought, in over fifty thous and dollar's worth. v . .ti. Game to the Last. J:-',':;$ A certain Duke, while driv ing from the station to" t h e park on his estyte to inspect a company of artillery, ob served a rdgged urchin keep ing pace with the carriage at his side. H is grace being struek with'the cleanliness of the lad, asked him where he was going. The lad leplied: MTo the park To see t. h e dook inl sogers." The Duke feeling interested stopped his' carrriage, and opened the door to the lad, saying hp could ride to t h e park with him. The delighted lad, being in ignorance of who he was kept his grace interested with his qusint remarks till the patk gates werp reached. As the carriage entered, it was saluted by the jfompany and guns, whereupon h i 8 grace said to the lad: "Now, eon you show me where the Duke is?" The lad ejred his person all ovpr, then, looking at' the Duke, replied quite seriously: "Well., I dunno, mister; but it's either you or me." Thone famous little pills. De Wit t's Little Karl v Risers will re move all impurities from jour syhtem.cleanse.cleanueyour bow els. make them regular. Moreti & Farthing. Bnchanac & John son. People who are too eager to obtain by any means a warm place for themselves here, will in many cases find this arrangement continued for them in the next world. 'I have been troubled with in digestion lor ten years, have tri ed many things and spent much money to no purpose until I tri ed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and gotten more relief Iroji them' than all other medicines taken. I feel more like, a boy than I have felt lor .twenty .years." Anderson ttiggs, of Sunny Lane, Tex Thou Huuds Imve ttatified as did Mr. tfggs. Moretz & Farthing, ,.John sou & Buehanun. A Uajrmr, Boerlagr Flood. Washed down n tpWrnnh lino which (.lias. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to reDair. "Staudinc waist deep in icy w iter" ho writes "crave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Fi- nan rue nest doctors in Oak land, Neb., Sioux City and Oma ha said!I had consumption and could not live. Then 1 began us ing Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bot ties.". PoHitivelv Guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat and Tung troubles by M. R. Blarkurn. I'nea 5lc. und 1. ,Tna bottles free. Very little news, sajs a wri ter, is being received from the Boer war; but England an nounces that the afrnir has cost hei $75,000,000; and thp expense does not diniin ish. The English Government is confronted with the neces sity of increasing taxes on floating an immense ban. A dispatch from Cape Town re ports that Bubonic plague baa broken out in that citj. In 1797 Mrs. John Adams Adams wrote: !l have never yet setn the Southern man, li ashington. excepted, who could bear close application f jr way length of time." IShe learned sectional feelings ear ly and in the same 'letter made fun of Jefferson "rock ing in his privatechair,rthe revolving cliair now found in every ofti-e- -Ex. ' : BTOtllA. Watke tUfttatue of v Tm Had Yw fan Atirayi BotsM li often warnln? that the Urer la lorpia or viaciivo. wore acnoua troablei may folio-. For a prompt, efficient cure of Hc&daclie end all Ures trouble, take ,t .. , - While they roftw V.r V'frr, rrstore fuU,' regular action U ihu bowels, they do not frlo or pu'.u, do not Irritate or Inflame I be Internal organs, bat have a poaltire tonic effect, 23a. at all drogsMsts or. by mall of O. I. Uood A Ox, LoweU, Mas. A woman knows that1 her husband has faults, but she won't admit it to other wo men. Miss Florance Newman who has lieen a great sufferer from muscular rheumatism, savs Chamberlain's Pain I m is the only remedy that offords her relief. Misa New man is a much respected resi dent of the village of Gray, N. Y-. and makes this, state ment for the benefit of oth ers similarly afflicted. This liniment is for sale by Black burn. Spring coughs are specially dan gerons, and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. One Minute cough cure acts like mag ic. It is not a common mixture but is a high trrade remedy. Mor etzfc Farthing. Johns jn a n d Ruchanan. : . Truth is the apostle before whom every cowardly Phelix t reinbles. Ph il 1 i ps. ' Too cannot enio.v perfect health rosy cheeks andi sparkling eyes, ii your over is niujihii ana your bowels clogged. DeWitt's Little Early. Risers cleanse the whole system. They never, crip?. Mor etz and Furthiag. Johnson and Buchanan. A watch trust with $75, 000,000 capital, isthe latest. "I had piles so bad 1 could get no rest nor find a cure until I tri e DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once, 1 forgot 1 ev er had anything like piles." E. C. Boyce, Somers Point, N. Y. Look out for imitations. Moretz and Farthing, Johnson and Buchan an, Some people think, the gold en rule was made to measure nobody but their neighbors. , Jab CeuK' nH.HTe Stood It. Ilhe'd had itching pi W .They are terribly annoyinc. but liuck Jen's Arnica. salve -will cure