OPosp-watauga; count v, c., Thursday; maYv3o, looi. NO, 17.; . Imh-m ,! ThV jumIj' will b;r i : uht um re do von wont hi k,n w? i a - M .Tiia back of, your V eyes? I lery pressure ) in- your head? And are i you sometimes faint and A dijezy? Is your tongue t coated? Bad taste In wurmmith? Anddoc3 your food distress you ? Are you cervou3 and Ir ritable? Do you often have the blucc? And .are yet troubled about sleepinj? ' 1 Than your ISvorla . est wrong ' But there is a cure. 'Tistheold reliable 1 They act directly on the liver. They, cure consti?atioh,biliousncss, sick headache, nausea; find dyspepsia. Take a laxative dose each nieht. For 60 years years they nave ccen tne btanaara Family Pills.. Me call. Xatntfldu "I have taken Arer's l'ills rrgn Inrly for nix mouths. Thev hiivs cured ine of a sovcro hendauho, and 1 can now walk from f vo to four ratio without getting tlrod or out of breath, nnittthing I havo not beau able to ilo for ruanv jears." . . B. E, Vaiwokk, July 13, 1889. , Salem, Mat. VWfo (ka Declor. IfynnharssnyeomplalntwhatcTer anttdetire tiie boitmodi.'Klailvlcavou C:iii ixmlbiy rwelvs, write the doetor freely. Yutt will receive a prumiit re ply without eoit. Address, uh. . u. Ait.il, iiowcu, JIssi. PROFESSIONAL. J. C FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, . BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to collections. E F LOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- -BOOSE, A'. C BSTSpecial attention given to all business entrusted to bis care."&5 . 823, 1900. J. W. TODD. GEO. P. PELL. TODD & PEIL, AT'JORNEl'S Al LAW, , ... JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice regularly in the courts of Watauga. Headquar teis at Coffey's Hotel during couit. . 5-4-99, E.S. COFFEY ' -ATWIMEY Al LAWt- BOONE, N. C.--. . Prompt Attention given to all matters of u legal nature: WST Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special ty. "; - : ' -"23-1900. r. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C o Knite; No ; Burning Out. Highest refereuces and endors merits of prominent persons sue- , ce88iuuy ireaiea in a., lerni. and N. C. Remember that there O is no time too book to pet rid ol a canceroua growth no matter ?; how Hinall. : Examination free, V letters answered promptly, and .4 natisfaction feunranteea. . - Sti i n ill ; hVi vnti'M'tj,. It-Won: WASH LNTiTON LETTER, f icm our Regular . Ctrrepoi;.1ont : H n ing 8i'cnm the n.lmin ist ration fayor for the noto riously disreputable Panama Urinal, the men w ho are ma nipulating the scheme to make millions by. unloading the Panama Canal upon the tJnited States are now work ing .to create public senti ment" in favor of the Pana ma Canal and against the Nicaragua Canal, and it can not he denied that they a re doing it f leverly. . Some high priced brain work is being put into article given to the press under Washington date lines and otherwise, in which advantage is taken to point out everything 'that can be called an obstacle to the Ni caragua Canal, and specious reasons' Hi e neing jjiven f o r chnngR of opinion among Senators, and Representa tives who favored that route. And the most is made of the opposition of England and its right to oppose the con struction of the Nicaragnan Canal, except upon condi tions of which it approves. Th'i Jast reason. is also being made, use of by the adminis tration in an indirect way. Tips are givn by prominent officials to the correspond ents of influential republican papers, hinting at the possi bility of political complica tion with England, makingit necessary to abandon the idea of a canal over the Nica rngua route, and, of course, those hints are reflected more or less in the matter sent to Washington. As yet, neither the Panama Press Agents, nor the administration men venture to use names public ly, when speaking of Sena tors and representatives who hive changed their minds and now favor the purchase and completion of the Panama Canal, but privately the for mer are not so discreet. The news of this chancre on the part of the administra tion towards the Nicaragua Canal, has reached Nicarn- gus, and theNienraguan min ister to the United States, who had gone home on lea ve of absence, has hurried back to Washington to do what he can for the interests of his government. He has notified th State Department; that his government and that of Costa Hica, regard the proto col they signed last year with Secretary Hay, as commit ting the United States to the Nicaraguan route, and bar ring the Panama route from considern t ion, Tha t posi tion is a strong one, too, but Ni caragua and Costa Rica have not the pull with this admin istration that England has, and it may not help them any. If the administration is not careful, it will make this cafial question one of the leading issues of next year's Congressional campaign, as there are' men in both the Senate and House they are not all democrats, either who will do some talking that will stir the country da ting the next session of Con gress, if the administration usvB its influence to prevent Nicaragua Canal legislation, n it did at tiiri last, nession. Then, it .sncceeded in keeping many quiet b,rpnttingupthe plea that it would be a viola tion of international courte sy to stir the matter up, while England was considering the Hay-Pauncefote treaty and there will be no such plea to use next winter. Notwithstanding the fail ure cf the experiment of pla cing the Federal patromtge of