i r A' " H k " . 0 .t The ri.hH-nt only inn iinmi iiHir p s qnl t s .u' 4uVea as well. 53 Palii " eyes? 1 io vo'ji Pain back of vour Heavy pressure your head? Andsre yoirsoraetimes faint and dizzy ? - Is your tongue coated? ' Bad taste in your month ? And does your food distress you ? Are you nerypus and In rltablc? Do you often have the blues? And .are you troubled about .(Sleeping? Tbon yoae liver I mil yrrong. But there is a cure. Tia the old reliable in They act directly on the liver. Thev cure constipation, biliousness, sick tieadache, ' nausea, and dyspepsia. Take a laxative dose each night. :For 60 years years they have been the Standard Family Pills. . ' Pries II em.- AnBnotita, " I tare uVen ArerCa Plll reru brty for tlx. nonflu. The bare . cared im of Nnri be4cae, nd . 1 can now walk front two to four Billet without fatting tired or out of breath, something I bar mi bee, able to do formnny fears." B.E. Wai.wohk, July U, MM. jJalem, lbat. Wrttm Ihm Otttmr. If Ton h.re & enmnimlnt wh.t. and dmire the kertmaeValMtrlce ton en imMib'y reeelf e. write the doctor ,fl!:..Tn" " "neWe prompt re 1 without eeet. Addre, ; Jtf- C AXEtt, Lowtll, Mill, 'IPRorEssio.vAb; " J. C. FLETCHER, ; Attorney At Law, -BOONE, Careful uttention given .collections.' to E F LOVILU ATTORNEY AT.LAW, r-UOOXE. A'. C SS-Special attention Riven to all business entrusted to ill in care.TSa ' 8-23, 1000. J. W. TQPP. GEO. P. PELL TODD & PELL, .ATTORNEYS Al LAW, JEFFERSON, N. C, ' Will practice regularly in the , courts f Watauga. Headquar- ;teis at CoftVys Hotel during HEJuWK ; coutt. . 5-4-99. E.,S. COFFEY, ii -ATIOUSEYAILAW,- ZJOONEN ft to Prompt attention given to nil matters of n legal nature. tiT Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special- . S231900. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specialist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C Ao Knile; No Burning Out. Highest refereuc8 and endors- . ,,niejJt8 of prominent jttreons sue N'lcessfully treated in Va., Term. M Vt n T) 1 !. il Ih lib.tfihuV Too boon to get rid ol a cancer otis growth no matter ;T, letters-answered promptly, and ,;:fatifaetton fcuaranteea. npOXE, WATAUGA COUNTY, X. WASHINGTON LETTER, Proa ur Regular : Correipondent .Thir iftn repulilli-an revolt ph i nt I he Pa na ma-1 a i n ted Hnntiii-jirograinrwe for the a d in i mat rut ion on the Isth mian Curinl question, that, with the usgistauce of demo crrttH, led by Senator Morg an, will knock out the Pana ma blby, . if' it has the strength lenublicuns of prom inetire tay it has. " Acconling to the, talk in eminent repnb limn ciri'les in Washington. t.Jie revtlt has leen thorough l.v planned, and it includes t he making of Senator Lodge a staum'h ndvoeate of the Nicurngun route for the ca nal, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign filia tion, a position upon which precedent givea Senators Cul lorn and Frye's prior claims. It will be easy enough to dis pose of .Frye's claim, as he is president pro tem pf the Sen ae, nnd is. besides, anxious to give much of -his time du ring the next session to push ing a new ship subsidy ' bill; but Culloni trill not be so ea sy to push nside,as he would like to have the honor of be ing at the head of the Com mittee on foreign relations, However, the republican steer ing committee, if controlled, as claimed by the revolters, ran ptobnMy persuade him that he would better hold on to the Chairmanship of the Interstate Commerce Com mittee, and voluntarily relin qnish his claim. With Lodge at the head of the Forehzn Relation Committees, a reso Intion declaring the Clay ton- Wulwer treaty ahrogaten is to be reported and nt once brought to a vote in the Sen ate. With the adoption of that resolution, the Panama scheme would receive its death blow. The most inter esting thing about this re volt is the claim of its pro moters that Mr. McKinler is in secret sympathy with its obj ct, and wishes to ace Con gress tike the action that will, in addition tokillingthe Panama job, force the hand of Great Britain, and show to the world that the isthmi- an' canal is going to be a strictly American institution from starT'to finish. !'If the members of the naval board of awards wish to in crease the number of thow who believe official history consists largely of plain, ev ery day lying, done to boost the records of some of the fa vorites of the powers that be they are on the right track; but if Mr. McKinley and Sec retary Long wish to do so, either can bead off the per- petuation of a historic lie by bis board. No official an nouncement of that fact has yet been made, but among naval officers it is understood that the board has decided hat tho head of Rar Adrni" ral Sampson, shall appear on one side of the official medal to be presented to l he officers and sailors who participated in the destruction of the Span ish fleet, off Santiago, Cuba, thus sendia bimgdown topds ferity as a participant in that battle, when he had no more, personally, to do with it. ttwn Mr. McKinley did until after the battle had ben fought , and won. I woiild only jbecommon decen cr to call ;this; board .down and if neitherMeeretary Long nor Mr. McKinley will do it Congress may ; conclude ; to take a hand in the game. An amusing scene took place in the Washington po lice court, in connection with . a t tne arraign men i. or a negro for t he tlW t of a ga me roos ter'.; The prisoner sa id: Vudg I js' seen dat chicken" on de sidewalk, and d chicken act -d kinder friendly. I'ne fond obgamechi' kens wherever sees deni, nnf I had dat chi-k n in my urms runSin down an admirin' it when dis here policeman come u and s. 