the worst, case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. ,For .inju ries pains or bodily eruptions'it's the 'best salve in- the world. Price 25c a box. Cuteguurauteed. Sold by druggists. Tale bearers are the devil's fire brands. C ASTOR I A for Infants and Children. ; Tits Kind Yoa Ka?a Always Esbt Bears the Stgaatortof The devil in the form of a roaring lion is not often met witji; he prefers the sheep's clothing. ITC Bsantaa laatin af fm lot YwHwAhwyi BopiM i People who become relie ious for the loaves and fishes will not be considered worthy even to be fed on the frag ments that remain when the day of reckoning shall have come. "To unr can tell what a woman will do t." leaa." , , V "Well, what f : Talk." "That's h-A woman will talk and tell her friend, of tha wonderful cures mads by John stoa's earsapatilla. and the proprietors pave to thank thousands of good noble women in this eotmtrr for harina; made Johnston's SAJUiAPAr BJIJUt (qaart bottle.) famous." . . Afaiustiatort Stke., ; Having qaalifled as adu.i niatra tor of .the ,eBtate of Bepjuinin Hartlay. deceaaed, all peroons hav ing claims against Iris estate Jme notified to present them duly au thentirated vitbin 2 ftiontl.H from the date hereof or this no tice will be plead in bar of their IWtvbFV Thia Anrfl Q 1CA1 ' ' H . H. rARTBiyc, AdiniidHtrat 01 . n - ; V One P rfrct Woman, ' . ?2 s; V A lecturer in Hastings' m ( qnii ed dra njkf icafly; (mi any one jii jttns room tell fi.i of a perfect man?" , ; f ; . There wiis a dead silence. 'Ha any one," hd contin uned, "heard of a perfect wo- Then a patient looking lit tle woman row .up at t h e back of the room and answer ed. ''.'..". ."V" ".... '.'-:;, . "There was one. Pve often heard of herj.but; she's dead now, She was my husband's first wife'-London Answers. You will waste time it you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving yourself. That only makes it worse when you do eat heartily. You alwnva need nlentv of good food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the re sult of years of scientific research for something that wonld digest not only the elements ol food but every kind. And it is the one rem edy that will do it. Moretz and J arthing Johnson and Buchan an. . Society is a place where peo pie are introduced in order that they may not know each other. Tis Eaay to feel food. Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body in ur. Aing s wew liie nils, wnicb positively cure constipation, eick headache, dizziness, jaundice, ma aria, tever and acue and ail - liv. er and stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; never grip? and weak en. Only 25c at Blackburn's. A woman is like her gar den; the more beautiful she looks, the harder some man has to dig. Try the new remedy for co8tiveness, Chamberlaine's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box gnaranteea. Price 25 cents. For sale by Black burn. TheKintrof Grrfat Britain, who was a noted gambler be fore he ascended the throne now denounces it and pledg es himself to aid in suppress ing it. Dyspepsia Cure 'Digests what you eat. It artificially d igests the food and aids Nature in strengthening snd recon tructing the exhausted digestive or gana. It Isthe latest dlscovereddlgeet ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach' It in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion, -Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. 8ick Headache, Gastralgla Cramps and all other results o imperfect digestion. tanallalw. Book all about drspepsiamaUadlm prtparts y c. c mwitt w cqimo MOUTiJAQE SALE. Kv virtue of the nower of sale contained jii a certain mortgage executed to the undersigned bv u r. Miner on tne iota day of June. '898, to secure thepaj ment of five hundrfd and!fifty (1550) dollars, I will offer for sale at Dark Ridge, N. C, on the 16th da.v of Mar, 1 901, at 1. p. m., the following described per Bonal property to wit: One steam saw mMl, engine boiler, fixtures and every thine belonsnmrtb nnirt saw mill, engine, etc. Said sale is made to satibf v balance due on said mortgage. Terms- made known 04 day of sale. This Aprli 16, 1901. - A. J. Moretz, Mortgagee, J. C. Fletcheb, Atty.. Ins: CASCARKTS and they are taa beat wuivih. mv umww .m immi iu .uc nonsa. un weak m wife was fraotls with beadaebe for two days, aba tried some of your CASCAHET8, and tber rellerod tho paia in bar bead almost Immediately. We both reeotnnMixlCaaearela." Oil AM OvtJ)t-knt-Brasr Flttsbart Safe Deposit Co.FitUtarf, Pa. CANOV " ..'tXTHAfmC a 'Pleasant,- Pslaiabla. roamt. Tart Qoee, 9 os. Merersiekea. Weaken, or firlilOeTlfeWe. ... OURS CONSTIPATION. . ... SwraindS, l'm,mt,ntft,tmUti,UXtr. SIT VTtt,r' I ' n.il.lllHllr.l'..i.i.H'm ii..Hi.iil . ill . . I Ml I II .i II li wm-w4 -, .,-.';, ,: II., The Kindt Too Hate Alws.Doiijrh.tt and Udch lutf beea . .; ' tn use for over 30 yearj, jhas txnmo .the sifiTUttnrs of : ' All Conntcrfelts, Imitations and" Jost4u-od" are baft Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment " What is CASTORIA Gastorla Is a harmless suhstitate for Castor OH, Pars ' gorky Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It eootalns neither Oplom, Morphine nor' other Nareotlo substance. Its age Is its guarantee It destroys Worm . and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind -' Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. .. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha v Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep ; The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend ' CCNUinE CASTORIA AL17AY0 Bears the - - WAT ... - The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. " Johnttoa't Barraparllla, Quart Bottles; u blood cleaawr, fleth bnilder and heaUb restorer It baa ao cqaaL" Minister Conger may find that a hero who comes home to run for Governor is a very different man from a h e r o who stands by his post Some thousands of miles away. Am you Buvutaht An roa completely cxhtastea? . D you answer " ya " to any of these qtJeatioaa, yoa htvt Ittt whkh Vine of'Cafdui ctoes. Do yoa appreciate whateedect heahh would be to you?. After taking Ws of Cardul, thoutands like you hart real Uedtt. Nervous strain, loss of sleep, cold or todlgestloft starts mensteual dlfofders that arc not noUccabk at first, but day by day steadily grow Into troublesome of Cardul, used just before the men strual period, will keep the ferrule system in perfect condition. This medktoe is taken quietly at noma. There is nothinsT like ft to halo uo YOtt tuuer everr month women enjoy good heaftiu It costs i only 1 to test this remedy, which fa encttrsco ey tjMJfMi cured Mrs. Lena T. rrkbetrtf. East SL luU HL.sayst rl am physically a ssw wwnan,' by reason of my ass of Wine of Cardul aoi TheaWs Black Drauit.N la eases reolrln spe4l eiraetloas, a eites, a1ln sraiptonw, "The LaoW AdTM air DaparUMDt,' The Cailtanocp H4 elite Oo., CtulUoooca, Tana, Fine Nursery Fruit.; I have on hand a' fine lot of fruit trees, such as apples, peach es, pears, prunes, etc. etc. I alrfo have a fine assorment of crnne vines that are best suited to our climate. 'If you con template buy ing any trees or vines, I can sell them lo you at .about one hal the price you would Lave to pay at other nurseries and then von have the satisfaction of knowing wnatyouget. . All trees delivered at my nur series. , ... . Trees from three to six feet tall. For further particulars call on or address, W. L..CoFrEY, Moretz, N. (?. CAVI iTl TPSns MiDve COPYRIGHTS AND DESIGNS, end yawr bniiaeee d Ireot Washln rtoa. sans time, eoeta lees, btUr scttIc. aty saw t to r a. laaart SSke. ran smash- AOXOALtXruniloi. Ink -Bmrtoekuai ttmvkZ" toM am tpm mans tknaak S. 9 s v iMtn aeeisl aetue. wlUwrt eaatts, a if for Women X r 4 U J Jt IS Aan aa S aT . "'" "07-aMeasta M-analLtmr. E G SIGBERS U. VIUtaLIIU.WAaMINOTCrt, D. C. aaewvv)vv and has jtaennuule trader hit per . Bonal sapenrtslQit since Its tnfknex Anownoonetadcelveyonlntlils. ' Signature cf . "Yes," said the old man, Iv am 03 years old, and I have drunk whiskey and chewed tobacco since I was 18" "Truly an activ e - life,' re- marked the Simple Mug. 'Bat how did yon come to so mis: 08Q the earlier years?" ' ; ' Hofds ap s Congressman. 'At the end of the last cam. paign" writes Champ Clark, Mis souri's brilliant Congressnan "from overwork, nervous tension loss of sleep and constant speak-, nig, I had about-utterly collaps ed. Ic seemed that all the organs in my body were out of order, bjt three bottles of Electric Bit ters inaie me all right. Its the best all-round medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter." Over worked, run down men, arid weak . sickly women gain Splendid health and vitality from Mils medicine. Try it. Only 50c, .Quaranteed by rwHCKDurn. Ihe MeroingM ATiEJGiI,NC. The only popular-priced morn ng newspaper in Nor th Carolina. The finest telegraphic and gen oral news service.- - Special correspondents in all parts of the State giving a cori. plete synopsis of State.news. suBbCRiPTiow pbicb: ; One month ....... .40, To months.......'....'.. .75, Three months.............. 1.00, One year 4.00, ' STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. : No paper continued beyond the time paid for. . Bind in your subscription. ' A DDRE88 . THE MORNING POST,. Baleiqu, N. C. , ' "a ' VIA - BXPIRMNOK ian4 OtSIOM, i; eOFVRIOMTS) As,- aft AtaBesansesatBA ak . . - I ' "ff'L? ffl"raed. tarrwt etreabalan af .' reatMeJnwnsl.weiy.tetMSSayeari . MUNII , CO., i l.l Broadway. Hew f ik,' Caveats, and Trade-Merle obtained and aS Fas-1 lent kisiMescoaducted or Moocasre flea. Oua Ometis OrMsrrc 1 1, S. earcwr omti siMtwacaaaecnra MMMaa iess baw laaa Unm remote Irani Wasbiactea, i Send model drawing or efioux, with descrls-i tioa. We adviM. ii patentable ee aoe. Iraa mi' l jdmrgn. OaricanotduetUipaSBatlasecared. ! A Pf aiexLtr, How to Obtain Patents," with cost el auaeln tha V. S, aad iomf asanteiai aent free.'' ' Address J C.A.GUOW&CO.: li i. 0 4J