the State of South Caroli na at the disposal of Senator McLnurin, with the hope of building up a white adminis tration party in that State, there are reasons for 'the be lie! that the experiment is to be extended to other South ern States. In fact it is known that men who have formerly been active in the democrat ic party in several other of the Southern states have lH'en Rounded to ascertain whether they would bo wil ling to nK8nme the. roll that McLnurin is playing in South Carolina in their respective states. The responses have not, so far, been satisfactory hut the sounding is still go ingon,nnd men will doubt less be found; but outside of administration circles, no body really expects any seri ou8 inroads to be made upon Southern democracy by these experiments, but they will vc suit in one thing that will be satisfactory to the white peo pie of the South, and that will be the abolition of the "nigger" Federal officials. Evidently sorao of the men who have grown rich by put ting the screws on the United States government, when they had advance knowledge of the intention of the gov eminent to buy something, have been giving the owners of the land in the vicinity ,of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where a naval station of the first class is to be established some pointers. The Naval Board which considered the location of the station at Pearl Harbor, has been oi dered to resume its sittings at Washington, to consider a communication from Capt. J. F. Merry, Commander of the naval coaling station at Honolulu." Capt. Merry has informed the Navy Depart ment that the price of land around Pearl Harbor has been raised to such an extent that the $150,000 appropm ted by Congress, as the bin it to be paid for the siter. will not buy the land origi nally chosf n, and that some changes will have to be made in the plans. The latest officials to dis cover that an extensive Euro peon trip, at public expense, was a necessary part of h i official duties, is Mr. O. P. Austin, the Hanna-made sta tistitian of the United States Treasury. He says he is go THE HAGUE MCCORKLEDRY GOODS COMPANY, -IS1PORTEK8 AND WHOJvESALEBS . GREENSBORO, N, C DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We solicit trade of merchants only, and sell no'hingat re tail. We cordially invite all merchants tc call on us when in Greensboro, or to see our travelling salesmen before pine ing orders elsewhere. ; V . L. L. J KNK1XS., Jr., Sakvmunn. ing to study the statistics, of European governments but everybody knows thathe can get ncccss to the published statistics at Washington as easily as In the country that publish them. Nearly all of the prominent. officials in Washington, at tended the funeral of Mrs. viage, wife of the Secretarrof the Treasury. whL'h was held this morning at Secretary Gage's house. The remains were taken to Chicago. "It is with a good deal of pleafureand satisfaction that I recommend Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarihoea Remedy." writes Druggist A. W, JSawtelle, ofllartford Con necticnt. "A lady customer seeing the remedy exposed for sale on my show case said to me: ''1 really believe that medicine saved my life the past summer while at the shore," and she became so en thusiast ic over its men t s t h a t 1 at once made up my mind to recommend it in the fu ture. Recently n gentleman came into my store so over come wil h colic pains -hat he sank at once to the floor. 1 gave hirr a dose of this reme dy which helped him. I repea ted the dose and in fifteen minutes he left my store smi lingly informed me that he felt a 8 well as ever." Sold by Blackburn. It is said that snails are not only regarded as a very great delicacy in Paris, but are reckoned us very nut ri cious. Hygienists say that they contain 17 per cent, of nitrogenous matter and are equal to oysters in nutrative properties. Biliousness is a condition characterized by a disturb ance of the digestive organs The stomach is debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipated. There is a loath ing of food, pains in the bow ls, dizziness, coated tongue and oraiting, first of undi gested, .or partly digested Food and then of hile. Cham berbiin's Stomach and Liver Tablets allay the disturb ance of the stomach and cro ate a healthr appetite. They also tone up the liver to a healthy action and regulate the bowels. Try them a n d vou are certain to be much Dlensed vith the result. For sale by Blackburn. The Ohio Supreme Court has sustained the Anti Lyn chinir law., which holds the county accountable to the ex tenc of $5,000 damages. Miss Florarice Newman who has beeu a great sufferer from muscular rheumatism, says Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only remedy that offords her relief. Miss New man is a much respected resi dent of the village of Gray, N. Y-, and makes this state ment for the benefit of oth era similarly afflicted. This liniment is for sale by Black burn. I blood purifier known. Us it, and keep your blood pure; Quart Bottles." " Tohmton'i Barsararilla lathe most cowerful Hegro Unertlis Gold. - Greensboro Record. - ; Burlington has been, stir red up to day. , A negro, Doc Fuller bf name, was plowing in u field back of the old rail road shops this morning when his plow unearthe a wal t. He stopped, opened it, and then his eyes were open ed, for there were gold pieces shining in his ebony face. He counted them out and found there were $1,300, inalltwen