'Where did yon gi dat chieken?' Dn he run ine in. 1 had no mo' 'tention ob takin dat chicken dan a suint in heben:" The Judge accept ed the plea, but. in discharg ipg the prisoner amid the grins 'oi tnose present, -ne said: "I would advise you the next time you meet a chicken to take the other side of the street." How soldiers, even thoseol the regular army regard ser vice in the Philippines, is un mistakably shown bya bito official correspondence just made public bj the War De partmert. 1 number oT regu lars, now in the Philippines whose terms of enlistment will shortly expire, informed their officers that they would re enlist if assured that they would he allowed to return to the U. S. when the organi ration to which they belong weie ordered home, and that assurance has been given in a letter from the Adjutant Gen eral'a office, showing that the War department has lull knowledge of the discontent of the men with ser vice in. the Philippines. Aguinaldo has been"proin ised by General MacArthur that he would be allowed to visit the United States in the fall if the War department did not object. The War De partment will take the mat ter under coiisidetation, and conditions in the Philippines will determine its final action. Ex-Senator Mitchell, of Wis consin, who nas lust return ed from a two year's sojourn in Europe, has not changed his mind against annexation of foreign territory. He saia: "I am as thoroughly oppos ed as ever to annexing peo pie without their consent. 1 do not see or uch power given 6ciflcally in the Constitution and without the power spe cifleally indicated, I do not think we can do it. In addi tion to that I do not see ei ther political or business sense in annexing the Philip pine islands. THE HAGUE MCCORKLjDRY GOODS COMPANY, IMPORTERS ANDWHOLES A LERS GREENSDOMO, N. 6. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HATS. We solicit trade of merchants tail. We cordially invite all merchants to call on us when in Greensboro, or to see our travelling salesmen before olac ing orders elsewhere. Jy C THURSDAY, JUNE.6 ,1901. Three Children Eaten Ij A Bear A Job,' West Va., special Hays; to be crushed to death in ine emitrace or 4 mons trous black bear and their little bodies ifterwurd man glil and partly devoured was the frightful fate that be fell the three young children of.B. P Porterfleld. a tnonn taineer, residing about 12 miles southeast of this place. The remains were found yes teiday by a searching pnrty which had been out for sever nl days. The party included John Weldon. a Maryland hunter, who within a few minutes af ter the discovery of the bod ies shot and killed the bear in a neighboring thicket. The children were Mary, aged 3; Willie, aged 5; and Henry a- ged 7. Shortly afternoon sun day they left home to gather flowers in a clearing near their home. Nothing more is known, but it is supposed that they wandered into the woods and becoming lost con tinued on their way until thev wfre overtaken by the bear in the dense forest three miles Iroin their parent's home. The bear feasted off all three of the bodies. Thebons of , the children had been crushed like straws and the flesh stripped off with teeth and claws. The party divid ed and began a search. With in a few minutes Weldon dis covered it in a thick clump of hemlock saplings n e n r n stream A single shot ended its life. It was declared to be the largest bear ever seen in this neighborhood. Mr. W. S. Wliedon. Cashier of the .First National Bank of Wiiiterser, Iowa, in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter in his em ploy, that will be of value to other mechanics: He says: "I had a carpenter working'for me who wan obliged to stop work for several days on ac count of being troubled with diarrhoea. 1 mentioned to him .that 1 had been similar- y troubled and that Cham berlain a Colic, -Cholera and DiaYrhoea Remedy hail cured me. He bought a bottle of it rom the iruggist here and in brmed me that one dose cur ed him and he is again at work." For sale by Black- nurn. Mrs. Marv Ellen Lease, the noted lecturer, has filed a pe tition in bankruptcy. Jt is 'eared that the necessity of this step may be the theme of future platform efforts by Mary Ellen. "Ton Krer-caa tell what a woman will do mtxt." lean." "Well, what f" "Talk." "Thu'i It A woman will talk and tell her friendi -of the wonderful caret made by John aton'a Sanapeiilla, and the proprietor have to thank thouianda of good noble women in thia count rj for baring made Johniton'i SARSAPAi kXUA (auart botUca) famotu." The dealer in kitchen uten sils is one sort of Pan-American. only, and sell nohingat re ' L- JftMviNS., Jr., Salesman)). . Bifclion of ' Bachelor. New York Press, ' ' Nobody is a good jurtge 6' a baby wbo has had any thing to do with it. .a " it a woman only loves a man enough, be can make .her do anything she wants to. .1 ne nest cure tor a woman who can't bear the smell of