tydollurgold pieces. He even took down the dates, which, we are told, run all the way from 1554 to 1857. . The story is vouched for by a gentleman in tho Bur lington News office, who kind ly 'phoned to the Record He says he saw some of the rnon ey ana it is supposed it was hioden away during the clo sing days of the Confederacy to keep the Yankeesfrom get ting it and that the party either died or forgot where it waslburied. Another story in connec tion with the find is that the money was dirty and the dar key did not know what he had found and showed some of it to a white man who of fered him fifteen cents apiece U)t some of the eagles and he sold a handful or two before he discovered tho value. Beware of a Couglr A cough is not a disease but a symptom, consumption and bionchitis, which are the most dangerous and fatal dis enses, have for their first ind ention a persistent cough, and if properly treated as soon as this cough appears are easily cured. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has pro ven wonderfully successful, and gained its wide reputa- tation and extensive sale by its success in curing the dis eases that cu use coughing. If it is not beneficial it will not cost you a cent h or sale by Blackburn. Some men don't kiss their wives once in three months. I believe every man ought to go home every day and put his arms around his wife and kiss her and tell her that she is tho dearest, best, pretti est, sweetest thing in the world. Of course, some fel low.would have to tell a lie to tell it, but that sort of a lie is harmless and whole some. Sam Jones. A Raging, Roaring Flood. Washed down n, telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had -to repair. "Standing waist deep in icy w iter" he writes "gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse dajly. FS nnllv the best doctors in Oak land, Neb., Sioux City and Oma ha 8aiu;i Hau .consumption ana could not live. Then 1 bean us ing Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six hot ties." Powitively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat and lunir troubles hv M. It. Hlafkurn. Price 50c. find t. Trial bottles free. Even the North seems to be settling down to the belief that it is better, after all, to lt the South set tie the negro suffrage problem ufter their own fashion. "Too never can tell what a woman will do next." "lean." "Well, what?" ' Talk." "That's it A woman wilt talk and tell her friends of the wonderful curt- miule by John ston's Sarsaporilla and the proprietors ltavt to thank thousands of good noble wonu-n in thia country for hivin? made Johnston's bARSAPA IUIJUA (o,uait bottle.) laiuoua." Ha SSL'.: HAZilSZ-J . & i Tolls tho story. - Vfheti your tarafl. . aoheg, and you lev! bilious, comtl1 ' rutted, una cut cf lune, vita your l itomadt Rour and no appetite, lu&t i I imy ft pocicage or '- m rm m m And tike a inso, from 1 to 4 nlllk. You will i surprised at how many ' they will t'.o thdlr work, euro your I h?adac)M nnrt biliousness, ronsn tlio t liver and maicfl you foel happy npatn. A M io cents, ly .'iu uy ui mcuicme uo:ers. For some years theUnited States has been the only na tion that allowed the plan of its warships to be published. Naval officers have long criti cised this policy because it placed knowledge in the pos session of other nations which they did not allow us to get regarding their naval plans. . There is now to be a chunge of policy. Tho Naval Board of Construction has adopted a resolution forbidding its in dividual members discussing with newspaper men .any plans that have been adop ted or are under considera tion by the board. The gener al public will lose uothing by this, as the plans are not in teresting to the general read er, who understands , little more after reading about them than before; but the na val experts of other nations will lose some valuable point ers. Ex. Surely This Is Satisfactory. We were in error last week in giviug the date of. Sam Jont-s lecture in North VVilkes boro. At any rate, Sum will lecture in the home of the Hustler, North Wilkesboro, Wilkes county, North Caroli na, ihursr'.ay night, i June thirteenth, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and one, and in the year of our In depence one hundred and twenty five. Lenoir Topic. 'I have been troubled with in digestion for ten years, have tri ed many things and spent much money to no purpose until 1 tri ed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles uud gotten more relief from them than all other medicines taken. feel more like a boy than I have felt for tweury years." Anderson Uiggs, of Sunny Lane, Tex Thou sands have testified as did Mr. Itiggs. Moretz & Farthing, John son & Buchanan. A gossip is a person who thinks too little undsaj's too much. DO YOU GETUP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the erit kidnev. liver t and bladder remedy. It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after year3 of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which U the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful to every case that a special arrangement hat. been-made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this pcr.erouj offer In this paper and send your address to. Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bins?- hamton, N. Y. The rceuiar lUty cent and nonu-i'tdwii-fc- doli-r sliia tire sotd by a!! ,sc d &ug&; .f&$ Jrv HI HP

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