tobacco smoke is to trake her eat a cigar. If the average woman could have her way she would eat her supper once a week in the cemetery. At some time in her life ey ery woman spoils herself with some man simply because she loses bet temper.. " Laughing will curedyspep siu. out. any manwnocan laugh when he has dyspesia has something worse. Probably if they didn't give them u pain iu the ba?k women would not be half so fond of wearing high heeled shoes. It's not very often you find a man's wife the bosom friend of the woman who thinks she has a mission to help him. A meal to a mnn means a piece of meat and a cigar; to a woman it means some thing new to talk about and a fluffy dessert. A man's letters to a girl never begin to be really dan gerous until after he gets too far along to bother with quo ting poetry in them. After a man has once told a woman that tier soul was wearing out her body, she goes around trying to look like something ailed her. A woman spends half the time wondering what the Lord thinks of her husband and the other half wonder ing what the neighbors are thinking of her. After a woman gets to be thirty she gets over the idea that her only tender and un swerving love stands he tween het husband and the cold hard world. It is the opinion of nine wo men out of ten that the aver age man believes he isn't get ting everything that is com ing to him unless he is lead ing a double life, You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active, en ergetiu man with a torpid Ii v er and you may know that his Ii vet is torpid when he does not. relish his food and feels dull and languid after eating, often has headache and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and .Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its nor mal functions, renew his vital ity,impiovehisdtgeHtionaii(l make him feel likea new man. Price 25 cents. Samples free at Blackburn's. An ant, they suy, can pnl twentp times its own weight, but a good, healthy mustard plaster can give the ant cards and spades a no beat it at its own game Ex. Sared Twe From Death. "Oar little daughter had an al mofet fatal attack of whooping cougli and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havland, ol Armonk N. Y.. hut when all other reme dies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Dicovery. Our niece wbo had consumption in an advanced stage aino used Ibis wonderful remedy bud today she is pefectly well,' Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery ieto no other medicine on earrn. Infalli ble tor coughs and coldu. 50 rts.j and $1 00 bottles guaranteed by 1 Bjackbui q. Trial bottw free. XO. 18. Constipation, '. Headache, Biliousness. , Heartburn, Indigestion, - Dizziness, Indicate that your Bvef , ' la out of order. Jim , ; , bert aedldna to rouse .. t the liver and cure aO ' these ins, li found In ' ' Hood'o Pilio 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. Al te Pardoeies;. Morgantou Herald . The papers are having too much to say, we think, about the pardons issued by Gov ernor Aycock. This paper ney er Intends to join in abuse of a man because he is merciful. As Bob Taylor told Sara Jcnes but for the mercy of God we would all be lost. We never blamed Russell for his pardons; wo do not blame Ay cock. IVe honor the man whose soul is touched with humun pity and whose ear is open to a woman's prayers.' When a petition comes sign ed by the judge, jury, solici tor and good men of the vin cinoge, the governor ought to honor it; when a poor wife, mother or dnughter sues at the feet for the free dom of hushand. son or . fa ther, he ought to be excused for the exercise of that duty which makes us kin with God. Seres Tears io Bed. 'Will wonders ever cease?' in quire the friends ol Mrs. S. Pease ot Lowrunce, Kan. They knew they had been unable to leave her red in seven years on account of kidney and liver troubles, nerv. ous prostration and general de bility, but. "Three bottles of E- ectiic Hitters enabled me to walk," she writes "and in three month I felt like a new person." Women Huflerinu from houdache, buck ache, nervouMiieHS, melan choly, fainting and dizzy spells will And it a priceleus ble8Hinr. Try it. 8atitluction guaranteed. Only 50c. at nluck burn's. I do not think the road to contentment lies in despising what we have not. Let us ac knowledge all good, all de li t that the world holds, and be content without it. Macdonnld. Skin troubles, cuts, burns, and chafing quickly heal by the useof Hewitt's Witcli Hazel Sal ve.Jtjjj imitated. Be euro you irettheiren uine. More tz & Farthing. John- sou and Buchanan. Johnston'! SaraaDarilla mm falls h. stood the teat for 30 jcara; Quart Bottles." The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. The Diicorerer of Swans-Root at Work la Els Laboratory. There Is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by Itheart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then tho richness of the blood the albumen -leaks out and the sufferer has Brlght's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. t has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures, Addrutt Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, 11, Y, zi mention this paper. 1 ,4 a- .

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